Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 91: laying the foundation stone


Amber's mouth was in the random state of underdrawing and extreme underdrawing as usual. If it was normal, Gao Wen would have been ready to slap this thing on the wall with the pioneer sword at this time. However, this time, he did not interact with Amber. quarrel.

Because he was in a really good mood.

He was even in the mood to discuss some more serious issues with Amber: "Do you know how valuable that magic circle is?"

"How much is it worth?" Amber blinked. In all fairness, this half-elf lady is quite confident in her magical attainments—she believes that she knows nothing about related fields, so she is not embarrassed to admit it, "I I can't even understand how many kinds of magic runes are used on it, so I don't know how valuable it is... "

Gao Wen really didn't expect the other party to be so honest, and he almost choked to death, but at least he had experienced the Internet age in his previous life, and even the poorest people have seen it, so he quickly adjusted his mentality: "Then let me ask you in another way—if magic becomes A technology that everyone can use, or everyone can 'borrow', how valuable would you say this technology is?"

Amber was stunned for a moment, and it took half a minute before she said in disbelief: "You mean... that magic circle can turn everyone into a magician? Could it be because you have seen the sun too much these two days? Are you dizzy?"

Gao Wen didn't pay attention to the sloppy part of the other party's words, but shook his head in a good mood: "Of course it can't turn everyone into a magician, but it may let everyone come into contact with the transcendent domain. I guess Hetty probably didn't really realize the meaning of that magic circle. It's not just as simple as "a poor spellcaster used basic runes to assemble a large magic circle". Its greatest significance is a breakthrough, a kind of " A breakthrough in universal, universal, and easy-to-use'. In order to allow his daughter who has no magical talent to receive magic power, the wild mage made the self-charging circle provide constant and adjustable magic power output to any mana-consuming unit , and before that... no great magician in the world has the concept of this, because those great magicians have always used their own hands to complete this process."

Amber didn't understand Gao Wen's thinking: "Using one's own strength to control the magic power freely, isn't that much more powerful than that wild mage who had to rely on a huge magic circle to achieve a similar goal?"

Gawain looked into Amber's eyes: "The mountain giant ape can easily smash the brown bear's head with a slap, but humans need a war hammer to do the same thing. Which one do you think is better?"

Amber: "...Huh?"

Gao Wen ignored Amber who was in shock and thinking, but stood up and came to the door of the tent.

The treasure left by the nameless wild mage not only includes a magic circle, but also a large number of research records he left in his notebook. As a "weak" with extremely limited spellcasting ability, he had to use calculations and advanced ideas To make up for his shortcomings, and his research notes have left shadows of this aspect everywhere. When Gao Wen saw those things for the first time, he was deeply surprised. He didn't even believe that those things were a Those who lived in the ignorant and oppressive Middle Ages could leave behind.

Automatic operation, compatible transmission interface, "fool-style" external control, rune arrangement rules based on geometry, rune simplification formula...

If there is no broad vision from another world, from the point of view of most people in this world, these "clumsy people's struggles" may all be swept into the garbage dump, because any spellcaster who has reached the middle level can directly rely on various spellcasters. A supermagic technique to skip the steps recorded in the wild mage's notes—they never thought of the whimsical thing of "letting inferior people who don't know magic or have low magic talent can control magic power" at all.

Those great magicians who wield flames and thunder by themselves may be worth fearing, but in Gawain's view, until a crappy wild mage strips magic as a tool from "personal talent" and liberates himself This mystical and powerful feat was truly elevated to the day the two-handed - it went from the fist to the club.

Just like the first time human beings tied stones to wooden sticks and used this crude war hammer to kill beasts many times stronger than themselves, this was a leap.

Unfortunately, after thousands of years in this world, humans are still making warhammers.

Gao Wen felt that it was time for him to install a rocket booster on this warhammer...

Leaving aside Rebecca who was holding the original map of the magic circle to study how to construct it, on the third day after a large number of manpower was finally in place, Cecil's land reclamation work officially started.

Food is the foundation of survival. No matter how many grand plans based on steamed steel and rocket-assisted power hammers Gao Wen has in his mind, he must first ensure that the stomachs of the people in the territory are full.

In the town of Tanzania, a sufficient amount of food has been purchased, and the king also promised the supply of food and cloth in the early years of the territory, but these are only transitional. If you want to survive for a long time, self-sufficiency is a must—although it is produced by mines It is not impossible to buy food from the nearby lords with the resources, but as a pioneer who traveled from the Celestial Dynasty, Gao Wen has the obsessive-compulsive disorder that most Chinese people have—

No food, palpitation and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Open up wasteland! farming! Dare to sleep without first opening up ten acres of land after arriving at the place? If you don't open two vegetable gardens behind the base, you are ashamed to say that you have a firm foothold? Since ancient times, there is one and only one standard for expanding the territory and living in a long-term security—that is to cultivate a field!

Of course, it's normal to have this idea, but in this world of superhuman powers, Gawain is very clear that he still has a lot to learn.

A very simple reason - after knowing that humans in this world can make iron with the help of runes and using straw as fuel, who can guarantee that a pile of manure can compare with the local primitive technology

What's more, without knowing the basic rules of this world, Gao Wen is not sure how much of the earth knowledge he has memorized in his mind can be effective here. What if the microbial activities in this world do not follow the basic laws...

But regardless of these details, the basic idea of farming first is always good.

Gawain came to the place where the wasteland was reclaimed, and everything here is still at a very basic stage - Rebecca came here yesterday, and set a big fireball on the wasteland overgrown with weeds and bushes for half a day, completing a perfect burning of the wasteland , and today the serfs began to plow the land deeply, so as to dig the fertile plant ash into the soil layer, and remove the stones mixed in the land by the way.

Gao Wen was delighted to see that the system he ordered in advance was implemented here—a wooden sign was inserted every 100 steps on the vast wasteland, dividing the entire reclaimed area into many even plots, and the laborers They worked within the range of these plots, and several other groups of people moved between the plots, preparing for the excavation of ditches. On the edge of the reclamation area, a wooden shed was temporarily set up, and Hetty stayed there with a few people, responsible for recording the progress of the work, and registering the situation of each group of people picking up tools and returning them.

At the same time, there was a large pot and stove in the wooden shed, and the settlers' lunch was also settled near the shed.

The workers are no longer surprised by Gao Wen's appearance—this "somewhat strange nobleman" always likes to wander around the noisy and messy construction site, and he will also talk to the mudlegs. At first, this made many people nervous And uneasy, but now...

The tension was still there, but the uneasiness subsided a lot, especially after Gao Wen fulfilled the two immediate promises of "all hard workers will have enough to eat" and "those who work extraordinarily hard will have meat to eat", The civilians and serfs in the territory have gained a lot of trust and closeness to this new lord who keeps his promise and is famous.

Gawain walked through the busy labor site all the way, and came to the wooden shed on the edge of the ground. Hetty was standing beside a dark-skinned farmer-like man. The two were talking seriously, while Philip Cavaliers The guards are on the side.

Gawain's size of nearly two meters has a full sense of presence. As soon as he approached, Hetty raised his head and then stood up, while the farmer with his back to him turned around and saw that it was the lord, he hurriedly bent over Bow: "My lord..."

"Don't be nervous," Gawain waved his hand, "I'm just checking the situation."

Then he looked curiously at the man who looked like a farmer but was discussing with Hetty: "Are you an expert in farming?"

In the lingua franca of Loren Continent, "expert" and "scholar" are the same word. When the farmer heard Gao Wen call him that, he immediately waved his hands nervously and fearfully: "How could I talk to those knowledgeable people?" Compared to the big guys... I'm just a farmer..."

"His name is Norris," Hetty introduced upon seeing this. "He is a farmer in the territory, and he is very good at farming. I was looking for someone to ask about land reclamation and farming, so I found him."

Gawain looked Norris up and down. He was a typical medieval peasant with dark complexion, thin, thick hands and feet, and a humble expression on his face. He looked about forty or fifty years old, or older, but Gao Wen Wen is not sure about his real age—heavy labor and malnutrition make every commoner on the Loren Continent age prematurely. It has reached 100 to 150 years old (without using magic and other external forces to prolong life), but in fact 90% of the world's population is unhealthy, and many workers are sometimes just in their twenties Already senile at the age of one.

The civilians in the Cecil Territory can at least maintain food and clothing, and live longer than the commoners in other territories, but premature aging caused by labor is still unavoidable.

The farmer named Norris turned his neck a little nervously under Gawain's gaze, and showed a humble smile.

But it was such a humble smile that made Gao Wen slightly startled.

How long had it been since he had seen a smile on the faces of the poor in this world