Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 65: Crystal Grenade


There was no hesitation in the action against Tanzania from the start.

All the signs showed that the minions of the Doom Society had indeed entered the town, and Gao Wen, who had known this dark sect for a long time, could not have any naive idea of "because he didn't burn to this side, so he can rest easy". He understood The idea of this dark sect is that everything will die, regardless of any race or anything, there will be a day of perishing, and the so-called vitality and vitality are just roads and lights leading to perishing. They use distorted theories to explain the original Druids have a natural philosophy and regard death as the ultimate goal of life. At this point, they are even more extreme and crazy than those notorious undead schools.

They believe that the undead is also "alive", and that even the undead should "return to death", and even the gods of death worshiped by the necromancy school should "return to death". Extreme thinking can scare other cultists.

No one knows why the druid sect, which originally advocated life and nature, split and degenerated into such a dark organization, but there is no doubt that once the death of all things activates, it will inevitably cause unimaginable panic and death.

Tanzania Town is too close to New Cecil Territory. If those lunatics really intend to create a plague in the town and use Tanzania Town as a "spell material" to hold evil rituals, then as long as you have a little hesitation, the city located in The New Cecil Territory on the lower reaches of the Whitewater River would be the second victim.

But the current Cecil leader is not yet able to directly send an army to Tanzan Town to solve the problem. Pathfinder.

It was not a wise plan for the lord to go deep into the dangerous situation himself, but there was no other way. Gawain had too little high-end combat power at hand, and since there might be mid-level cultists in Tanzan Town, he had to go out himself.

The explosion that happened at the pier was blocked by Gao Wen in time and did not spread throughout the camp. Everything in the territory was operating as usual. The steel factory was smelting ingots, the brick kiln was firing bricks and tiles, and the kiln area was producing explosive crystals. In their new tents the new serfs and slave laborers relieved the weariness of their journey, and learned with wonder and bewilderment the new order and new laws of the land which had been communicated to them.

Gao Wen was ready to go to Tanzan Town.

He brought Knight Philip, Amber, and Pittman, who was more familiar with druid spells, and Hetty and Rebecca took care of the territory. A third-level magician, a third-level fireball launcher, and a hundred combat soldiers are enough to control and protect the rear. Even if there is an emergency, there is an iron ball star here who can help.

Don't look at Nicholas Dan's personality is a bit timid, but the actual combat power is good. As long as there is enough metal around him, he can perform a thousand swords on the spot. If there is nothing wrong with him, he can still fly up to give justice to the invading enemy, so Gao Wen is very relieved about his hometown.

On the banks of the Baishui River, Gao Wen and his party were checking their belongings and the condition of their horses: they were going to ride fast horses to Tanzan Town, which was faster than going upstream by boat, and they could use the forest along the way as cover in case of situations , in order to prevent the heretics from being alarmed.

Hetty saw them off on the bank of the river. She seemed a little worried: "Ancestor, please be sure to be safe. The cultists are acting strangely and ruthlessly. You must not be harmed by their tricks."

Knight Philip next to Gawain slapped his breastplate immediately, his whole body brimming with fighting spirit: "Don't worry! I will swear on the honor of the knight, and I will defend the Duke's safety to the death!"

"Don't make trouble, you can't beat me," Gao Wen glanced at the young man who was always on the verge of getting hot, "And when you deal with cultists, you are afraid of your single-minded temper. Honest people are the easiest to be fooled. Don't you know?"

Knight Philip thought for a while: "Your Excellency is right, I still have shortcomings, and I still need to practice."

Gao Wen felt that this young man didn't understand at all...

At this moment, Hetty frowned and turned to look in the direction of the camp: "By the way, why hasn't Rebecca come?"

Amber, who was leaning on the horse and fiddling with the dagger boredly, raised her head when she heard the words: "She said that she has prepared something for us and asked us to wait, but after a while, the cultists may have settled down in Tanzan Town."

There was a lot of resentment in her tone, but the main resentment was because she was dragged to confront the cultists, which made the half-elf lady who was always cowardly and nonsense quite dissatisfied.

Although Gao Wen has said several times, the task just now is reserved for himself, and Amber and others only need assistance...

And not long after Amber's voice fell, Rebecca's voice sounded from a distance: "Master Ancestor! Lord Ancestor! I'm coming! I'm coming!"

Gawain followed the prestige and saw a third-level fireball launcher galloping all the way from a distance. Rebecca was holding her iron staff in one hand, and a heavy-looking one in the other. The bag was bouncing and bouncing all the way.

She ran up to Gao Wen in one breath, panting heavily: "Yes... I'm sorry... I kept you waiting..."

"Wait a little while and those cultists will all have babies in Tanzania Town!" Hu Po stared with her arms crossed, "What the hell are you tossing about?"

"I have prepared things for you that may be used," Rebecca managed to breathe, and then opened the big bag in her hand, and took out the contents, "I was going to report the results to the ancestors, But I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, and it happened to be tested in actual combat... "

The pocket was opened, and several curious eyes fell on the things Rebecca took out: they were surprisingly neat metal boxes of uniform size.

They are made of the most common cast iron, and the shape is very regular. The size is slightly larger than the cigarette case in Gao Wen's impression. On the side of the box, you can see a protruding metal object, which seems to be an iron bar inserted into the box. , and on the top of the box, there is a raised structure that seems to be pressed down.

Gao Wen seemed to have thought of something, but he was still not quite sure: "This is..."

"Didn't you ask me to think about how to delay the detonation of the rune trigger?" Rebecca Barabara said. Mass production, but now with help…”

Gawain realized what she was going to say before the other party finished speaking: "Is this processed by Nicholas Egg?"

"Yeah, it was made by Eggy!" Rebecca nodded vigorously, "I gave him the design, and he processed it in a short while. In fact, if he had more time, he could make a big one." Heap."

blueprints... a whole lot...

Gawain looked at the metal object in his hand, it was so perfect and regular, its neat lines and flat surface even had the unique beauty of industrial products on the earth, and every size and shape was exactly the same. Blacksmiths and even rune craftsmen can get it, how long will it take them to process these things

That iron ball star is really a jerk.

Their race is indeed a bunch of gangsters.

As long as the basic blueprint design is completed and the basic raw material supply is available, the original drawing can be converted into a product at the speed of light. If he is given two hundred iron ball stars, he can also climb a hairy industrial foundation and directly jump into the space age. what

However, Gao Wen quickly suppressed the urge to complain wildly, and asked Rebecca curiously: "How did you get the delay?"

"Gears, springs, and connecting rods." Rebecca seemed to have expected that Gawain would ask, so she specially prepared an unassembled delay device. "Look, this is it. It's very simple."

Gao Wen looked down and was dumbfounded: the stable and reliable reduction gear and escapement...

So this silly roe deer is actually time-traveling, right

Hetty's face was very strange: "How do you have these things in your mind?"

"The mechanical structure on the magic energy engine designed by the ancestor, and when he taught me various mechanical principles before, I have studied it seriously!" Rebecca blinked her eyes with a simple face, "And I used to I like these mechanical structures very much, it’s not like you don’t know, aunt.”

That's right, because she couldn't learn other spells, she worked hard to study various magic mechanisms and tried to use machinery to make up for her regrets in spells. Hetty still clearly remembers that when her peers were busy drawing castles on paper, , flowers, knights and princes, how did Rebecca draw a wall of levers and transmission wheels on her bedroom wall and how she was chased all over the castle after that.

At this time, Gao Wen didn't have time to study the circuit in the brain of the stupid roe deer... but asked the most critical question: "How about the reliability?"

"It has been tested for several rounds. In various environments, including high temperature, immersion in water, and falling to the ground, it will not affect it. At least it will not explode in advance. The iron bar next to it is a safety lock. It can only be used after being pulled out, and then press Move the little bump on the top, and the inside will start ticking, and it will explode in five seconds. Without pulling out the safety lock, unless you throw it from a height of tens of meters, and it falls The angle is just right, otherwise it will never explode, because the rune trigger will be stuck on the safety lock, and it will not be able to touch the detonation circle inside the shell at all."

Facing Rebecca like this, Gawain could only twitch the corner of his mouth: "... I will praise you when I come back."

With the "Crystal Grenade", a verification weapon that has just completed trial production and has not yet undergone battlefield testing, Gao Wen and his party left the White Water River, and disappeared from the sight of Hetty and Rebecca on fast horses.

And it wasn't until the few of them disappeared that Rebecca carefully glanced at Heidi: "Auntie, wasn't what the ancestor said just now was ironic?"

"Why is it ironic?" Hetty didn't respond immediately.

Rebecca scratched her hair: "Didn't you always tell me 'I'll teach you a lesson when I get home'?"

Hetty was stunned, and couldn't help but rubbed Rebecca's hair with a smile: "Of course it's not an irony. We used to be too narrow-minded to see your talent."

"... Isn't this irony?"

"Of course not." 8)