Tai Sui

Chapter 232: Regret life (end)


It was Zhang Jue, the elder of the command.

Zhi Xiu thought, he is different from Xi Shiyong, that kid's master is an idler who lives with Puzzled on Feiqiong Peak, and he can raise evil obstacles by himself.

His master is one of the four elders of Xuanyin, who has been stationed in the Sea of Stars all the year round, where only cicadas are forbidden to enter. He was over 30 years old when he started, so I dare not say how stable he is, at least he doesn't need to be taken care of and disciplined like a half-grown child. Elder Si Ming just came over every once in a while to check on his progress. After ascending to spirit and leaving the teacher, all that is left is to send a letter to say hello.

Elder Si Ming is the most well-behaved person in Xuanyin Mountain, there is no special matter, even a direct disciple cannot break Xingchenhai's rules. Every ten years, the Valley of Despair is only open to Zhixiu for half a stick of incense, and he will always pick a day like Mid-Autumn Festival or New Year's Eve to go in and have a cup of tea with Master.

It's a pity that the stars are not on New Year's Day.

Zhixiu doesn't reject people, and he can't be said to be very outgoing. When he meets lively people, he will be more talkative. The master and the apprentice asked the question well, and they basically had nothing to say. The long silence seemed to freeze on Elder Si Ming for a thousand years.

More than two hundred years have passed in a flash, and now Zhixiu can hardly remember any heart-to-heart conversations between himself and his master. He only remembers that the stars and the bottom of the sea are like cages, and taboos are everywhere within sight.

Before leaving, he was afraid of the catastrophe, so he went to see Zhang Jue. He thought that Elder Si Ming was brought out by Nan Sheng after all, and he still remembered why Lingshan was born. The way is different, he didn't dare to ask for anything else, he just brought the Karma Beast over, hoping that if something happened, the master who had already been stranger would think twice and give Lin Chi and Wen Fei some room to turn around.

But he didn't expect that Elder Si Ming would come here.

But within a day or two, Zhang Jue was ten years older than the last time he saw him, his eye sockets sunk deeply, and his skin seemed to be unable to cover the bones eroded by time.

When Zhi Xiu saw the person coming, he even shook his head slightly, suspecting that after the Wuduhai seal was broken, some disturbing monster might be released.

In this trance, Zhang Jue flew out a talisman from the palm of his shoulder, piercing through the meridians of Zhixiu's body, locking him in place, and then took a deep look at him. In the end, Elder Si Ming didn't say anything to his only disciple, his body flashed, and he landed a hundred feet away, at the core of the great demon.

Nansheng has always been secretive about Wuduhai, and only told their brothers before leaving that Wuduhai's demons are born from their hearts, and they can't be beaten or defeated, so they can only be sealed with the orthodox Dao heart of Xianshan. Jie Zhong carries the Dao Heart of Lingshan, and if there is a problem with the seal of magic, you can invite Jie Zhong to go to the East China Sea.

In case the bell of calamity cannot be moved, it depends on whether the descendants of Fumoren can produce another character like their ancestors, or... a nearly perfect cicada's Taoist heart is needed to argue with the group of demons.

Before Zhi Xiu could call out "Master", Zhang Jue's old figure was hidden in the overwhelming magic breath.

Elder Si Ming, the "most orthodox" among the orthodox, Dao Xin is like a tree with thousands of roots planted on the Lingshan Mountain. The Lingshan Mountain is crumbling, but the tree body is still motionless.

Zhang Jue's skin was cracked every inch of his body, and he blew his true essence amidst the devilish energy. The majestic aura of Xiaoling Mountain can almost cover half of the East China Sea, and his decayed body is wiped out, leaving only his Dao Heart.

Unfortunately, that heart is far from being "nearly perfect".

According to the standard of ", it is not even complete. Just like the head of Lancang who hit the mandarin duck sword formation, Elder Si Ming's Dao Heart is riddled with holes. No one touches it, and it may be about to shatter itself, but in In such a fierce collision, it miraculously stabilized again, and the Dao Heart mobilized the abundant spiritual energy in the cicada's sloughed true essence, weaving a net, tightly trapping the group of demons.

Xingchenhai is vain, and Xingchenhai's life has been here, and there is still this last line of pitiful persistence.

It only took Zhi Xiu a moment to break free from Zhang Jue's immobilization spell, but he couldn't catch up. The exploded cicada sloughs true essence and devil energy together, blocking him out.

A picture flew out in the strong wind, and Zhi Xiu subconsciously reached out to grab it. The thin paper card was not broken in such a fierce conflict, and someone added a double layer of protective charms to it. On the picture, the little Karma Beast anxiously wants to run out, but there is no way to go, it is just a beast spirit now.

The old man has changed, the youth is old, the sages are all ancient, and the beast that roars and moves Kyushu is just a myth on paper.

"You want to argue with me?" At the place where the spirit and the demon collided, the big demon with the face of a saint laughed and said, "The group of demons are just the scum that was crushed by the 'Tiangu' when Kunlun was completed, why did it become powerful? , disciple, don’t you understand by now?”

Zhang Jue's dao heart touched the core of the devil's energy, and trembled suddenly, a clearer crack drilled out from the inside of the dao heart - there was a familiar breath deep in the devil's breath. Zhang Juedao's remnant spiritual consciousness witnessed what Zhou Ying saw through the demon seed: Nansheng's moon was full, he had achieved Xuanyin Lingshan, and he had completely become a part of the "heavenly rules" in the world. He saw his own appearance in the land of demons, and a part of human beings was unwilling to be annihilated, giving birth to inner demons, and Lingshan cast a shadow.

In order to prevent Lingshan from collapsing, Nansheng promptly let go of his part of the Dao Heart that "does not conform to the rules of heaven", just like the discipline that the younger generations received when the cicadas sloughed off.

Nansheng is the first person who has cut his feet to fit into shoes in Nanwan for thousands of years.

The name of the great demon who crossed the bottom of the sea cannot be mentioned, because he is a part of... Nansheng who was excluded from Lingshan and sealed here by the demon hunters.

That was the truth that Lin Zongyi's heart was broken when he glanced at the map.

Zhi Xiu saw that the demonic energy caught in the net soared, almost breaking the spiritual energy net condensed by Zhang Jue's Dao Heart, and raised his sword without hesitation. The demonic energy was scattered by Zhao Ting and reunited, and then dispersed again. Zhao Ting's bitter sword energy permeated in. When the Butian Sword touched Zhang Jue's Dao Heart that was about to burst, the crack on that Dao Heart was almost cut to the bottom. However, at that moment, the spreading crack miraculously stopped.

Although it was the beginning of the tragedy, Nan Sheng was not forced back then, he was willing to split himself up and imprison him in order to bring peace to EMI.

Thousands of years later, the rebellious younger generations who refused to bow their heads at the foot of Lingshan are still drawing their swords to mend the sky.

The tattered cicadas sloughed out their Taoist heart and Zhaoting one inside and one outside, pushing down the group of demons caught in the net to the East China Sea. However, in the stalemate, Zhang Jue's blasted true essence has been consumed to the very last, and the spirit stones brought by Bering are also stretched short, and the magic energy that has been suppressed for thousands of years on the bottom of the sea is still flowing.

At this time, the evil spirits of Western Chu rushed into the Sanyue Mountain without the Zhenshan formation without any hindrance. The spirit beasts bound by the spirit beast field at the foot of Lingyun Mountain in Nanshu lost control and rushed to the world. The extremely cold wind began to blow from the north. The Jueshan Pass flooded in, and the snow viewing pavilion of the Blind Wolf King was submerged in the blizzard in an instant.

The sky is falling.

Xi Ping's broken-sand-like spiritual consciousness could not be condensed, and was overwhelmed by countless situations that broke his liver and gallbladder. In the monstrous devilish energy, he couldn't even find where Zhixiu was.

I saw the big demon with Nansheng's face greedily breathing out the devil's energy: "I will resist in the corner, unless the unparalleled demon subduer comes back from the dead..."

At this moment, a sudden change occurred on the returning soul vortex: the direction of rotation of those vortices on the water surface was suddenly reversed!

The vortex that turned in reverse was like a huge purifier. When the magic energy that kept escaping passed through it, it was transformed into aura. Part of the aura was attached to Zhao Ting and Zhang Jue's Dao Heart, and part of it rushed towards the spirit guide gold that automatically absorbed the aura.

Zhi Xiu was taken aback for a moment, the spirit energy and the magic energy turned each other, it seemed to be...

The magical powers unique to the spirit bones of the Demon Lord Zhou!

It is said that for eight hundred years, the Zhou family has used this characteristic of the innate spirit bones to feed demons.

The next moment, he saw a clear Taoist heart... a little smaller than Elder Zhang Jue floating under the surface of the entire East China Sea. Under the guidance of Dao Xin, a spiritual bone was pieced together from each vortex in the returning soul vortex.

There was a familiar breath in that heart.

"Senior Sister Duan Rui..."

When the map was completed, the Taoist elder Lin Zongyi's heart was broken, and Princess Duanrui sacrificed herself to take him away, and was affected by the explosion of the cicada's sloughing true essence, and fell here.

Even though she died, her Dao heart remained the same. Although she was dusty in life, she found her home after death.

She has been in the East China Sea, where Zhou's ancestors... and countless innocent sacrifices were buried.