Tai Sui

Chapter 243: Epilogue (eleven)


The last few words of Wang Geluobao were too eager to eat, and Wan Yu and Mi Ayu were mixed together, looking like a doomsday ghost.

In desperation, Yao Qi pulled the trigger of the firecracker, and shot at the weird bone between Wang Geluobao's eyebrows.

Hearing "咻", the Immortal Artifact let go of the spirit guide wire, rushed towards Wang Ge Luobao... and then missed it.

Yao Qi: "..."

Why is this thing still biased? !

Of course the firecracker can be deflected. Although it is a promoted fairy weapon, it is developed from a mortal weapon, and mortal soldiers have to go through training to use it. The monks usually rely on inspiration, as long as they pull the trigger, they will not miss. Therefore, Yao Qi never expected that this thing would require skill.

He was aiming at Wang Ge Luobao's eyebrows, but a flash of spiritual light hit the target three feet away, but it was off the scale, and the flying sand and stones splashed just hit Chang Jun who was walking around from the other side. underfoot.

Without the blessing of inspiration, Chang Jun was also deaf and blind at this time, he was caught off guard and stepped on the ground, and he fell into the pool where Xi Ping was.

"It's over!" Chang Jun thought desperately, "Xi Shiyong has someone to scold our eighteen generations of ancestors."

Yao Qi smashed the jar and didn't take aim, and was going to kill Wang Ge Luobao with random guns and stray bullets.

Wang Geluobao didn't pay attention to him at all, and grabbed the golden thread that bound Xi Ping. Chang Jun who fell into the water managed to grab Xi Ping's arm, and the last spiritual consciousness on Xi Ping's body was shattered by the golden thread.

Xi Ping's misty divine consciousness turned into a shattered light, separated from Zhen's body, and was dragged away by the bone between Wang Geluobao's eyebrows along with the golden thread.

Wang Geluobao's whole body turned into a golden skeleton, his chest and abdomen were blown to pieces by Yao Qi's blind fire, but he laughed out loud. Under Yao Qi's despairing gaze, the shattered bones returned to normal in an instant - he obtained the special supernatural power of Xi Ping's spiritual consciousness, and the Xi Ping caught by Chang Jun was just an "empty shell".

Wang Geluobao pressed his hand back to a mechanism, and the boulders around the pool quickly closed, rolling towards Chang Jun and Xi Ping who were in the water—these skins filled with rags were useless.

He was ecstatic, swallowed Xi Ping's consciousness, and got more things than he imagined: except for the crucial part of the ancient inscription that Xi Ping swept away, he also felt that all the reincarnated trees within the forbidden spirit line were dead. Became his "skin brother". In the Forbidden Spirit Land, where the cicadas have to ride horses and chariots, he can play the Tai Sui Qin like Xi Ping, and exchange bodies with reincarnation woods everywhere.

He didn't even need to sit on the boat, he could directly cross the still expanding Forbidden Spirit Line in the blink of an eye, and rush out to merge with the hidden bone.

Yin Gu collected all the ancient inscriptions, and he got Yin Gu. At that time, not to mention the outer furnace that just swallowed a few cicada sloughs, even if a hundred southern swords were refined in the broken furnace of Yongchun brocade, it would not be able to stop the overturning world.

With this hidden bone, in the ancient times, one could roam freely in the world without carefully polishing one's Taoist heart, without worrying about being swallowed by great powers, without being afraid of any forces, and ignoring all heaven's rules.

Now, it is not affected by any Dao heart of the same origin, does not need to accept any torture, even if it goes mad, it will not break the Dao heart, and it is the only "Tao" in the world that can accept the ancient inscriptions outside Beijue Mountain without being overwhelmed by the inscriptions—— This is clearly the son of the Holy Mother and the Heavenly Maiden who was the beginning of Taoism, the unique way to reach heaven.

Lingshan may not last long, but the owner of the immortal bone can live the same life as the heaven and the earth.

However, maybe there is no shortcut to everything, because this god is too easy, the two generations of hidden bone masters are ignorant idiots who have never polished their minds, and they are clearly ready for everything. He was so afraid of not being able to make it, that he even had hallucinations in the confusion, thinking that he was "controlled" by the hidden bone.

In Wang Geluobao's view, this is like putting the consciousness of an ant on a real dragon. Instead of experiencing the joy of flying through the clouds, it has to die of panic on the spot.

How ridiculous.

This road seems to have no test, but in fact, the position of god itself is the biggest test. Only the "chosen ones" with extremely firm mind, strong luck, and high means can stand this kind of blessing. Easy enough? Even the ancestor Tianbo, who had swallowed the secrets of witchcraft back then, failed, and had no choice but to retreat to the southwestern corner of the mainland—

Wang Geluobao's flesh and blood quickly regenerated from the bones, his curly hair was as thick as algae, and his different pupils shone inwardly. He was tall and handsome, like a real sea god.

The Wing Repairman called him a bastard, and executed his mother who secretly gave birth to the "mia bastard". His unknown father lived up to the word "dirty", took him away, and then sold him to another... good price.

Different-color pupils and a slender body make him a "rare product", tossed in the hands of the rich and powerful who like to hunt for novelties, he is a bitch for men, and a male rabbit for women who warm their hands. He knows all the ways to make people happy in the world, practice Just a pair of eyes that can penetrate the desires of the world, and hope that the world will die.

With this ability, he transformed himself into a "highly respected" elder adopted son of Mia, and was able to enter Lingyun Jianglongqi.

As Xiuyi bullies others too much, Mia has a different heart, and the people of Mia have the idea of the old ancestor's Taoism. Wang Geluobao, who is loyal to the "clan", seized this opportunity that no one has grasped for thousands of years-everyone said that the Taoist heart of the ancestor Tianbo was born for the eternal union of the two clans of Xiumi, Therefore, none of those foolish fools can catch the Taoist heart of Tianbo Patriarch, only ambitious people who harbor the same hatred as they did thousands of years ago are worthy.

He sacrificed his life to build a foundation, "happyly" accepted the dragon-taming chain imposed on him by his clan, and betrayed Lingyun Mountain; committed himself to the Wuxin lotus seal, and betrayed the nobles of Mia; bit. Finally, using Mia's spirit beast and the inferior Mia people who are not much smarter than the spirit beast, stir up the change of Nanhe and capture the legendary Jinping "Tai Sui".

That good-for-nothing dandy of Jinping didn't know what virtue or ability, there was always a group of people protecting him one after another, causing him to almost fail—fortunately, despite twists and turns, the result was more satisfactory than he expected.

That was the reward for his more tortuous path than anyone else.

Wang Geluobao didn't want to waste any more time "taking care of" those Jinping ants, and turned around and walked through countless reincarnation trees.

Before leaving the forbidden spirit thread, he fell into a reincarnated tree in front of the Huawai furnace in Taoxian County by a strange coincidence.

The legendary "Nanjian" Zhixiu, the servant of the sword Wu Lingxiao and other "big men" who are famous all over the world are just a few steps away, but they are completely unaware of his existence.

Wang Geluobao watched them playfully around the reincarnation tree like headless chickens, not understanding why Xi Ping lost contact again.

Then his eyes fell on the Huawai Furnace—it was originally the most evil relic of the demon god, but it fell into the hands of the miraculous Lord Huixiang, who actually moved the impenetrable Lingshan to the sky.

"It's nothing special." Wang Geluobao walked towards the furnace without anyone noticing it, took a look into the incinerator of the saint's corpse, and said to himself, "What do I see it doing?"

With this thought, Wang Geluobao suddenly froze: By the way, why would he want to see the furnace? It seems that there is something guiding him here, it seems that inspiration is reminding him that he has overlooked something...

In the Forbidden Spirit Land, the monk's inspiration is actually not accurate, perhaps because the Xi Ping he devoured has a "privilege" here.

What was he ignoring

Wang Geluobao came to a reincarnated tree next to the Huawai furnace, and peeped at the slightly beating fire inside.

The next moment, the reincarnation wood he was sitting on pushed him into the furnace like a ghost!

The fire in the stove was like waiting for the rice to go into the pot. As soon as he touched Wang Geluobao, the flames suddenly shot up. Lin Chi, who was pushed away from the stove by Wen Fei, didn't even see what went into the pot. It completely swallowed Wang Geluobao's body.

When the pool mechanism fell, Chang Jun had no time to react. Although he knew that Xi Ping in his hand was an empty shell, he still tried his best to throw out all the upgraded immortal weapons around him to protect the "whole body" of his classmates. Then he was dragged by the "corpse" and sank to the bottom of the water. His eyes were blurred, and he didn't know whether it was the water in the pool or his tears.

He once thought that if he took the Immortal Immortal Artifact, he would be able to fight Shengling. It turns out that mortals are mortals, ants are ants, and they are useless.

"The moon-plating peak may still be wrong," Chang Jun of Shentang gave up on himself in a daze, "There is no gap between ants and powers, we..."

At this moment, a cold hand suddenly flipped out and clasped his shoulder.

Chang Jun choked into the lung duct with a saliva: Mother, you are a corpse!

At the same time, Wang Geluobao finally remembered what he had overlooked: Zhuo Ming once told him that the heart fire of the outer furnace fell into the hands of Tai Sui. Zhuo Ming said a lot of crazy things, besides steaming Xuanwu, he wanted to swallow Tai Sui alive, he didn't listen to it, he didn't take it to heart.

That's right, just now he clearly devoured Xi Ping's consciousness and got the reincarnated wood and ancient inscriptions, but he didn't see the legendary heart fire!

The spiritual consciousness he pulled out from Xi Ping Lingtai was incomplete... but the bone, the secret method that the ancestor got from the shaman's ruins...

He clearly nailed the unruly Tai Sui's consciousness to his altar! No matter how much or how far his spiritual consciousness disperses, he will be detained by the main body... How is that possible? !

A lazy Jinping accent sounded in his ear: "Hey, can't I have two Lingtai?"


"How can it be impossible," said the hateful voice with a smile, "You are rich. Oh, Lao Wang, to tell you the truth, after your education, I really believe in fate."

At that time in South China Sea, in order to fool Zhixiu, Xi Ping used the magic power left by his third brother to cut off part of his altar and took away the fragments of Zhaoting. Later, Broken Sword died in order to protect the lord, and the paper figurine carrying part of his altar has been in Wei Chengxiang's place, and has been kept intact by Dawan's most reliable half-immortal.

Wang Geluobao used an unknown demon method to trap his spiritual consciousness in the spiritual platform, interrupting his meditation several times, weakening his spiritual consciousness, and leaving him with no way to escape - but he did not expect that he had two spiritual platforms.

If what Mi Axie Chong said is true...

Thousands of years ago, the rare magical power of transforming fog was used to change lives, creating a unique immortal bone in the world. Thousands of years later, it was still the same supernatural power that pulled down the last vain person who wanted to ascend to the sky in one step.

Xi Ping guessed that because of Wang Geluobao's wickedness, after obtaining his spiritual consciousness, he would definitely destroy his body. He wanted to forcefully fight back immediately, but who knew that Yao Qi and Chang Jun, two daring half-immortals, intervened, Coincidentally, he kept his body completely, so he had a whim, through the divine consciousness swallowed by Wang Geluobao, like the same source of Dao heart in the sea of stars, he gave the "mind enough to be in harmony with the Tao" " Quasi-sacred" issued a "Heaven's Mandate" and told him to come and see the furnace.

The quasi-sacred soul was sincere enough, and he "served God" without hesitation.

A part of Xi Ping's spiritual consciousness was brought into the outer furnace by Wang Geluobao as "raw material". He once again stewed himself in an iron furnace in this non-refining way, and obtained the ability similar to "seven senses", and connected to the outer furnace—

"Brother Wang, your storytelling is pretty good. What's cadenced is that there are too many spring and autumn brushstrokes. I still believe in the stories that are 'interpreted' by the fire."