Tai Sui

Chapter 223: There are regrets (thirty-five)


Xinglong is one of the holy beasts of the Three Islands of Nanshu, the king of the water, with a special aura pump in his body, which can freely travel between deep sea and shallows without being crushed by the water, and can teleport after turning into a long rainbow.

In the blink of an eye, it was already hundreds of miles away, and plunged headlong into the magic circle in the deep sea.

It was a magic circle full of Mia's characteristics, huge and hidden, like a huge trap. Except for the spirit beasts raised by the Mia tribe themselves, there is nothing else that can be found here.

They are like transparent pipes in the water, only appearing when spirit beasts and monks pass through. Countless magic circles are suspended and stacked together, and it is impossible to see what is what—especially the awakening dragon does not walk through the magic circle, but jumps from one point to another, passing by in a blink of an eye... It was too late when the monk's inspiration was touched up.

Xi Ping in Xinglong's shadow hadn't finished identifying the first magic circle, and suddenly his back felt cold, and he resolutely shouted at the big beast in the shadow: "Stop! Stop!"

That array group is not "as if", it is a trap!

Xinglong's berserk long body seemed to have bumped into a bug in a spider's web head-on, and rolled around in it a few times!

Immediately afterwards, the awakening dragon turned into foam, and the shadow disappeared in place. Xi Ping, who was hiding in the shadow of the spirit beast, was firmly bound by the magic circles squeezing from all directions. pull to the bottom of the sea—

No good, trap!

In desperation, Xi Ping flew out of the qin strings in his hand, and a sword qi shot out, but the moment his fingers landed on the Tai Sui qin, he knew he had made another mistake. The magic circle wrapped around him seemed to be moving like stars, turning more than half a circle, and bounced the sword energy back to him completely.

Xi Ping narrowly escaped, and was almost cut off a lock of hair. An invisible magic circle took the opportunity to burn on his finger, covering his whole body in an instant. A pearly white luster appeared on Xi Ping's body, and he froze, like a puppet frozen in amber, unable to move at all.

The spiritual thread of the magic circle is wrapped around every hair of his body, and the milky white fluorescent light on his body illuminates the dark seabed where fish and shrimps are also extinct.

At this time, a lot of bubbles popped up in the sea water next to it, refracting the white light that passed through it into colorful colors, and the radiant body of Xinglong reunited, and a very happy gaze shot out from the big python-like head... Then It is the human gaze.

Xinglong opened his mouth, and the long letter almost poked Xi Ping's face, and spat out the words: "Tai Sui fellow Taoist."

Xi Ping wanted to answer, but the magic circle flickered on his body, and even his tongue was dead.

"If I were you," Xinglong walked around him leisurely, "I would think twice before using borrowed supernatural powers. After all, brother Yu Chang was also my ally before. Who is not familiar with his methods?"

Xi Ping: "..."

The centipede who stepped on eight boats.

"The two of us showed our cards to each other. Even if you really want to destroy Lancang Mountain's Zhenshan formation, you won't miss me waiting by the side. The action will not be so grandiose, and you will not announce it in Xichu first. So it must be Yes... How do you say it in Wanyu? Oh, 'Please enter the urn'." Wang Geluobao said through Xinglong, "The clansmen I brought are all above Foundation Establishment and are furious. I want them to turn around and stop. Easy, after all the 'innuendo' is discounted in your hands, so I guess you won't pick anyone. You've been invited."

Xi Ping's shortcomings are very obvious, and the foundation of Fu Faming is not solid. His cultivation base is too fast, unlike others who have experienced hundreds of years of precipitation trials. Although the black market students in various places are very good at sneaking, how many years can you see an ascension in the black market? When meeting monks of the same level or higher, there are only a few methods he can use. If others are interested in studying him, they can even estimate what moves he will make.

"You are indeed much more difficult to deal with than Yuanhui," Wang Geluobao said, seeing Xi Ping's slightly changed expression, he smiled as if he could read his mind, "Don't look at me like that, I was born less than three hundred years ago. No It was an honor to meet that ancient demon god who was older than Lingshan, but I inherited the Taoist heart of my ancestors and knew a little more than others."

Xi Ping thought in his heart that sure enough, he and Wang Geluobao can be said to have no grudges in the past and no grudges in the present... Although he did disturb other people's overall situation in the South China Sea, but looking at the follow-up operations, he felt that the honey-cultivator mixed-blood was not targeted at all. The secret place in the South China Sea, but to usurp the power of the Mi'a tribe, provoke civil strife, and get rid of Zhuo Ming by the way.

Those mandarin duck eyes don't care about the past, and they wear the same trousers as Yu Dakeng, who had defected at the time.

Wang Geluobao tried every means to deceive him, not for himself, but for the hidden bones in his body.

According to what he said, this kind of targeting probably started from the time of the ancestor Tianbo.

Xi Ping quickly recalled the news received from Lu Wu in his mind.

According to legend, what Wang Geluobao inherited was the Dao Heart of Tianbo Patriarch, which is very special—the founders of other fairy mountains, even if their disciples’ generation did not directly accept the master’s Dao Heart as it was due to the prevailing thoughts at that time, Basically, they all have their own references. A part of the Dao Heart of the Moon Man Sage has more or less been left behind through various direct or indirect inheritances. Only Patriarch Tianbo of Lingyun Mountain only taught karma, not preaching, and his Taoist heart kept secrets from his relatives and apprentices. After he was shattered, he left behind a beast-controlling flute carrying a Dao heart, and he couldn't get close to it if he wasn't a half-blood cultivator.

In the early years, Ling Yun had selected many aristocrats who were of mixed race of cultivating honey. No matter how high their inspiration was and how good their roots were, none of them could catch the Dao heart of the ancestor Tianbo. Those mixed-race disciples woke up with amnesia and confusion for a year or so, which is considered light, and severe cases could even explode and die on the spot. Gradually, no one dared to touch it.

Since modern times, there have been fewer and fewer honey-cultivating hybrids among the nobles. Occasionally there are one or two, and most of them are illegitimate children born outside the family. They are not eligible to enter the general election of Lingyun Mountain. , For thousands of years, Wang Geluobao is the first person who can get a glimpse of it.

Why on earth did Patriarch Tianbo's Dao Heart pick people like this? It can't be that the heir's eyes must be asymmetrical, right

Why do they want to target the unruly way? Even if there was a grudge back then, I have never heard of anyone who passed down the personal grudges of thousands of eight hundred years ago.

Unless the unruly Dao conflicts with the Dao Heart of Tianbo Patriarch, and the conflict reaches the point where they cannot coexist.

However, the unruly Tao has no Dao heart. This is the most unique Tao in the world. It can't even argue with others. Its only special feature is that no matter what kind of truth it sees, it has no Dao heart to break.

Xinglong's big head approached him, and Wang Geluobao seemed to be afraid that the sound would be heard, and whispered in his ear as low as a mosquito ant: "For example, you and I both know that the Dao 3000 is nothing but vain. We have been searching hard Develop the mind of the Dao, then nurture it, grind it, and finally serve it with the body, the body dies and the soul disappears, the true essence returns to the heaven and the earth, and the mind of the Dao will last forever."

The corners of Xi Ping's eyes twitched, and his pupils dilated in the deep sea.

Wang Geluobao let out a long breath that was almost like a moan: "I finally... said it."

These things that will be sealed by the rules of heaven cannot be revealed to people who don't know. Only when both the speaker and the listener know it well, and there is no third pair of ears around, can the words be spoken.

Xi Ping stared at Xinglong in front of him as if he had seen a ghost.

Why did Nan Sheng also have heart demons, and why did Elder Si Xing break his heart at a glance in the map, but their lineage was fine

Why do some people know what the Dao heart is, but still take the Dao heart to build the foundation, and jump into it, and still be self-consistent

"Because even if it is a big lie, there is a creator, Xiao Shiyong." Wang Geluobao called out his words, "You freaks who hook up with foreign plants and trees really have their own troubles, but they will all be accepted in the end. Heart influence, only you—you.”

When he said this, the sea water around him suddenly trembled, and the shrill dragon chant sounded.

Nine Dragons Ding!

Wang Geluobao sighed: "If it weren't for this, we must have hit each other very well. It's a pity, later..."

However, at this moment, Xi Ping, who had been frozen into a puppet by the magic circle, suddenly made a sound without moving his mouth: "So you tried your best to plot against me in order to silence you? Tsk, the annoying Nanman came too fast, You haven't made it clear yet."

Xinglong suddenly retreated, and a cloud of blood suddenly exploded from the body of "Xi Ping", who was trapped to death by the magic circle, and his whole body changed from pearly white to dead white—a paper man was wrapped under a layer of human skin !

The paper figurine was "borrowed" by Xi Ping from Beringa. It was originally a supernatural power at the foundation level, and it was used to fool the low-level monks. At close range, Shengling could tell it was flesh and blood by smelling it. The body is still blank. So Xi Ping had a whim, and used the bone-splitting talisman obtained by Zhou Ying to "add some work" to the paper figurine. He peeled off a layer of flesh and blood and stuck it on the paper figurine.

Zhou Ying, who was only willing to pull out a single hair of her own, probably never imagined that his supernatural powers have such "magical uses".

This blood was not in vain, and coupled with being shattered by the cicada sword one after another, Xi Ping's cultivation base directly jumped to the middle stage of ascension, and it was easier to use the blindfold method. But Wang Geluo's treasures are used to showing their heads and tails. In order to catch him, he set up a net and detonated the magic circle to consume a lot of spiritual energy, which happened to cover even the last tiny flaw on the paper figurine.

In addition to the paper figurine, there is also the Wuxin lotus seal that Xi Ping stole from Zhuo Ming.

The reason why Wang Geluobao always keeps Xi Ping from talking is not because he is afraid that he will scold the street, but also to prevent him from "spitting out lotus flowers". After Xi Ping made a long-distance call, he was able to protect his other senses, and he couldn't prevent the sound from hitting his hearing.

The moment Xi Ping's voice sounded on the paper figurine, the lotus seal had already hit Wang Geluobao's hearing along with the voice! Wang Geluobao immediately wanted to take away the consciousness from Xinglong.

This strike was too upright, and Xi Ping had improved his cultivation in a short period of time. Although he couldn't directly take away people's spiritual consciousness like Zhuo Ming's deity, Wang Geluobao couldn't get rid of it for a while.

Xi Ping: "Hey, big bug, there will be no future."

He immediately tore the flesh and withdrew his consciousness, leaving a ball of paper soaked in seawater.

The coercion of Jiulongding locked on Wang Geluobao.

When Long Yin fell from the sky, Zhi Xiu's heart tightened, and Ling Yun's people came!

No matter how powerful a sword cultivator is, it will be difficult for him to fight against the two great mountain-suppressing artifacts by himself.

In an instant, Zhao Ting was forced out of 12% of his combat strength, Zhi Xiu used himself as a shield to block the thousands of people behind him, and split the silver moon wheel towards the uninhabited side of Lancang Mountain.

The silver moon wheel, which was being dug into the wall by evil spirits, was almost completely suppressed by the sword light, and the Lancang mountain range was crumbling due to the falling moon.

However, the Nine Dragons with claws and claws only flashed, and followed Master Ling Yun into the water like dumplings... The spray was quite low.

Xuan Wu who thought that a helping hand came: "..."

Zhixiu, who was ready to face the enemy: "..."

What was this Nan Shu senior busy with

The next moment, a "human stick" covered in blood emerged from the mist of the salamander. Together with Chang Jun, he picked up a few monks who had fallen into the sea, and each of them cast a spell to prevent them from falling into the sea. Woke up to see "living ghosts" scared to death.

The "blood man" plunged into Yao Qi's shadow without waiting for the flesh to grow back.

Nine Dragons Cauldron was arranged by Xi Ping as an "errand", Ling Yun's people would not come out to make trouble for the time being, they were unrestrained, and the mandarin duck sword array was held down by the sword slaves, the opportunity was not lost.

"Zi Ming!"

The moment the main sword was caught by the sword servant, the noise and noise that were about to break through Yao Qi's consciousness suddenly fell silent. Yao Ziming, who didn't know what day and night it was, opened his eyes in a daze, and saw the head of Lancang standing in front of him.

It was a phantom, floating on the muddy Dao Heart, the old master's beard and hair were all white, his face was old, half of his face was scorched black as if burned by a fire, his facial features were distorted, and his eyes glowed ominously with blood... But that The tall figure was still as straight as a mountain, and the tears in his eyes washed away the eerie bloodiness.

Yao Qi: "Ex, senior?"

The head should not, he has been dead for two hundred years.

The phantom looked through Yao Qi and landed on the vast and desolate Nanhe Peninsula. Like the recording, he recited something that Yao Qi couldn't understand.

Under the insinuation, Yao Qi involuntarily read out the voice in his consciousness.

Xi Ping was taken aback for a moment, that was not Nanhe language.

Shengling can communicate with heaven and earth—even if Xi Ping couldn't understand it, inspiration told him what it was.

is the inscription.

He never knew that the legendary inscription containing "Heaven's Secret" could be recited by people.

Knowing how much he weighed, Xi Ping made a decisive decision and quickly slapped a common half-immortal-level spell. Yao Qi's voice soared upwards, and suddenly resounded over the entire Nanhe Peninsula—anyway, all the cicadas were flying in the sky, so there must be someone who could understand.

However, Zhi Xiu, Sword Servant, Xuan Wu, and even the head of Ling Yun at the bottom of the sea were stunned at the same time, and the powerful people were more or less dazed and surprised.

The Yuanyang Sword Formation and the Lancang Mountain Range, which were in constant turmoil, became quiet at the same time.

That moment of silence for no reason reminded Xi Ping of the scene where laws and justice were implemented in Tao County.

Wait, did Qiu Sha say that Lingshan... is a big break