Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 55: It’s not about new things, it just works


Cheng Wei naturally refused to give up and immediately called her father to say that she was being bullied at school.

Cheng Wei's father only had one precious daughter. When he heard that his daughter had been wronged, he felt extremely distressed. He immediately put down his business and went to the principal, demanding that the principal fire the person who bullied his daughter.

The principal was a sensible person and called Zhao Donghan over to find out what happened. Both sides insist on their own opinions and their own reasons.

The principal asked someone to conduct an investigation and figured out the general situation, and then chose a solution to calm the problem.

He first comforted Cheng Wei's father with a few words, and then told the story about Cheng Wei beating someone first, and then persuaded them that it would not be good for anyone to get into a fight over a boy. School is a place to educate students. Just let the children who make mistakes know their mistakes and correct them. You can't ruin a young man's future just because of a fight.

After such righteous words and hard and soft mediation, the matter ended with Zhao Donghan being given a demerit, Jiang Qian and Lu Jiaqi writing letters of apology, and having the three of them apologize to Cheng Wei in front of the entire school's teachers and students. Although Cheng Wei's father was not satisfied with the result, he had no choice but to give up when he thought that if the news spread about his daughter's quarrel over a man, it would indeed have an impact on his daughter's reputation.

Zhao Donghan didn't think it mattered about the result. Anyway, it didn't hurt to apologize, but she just recorded a demerit and didn't get fired. The other party was actually taught a lesson by her. She sought justice for her sister and was very angry. She deserved to pay a price, and she deserved it.

Although Zhao Donghan only said that the fight was over trivial matters when he made a self-criticism at the school-wide meeting of teachers and students, and did not give the real reason, some people still learned the inside story through the grapevine. And from word to word, it also evolved into a bloody version of Zhao Donghan and Cheng Wei competing for the same man, best friends turning against each other and fighting each other.

Cheng Wei was very annoyed when someone pointed at her behind her back, and she quickly transferred to another school. Her former boyfriend was also quickly exposed. She felt so shameless that she dropped out of school and went home to work with her father in business.

Zhao Donghan originally wanted to find someone to teach that shameless man who dared to flirt with his sister even though he had a girlfriend, but he didn't expect him to stop coming to school. For a long time after that, Zhao Donghan often talked reluctantly about letting that man take advantage of him.

After graduation, Zhao Donghan never heard from Cheng Wei again and gradually forgot about it. Unexpectedly, I would meet her again in Mu Yichen's villa today.

After casually eating two bites of food and drinking a cup of coffee, Zhao Donghan went back to the room, picked up his cell phone and called Jiang Qian.

"Hey, Xiao Qian, are you off work?"

"Yeah, but now I'm going to the boss's house to work as a maid."

Jiang Qian sighed and said helplessly.

"Will he make things difficult for you again?"

Zhao Donghan asked worriedly.

"Who knows! Anyway, there are many people who deliberately make things difficult for me, so I just treat it as working overtime! Fortunately, it's only a month. Once you get over it, you'll be fine."

Jiang Qian is quite reasonable about this matter.

"By the way, I met Cheng Wei today."

"Cheng Wei?"

Suddenly hearing the name, Jiang Qian couldn't remember who this person was.

"We were involved. Her boyfriend broke up with her, so she went to make trouble for my sister, who was later severely punished by us."

Zhao Donghan leaned his body against the head of the bed and reminded in a low voice.

"Oh, it's her! Where did you meet her? Has she given you any trouble?"

Jiang Qian asked worriedly.

"I met her in the villa, and she seemed to be here to see Mu Yichen.

She seemed to still remember the grudge from back then, so she ridiculed me. It didn't matter if she said a few words to me, but then she mentioned my sister...

She was taught a lesson back then, but she didn't even remember it! "

"What happened next?"

"I sent her away. I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense to her!"

Zhao Donghan raised the corners of his lips slightly with a look of disdain.

"Just ignore her. I'm here. Let's not talk anymore. I'll contact you in the evening!"


Just as Zhao Donghan was about to put his phone in his pocket, melodious music sounded. She held the phone in front of her eyes and saw two words flashing on the screen - male god.

Male god

Who is this

Why doesn't she remember that this name is in her contacts

Zhao Donghan hesitantly pressed the answer button. For some reason, an ominous premonition suddenly arose.


"Hmm, that couldn't be better. How are you? My little mistress."

There was a hint of teasing in the cold voice, indicating that the speaker was in a good mood at the moment.

My hunch was right, it was indeed the pervert Mu Yichen!

Zhao Donghan lamented in his heart, could he be idle and have nothing to do? Why did you remember to call her

"What's up?"

It's best to say what you have to say quickly, and then don't disturb her again. She plans to read some more books!

"It's okay! I felt sick when I saw you last night, so today I want to ask if you are dead!"

When he thought of her eyes closed and lifeless, he couldn't get back to work with peace of mind.

"Don't worry, I'm still alive and well."

Zhao Donghan gritted his teeth and said, this man never had a good word in his mouth.

"It seems a lot better to hear your voice so loud, so I feel relieved."

Hey, this man has changed his gender

Could it be that he really just wanted to care about her health when he called

Just as Zhao Donghan was feeling puzzled, he heard the man on the other end of the phone continue to say:

"I'm also worried that you are weak and won't be able to let me enjoy myself in bed!"

Sure enough, she was overthinking, how could he be so good!

"I heard that the lower the animal, the stronger its self-healing ability, especially single-celled organisms. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why your illness healed so quickly."

Mu Yichen continued to touch up his wounds, but she could only hear his voice, but she didn't know that the corners of his lips could not help but raise slightly at this moment, smiling silently.

"If you have anything to say, please tell me. If it's okay, I'll hang up."

Could it be that the purpose of his phone call was to squeeze her out

"Zhao Donghan, don't forget your identity. If you dare to hang up on me, I will immediately make your sister unable to live or die."

His voice immediately turned cold, and his threatening tone was obvious.

"I know. You only use my sister to threaten me. Can't the dignified Young Master Mu use a newer trick?"

She muttered quietly, venting her dissatisfaction.

"The trick doesn't depend on whether it's new or old, it just needs to be effective."

His ears were very good and he heard her whispers clearly.

"How do the housekeeper and servants treat you? Have they ever been disrespectful in front of you?"

He changed the topic, looked up and saw a small shop in front of him, so he strolled in while talking to her.

"They are all very nice to me, respectful and polite. But you have never respected me. Not only do you force me to live here, but you also don't allow me to use my own things and money. No matter what happens, you decide on your own. My opinion was never asked.”

Zhao Donghan said dullly.

"That's what a mistress does, you have to get used to it."

This woman is really unlovable. He gave her the best. What else could she be dissatisfied with

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