Tai Sui

Chapter 228: There are regrets (forty)


First, Lancang Lingshan "resurrected from the dead", and then the Nanhe Peninsula, which is not a shit, gathered almost all the sages of cicadas in the world, and they fought.

Since ancient times, war and demons have had a subtle connection. The East China Sea and the South China Sea have been beaten up several times by them. Can the vortex of returning soul be stable

The "broken patches" there were not original in the first place, and in Xi Ping's view, at least two of the three patched cicadas were parallel imports, but they were almost destroyed by a half-immortal back then.

And here the three major mountain town artifacts are fighting like headless flies. The head of Kunlun who has sprouted his brain also sacrificed the Wujian Mirror—that thing is said to have never died since Kunlun Mountain was completed.

According to Lin Chi's interpretation, the Wujian Mirror is the source of the inscription system handed down today, which means that many "new inscriptions" used by later generations can take effect because they are based on the earliest foundation of the heavenly rules. Wuduhai's "demons" were just the scum that was excluded by this system. Xi Ping stabbed the Wujiang mirror with a sword, which was equivalent to loosening the bondage of the group of demons for a moment.

And the seal of Wuduhai is also written in inscriptions!

Back then, Zhou Ying did half of what Xi Ping tried his best to stop, but by accident, he stabbed him with a sword.

Just at this moment, a black mist has formed on the soul-returning vortex, and it began to spread in all directions.

In addition to the inscriptions used for sealing the magic seal, the Zhenshan formation and the borders of various countries are also used.

In the Tianji Pavilion on the Wanhe border, the Karma Beast suddenly stood up, and the enlightened monks guarding it were stunned. They saw a piece of invisible border inscriptions suddenly surfaced on the ground, and about 50% of the inscriptions were "destroyed" before they were reconnected. In the blink of an eye, the wildfires on the Nanhe Peninsula that were driven to the border by the Yuanyang Sword Formation took advantage of the gap to sneak in.

The vegetation on the border fell like waves and died in pieces, and the "wildfire" vines frantically fled to the land of fish and rice.

Followed by the fishy wind.

The Seal of Demon Sealing was broken, and although the soul-returning vortex was located between Wanhe, there were a lot of powerful people on the side of He Peninsula, and the group of demons also walked around, so Nanwan was the first to bear the brunt!

The head of Kunlun's red eyes only had "Zhu Xie" in his eyes, and he ignored the rest. When he missed the blow, he swung the Wujian Mirror up into the sky, and the small two-inch mirror magnified countless times, covering the sky and covering the sun.

The sword slave half puppet's core magic circle came from Jianzong's sword puppet, which was controlled by the Wujian mirror, and Zhixiu was afraid of throwing a mouse, and dared not touch that thing again. He took Xi Ping away, so he could only dodge hastily for a while.

The momentary stagnation of the inscription also caused the Silver Moon Wheel and Yuanyang Sword Formation to get stuck at the same time, and the third elder and Xuan Wu took the opportunity to escape.

"Master, leave me alone," Xi Ping forgot the lie he just told, and said quickly, "Go back to China! No..."

Zhenshan artifact can seal his connection with Reincarnation Wood, but it may not necessarily break Zhixiu's connection with Xueli Crawling. Cicada slough is cicada slough after all, besides, there is also a difference between "natural" and "second-hand" associated wood.

So Xi Ping used a little trick, and sure enough, Zhi Xiu didn't say a word—Xi Ping immediately knew that the connection between Master and Companion Wood was indeed still there. If he couldn't do it, Zhi Xiu would tell him calmly instead of being silent.

There are no trees in Nanhe Peninsula. When Zhixiu came here, he had to fly all the way like others, but it was just a matter of turning around to go back. No matter how full the moon was, the cicadas could not catch up. The Nanhe Peninsula was not aimed at him in the first place. As long as he wants to.

Xi Ping is too good at stabbing people's weaknesses, saying "Don't delay, I am nothing compared to Wuduhai

Besides, I fired that sword just now" almost blurted out.

As long as he said it, just like when he interrupted Zhou Ying to toss the magic seal with three sentences, the master immediately had no choice.

Could he abandon his family and country for the sake of his disciples and selfishness

Even if he Zhixiu is willing to bear this eternal infamy, what about Xi Ping? If Xi Ping had the rest of his life to accidentally injure the seal, how could he survive

However, the words rolled to the tip of his tongue, Xi Ping clenched his teeth, and held back not to spit it out.

This is different from the situation back then, he thought, that time the third brother was standing on the edge of the cliff by himself and was about to jump off, but he turned his back on the shore, so Xi Ping didn't have to worry about anything, he just dragged people back, as long as it worked, what did he say? It doesn't matter.

This time it was different, Zhi Xiu was already in a dilemma, if he opened his mouth to press, it would be to gouge Master's heart.

"Don't be a hero, let alone a saint", it sounded like a warning from his master, but now that he thought about it, it seemed to be the closest thing his master had ever said to him in his life.

When he collected the map, he had already been worthless once, so he couldn't rely on everything just because the master was the legendary "General Zhi".

Xi Ping is not filial, not to that extent.

"No... It's okay if you don't go back, anyway, you can take care of it, and the upgraded immortal weapon will last for a while," Xi Ping took a deep breath, "Tianji Pavilion and the Kaiming Division branch should have snow climbing, let them have more points, otherwise your vision Restricted...be careful there are Jiulong Ding in the sea!"

As soon as the crow's mouth finished speaking, a cloud of shadows floated on the surface of the sea. The Zhenshan artifact affected by the inscription just now is the Nine Dragon Cauldron, and Wang Geluobao took the opportunity to escape. Seeing Wu Jianjing's situation suddenly changed, the "busy" leader Ling Yun immediately dropped the others, and ran over first to "take care of the overall situation" and stand in line to give him a helping hand.

Zhi Xiu pushed Xi Ping out, and Zhao Ting's sword temporarily pushed back the dragon's head, which was baring its teeth and claws, and the dragon smashed out water spray as high as a hill. Through the water curtain, his complex and difficult eyes fell on the traitor who just wanted to serve him with a board.

"It's a big mess," Xi Ping skillfully twisted the last wrist bone, and put the joints back in place. "Grandma is an idiot, if I can't clean it up, I'm afraid I'll have to sell myself to pay for it... Bah, that's impossible!"

Zhixiu: "..."

"I have a solution." Xi Ping concentrated his mind to the extreme. Countless thoughts ebbed and flowed in his mind. His spiritual consciousness was invisibly more condensed than usual, and the speed of Yingu's body remodeling was three points faster. Just a few words In this scene, half of his body that was shattered just now was almost repaired, and the three swords taken from Feiqiong Peak were completely integrated into his meridians.

No desperation in the world can stop his active heart, Xi Ping sank his heart to the bottom, and as expected he came up with a way of thinking.

Wan Shuang was restrained, and only Master was left on their side... Shengling was not counted as a head on this occasion, presumably all the gods and demons thought so. But it's not that he doesn't have new cards in his hand. The first is that the devil's energy blows over, and the symptoms of the head of Kunlun are obviously more serious, and he can't find the north; the second is that Master Lin has solved the inscription. More, it may not be useless, as long as he can restore the connection with Reincarnation Wood.

Without Zhao Ting, Jianxiu Cicada could not control the sword under his nose, Xi Ping directly stepped on Zhang Yufeng's spell, and rushed towards the Wujian Mirror through the sea breeze caused by Zhao Ting's cutting of the Nine Dragon Cauldron.

"Master, take care of me, and give me a sword if I'm about to die!"

Only Zhao Ting can shock him without hurting his consciousness.

Smash his body, let his spiritual consciousness slip away, and the rest of them are all rushing to make him disappear physically and spiritually.

In addition, he has a third card: Lin Chi's letter contains a lot of information, and the focus is on the Kunlun Mirror.

And there happened to be another person in the Wujian Mirror...a divine consciousness.

If the third brother counts as he says, and can really keep his spiritual consciousness immortal and enter the Wujian mirror, then according to Lin Chi, he may have found the body of the Kunlun Wujian mirror on Beijuekou by now.

We can no longer attack the Wujian mirror, otherwise the inscriptions on the borders of various countries will be damaged and it will be even more difficult to clean up. But it doesn't mean... Wujianjing can't get out of the control of that old lunatic Kunlun.

In the endless mirror, Zhou Ying's inspiration was touched, and he suddenly looked back to see where he came from.

The impending death aura that the high priest sent him in and lingered all along disappeared.

The previous high priest died physically, and the entrance of the seamless mirror would stop at the altar of the new high priest, but it didn't, and it was replaced by a bitter sword aura. In other words, now that the head of Kunlun has temporarily taken over the Wujian mirror—this can only be because he and the high priest are no longer in Kunlun Mountain, and let the Wujian mirror appear in the world!

There are one and only sword servants in the world who can force Jueding Chan to slough sword cultivators to sacrifice the Wujian mirror, and the others are not capable enough to fight, and they don't have the function of stimulating the old master to go crazy.

Zhou Ying knocked on the mirror, quickly wiped out a line of words, and asked Xie Li: Can you still get in touch with Xi Shiyong

Xie Bian was cleaning up the ice and snow around the Wujian Mirror, trying his best to record the inscriptions around the mirror, not daring to waste a breath of heat, even breathing restraint, grabbed a handful of the bottomless spirit stone in his mustard seed, he touched the reincarnation tree, Then shake your head.

In other words, Xi Shiyong is likely to be there.

Zhou Ying lowered his eyes slightly, and quickly deduced the external situation at this time. At the same time, he keenly captured the demonic aura in the sword energy of the head of Kunlun.

The high priest is temporarily absent, and the leader who is trapped by demons and does not know it wants to control the mirror, and part of his consciousness has to be integrated into the mirror.

The source of the Lingshan Mountain is buried under the Wujian Mirror. Da Neng lingers here for many years, and his Taoist heart is easily eroded. Therefore, the Wujian Mirror has always been a taboo in Kunlun, and it is in charge of the high priest with a semi-immortal cultivation base. At this time, the head of the sect probably hasn't lost his sanity, and opening the Wujian mirror is only an expedient measure. Naturally, he dare not go deep into his spiritual sense. He has no idea that there is a master of the heart demon at the end of the Zhenshan artifact.

The head of Kunlun naturally saw Xi Ping, a little Ascendant, not a sword cultivator... The head didn't even bother to scold him for being "overestimated", and raised his hand to crush the little ant to death. At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded next to his ear: "Brother Sect Leader."

The head of Kunlun was struck by lightning. The next moment, he suddenly remembered that the body of that person was in the mirror.