Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 15: anger


Seeing the sad expression on his sister's face, Zhao Donghan felt as if his heart was being held in someone's hands and kneaded repeatedly, wishing he could bear all the pain for her.

My sister is such a kind person, why can’t she be happy

"Sister, as long as you haven't held the wedding yet, you and Brother Wu still have a chance. Things are not as pessimistic as you think. I will help you think of a solution."

After returning to the room, after careful consideration, Zhao Donghan decided to talk to his father. Although my father has a bad temper, he is still reasonable. As long as she sincerely requests her father, he will probably relent! After all, what father in the world doesn’t want his daughter to be happy!

After making up his mind, Zhao Donghan pushed the door open and left the room. When he walked to the stairs, he happened to meet Aunt Lan holding a large tray in her hand.

When Aunt Lan saw her, she sighed and said, "Second Miss, I'm going to deliver dinner to the eldest lady. She hasn't eaten since she came back from outside today."

"Aunt Lan, please try to persuade her to eat more. I'll go talk to my father and see if I can make him change his mind."

Aunt Lan nodded and walked down the stairs to Zhao Xiannuan's bedroom. When the bodyguard saw that it was a servant coming to deliver food, he did not stop her and waved her hand to let her in.

Zhao Donghan had just walked two steps when he heard Aunt Lan let out a shrill scream.

"Ah! Miss, what's wrong with you? Someone come quickly! Something happened to the miss!"

Zhao Donghan's face changed color instantly, turned around and ran towards his sister's bedroom.

Zhao Donghan couldn't bear to recall what happened after that for a long time.

She pushed open the door and saw a pool of blood on the ground. Zhao Xiannuan was seen lying on the bed, her eyes closed tightly, a relieved smile on her lips, and bright red liquid flowing down her left wrist.

Aunt Lan's screams, the bodyguard's hurried footsteps, and the hurried roar of Zhao Fan all made a mess.

Zhao Donghan only remembered himself at that time, and all the blood in his body froze.

She covered her sister's bleeding wound with one hand and shouted hoarsely: "Call the doctor!"

The family doctor arrived quickly and gave Zhao Xiannuan first aid treatment. After bandaging the wound on her hand, she was given a comprehensive examination.

The doctor gave her a sedative injection and she fell asleep peacefully.

After sending someone away with the family doctor, Zhao Fan angrily asked the two bodyguards: "Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on the eldest lady? What did you do?"

One of the bodyguards explained: "The eldest lady seems to be in good condition. Although her appetite is not very good and she is unwilling to talk too much, she has not behaved in any extreme way."

"Then why did she suddenly do such a stupid thing?"

"Well, the second young lady came here before. After she left, something happened to the eldest lady."

In order to protect himself, the bodyguard had no choice but to reveal the truth.


"You stinky girl!"

A heavy slap fell on Zhao Donghan's face. The huge force caused her head to tilt to the side, and the corners of her lips immediately became red and swollen.

This is not the first time Zhao Fan has beaten her. Since she came to Zhao's house, Zhao Fan often took the blame for her sister and Zhao Fan's temper was not very good, so Zhao Donghan was often beaten when she was a child.

Later, when she grew up, first of all, it was because she learned well and tried not to make her adoptive parents angry. Secondly, Zhao Fan and his wife did not come back often because of business matters, so they had not been beaten for a long time.

This time, Zhao Fan was really angry. His daughter's suicide made him both distressed and resentful. He had nowhere to vent his anger, so he took it all out on his adopted daughter.

Mrs. Zhao stood there and watched coldly, with no intention of coming to dissuade her. Aunt Lan was taking care of Zhao Xiannuan, who was not here. Several other servants bowed their heads and remained silent.

Firstly, Zhao Fan was so angry that the servants did not dare to come over to persuade him. Secondly, the servants were just trying to make ends meet, and there was no need to get into trouble because of an adopted daughter.

Zhao Fan pushed Zhao Donghan and cursed:

"It must be you who chewed something in Xia Nuan's ear and stimulated her to commit suicide, right? I knew that you, a girl, couldn't do any good!

Xia Nuan, this child, has always been well-behaved and obedient. If he hadn't been deceived by others, he would never have thought so hard!

I've heard you say in the past that you should decide on your own marriage.

It's all nonsense. It's inciting my good daughter to be bad, so she won't listen to us!

What do you know? In a family like ours, it is natural that parents make the final decision on marriage matters.

Oh, I understand, are you jealous that your sister is better married than you, so you resorted to these little tricks, right

If we had known this, we shouldn't have adopted you in the first place!

What a white-eyed wolf who repays kindness with revenge!

If there is anything wrong with her, I will definitely let you bury her with her!

From now on, you are not allowed to get closer to Xia Nuan. If you let me know that you told her anything and ruined her happiness, you will get out of the Zhao family! "

At first, Zhao Donghan just covered his face and stood there silently letting Zhao Fan curse.

It was not until later that he heard that he wanted to drive her away that he asked:

"Dad, it's my fault for not taking good care of my sister. Please, please don't drive me away! I will listen to you and mom in the future and never make you angry again."

Regarding Zhao Fan's groundless accusation, she was unwilling to explain anything. She only had one thought in her mind: she couldn't leave.

If she leaves, her sister will have no one around to help her.

Her sister's actions today make her still frightened, so she must not leave the Zhao family.

Near midnight, Aunt Lan came to tell Zhao Donghan that the eldest lady had woken up, but she still remained silent, even more silent than the previous few days.

After Zhao Xiannuan woke up, she was severely scolded by Zhao Fan. He also warned her that if she dared to hurt him next time, he would let all the servants and bodyguards around her be buried with her, and Zhao Donghan, who was adopted because of her, would also be kicked out and sleep on the street.

Zhao Xiannuan didn't say a word, just lowered his head and cried.

Now, she couldn't even think about dying. If it really hurts innocent people, how can she bear it!

Even if she didn't care about her own life, she couldn't help but consider her sister and Aunt Lan.

Then, Mrs. Zhao comforted her a few more words, and with this combination of soft and hard words, she suppressed her thoughts of committing suicide.

That night, Zhao Donghan tossed and turned and couldn't sleep all night.

Why doesn't my sister believe she can think of a solution? Why did her sister choose to give up her life before she could do anything

She decided to talk to Wu Yan first, and then find a way for them to meet.

Zhao Donghan is well aware of Wu Yan's position in his sister's heart. Under the current situation, for her sister, her sweetheart's words are the most effective medicine in the world, which can cheer her up.

Then, she used her brain to break off her sister's engagement so that the lovers could finally get married. Although this matter is very difficult, it depends on people and they will always find a way.

She firmly believes that "there is no perfect way".

The next day, she took a day of annual leave, did not go to the company, and drove to see Wu Yan early in the morning.

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