Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 44: Shadow Guard


To be honest, Gawain was quite surprised to see Amber capture a person back alive—if he had seen this scene an hour ago, he probably wouldn’t have been so surprised, but ever since the shadow master was captured by a bank named My little pony After the salesman slapped her flying, he completely disregarded her combat power. Rather than letting this guy go out to stand guard, it would be better to say that it is equivalent to releasing a siren...

After all, Amber's shadow skills are really strong, so it should be no problem for her to find an assassin spy or something and call the police... But who would have thought that she would capture one alive

At the same time that Amber was arresting the man, another burst of hurried footsteps sounded outside the study, and then Knight Byron pushed the door and rushed in: "My lord, what happened here?"

He was originally responsible for guarding the gate below, but this time there was a lot of movement on the roof, so he was alarmed.

As for the time when Melita visited... At that time, Amber was sent flying as soon as they met each other, so there really wasn't much commotion.

"It's okay, it's just a petty thief, already caught," Gawain waved his hand at Byron, "Just go back and watch over it, it's not going to be peaceful tonight."

Byron looked into the study room a little confused, and saw the proud Amber and the stalker lying on the ground, but before the order, the middle-aged knight nodded: "Yes."

"How did you catch him?" After Knight Byron left, Gawain looked at Amber in surprise, "Win?"

"What do you mean by that expression?!" Amber was quite dissatisfied with Gao Wen's reaction, "My ability to fight head-on is a little bit weaker, but it's not so bad that no one can beat me, okay? How about killing a monster you call a 'distortion'..."

Gawain continued to stare at her.

"Of course, the main reason is that this guy is stupid," Amber really had something to say, "He might win if he fights head-on, but he insisted on showing off his shadow step with me—but I kicked him out of the shadow state. The spirit is in the shadow. There is a shock between the material world and the material world, and you will faint."

Gao Wen looked at the other party in astonishment, thinking that only you, an evildoer, could do such a barbaric operation.

Shadow walking is the signature skill of stalkers. Basically, people who rely on this profession have the ability to "shadow walk" one or two times, but ordinary people's shadow walking is not the same as Amber's unreasonable ability. It can even be said that there are completely two skill trees. A normal stalker can only be temporarily invisible in the material world at most, and shuttle between the material world and the shadow world (magicians call this "shadow critical"). This is an extremely dangerous technique. It's like dancing on the tip of a knife with precision and caution, because one wrong foot could fall into the side of the shadows and be torn to pieces by the nameless things of the Shadowlands. And Amber...God knows what ability she has.

Under normal circumstances, stalkers only need to focus on their own steps. As long as they don’t make mistakes, they don’t have to worry about falling into the shadows, because "shadow walking" is also called the lonely road. Every stalker We all know that no matter how clever a shadow master is, he can't step into other people's shadow steps, so as long as he is a skilled stalker, he can be familiar with this "dance on the tip of the knife", but that's a general situation...

When you are dancing on the tip of the knife, a monster with a combat power of 1.5 suddenly jumps out next to you and kicks you, which is different.

At this time, Amber was still smugly saying: "It was interesting at the time, this guy put on a particularly silly pose, and then suddenly entered the shadow form - but I think he is real, I just saw him sneaking up to me and gesticulating with a knife, so I pretended not to see him, and kicked him when he was standing on the edge... "

Rebecca didn't pay attention to Amber, but squatted next to Gao Wen to check on the uninvited guest together: "Is it possible that I won't be able to wake up?"

Gao Wen shook his head: "It's hard to say, a normal person will become an idiot even if he is not dead if he is shocked at the shadow threshold."

While speaking, the stalker who fell on the ground suddenly twitched, and then woke up leisurely.

Under normal circumstances, a trained stalker would continue to pretend to be dead quietly at this time, and would seamlessly control his heartbeat and breathing, so that bystanders could not notice at all, but just now in the shadow The impact of the critical state made this professional unable to control himself. By the time he realized that the situation was wrong, he had already looked at Gao Wen face to face.

The unnamed young man's expression was a bit dull, as if what happened in front of him was a bit too unexpected, and then he was about to bite the poison hidden in his mouth to commit suicide, but found that the poison in his mouth had been taken away at some time .

He could only choose to keep his mouth shut and say nothing.

"What's your name?" "What's the purpose?" "Who sent you here?"

Gao Wen asked the other party several questions in a row, but he didn't get any response, the other party seemed to be deaf.

Amber took out her small dagger and twirled it quickly in her hand: "Do you want to torture to extract a confession? Although I am not very professional, I have seen some practical operations when I went to steal things in the dungeon..."

Rebecca was confused: "What did you steal in the dungeon?"

"You don't understand this," Amber complacently said, "Many jailers have to hide the property in the corner of the dungeon after they get the property from the prisoners, and they have to wait until the shift is changed before they can transport it away. , otherwise it will be discovered by the patrolling officer or the lord—I will take advantage of that time to strike... "

"Don't think about it, torture is useless," Gao Wen interrupted Amber, "The Royal Shadow Guards, specially trained to serve the king, are the elite of the elite. Apart from various special warfare skills, the will The power is also frighteningly strong, and it's really lucky that you caught such a master by accident, and you can play in the tavern for more than half a year when you go back."

As he said that, he looked down at the young man who was showing a surprised expression: "But when I was alive, the Royal Shadow Guard was just a personal bodyguard. At most, it was responsible for investigating intelligence in extreme environments. How come seven hundred years have passed? Has the Shadow Guard degenerated to the point of sneaking around?"

The captured shadow guard looked at Gawain in astonishment, but before he could speak, Gawain continued, "You want to ask me how I know your identity?"

The shadow guard nodded slightly.

"Nonsense, I personally gave you the names back then, and your first version of the training system," Gao Wen patted the Shadow Guard's face, "I am the instructor of the first generation of Royal Shadow Guards!!"

Amber stared dumbfounded at Gawain's nearly two-meter-high figure: "You are a knight... going to be an instructor for stalkers? You teach them stalking?"

Gao Wen smiled slightly: "No, I teach them physical training and two-handed swordsmanship."

Amber looked confused: "Why do stalkers learn two-handed swordsmanship?!"

"Of course, kill all witnesses when the mission is discovered."

"As a stalker, wouldn't it be equivalent to the end of the mission if you were discovered during the mission!?"

"No, for Ansu's stalkers, the discovery of stealth is the beginning of the mission... But the one in front of me doesn't seem to have completed those training courses well. It may also be the courses I left behind in the past seven hundred years Already eliminated due to obsolescence?"

The shadow guard who fell on the ground suddenly looked miserable—it turned out that those hellish training courses were left by this person in front of him...

Although 700 years have passed, all the courses have been updated for an unknown number of rounds, but only the courses that are regarded as the basics have not been fundamentally replaced even if they are revised. Physical training and two-handed swordsmanship are two of them.

And seeing the change of expression on the shadow guard's face, Gao Wen knew that those lessons in his memory seemed to be still there...

"Francis II sent you here, right?" He looked at the young man on the ground, showing a kind smile, "But I think His Majesty the King is not so confused that everyone in the smaller kingdom knows that I am in the capital. You even sent an assassin to assassinate me, so the order he gave you should be surveillance?"

The shadow guard still didn't say a word.

"But he should remind you to stay away. After all, the risk of this matter is huge. Even if the Cecil family fell, Gawain Cecil did not fall with him, so you are overconfident...or did not obey Order?"

The shadow guard finally said the first sentence: "If you have humiliated your mission, you will die, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Get a fart!" Gao Wen slapped the other person's face, "It's been so long, you have degenerated like this?!"

The shadow guard looked at Gao Wen in confusion, as if he didn't know what he meant.

"What does the Royal Shadow Guard do? It protects the king, this country, and this land! Your duty is to deal with those villains who are trying to subvert this kingdom, not to help a foolish king to spy on your founding prince! If You were captured on the battlefield with the enemy country, and I have a little backbone for saying that, but you are here, in my home! You are talking about disgraceful bullshit in front of me-you mean me Are you intending to subvert this country, or is it that Gawain Cecil captured you to insult Ansu's dignity?! Could it be that in the hearts of Ansu people in this era, the founding prince and the kingdom he created are already on opposite sides? Already?!"

Faced with Gao Wenyi's stern reprimand, the young shadow guard was finally at a loss: "No... I'm not this..."

"It's okay, your opinion is not important," Gao Wen interrupted him directly, and then stood up, "I'm not careful enough to get angry with my junior, so you can go now."

The young shadow guard didn't expect such a development at all (it is estimated that the development tonight was all unexpected by him), he stared at Gao Wen blankly, and couldn't believe what he heard.

Even the expressions on the faces of Amber and Rebecca beside them were not calm.

Gao Wen repeated it again: "I said, you can go—do you still want me to see you off?"

The shadow guard slowly got up: "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I can't kill Francis II's people here, and I don't plan to take you to Silver Castle in public tomorrow—although I really want to do it, but unfortunately I've already passed my will age, then I can only let you go."

Rebecca seemed to want to say something, but under Gao Wen's serious eyes, she forcibly held back.

The shadow guard slowly moved to the window, and before he left, Gawain said suddenly: "I'm not interested in telling others what happened today, so how to report to your majesty the king after I go back... It's up to you."

"… thank you for your kindness."

After leaving these words, the shadow guard's figure gradually dissipated into the air.

Gawain curled his lips: "...another one who walked through the window."

It wasn't until this time that Rebecca found a chance to speak: "My lord ancestor, did you really let him go just like that?"

"Of course," Gawain laughed, "Of course I will let him go."

"But doesn't he need to be punished? And His Majesty the King sent people to monitor here, this matter itself can also..."

"Rebecca, remember, if you want to get greater benefits, you have to take a long-term view." Gawain patted Rebecca on the head, "It's not a loss to let go of a soldier, but the potential There are bound to be benefits.”

"Potential benefits?" Rebecca blinked, "Like?"

"It depends on how the young shadow guard will report when he returns home, and the results are nothing more than two," Gao Wen spread his hands, "Either, Francis II will not be able to sleep in the second half of the night today, or, from now on, he will be by his side." There's just one more... not so loyal shadow guard."

As he spoke, he turned around and looked at the moonless night in another world.

"Relatively loyal is absolutely unloyal—there's a lot of truth in that saying."