
Chapter 41


Zhou Qichen has several benefits after being promoted to captain. One is that his shifts are basically fixed, so he can spend more time at home. Another benefit is that he is relieved. The salary and money are in place, and he is much more relaxed.

Even on Lin Xiao's birthday, he had time to try making a coconut milk cake at home. As someone who had never been in the kitchen, he learned from scratch, and after failing twice, he finally succeeded the night before Lin Xiao's birthday party.

Lang Feng took two days off to visit him. As soon as he landed, he went to the kitchen to help him prepare the cake before he had time to change his clothes. Just as Zhou Qichen instructed him to cut the fruit, he saw Lang Feng pick up the leftovers of the cake and taste it.

"It's pretty good to make it like this from scratch." He looked at the cake and commented formally.

"I'll remember what you said. Come to me next time on my birthday."

"It doesn't have to be your birthday. If you want to eat a cake, I'll make you one tonight. It just so happens that you have all the ingredients here..." Lang Feng said as he took out his computer and opened the screen to look for a recipe.

"Isn't it enough to eat Lin Xiao's cake tomorrow? Let's do it another day." Zhou Qichen reached out and covered his screen again. "You've been awake for twenty hours now. Even if you're not tired, I'm tired for you. Go to bed and get some sleep."

Sure enough, he cleaned up the kitchen for about half an hour, turned off the lights, and opened the bedroom door to find Lang Feng already fast asleep. He didn't wear a T-shirt when he slept, and he always slept with his upper body naked, lying on his side.

In the past few months, Lang Feng was the one who was more tired. He flew to Beijing every month when he was free. Singapore and Beijing were not close, and the flights he flew were all interstate. He was a real frequent flyer, and the time he spent in the air was almost as much as on the ground. It seemed that the status between the two of them had been reversed. It turned out that he was busy from morning to night every day. I remember a few times when he always returned home in the early morning after working for fourteen or fifteen hours outside. At nine o'clock in the morning, he was too tired to wake up. In a daze, he heard Lang Feng in a corner of the room, lowering his voice and calling his parents in German to report that he was safe.

Now, it was him who was guarding Lang Feng. He thought, maybe it was a luxury, if he could see this kind of scene every day when he got home from work, and if he could sleep with this person beside him every day, then he would probably be willing to exchange ten years of his life for it. But - maybe he didn't have to exchange, because love was not a kind of exchange. He didn't have to give up anything, he could get it with peace of mind. Lang Feng would kiss the top of his head before flying, he would think of himself when praying, he already belonged to him.

The next day, Lin Xiao, Xu Weiran and a few mutual friends were all surprised to see Lang Feng. Lang Feng didn't spend much time in Beijing due to work, and basically whenever he came to Zhou Qichen, he would stay at home, just the two of them, and his friends were used to it. Even Lin Xiao, who would get together with him every other week, hadn't seen Lang Feng for two or three months.

"Hey, Evan is here." Lin Xiao called him.

"Sister Lin Xiao," Lang Feng called her politely, "I've been busy lately. I haven't seen you for a long time. Happy birthday to you."