Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 83: Storm gathers


Melita Bernia is an elegant person. As a senior agent of the Mithril Treasury, she enjoys a special status in the organization. She has always only dealt with those detached and great figures, no matter how great they are. She is imposing, or has a bad reputation, or has an eccentric temper, but she can always maintain her elegance and ensure the smooth progress of every transaction in her elegance.

"How do you sell the Eternal Slate?"


You see, this is not elegant enough, is it

Melita didn't come up in one breath and almost sprayed her veil off, but at any rate, she was a person who had experienced strong winds and waves, she calmed down immediately, and looked at the calm Gao Wen with a calm face and a shocked heart: "You … Did you just say the Eternal Tablet?”

"That's right," Gawain nodded, "Of course, I'm not talking about a whole piece. Fragments are also fine."

"Your tone... seems like you want to buy cabbage. I'm really scared by you," Melita coughed a few times in embarrassment, confirming that what Gawain was referring to was indeed a fragment of the Eternal Slate. "You know, this world No one in the world would use such a tone and attitude to talk about those gifts from the gods."

It was only then that Gawain felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his attitude, but he couldn't help it: Even if he inherited Gawain Cecil's memory, his personality was still his own, and he really couldn't put himself into the role emotionally. A pure local aborigine, and how much awe he has for the eternal slate, those metal pieces are just a bunch of research materials in his mind, and the information stored in them is scary...

And besides, even if it was Gawain Cecil who was here back then, he probably wouldn't be in awe when he mentioned the Eternal Slate, because that Gawain Cecil was not a believer, and as the second The clay-legged aristocrat in the pioneering era, he seldom has awe of anything.

"Ahem, someone who has died once, can see things more openly." Gao Wen waved his hand casually to cover up the embarrassment, and then looked into Melita's eyes. Organizations like the Treasure House don’t have fragments of the Eternal Slate in their collections?”

"The fragments of the Eternal Slate are all in the hands of the major sects. They are their holy objects, and they will not be handed over to the Mithril Treasury for safekeeping." Melita shook her head. "You should be very clear about this."

"But I am more aware of another point: what the major sects keep are nothing but large fragments, and many of the fine fragments are scattered outside, falling into the hands of kings, nobles, and collectors. And there is no greater collector in the world than your mithril treasury."

Melita frowned slightly, and spoke softly after a long time: "You are right, there are indeed some fragments of stone slabs in the Mithril Treasury, but most of our collections are just kept for others, so For those crystals that you handed over to us back then, Treasure House will strictly implement the agreement and never let them go out. Unfortunately, the original owners of all the eternal stone fragments are still alive, and none of them It means giving up ownership of the collection, so please forgive me that I cannot sell them, nor can I show them to you without the permission of the original owner."

Judging by Melita's attitude, Gao Wen knew that there was no need to discuss this matter.

The reputation of the Mithril Vault is well known, and so is the strength with which they maintain it.

However, after a few seconds of awkward silence, Melita continued: "Of course, if you are willing to wait, there may be one or two slab fragments that can be negotiated..."


"I can't disclose the original owner's information, but I can tell you that a customer made a wrong choice when fulfilling the contract and made an extremely irrational breach of the Mithril Treasury. We have reason to believe that he has no way to make compensation. So what he has in his treasury will soon be for sale."

Although Melita was smiling and said these words in an elegant and gentle tone, Amber standing behind Gawain couldn't help but tremble all over, and let out a chill from head to toe.

"Hey, you guys who do business are really scary." The half-elf lady couldn't help muttering.

Gao Wen didn't ask who the mysterious defaulter was, and he didn't care who the Mithril Treasury was doing business with. He just nodded lightly: "Then I'll wait. But I still have to confirm what happened to the Eternal Slate. Sell?"

It is very necessary to find out the price clearly, otherwise it will be embarrassing when you have no money to buy it when the cowhide is too big, and it will even be more embarrassing than Melita's "ga pou" just now. Although Gao Wen, who was sitting on the coffin book of the Kingdom, felt that he had a lot of spare cash on hand, the value of things like the Eternal Slate cannot be measured by money at all. God knows what price the Mithril Treasury will offer

Melita had already adapted to Gao Wen's reality at this time, she smiled faintly: "The value of the Eternal Slate cannot be measured by money, and the Mithril Treasury does not need to be sold for money, so we want something else, It is best to have rare treasures worth collecting, such as ancient relics from the Gondor period. I believe you can take them out. If you don’t want to, those crystals you gave to the treasury for safekeeping are also fine. Of course, the best It is most convenient if you have another piece of the Eternal Slab on hand, we can exchange it directly."

Gawain's heart suddenly moved as he listened: In the eyes of the other party, the crystals he handed over to the Mithril Treasury have the same value as the Eternal Slate

He believed that Mithril Treasure House would not talk nonsense in this regard, the other party's ability to appraise treasures was well known in the world, and they never traded at a loss, so... do they know the origin of those crystals? Or at least know its value

But Gawain was not sure whether he could directly ask Melita this question. After careful consideration, he decided to point a little bit as naturally as possible: "It seems that in your eyes, those crystals are very valuable?"

"According to the classification method of Mithril Treasure House, treasures other than natural products are divided into three types. The first type is treasures that can be reproduced by human hands. Most of the so-called rare jewels fall into this category; the second type is from Human hands, but treasures that can no longer be reproduced, like the ancient relics of the Gondor Empire or older treasures, belong to this category; the third type is extraordinary strange things, they... are not made by human hands."

Melita said, her eyes slightly bent, and she looked at Gawain with a smile: "Those crystals, and the fragments of the Eternal Slate, they are not from human hands."

Boundless, moody, sometimes calm, sometimes devouring the earth, when furious, it can destroy the strongest ships and reefs, when it is calm, it is like a cradle, but there is another dark and deep world hidden under the cradle.

This is the ocean.

Humans have conquered the whole land, but they can't conquer the ocean. Outside Loren Continent, there is an impermanent water that is far wider than the continent. Beyond the range that the coastal lighthouse can illuminate, because outside the lighthouse, the sea is far more manic than it looks. The fragile wooden boats made by humans cannot resist the storms in the open sea. The thick fog and chaotic magic environment that appear from time to time on the sea will Let even the most experienced captain lose his course.

Before the Church of the Lord of Storms turned into a dark sect, the priests of the Lord of Storms were the only shelters and guides for human beings when they sailed outside the range of the lighthouse. Those priests who received the protection of the gods could find their way back to the harbor in the chaos and darkness However, after the Church of the Lord of Storms broke with all orthodox churches and degenerated into a dark sect, all ocean routes came to an end, and people had to stay away from the sea in fear. Those captains and sailors who dared to go to the sea to hunt wealth They also became cowards who only dared to sail along the coastline, and the priests and priests of the Lord of Storms left the mainland and the sight of the world.

They no longer believed in and worshiped the Lord of Storms, but instead worshiped the storm itself. They firmly believed that the tide would destroy the entire world, whether it was through the rising tide or the ebb tide.

In the depths of the Eastern Endless Sea, on a nameless large island reef, the Sons of the Storm are intensely repairing the fortifications, repairing totems, and setting up temporary barriers. Brewing in the vortex, the torrential rain continuously poured down from the sky, blurring the boundary between the sky and the sea, and even giving people a feeling that the sea water is about to hang upside down.

Even in the endless sea with frequent storms, such terrifying celestial phenomena rarely appear, and it only means one thing: those sea monsters are coming again.

A storm priest stood on the watchtower in the rainstorm, his black robe fluttering in the strong wind, the rain didn't seem to affect his sight, he just stared at the increasingly violent sea water, as if staring at an abyss.

The endless sea, which surrounds this world with impermanent water, deeply hides the truths that are enough to drive people crazy, and leaves the mortals with an illusion of gentleness like water, and those stupid mortals have only a little bit of reason and wisdom left. Wisdom worked, and these senses and wits instinctively made them stand in awe of the endless sea and, in awe, far from its deepest depths.

This kind of weakness may be the best talent left by the Creator to human beings, but unfortunately, the Sons of the Storm who once faced the truth have lost this happiness of escape.

The vortex of dark clouds in the sky descended again, and the terrifying sound of wind and thunder kept pouring into the ears. The priest of the storm raised his head, and saw abnormal waves rolling up on the distant sea level, and some vague things were coming from Appearing from under the surface of the sea, they were terrifying and ferocious deep-sea beasts dozens or even hundreds of times larger than normal creatures, and among them were some small female figures.

Ordinary people may think that those "witches" are controlling those giant beasts when they first see this scene, but the Priest Storm, who has dealt with sea monsters many times, knows very well that those giant beasts are not controlled at all. Monsters, they are as much sirens as the female figures that mingle among them.

"They" are the same race, but there are infinitely many incarnations of terror.

The sea soul horn was sounded, and the sons of the storm rushed to the battle position. The voice of the priest penetrated the storm and resounded throughout the island:

"The Kraken is coming!!!"