Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 36: Life is worse than death


As soon as he saw Zhao Xiannuan, Zhao Donghan's melancholy and annoyance were immediately dispelled. Her heart was as relaxed as the weather outside.

It was really a clear connection. Just when she was thinking of going to see her sister later, her sister came to see her first.

It had been a long time since he had a good chat with his sister. Zhao Donghan reached out to take the milk and pulled his sister into the room to sit down.

"Sister, I have a lot to say to you."

"Me too. Xiaohan, I told dad that I figured it out and was willing to listen to him. In addition, I have been dating Mu Yichen these two days, so dad removed the bodyguard and returned the phone to me.

I called you just now to ask when you would be back so that I could prepare supper for you, but I didn’t get through. I’m so worried about you! Later, I was relieved when I heard from the servant that you were back. "

"My mobile phone got soaked in the rain and won't turn on. I'll get it repaired when I have time."

"How are you these two days?"

"Forget about me, it's you. What did you do to Mu Yichen during these two days of dating?"

"It's nothing, I just went to the cinema, the amusement park and stuff like that."

Mentioning Mu Yichen, Zhao Xiannuan lowered his head subconsciously, his voice like a thin thread.

"Sister, please don't hide it from me. I know that he led you to do a lot of things that scared you, and he deliberately scared you, right?"

Zhao Donghan's eyes turned red and he felt heartbroken.

"How did you know?"

Zhao Xiannuan raised his head in surprise, then lowered his head again.

"I have no grudges against him. He probably didn't mean to scare me. Maybe it's just that we have different preferences.

He loves adventure, I love quiet. Since some things cannot be changed, I can only adapt to him.

Fortunately, although Mr. Mu likes to do some thrilling things, he is still a graceful gentleman. After so many dates, he has never touched me or even held my hand.

Honestly, that's what I'm most worried about. Although psychologically I had to accept the marriage, physically I still couldn't accept a man other than Wu Yan. "

Zhao Donghan pursed his lips, stared at his sister with watery eyes, and asked tentatively:

"Sister, what would you do if he wanted to do something with you that a couple or even a couple would do?"

After imagining that scene, Zhao Xiannuan couldn't help but shudder, bit her lip, and said almost out of control:

"I can't accept it. My life will be worse than death! However, we have just met a few times. He seems to have a cold attitude, so he probably won't do this!"

"I don't know either. In short, you have to promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you will never give up your life again!

You are the only relative left by my side. If you die, I will follow you to heaven and earth! "

Recalling the scene of his sister's last suicide, Zhao Donghan's eyes immediately filled with mist.

"No more. I promise you that I will never have the thought of committing suicide again."

Zhao Xiannuan promised repeatedly that she was too desperate last time and didn't think too much about it. Later, when she calmed down and thought about it, she realized that she lived not only for herself. She couldn't be so selfish. She also had parents and a younger sister.

After hearing his sister's assurance, Zhao Donghan was slightly relieved, took a sip of milk, and said slowly:

"I went to Mu Yichen today and asked him why he did that to you. He said that he had investigated you and that he already knew about Wu Yan."

When Zhao Xiannuan heard this, he panicked instantly.

"Ah? What should we do? He won't go to Ayan to cause trouble, right?"

"Sister, don't worry about others, think about yourself first!

After he learns about this, I'm afraid he won't let it go.

I argued with him a few times and did some things that offended him. He said he would bully you even more, and I am not sure what he will do in the future. It's all my fault that I can't hold my temper and make him so angry. "

Not wanting her sister to worry, and because she felt ashamed of her sister after repeated defeats, Zhao Donghan did not elaborate on the grudges between her and Mu Yichen.

"How can I blame you?"

In Zhao Xiannuan's heart, her sister is the kindest person in the world. She didn't think her sister would do anything outrageous. Zhao Xiannuan said empathetically,

"You were worried that I would be bullied, so you went to him and hoped that he would be nice to me, right? Your purpose was to help me. Even if you didn't succeed, you can't be blamed. Everything is my fault. If If I didn't fall in love with Ayan at the beginning, then I wouldn't have all the troubles."

"No, it's my fault. I don't have the ability to protect my sister! I have always hoped that the man would give up the marriage on his own initiative. I have thought of many ways to do this, but the situation is getting worse and worse. It is all my fault!"

She scratched her hair, feeling very ashamed and remorseful.

"You don't have to be so pessimistic. In fact, it doesn't matter how he treats me. I am very conflicted now. I hope he can propose to cancel this marriage, but I am also afraid that he will actually propose it. If the matter of canceling the marriage comes out of his mouth, , I will feel very relaxed; but if he brought it up because of the matter between me and Ayan, it will be difficult for my parents. What should I do about this matter? "

"I thought about it a lot, and I only came up with a last resort. In order to prevent him from continuing to do things that hurt you, I plan to take you away at night.

When the engagement is over, I will bring you back. When the time comes, you must insist that I knocked you out and took you away today. Later, I locked you up and refused to let you come back. As for the purpose, let's just say that I was jealous of your good marriage, so I did such an irrational thing. "

Before Zhao Donghan could finish speaking, Zhao Xianuan objected.

"No! In this case, your parents will never let you go. I can't cheat my only sister for my own freedom."

"If you don't agree, I will take my sister away by force, and then go to fight for Mu Yichen. Even if I risk my life, I won't just watch you being bullied. Even if you can't be with Brother Wu, I will definitely You can't be with that devil! Think about it, what would happen if he really forced you to do something you don't want to do

Sister, no matter what this time, you have to listen to me. It was me who caused the incident, and I should bear some responsibility. Besides, after all, my parents and I have lived together for so long. The most they can do is scold me and punish me by not eating for a few days. Compared to your happiness, this is nothing! "

Regarding Mu Yichen's matter, Zhao Donghan always thought that he was helping his sister. Only today did she know that if she had not provoked that man, her sister would not have suffered. The trouble she caused must be undone by her.

"However, I still feel that it is too unfair to you. Besides, Dad has threatened me with your and Aunt Lan's safety many times. If we leave, what will Aunt Lan do?"

"Then take Aunt Lan away with you!"

Zhao Donghan tried hard to persuade her, but finally managed to convince her sister.

After asking his sister to go back to the room to pack her things, Zhao Donghan put his clothes in a small suitcase and then went to the maid's room at the end of the second floor.

Generally, four servants are crowded into one room, but Aunt Lan has been working as a servant in the Zhao family for the longest time, so she has a separate servant room.

Zhao Donghan knocked on the door. Aunt Lan was still awake, so he stood up quickly when he saw her coming.

"Second Miss, it's so late and you haven't rested yet? If you have any orders, just ring the bell. Why did you come here in person?"

Zhao Donghan took her hand and sat down together, lowering his voice and said to Aunt Lan:

"Time is limited, I'll make a long story short! When my parents were not at home, you took care of my sister and me from childhood to adulthood, so in my mind, I have always treated Aunt Lan as a family member."

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