Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 52: Big troop


After doing more tests, Gao Wen felt that there was no need to continue the verification.

Rebecca can't connect with Crystal.

He asked Amber to try again, but it didn't work either.

It seems that other than myself, no one else can get in touch with the mysterious high-altitude monitoring station even if they touch the crystal, so why did Gawain Cecil leave this crystal seven hundred years ago

Gawain thinks that there seem to be only two answers, either, Gawain Cecil seven hundred years ago was special and he had a special way to use these crystals, or...these crystals are not Gawain Cecil himself It is used, but reserved for him seven hundred years later...

The second answer is particularly creepy.

"Master Ancestor..." Rebecca looked at the old ancestor in front of her with a little anxiety. She just went through a muddle-headed test. Although she didn't know what the purpose of the test was, she could still clearly realize that the test failed. , which made her feel that she might have let her ancestor down again, "Is it because my talent is too poor so..."

"No, it's not because of you. Didn't Amber try it just now?" Gawain suppressed all the thoughts in his heart and comforted the girl, "This crystal itself is not for ordinary people. I just found it on a whim. Just try it. By the way, tell me about the results of your investigation outside."

When this topic was mentioned, Rebecca's mood immediately improved: "Yes, that's right, I was going to talk about this just now! Mr. Ancestor, did you know that the land here has been purified from the very beginning? I will follow the scope you gave Looking for it, I found that it was all unpolluted land, and the terrain was open and flat, and water was easy to get. The farmers who went with me said that this is the most suitable place to open up wasteland... "

Gao Wen was not surprised by this answer, of course he knew the situation here.

At least ten years ago, the pollution in this area subsided - it's just that people in the kingdom didn't know it.

It is still unknown when the influence of the magic tide on the Dark Mountains subsided, but at least a hundred years ago, this place was still a polluted area - the record of the pioneering point left by the Cecil family, which had not yet declined at that time, can confirm this One point, it was precisely because the pollution from the demon tide was still there at that time that the treasure house in the mountain was preserved to this day. Otherwise, the Moen family might have taken back those ancient materials; No one knew the secrets of the treasure house in the mountain anymore, and the kingdom completely abandoned the mess in the southern border, which was polluted and caused disasters every year. Naturally, no one knew the tide of magic subsided.

After all, the "unclean wind" still blows over the dark mountains regularly every year. Even if the pollution in the land has receded and there are those toxic dust storms, this place is still not a good place to develop.

Gao Wen could only be sure of one thing. According to the overhead view stored in his mind, there was no pollution here ten years ago.

The nearest aristocratic territory is the Leslie family's Tanzanian town. According to Anzu law, the nobles and nobles on the southern border are also responsible for monitoring Gondor's polluted area, so Gawain guessed that Viscount Andrew should be more or less I know the influence of the magic tide is fading, but for the traditional aristocrat who relies on mines and nourishes his life, this temporarily settled land is probably still not worth investing in. In addition, the tide of pioneering in this era has cooled, that person Mr. Viscount probably never sent anyone to check on the situation here...

Gao Wen nodded, and looked at Rebecca: "The area of the land that can be determined to be safe at present is the part I have drawn, and the pollution outside should also subside, but it will be carefully surveyed after the large forces are in place. You first Don't go there."

The clear overhead view in my mind was from ten years ago. The polluted area should have shrunk further in the past ten years, but how much has it shrunk... Since the current satellite view has become a "magic imaging map" and cannot be adjusted, Gao Wen temporarily There is no way to be sure, so it can only be arranged in this way.

Time continued to pass, after Hetty's efforts to promote and the adaptation of the people in the territory for a period of time, the new work system finally showed its effect, and the workers began to realize that labor meant better rations, and those who tried to work in the new system The "smart people" who exploit loopholes to sneak, rape and play tricks realize that what is more painful than watching others eat meat while drinking vegetable soup is to watch others eat vegetable soup with an empty stomach. Not brilliant, and the punishments he enacted were never merciless.

This is an issue related to the future survival of all people, and there is no way to talk about it.

Also because the new system took effect, the construction of the outpost camp was completed at an astonishing speed, and preparations were made for the arrival of the subsequent large troops—under Gao Wen’s plan, the fence around the camp was extended hundreds of meters to the south and east. , A large area of open space was reserved for the subsequent 700 people to set up camps, and reserved workshops for carpenters, stonemasons, and blacksmiths, as well as new spaces for stacking materials. He also ordered the construction of a temporary small pier of wood on the part of the camp facing the river beach, and the construction of a sawmill on the spot near the pier to process the timber coming downriver from the deforestation point to the west.

Of course, the pier and the sawmill are still just plans on the blueprints—one hundred laborers are really limited, and even with Hetty's magical assistance, it seems too stretched to build a camp. At this time, Gawain really hoped for Rebecca from the bottom of his heart. Can cast a spell other than Fireball...

Standing on the high ground by the river beach, Gao Wen looked at a large wooden house that was being completed in the distance—it was one of the few buildings in the camp that could be called a "house", and it was a very large building. It and the large open space around it will be used as a temporary blacksmith shop for a period of time to come. Although there are many smelted and formed metal ingots in the treasure house in the mountain, it is difficult to use them in the construction of the camp: most of them are mithril, fine gold, copper, and purple steel. Bar

The iron ore in the east has been roughly explored. Although it is not yet time to dig a mine, it is still possible to take some ore back to verify the quality. Now the first batch of ore has been excavated. Wait for the blacksmiths to set up their furnaces. Come on, Cecil Territory has entered the Iron Age...

Really bad.

Thinking of the magic tide that would come at some point and the mysterious monitoring station in the sky, and looking at the slow-moving pioneer camp in front of him, Gawain couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Rebecca, who was building an arbor next to her and didn't know what she was looking at, noticed Gawain's movement, turned her head and frowned and looked at him: "Why are you sighing? Can't I just rest here for a while?"

"Don't always think so bad of me, okay?" Gao Wen gave her a helpless look, "When did I really squeeze you?"

"It's interesting to bicker with you!" Amber looked confident, "It's the first time I've seen a nobleman who can bicker with others without getting angry. It feels so fresh!"

Gao Wen turned his head and ignored her.

But Amber didn't intend to give up: "Hey, you haven't said it yet, why are you sighing?"

"It's too slow," Gawain shook his head, "it's really too slow."

Amber's eyes widened: "You said how fast they work? Is this still slow?!"

Then she waved her arms exaggeratedly: "Do you still have a conscience! These people are the fastest-working serfs and migrant workers I have ever seen in my life! Yesterday they took less than a day to complete all the additional fence walls. Finished, and started building the blacksmith shop today—you know how fast this is, right?"

Then she muttered: "I saw you giving them meat and prohibiting whipping. I thought you were a good person..."

Gawain glanced at her: "I'm a good person, and I don't blame these people for not working hard—I'm not blind, I can see that they are not lazy, but overall... the construction speed of this camp can't keep up with me planning is a fact."

"Your plan is unrealistic." Amber pursed her lips, and then looked at Gao Wen suspiciously, "Speaking of which, I thought it was wrong... You have been acting weird these past two days, and you always seem to be preoccupied. I also drew a lot of weird things on paper. Especially this morning, when the camp has just been framed, you are already thinking about building an urn... What are you panicking about?"

Gao Wen didn't turn his head back: "The world is doomsday, the sky is falling, can visitors from outside the sky?"

"You just don't want to admit it, huh, but I can see that you're panicking," Hu Po put her hands on her hips, "I think about when it started... Ah yes, it was when the red spots appeared on the sun before! Ever since You've been restless since then..."

Gao Wen was really surprised this time, he looked Amber up and down a few times: "Are you usually watching me when you have nothing to do?"

"I don't have time to spare," Amber said with her hands on her hips, "but the problem is that you can't hide this change from others. In fact, your two great-granddaughters who are so many generations away have also discovered it, but they didn't Dare to ask you..."

Gao Wen was taken aback: "Really? Is it so obvious?"

After a short period of stupefaction, he couldn't help but began to reflect on his recent mentality changes and consider how to adjust, while Amber held her chin and thought for a while, then suddenly asked a question: "Who is the alien you just mentioned?" what?"

Gao Wen: "..."

Why does this guy's reflex arc fluctuate like Brownian motion? Seeing that she didn't respond just now, I thought this guy didn't pay attention to this word at all...

At this moment, a small figure suddenly appeared in the corner of Gawain's vision, and the little maid Betty in a coarse dress was running towards this side.

The little girl ran up to Gao Wen, took a few breaths, then blinked her big eyes and said in a daze, "Mrs. Hetty, please come over."

"What's the matter with her?"

Betty thought for a while: "Forget it!"

Gao Wen: "..."

At this time, Amber suddenly noticed that Betty's hands were empty, and couldn't help asking curiously, "Where's your precious frying pan?"

Betty raised her head and replied seriously: "Miss Rebecca said this is a new home. When I get home, I put the pan in the kitchen."

To be responsible for carrying the cooking utensils when you go out with everyone, and to put things back in the kitchen when you get home—this is what Mrs. Hanson taught her.

At this time, Gao Wen already knew the reason why Hetty came to him.

He had seen the figures that appeared in the distance to the west.

The second batch... finally arrived.