System Supplier

Chapter 84: Be a quiet businessman


"Is this a completely different person? It's very fast!"

Seeing Xiao Feng's transformation, Li Yu smiled and shook his head, "The novice's equipment is too strong, allowing him to jump directly to fight monsters. Tianlai Novel"

"Forget it. There is a 'Tai Shang Dan Ling' who can fool Xiao Feng at any time, so I don't need to pay too much attention. Next, I have to think about my own affairs."

There is no limit to the time he can stay in this world, and Li Yu plans to take this opportunity to improve his cultivation.

"Although the power I can use is enough to dominate the world, in the end, it is an external object, not my own strength. My own strength is the real strength. Therefore, I will prepare to practice next."

After getting up and walking out of the inn, Li Yu wandered around the city.

Although the main task in the future is cultivation, we can't just practice hard and do nothing. That would be too boring.

"so… "

Li Yu saw the mercenaries coming and going in the street market, and saw them selling various Warcraft materials, herbs, and other messy adventure harvests. Li Yu had an idea instantly.

"So, I want to open a store! It seems good to be an expert hidden in the market."

Li Yu chuckled and walked along the street, looking for a store to buy.

The currency of this world is gold coins.

For Li Yu, as long as it is a material that does not contain energy, the energy consumed in exchanging it is almost negligible. Gold coins, which have an energy level of zero, are completely miscellaneous in the system classification.

However, in this world, gold coins can buy various materials and herbs. These materials and herbs all contain energy.

A first-level Warcraft crystal core cost only four hundred gold coins, but the gold coins Li Yu exchanged for this crystal core were at least tens of thousands.

"Well, it can not only replenish energy a little, but also kill boring time, why not do it?"

After walking around the city, Li Yu found a suitable place.

This is a medium-sized store. There are three stores connected together in the front, and there is a large courtyard in the back. It looks quite exquisite. More importantly, this store happened to have a "For Sale" sign.

Copying Yao Lao's knowledge, Li Yu had already input the knowledge of language and characters into his mind, so there was naturally no communication barrier.

Li Yu walked into the store.

Glancing around the store, I found that it was a store selling medicinal materials. Now is the time when the flow of people is strong, but there are no customers in this store.

"Business is so bad? No wonder he wants to sell the store."

Li Yu smiled. No matter why the store's business was so poor, he didn't care.

In fact, he opened this shop mainly to occupy his time. As for whether it is to make money... well, what is the use of the gold coins? Even if it replenishes energy, it's still better than nothing.

"Hello, sir."

As soon as Li Yu entered the store, a thin middle-aged man came up to him.

"Sir, the medicinal materials in my store are of pure vintage and are never fraudulent. Just feel free to buy them..."

The middle-aged man enthusiastically sold various herbs in the store to Li Yu.

Li Yu glanced at the medicinal materials displayed in the store, and the system instantly identified the medicinal materials. Copying Yaolao's lifelong knowledge, it is not easy to distinguish these common herbal medicines.

"The quality of these medicinal materials is unexpectedly good! So why is his business so poor? Forget it, it's not important."

Li Yu smiled. He was not here to buy medicinal materials, so he shook his head at the middle-aged man.

"well… "

Seeing Li Yu shaking his head, the middle-aged man's face was filled with frustration and he let out a long sigh.

He raised his head and showed a difficult smile to Li Yu. The middle-aged man said bitterly: "It's okay. It's okay. Guest, you can do whatever you want."

"I want to buy your store."

Seeing the middle-aged man's expression, Li Yu raised his eyebrows. It seemed... there seemed to be another story here!


The middle-aged man was startled and turned to look at Li Yu, "Sir, what did you say?"

"I want to buy your store."

Li Yu glanced at the middle-aged man and continued: "What? Isn't it possible? Didn't you put up a for sale sign?"

"Oh. No! No!"

The middle-aged man came back to his senses and quickly said to Li Yu: "Yes! For sale! For sale! Sir, how much can you... How much can you give me?"

"Huh? Shouldn't you be the one to set the price? Why are you asking me about it instead?"

Li Yu didn't know how much this shop was worth. Of course, he could only wait for the middle-aged man to set the price himself. Even if the gold coin is not worth a few points of energy, you can't be taken advantage of, right? Otherwise, where is the face

"Oh. Yes. Yes."

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly, "Um... Sir, what do you think of ten thousand gold coins?"

"Ten thousand gold coins?"

Li Yu had no idea about the value of gold coins. Based on the value of a first-level magic core equal to 400 gold coins, 10,000 gold coins with goods in the store does not seem to be too expensive, nor is it cheap, just so-so!

Just as he was about to agree, he heard that the middle-aged man himself had lowered the price again.

"How about? Eight thousand?"

The middle-aged man seemed to be in a hurry to sell the store. As a businessman, how could he not know that if he lowers the price, he will definitely make the other party lower the price even more? With such a price reduction, they are obviously in a hurry to sell!

"Haha! OK! I bought it!"

Li Yu didn't bother to lower the price. Gold coins meant nothing to him anyway, so why lower the price? As long as you don't get taken advantage of or fooled by others, the price really doesn't matter.

"Buy? Oh, okay! Okay! Okay!"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment and immediately became happy. He quickly took out the land deed documents from the shop and asked Li Yu: "Sir, are you paying gold coins? Or gold cards?"

"Gold card?"

Li Yu was stunned for a moment and muttered to himself, he even has a gold card. Has the world's finance developed to the stage of digital currency

"Pay with gold coins!"

Where did Li Yu get the gold card? He stretched out his hand and waved his sleeves, and a pile of golden gold coins fell into the shop with a clatter, and a brilliant golden light piled up on the floor.

"My guest... you are so brave!"

The middle-aged man's mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly handed the document in his hand to Li Yu, and bent down to collect the gold coins.

What surprised Li Yu was that this middle-aged man seemed to have something like a ring in his hand. After a while, all the gold coins on the ground were collected.

"Sir, once the money and goods have been paid, this store will be yours."

The middle-aged man nodded to Li Yu, and then shouted toward the backyard, "Qing'er, the store has been sold. Let's go! Go quickly!"

After a moment, a figure with a black gauze scarf on his head and a large cloak, whose face and figure could not even be seen, hurriedly ran out of the backyard.

"Dad, is the store sold?"

"Sell it! Sell it! Let's go! Let's go!"

The middle-aged man took out a big cloak from nowhere, covered his whole body, picked up the girl, turned around and walked into the backyard.

In Li Yu's shocked eyes, the two of them sneaked out through the back door like thieves.

"I'll choke you. What's going on?"

Li Yu looked at the land deed in his hand and couldn't tell whether it was true or false. He kept muttering in his heart, "Brother, I won't be cheated, right?"