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Chapter 68: Disciple of the library deacon


"Is this the way of cultivation in this world?"

After listening to Manager Yin's introduction, Li Yu frowned and thought for a while.

"The so-called self-cultivation and qi cultivation are essentially the process of refining and transforming qi. Studying things to achieve knowledge, or 'enlightenment through spirituality', is obviously the process of refining qi and transforming it into spirit. The so-called 'getting the Tao' and 'achieving the Tao' means practicing the spirit to return to the void. As for the 'Heavenly Man', he must be the one who practices the Way of Lianxu."

"Although the cultivation methods are different, they are still essentially the path of 'Jing Qi Shen'. The body, the true Qi and the spiritual consciousness are inseparable from these three in any world of practice."

"So... the cultivation techniques of the previous world are essentially the same as those of this world. They are just different in methods."

"It is better to find an opportunity to go to the library as soon as possible. Only by fully understanding the cultivation method of Cangwu Academy can we have an accurate position."

Li Yu stopped thinking, raised his head, and looked at Manager Yin. If you want to go to the library, you have to rely on Manager Yin's power.


Seeing Li Yu raise his head from deep thought, Manager Yin asked with a smile.

"Thank you, Master, for clarifying my doubts. This disciple has benefited a lot."

Li Yu stood up and replied.

"Well. Since you know something about cultivation, I will first teach you a set of 'Zhengzi Body Strengthening Boxing'. This boxing method is the introductory method of my Cangwu Academy. It is most suitable for beginners to strengthen their bodies and strengthen their qi and blood."

As Manager Yin said, he took Li Yu to the backyard.

"Look carefully. I will demonstrate it to you now."

Manager Yin reminded Li Yu, and then started to practice "Zhengzi Bodybuilding Boxing" in the yard.

When this boxing technique is performed, every move is strong and powerful, and everything is stable. The only problem is...

"It's so ugly!"

Seeing Manager Yin waving his arms, lifting his legs and bending down as if doing gymnastics on a broadcast, Li Yu's eyes twitched and he couldn't help but complain.

The master teaches Kung Fu and you have to learn it.

Li Yu's mind moved, and the Bodhi tree in the mall space opened up his spiritual wisdom and blessed him with the power to improve his understanding. His ears and eyes were suddenly clear, his spirit was refreshed, and the light of wisdom kept blooming in his mind.

Manager Yin's every move, every movement, and every detail of the operation of his energy were all very clear to Li Yu.

After a while, Manager Yin stopped and stood up, asking Li Yu, "Do you remember?"

"Disciple remembers it."

With the blessing of the bodhi tree, how can I remember just a set of boxing techniques

"Yeah! Just remember it."

A trace of surprise flashed in Manager Yin's eyes. He was very surprised by Li Yu's performance, but his face remained calm. "Once you remember it, go back and practice more. This technique is the foundation of the foundation, and you must not slack off."


Li Yu quickly agreed. He knew very well that the more basic things were, the more important they were. Although Li Yu's power is very powerful, he has just begun to practice real practice.

"very good."

Manager Yin nodded, "When you join my sect, you are already a disciple of Cangwu Academy. Later you go to the warehouse to get a set of academy disciple's clothes. Well, as for the residence, the residence of the deacon disciple of the Servant Academy is still there. There are several places, you just have to choose one yourself.”

"Uh... Deacon's disciple?"

Li Yu didn't quite understand this name.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

Manager Yin smiled and said, "There are several types of disciples in our Cangwu Academy. One is the academy students. These disciples do not have specific masters, but are divided into different classes according to age, talent and other factors. They teach collectively. In the academy Read, listen to lectures, practice.”

"The other type is the deacon disciples."

Having said this, Manager Yin looked at Li Yu, "Disciples like you who teach in the academy and are under the steward's sect are all deacon disciples. Deacon disciples study with their master and do not need to participate in group teaching. However, deacon disciples have to bear some responsibilities in the academy. Chores.”


Li Yu nodded, he already understood.

Those students taught in groups are similar to ordinary college students. Deacon disciples are similar to graduate students who work with professors. It's just that this graduate student still needs to take on some student union work.

"Then what kind of chores will the disciples have to undertake?"

Li Yu is very interested in this. It would be great if he could be allowed to go to the library to do chores, such as being responsible for borrowing books and registering books. He will have the opportunity to scan various classics in the library.

"Generally speaking, deacon disciples follow their master to take care of chores. I don't have much to do here, and Yin Luo is also taking care of chores for me, so there is no need to put you here."

Manager Yin turned to look at Li Yu and said with a smile, "Do you have any place you want to go? If so, I will arrange it for you."

"Very good!"

Li Yu was overjoyed, this was really "if you want to take a nap, someone will give you a pillow"!

"Disciple likes to read. I wonder if I can go to the library to take on some chores?"

Li Yu quickly made his request to Manager Yin.


Manager Yin glanced at Li Yu with a half-smile, "You kid, you want to run away before you learn to walk? Do you want to find some exercises from the library to practice?"

"Well… "

Hearing this, Li Yu could only make an embarrassed expression of "You have seen through". You can't say that you just want to take over the library, right

"You kid."

Manager Yin laughed and scolded, "Don't make such a stupid idea. Every practice method is banned. Without permission, you can't even open the book. What's more, when you learn what you want, it's up to you as a teacher." Arrangements, what are you messing around with?"

"Master, should I look at other book branches? I don't have much knowledge, so it would be beneficial to read more books and learn more about the world's major events."

Li Yu saw that Manager Yin was not relenting, so he quickly found a very reasonable excuse.

"Well, that makes sense."

Manager Yin twirled his beard and nodded, "That's okay. I'll say hello to the library manager Lin later and ask him to report. Then you can go to the library to serve as a deacon's disciple."

"Thank you, Master."

Li Yu got what he wanted, and his gratitude was sincere.

An important place of the sect such as the library must be heavily guarded. Without any intention of falling out with Cangwu Academy, if Li Yu wanted to completely scan the classics in the library, this method was the most suitable.

Afterwards, Li Yu took Manager Yin's warrant and went to the warehouse to get a set of clothes for academy disciples.

This is a moon-white Confucian robe, complete with crown, belt and boots.

When you hold it in your hands, you feel that the texture of the clothes is flexible, soft and comfortable. It seems that there is something extraordinary about this clothes.

In addition, Li Yu also received a dental plaque indicating the identity of the deacon's disciple.

After collecting the things and returning to the courtyard, Li Yu chose a separate small courtyard on the north side of the courtyard, close to the cliff, as his future residence.

Seeing this exquisite little courtyard and comparing it to the previous handyman dormitory, Li Yu smiled and shook his head, "I finally got rid of my status as a handyman. From now on, the world will definitely be more exciting because of my arrival."

"I'm just waiting to go to the library tomorrow. It doesn't feel too good to empty out Cangwu Academy's ten thousand years of wealth!"