Tai Sui

Chapter 237: Epilogue (5)


As the inscription on breaking the law spread through the grassroots channel, Yin Gu seemed to have noticed something, and the reincarnated wood that was just spreading around started to "hunt".

The monks near the law-breaking forbidden spirit line immediately became tense and confronted the out-of-control Reincarnation Wood outside the line.

The vegetation in Nanshu is lush, and the seedlings of reincarnated wood are hidden in the crevices of rocks and mountain streams. They shuttled like a horse rope, and quietly invaded the spirit beast farm that was opened because of the broken inscriptions, and captured the Lingyun cultivator who had escaped from the spirit beast and returned. Was sniped straight on!

Those reincarnated trees even hid in the frost and snow and mixed into the Kunlun Mountains.

The fan under Wen Fei's feet was pulled up more than ten feet to avoid a sneak attack. At this time, the water in the gorge was soaring.

Wen Fei let out a "Hey" and flung out the erysipelas from his sleeve. The poisonous miasma, which had to flee when the wild fire saw it, and the reincarnated wooden vine, which opened its teeth and danced its claws, met in mid-air. up!

Wen Fei's eyelids twitched, feeling ominous. Sure enough, the next moment, new shoots sprouted from the scorched vines, and they chased after him relentlessly.

When this thing followed Xi Shiyong, it was obviously a rotten piece of wood that was bent on which side! If the wooden sign is not kept properly, it will get damp and grow mushrooms. Why is it so promising when it makes a mess? It's out of the picture!

In Tao County, reincarnated wood is like the gate of the hometown, a symbol of safety. In the past eight years, I don't know how many Lu Wu Dianpei have encountered desperation overseas, and saw the reincarnation tree but the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

They instinctively rely on this unattractive willow. Even if they suddenly learn that the reincarnation is out of control, they know rationally that they should be careful, but they still cannot react emotionally for a while.

Lu Wu's blood was splashed on the brown bark, and the reincarnation wooden plaque that was used as a tool and amulet fell from the corpse, and the owner forgot to pick it up.

At this time, the vast majority of people knew that the reincarnation wood had rebelled, and they stopped talking to the wooden sign. The noisy voices inside calmed down, so Xi Ping heard Lu Wu's "Tai Sui" when he was dying.

Xi Ping was in the trunk of the tree, but his spirit was already on fire, and the master of the natal qin made a ripping voice: There are so many ammunition hidden in the Xiabei garrison, do you intend to keep the smaller one? If you don't blow it into firewood today, it probably doesn't know how many eyes Lord Ma has. Let the mortals retreat first, hide the forbidden spirit line and stay away!

He hadn't finished playing the string of honeyed zither, when Zhao Xidan received the latest news: "But it seems that the people who were attacked were all our people... Strictly speaking, they were all monks."

Xi Ping was taken aback.

Kill the monk

In a fit of rage, his rationality struggled to get rid of the confusion, and he realized that this matter was strange.

This is unreasonable. If Yingu had the ability to kill everyone, it would have done it long ago, and why would it need to covet the ancient inscriptions outside Kunlun Mountain

Because Xi Ping swept away part of the ancient inscriptions, Yin Gu is now stuck in the middle of the road to becoming a god. It has not been able to overthrow the old rules and formulate some new rules such as "reiki gathers in the body of the reincarnated wood tree" and "the reincarnated wood becomes a new spiritual mountain". Although the tree is stimulated by aura, it cannot retain aura like a monk's true energy.

Right now, the reincarnated wood controlled by Yingu can only use the aura from the outside world to move around the Lingshan Mountain or where there are many monks and the aura diffuses.

Yin Gu's combat strength at this time is about the late stage of Ascension, limited by Xi Ping's own cultivation—even discounting it, after all, it is just a "natural disaster" left by the demon god, and it will not use various spells and magic circles like humans. It was suppressed by climbing in the snow in Nanwan, so it couldn't cause trouble in Jinping, and it couldn't steal the spiritual energy in Xuanyin Yutu's veins for the time being.

Xi Ping himself encountered a strong enemy, and he had to find a place to replenish the spirit stone halfway through the fight, let alone the hidden bone

Even if Yin Gu doesn't care about the life and death of mortals at all, and when he directly steals the sky, he draws the aura of the mortal world upside down, that is extremely limited. A large part of the reincarnation wood must be sacrificed for the aura consumed by attacking the monk.

And it was a fluke to be able to sneak attack at the beginning. These monks were honed in the wind knife and frost sword. Once they reacted, they became vigilant. Killing a person would consume more aura than the aura of the opponent's true essence.

In the long run... no, not even in the long run, Yin Gu's wave is a stupid move of "injuring ten enemies, and self-injury eight thousand".

Picture what? Yin Gu went crazy

Or is it just a dead body, which can only act on instinct and can't be counted

Reincarnation Wood went crazy in the place where the monks gathered, and Sanyue Mountain certainly did not escape.

Just as Yu Chang led the terrified monks out, before he had time to run to the place where the Zhenshan formation was originally located, his inspiration was suddenly touched by something. Yu Chang dodged to dodge, a murderous aura passed by him and hit another monk on the chest. Yu Chang casually threw a lightning-attracting talisman at the place where the sneak attack came from, and smashed the reincarnation tree of the sneak attack. Just as he was about to rescue him—the chest was not a fatal wound to the monk—he saw a line of inscriptions flash across the injured monk’s wound .

The inspiration warned again, Yu Chang stopped immediately, and saw the inscription all the way into the altar of the injured monk, the monk froze, the altar shattered, his heart burst, and he died.

The deceased is a foundation building, so the real essence will explode if it is killed suddenly.

Yu Chang reacted very quickly, he shouted "Get out of the way", and the protective aura spread out, blocking everyone in front of them like a shield.

However, the expected explosion of true essence and dispersion of aura did not happen.

I saw an inscription slowly floating between the cracked brows of the deceased, hanging in the air with the corpse, and looking at Yu Chang in blank dismay.

The monks of Chu State, no matter they are righteous or evil, have studied the inscriptions of Fu Fa, but Yu Chang has never seen such an inscription, and he knows that this may be the mysterious ancient inscription.

He stared at the inscription for a while, and a vague feeling suddenly appeared in his heart... It was like when he had just ascended to the spirit, he realized for the first time that he no longer needed to consult literature and classics. Self-explanatory.

At this moment, the vague intuition was urging him: Try copying an inscription.


A burst of impulse diffused from the spiritual altar, and as the body-protecting aura persisted, Yu Chang stretched out his hand and imitated the inscription in mid-air. This kind of intangible inscription had limited effectiveness, and he could dodge in time in case of danger.

The monk's intuition never seemed to deceive anyone, and the inscription did not hurt him.

The moment it was completed, a part of the true energy of the foundation-building deceased just now, together with the inscription, rushed to Yu Chang's body. The spiritual energy like a clear spring swept across Baiku in an instant, and gathered on his true energy!

Yu Chang took a slow breath.

He was not the only one who discovered the abnormality. The most indispensable thing in the world is "smart people". Soon, monks elsewhere also realized that by copying those ancient inscriptions, they could take the true essence of the monks killed by the reincarnation wood as their own.

And the real energy aura obtained in this way is not like the aura drawn from the spirit stone in ordinary times. When the real energy is full, it cannot be put down. They will be transformed into a part of the real energy!

For thousands of years, if monks above the Foundation Establishment want to advance further, they have to polish their Dao Heart countless times, allowing a steady stream of spiritual energy to pass through their true essence. …

No wonder there were so many masters in ancient times, and the streets were full of ascension spirits. The monks didn't cultivate themselves every day, and they risked their lives everywhere to find someone to fight duels.

Inevitably, people think of the legend of the "Tai Sui" whose companion tree is Yanyunliu. After a few months of entering the Taoist sect, the spiritual aperture is opened, the foundation is established in less than a year, and the spirit ascends within ten years... so it is!

They thought, so this is the secret of Tai Sui.

At that moment, countless hands reached out to those ancient inscriptions on the northern and southern continents.

Under the huge temptation, brothers can turn against each other, not to mention that the flames of war in all directions are forced to be suppressed in the first place.

The monks were originally united as one, but at this time, the "public heart" was easily broken.

An inscription drawn by a monk above the foundation may be worth an entire county's mortals, after all, it will take effect upon landing.

The inscription on Reincarnating Wood spreads among monks much faster than the inscription on breaking laws spreads among mortals.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Tao County's Forbidden Spirit Line, which had just dropped in contraction speed, shrank two or three miles. Lu Wu, who was near the Forbidden Spirit Line, didn't even react, and was left outside the boundary.

Immediately afterwards, the forbidden spirit line collapsed for thousands of miles like fine sand blown up by a strong wind.

Lu Wu doesn't even need to count!

Zhao Xiedan: "The forbidden spirit thread will wrap up in front of you and me for an hour or two at most..."

Xi Ping: Stop dreaming, we don't have so much time!

In the palm of his hand, the heart fire of Huawai Fu fluctuated violently, and Xi Ping's heartbeat almost stopped for a moment. He held up the weak flame that was only the size of a pea with both hands, wishing to turn himself into fuel for the heart fire.

How to do

Suddenly, Xi Ping realized that the blind wolf king Xie Bian forced him the ancient inscriptions outside Beijue Mountain, maybe he wasn't deceived by the false news about Reincarnation Muli...his third brother was probably behind it.

Those two gamblers might have done it on purpose.

If Yingu is destined to get out of control, once it passes the cicada slough, it may not need ancient inscriptions. In the current situation, as long as Yingu takes away the Reincarnation Wood and breaks away from Xi Ping's control, first of all, he can directly get Xuanyin Mountain—the map of Nanwan and the land line are the joints of the Reincarnation Wood. The number of associated wood cannot be suppressed.

There is no master in Lancang, the Zhenshan formation and the Zhenshan artifact were beaten to death by the sword servants, and another cicada sloughed down and had to kneel down to recognize the master; there was only one cicada slough left in Sanyue, and he was attacked from both sides; Lingyun Mountain was only half left , needless to say; the only formidable Northern Li Kunlun master went mad, Wan Shuang even betrayed... the out-of-control Yingu can directly take the Five Great Immortal Mountains into his hands, and he is more calm than now.

And Xi Ping couldn't imagine what kind of tyranny the hidden bones of the cicada would become. Maybe his consciousness was wiped out without even a room to struggle.

In this case, the third brother must think that as long as the hidden bone cicada is lured out before it sloughs off, it will not be a dead end.

So where is the breaking point

Now relying on deciphering the inscriptions to pass on to people, imitating the Kunlun Lishan in the past is obviously not feasible. For thousands of years, if ordinary people could overwhelm the greedy monks, Lingshan would have collapsed long ago, why wait until today

And the cicada slough masters are obviously unreliable.

Even if all the cicada slough masters who can do it are gathered here, they can't cut down all the reincarnation trees in the world in a short time. Once Yin Gu gets all the ancient inscriptions, let alone the cicada slough, the first sage of the full moon Resurrection from the dead can't turn the situation around!

Holding the weaker and weaker Huawai Furnace, Xi Ping was furious, and he became unconfident for a moment, suspecting that he was caught off guard by the ancient inscription and was stunned. Missed that lifeline.

Zhi Xiu and a group of cicadas arrived after shedding their feet. It was not too late. The entire gorge was filled with reincarnated wood, and ancient inscriptions flashed one after another on the water like lights on both sides of the Lingyang River.

Before Xiuren Zhi arrived, Zhao Ting flew out with a flash of sword light, grabbing Lin Chi and Wen Fei.

Xuan Wu scolded "Yao Xie is bold", the power of the cicada's slough swept across the entire gorge, the scimitar like a full moon cut across the pale light, and a large number of reincarnation trees outside the law-breaking realm withered and died. However, at the same time, his saber light also outlined a forbidden spirit line that ran faster than Teng Yunjiao, and the retreat speed of the forbidden spirit line that broke the law was not affected by the Reincarnation Wood Forest, as if mocking him.

Zhao Ting held Wen Fei's fan that was almost overturned by the aura of cicada slough, and fell beside his family: "What's the matter? Where's Shi Yong?"

"He... his mother's old white-white face hangs in the air, and he's still in a mess to help!" Wen Fei stood still in embarrassment, and said in a hurry, "That-over there! Everyone can hear his zither, zither sound!"

Zhi Xiu followed the direction of his finger, separated by a distance of Tao County, with the five senses of cicada molting, the trunk of the tree where Xi Ping lived was already close in front of his eyes. Seen from a height, the rushing forbidden spirit line rushed past like a tide.

Even if the sky collapses and the earth collapses, the East China Sea turns upside down... all the powerful cicadas around him lose their minds collectively, Zhaoting can still try to stop it with a single sword—whether it's a god or a demon, as long as he knows where to cut.

But who can stop the greed all over the world

The Millennium Lingshan is just that bad.