Tales of Soldier

Chapter 101


Late at night, in Tanglong's VIP suite at Huadu Hotel.

"Mr. Tang Long, first of all, I wish you the best of luck for saving your subordinates. Is there anything you can do for me?" Mandela asked with a smile on his face. He is in a very happy mood now, because he has finally become the king of this planet.

"Mr. Mandela, I won't say too much to be polite. I need your help with something." Tang Long, who had already taken off his mech, stared into Mandela's eyes and said.

Although Mandela was a little uncomfortable being looked at by Tang Long, he still nodded his head and said: "Please just say, no matter what, as long as I can help, I will definitely help." Only by using Tang Long can he successfully monopolize this planet. Second, because of the guarantee of the source of wealth—the magnetic card of the Butterfly Ball is still in Tang Long's hands, so no matter what, Mandela will not refuse Tang Long's request. He still wants to take the opportunity to get the magnetic card back.

"I want 30% of the black income on this planet in the future." Tang Long said this easily.

Mandela was shocked. He jumped up in a panic and shouted, "What are you talking about... black income?"

Tang Long waved his hands and said coldly: "There's no need to act. I know all about the fact that you used me as a shield and the fact that you annexed the power of the entire planet, so you'd better hurry up."

Mandela was shocked again. He didn't know how Tang Long knew these things. He believed that his subordinates would not tell them. Why are you so convinced? If you think about it, you will know that no one is so stupid as to share the cake in his mouth with others.

Mandela quickly recovered. Since Tang Long, who knew the truth, did not point a gun at him, but asked for money instead, it means that Tang Long is also a money lover like himself. Mandela breathed a sigh of relief. If the disaster star loved money, then the disaster star would no longer be a disaster star.

After sitting down, Mandela said, "I'm sorry Mr. Tang Long. Now that you know, I won't hide it from you. Your asking for 30% is too high, and the one above asks for 40%. In this case, I will The rest is 30%. You only have one company to support, and I have millions of people relying on me to live. How about 10% on your side?"

"10%? Treat me as a beggar!" Tang Long snorted coldly, and before Mandela could speak, he threw out a few magnetic cards and said, "These are for you, 30% is the same."

Seeing those magnetic cards, Mandela salivated, because with these magnetic cards, the black income on this planet can be guaranteed to be the same as before, and even doubled under his own management. When Mandela learned that Tang Long had taken the magnetic card, he calculated the black income of the planet without the Butterfly Ball, and his jaw dropped because after the Butterfly Ball was removed, the black income of this planet actually shrank compared to what it is now. Ten times!

Mandela stared at the several magnetic cards on the table and said: "Although it is reasonable for you to have a large share, you have already wiped out the wealth that the Butterfly Dance Club has stored for many years. Even if there are not more than a dozen megabytes, there are seven Eight trillion. Let me see how you want 20%? I guarantee that the 20% will not be less than 2 trillion per year."

Tang Long thought for a while and said, "Yes, but I want you to promise that in the future, no matter what information the intelligence department gets, you will send me a copy, and the detailed forms of black income every year will also be sent."

Hearing that Tang Long agreed, Mandela agreed without even thinking about it: "No problem, the intelligence department of Manlanxing will be your intelligence department for Mr. Tang Long in the future." Mandela didn't care about these kinds of information at all. What he cares about is the extra 10% of his income. And sending Tang Long a detailed annual income statement, I believe Tang Long also wanted to know if his 20% was worth it. Regarding this point, Mandela believed that in the future Tang Long would realize that corrupt officials like himself would be worth more than the most upright businessmen in terms of profit distribution.

"Okay, then let's high-five and swear, let's have a happy cooperation in the future." Tang Long raised his palms as he said.

Of course Mandela gave a high-five, he didn't expect to turn his face immediately after getting the magnetic card. If he did something treacherous when dealing with such black matters, then no one in the entire federation would be willing to be his partner. Even if he gave a few percent of his income to the big boss behind him, he would still worry about himself and doubt whether he would betray him. A person as shrewd as himself would never do such a ridiculous thing.

After Mandela left with a happy face and the account number and those magnetic cards that will be paid to Tang Long in the future, Yuna and several lieutenant officers came out from the inner room.

Tang Long smiled at them, "In this way we will have a stable income."

Elsie was very puzzled by Tang Long and Mandela's behavior of sharing the spoils. She asked aloud, "Sir, do you like money very much?"

Tang Long didn't answer Elsie's words, but said to Yuna: "In addition to this stable income, we also scraped more than ten trillion Wanluo Federation coins from the Butterfly Dance Party. I believe that with such a sum of money, we should be able to Have the people from the Orphan Girls Camp been settled?"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Elsie, who was a little annoyed because Tang Long didn't answer, immediately shut up and looked at Tang Long with admiration. The other women looked at Tang Long with emotion on their faces. They didn't expect that Tang Long had never forgotten to rescue the orphan camp. It seemed that he was desperately trying to make money to solve the future life of these orphan girls.

Yuna nodded and said: "These money is enough to settle tens of millions of orphan girls." After saying this, Yuna said a little worriedly: "But, we don't even know where the orphan girl camp is."

Tang Long pressed the TV switch and said: "Isn't there an intelligence department that can be used? Don't worry, I believe you also know that the organization that claims to be a shitty prime minister will not just disappear. As long as he is still active, we will I can find the traces. Ling Li, I will leave it to you to be in charge of contacting the intelligence department." Due to the incident last time, Tang Long knew that Ling Li was good at intruding into the network, so he entrusted this task to Ling Li up.

"Yes, sir." Ling Li replied with a salute. Of course, Ling Li would not shirk the matter of rescuing the orphan girls from the orphan girl camp. She began to think about which people in her book could be used. She didn't rely solely on the intelligence department to complete the task, and the intelligence strength of a small intelligence department would not be so great, and she had to rely on herself to guarantee it.

Seeing that nothing was wrong, Yuna held Tang Long's sunglasses with both hands, ready to hand them to Tang Long. But at this moment Tang Long suddenly shouted: "Where is the pen and paper? I want to write a letter!"

"Write a letter?" Everyone who heard this was taken aback, and couldn't help but look at Tang Long. When they found Tang Long staring at the TV screen, they couldn't help turning their heads to look. This look made their complexions immediately ugly, and when they saw Tang Long's face full of obsession in a daze, their complexions became even more ugly.

"Sir, it's late at night, please allow us to leave." Yuna threw the sunglasses to Tang Long, turned around and left, and the other female soldiers followed suit. Tang Long didn't know what was going on at first, but when the door was deliberately slammed, Tang Long realized that he was the only one left in this room.

"Strange? Why are they all gone all of a sudden?" Tang Long rubbed his head and muttered, but he soon started to rummage through the room. When he found the pen and paper, he immediately sat in front of the TV and copied something.

Through Tang Long's back, you can see the words written on the TV screen: "Want to talk to Miss Xingling, the superstar who swept the Federation overnight? Do you want to talk face-to-face with Miss Xingling? Please send a paper letter immediately." Write down your name and address and send it to the following mailbox, remember, paper letters are not accepted, and emails are not accepted. If you are lucky, you can even have a candlelight dinner with Miss Xing Ling." This After the paragraph of text was displayed, it was Xing Ling's half-length head portrait with a faint smile.

Due to the popularity of Xingling, she did not dare to go back to the hotel, because most of the people in the hotel recognized the Wenna next to Xingling, and Wenna told Xingling that Tang Long had gone, so Xingling Zero hid early. So Tang Long didn't even know that the idol he was obsessed with used to live next door to him.

In a certain room of another luxury hotel, a middle-aged man in a general's uniform looked at the men standing in front of him with an ugly expression, while behind him was a woman gently massaging his shoulders. Under the dim light, it can be seen that this woman is the leader of the Butterfly Dance Party—Die Wu!

The admiral said coldly, "Is the Military Police Department really that bold?"

The old man from the Butterfly Dance Party immediately nodded and said, "That's right, General, we have already reported your name, but those bastards from the Gendarmerie Division yelled, what... said some nasty things, and then opened fire on us. "

"Hard words?" The admiral frowned.

Die Wu immediately leaned forward and said in the ear of the general: "It's just scolding you, the old one doesn't want to let these words stain your ears."

The general nodded and said with a cold face: "Since the Gendarmerie Division doesn't give face, then I don't have to give face to them either!"

The elder brothers hurriedly nodded and said yes with flattering faces, and the first one seemed to think of something and said: "General, and the intelligence department used the disaster star Tang Long to take away all the wealth and accounts of our Butterfly Dance Club over the years, you See if it's also…”

The admiral heard that he had been taken away, so he raised his hand and slapped the armrest of the chair angrily, but in the middle, the admiral's hand suddenly stopped, and he stood up in a panic and shouted: "The catastrophe!" Tang Long? Is he on this planet?"

All the people at the Butterfly Ball were stunned. Looking at the general's expression and tone, the general dared to be very scruples about this disaster star. Is the disaster star Tang Long so powerful

Die Wu said anxiously: "Yes, Tang Long came to attack us out of nowhere, and we don't know what's going on. Is there a problem?" As he spoke, he gently took the general's arm with both hands.

"Is there a problem? It's a big problem!" The general broke free from Die Wu's hand and shouted angrily, "Don't you know how powerful Tang Long is? Damn it, I lost everything this time!" Thinking about the distribution of territory last time, although he didn't say anything, the expressions of his colleagues when they heard that they were going to deal with Tang Long showed that they were very worried about Tang Long. Even his boss, General Kamukki, when he heard that Tang Long was going to be transferred to his command, his face immediately changed, which showed how terrifying Tang Long was.

Everyone in the butterfly dance party looked at the admiral with fear on their faces, and from the admiral's tone, they knew that they had caused a big trouble for the admiral. The general kept talking to himself while walking back and forth in the room: "Damn it, with Tang Long as the scourge, wouldn't I have no chance of revenge? No! If I don't take revenge, I will not be able to swallow this tone." Go down! Since you can't find Tang Long, then the Gendarmerie Division and the Intelligence Division will wait for me, and I will not let you live an easy and happy life!" The general's last words roared to the sky.

After yelling, he immediately said to the people in the Butterfly Dance Club: "You immediately follow me back to the capital. As long as you Gods of Wealth and Gamblers are all right, your wealth and connections will be fine, and the Butterfly Dance Club will definitely be able to regain its glory." Room. The people at the Butterfly Dance Club knew that the admiral must have been scruples until Tang Long would leave in such a hurry, so they didn't say much, and hurriedly followed behind and left the planet.

After the concert ended, the space port began to be used. Although the number of spaceships leaving each time was not only small and slow due to the dense port, but at least they could leave.

As soon as the next day, Tang Long took the letter and ran to post it excitedly. Of course, when Yuna came back, the lieutenant waiting in Tang Long's room didn't show any good looks to Tang Long. Tang Long, who had no idea why they were in a bad mood, still asked with a smile: "Where are we going to play?"

Elsie was the first to speak up and said, "Didn't we talk about going back to the base? I want to learn how to fly a spaceship." All the other officers nodded fiercely.

"Oh, I still want to go home and have a look." Tang Long said a little disappointed.

"It's okay, sir, you can go home and have a look, we will take care of ourselves." Yuna said hurriedly. The other female soldiers said the same.

During this period of time, Yuna and the others found that Tang Long didn't seem to have much time for himself, so they wanted to take this opportunity to let Tang Long live his life well. Although Yuna and the others really wanted to follow Tang Long to see Tang Long's parents, they thought that this would interfere with Tang Long's reunion with his family, so they had no choice but to not follow.

Tang Long thought about it for a while, and felt that he hadn't been able to relax by himself during this period of time. And Yuna and the others went back to the base directly, believing that nothing would happen, so they nodded and agreed. He told Yuna Chen Kang's communication number, and asked her to inform Chen Kang to send the learning machine after she arrived at the base.

The blond short-haired female officer in charge of driving the spaceship, after learning about their decision, hurriedly communicated to her head: "Hey, sir, Tang Long wants us to send the soldiers of the SK23 company back to the base first, and he has to go home to watch Look. What do you say we should do?"

The other end of the communication was silent for a while before saying: "Send the members of SK23 company directly to the newly built base, and we will talk about Tang Long later."

"It's sir." The blond short-haired female officer hurriedly responded, but she suddenly remembered something and said: "But sir, the members of the SK23 company have more than a hundred special mechas, and if they are sent to the new base, I am afraid they will resist. Ah." Then she told her boss what happened to Man Lanxing.

"Hey, why do they have special mechas? Let's do this, you will drive in a closed space, and leave as soon as they get off the spaceship. Okay, that's it." After such words came out of the communication, they were immediately hung up.

The female officer stared blankly at the communicator in her hand. If it was as easy to solve as the officer said, why should she ask the officer for instructions? Fly away after they get off the spaceship? Don't you know it takes a certain amount of time for the spaceship to take off? When you take off, you will definitely be attacked by soldiers who find out that you have been cheated!

The female officer shook her head, and had no choice but to carry out her mission.

Standing at the space port and watching the spaceship carrying his subordinates rise higher and higher until finally disappearing, Tang Long heaved a sigh of relief and turned his head to look at the space port full of passengers. If Mandela hadn't told himself, he couldn't believe that these passengers had no knowledge of what happened last night.

This morning, Mandela contacted himself early in the morning and asked when he would leave. After Mandela got a satisfactory answer, he began to say some respectful words for himself. Out of curiosity, I asked how Mandela concealed what happened last night, but Mandela laughed and said that the residents of this planet would automatically and consciously help him conceal it, and also thanked Tang Long for helping him find a travel show.

At that time, I was still dazed and didn't understand what it meant, but I heard that the local residents suddenly attacked those foreign reporters who hadn't entered the venue, and they were very united to say to the tourists who took pictures and saw the scene of him displaying his supernatural power, that this was Manlan. Star's new show. Tang Long couldn't help shivering. Who would have thought that the local residents would do such a thing in order to protect their own interests? It seems that human beings are really capable of doing anything for their own benefit.

Tang Long, who was about to board the spaceship on the way home, saw his scene last night broadcast on the screen in the waiting hall, and explained that this was Manlan Star's new program - Mercenaries vs. Pirates, willing to become a mercenary or a pirate experience Tourists who are actually fighting can go to a certain place to sign up, and the rent for a full set of combat equipment is only 10,000 federal currency. And explain that you can destroy as much as you want in the designated area, provided that no human life can be harmed.

Tang Long couldn't help but smiled helplessly and boarded the spaceship. He never imagined that an event that could turn Manlan Star into a void planet would turn into a money-making travel show.

At this moment, the new head of the ball, Mandela, who is sitting in the office of the head of the ball, smiled at the new chief of the gendarmerie——Director Tan and the new chief of intelligence——Director El: “I didn’t expect that disaster could become a disaster. It's a travel show. Haha, don't look at it as a war experience game that has just started, but the number of people who signed up just now has reached 500,000. Humans are really good at war."

Director Tan said with a look of surprise: "500,000 people? 3 hours a stage, open 24 hours a day, wouldn't that mean 40 billion in revenue a day? And if those areas are destroyed, let the construction team build them immediately. Another construction fee can be earned. Damn it, send it!"

Director El said with a smile: "Don't be surprised, Director Tan. It's just started now. I'm afraid there will be millions of people playing in the future. Hundreds of billions a day is indispensable. But most of the money earned from this game show will be on the Internet." Pay the country, after all, this is legitimate income."

"Isn't it that we can get 20% of the funds for ourselves? That's tens of billions! A daily income of tens of billions is better than opening a brothel!" Director Tan shouted excitedly.

"Hehe, those tens of billions are for the lower wages, to buy people's hearts. And it's not like there are so many every day. If other planets follow our travel program, the income will drop significantly. This can't be compared with Compared with opening a brothel, after all, all this is white income, no matter how much money we earn, we can’t swallow it in our stomachs.” Mandela laughed.

Director Tan said with a face full of disappointment: "It's so wasteful to raise wages below tens of billions every day. Alas, white income is so difficult to take advantage of."

"Don't worry, don't you know how much the Butterfly Ball earns in a year?" Al interjected.

Director Tan shook his head and said he didn't know. He only joined because he saw the strength of the Intelligence Department and Tang Long, so he didn't know how much income he would get from occupying this planet.

Mandela looked at El with a smile, and Er understood Mandela's meaning very well, so he smiled at Director Tan: "According to the account card of the Butterfly Ball that Tang Long snatched, and the account estimates of other gangsters, last year The black income of the entire Manlan Star is about 50 trillion yuan, which is black income that can enter our pockets."

"Five...fifty trillion!" Director Tan's eyes were about to drop, and he stammered a little, "This...fifty trillion...are all ours?"

Mandela shook his head and said with a smile, "Not all of it. I gave 40% to my boss, 20% to Tang Long, and 10% to curry favor with the people above. We only got 30%."

"Your boss? Oh, you should." Director Tan, who was a little dissatisfied when he heard that Mandela's boss accounted for 40%, immediately understood who Mandela's boss was, so he hurriedly changed his words. As for Tang Long taking 20%, he dared not have any objections. Because El has already said that Tang Long took the account card of the Butterfly Ball, and now that El knows the exact number, it must be related to Tang Long. He is not an idiot, of course he knows how powerful the account of the Butterfly Dance Club is. Tang Long is willing to hand it over to show that he wants to buy shares. As a person who has no shares, he will not offend the two major shareholders, Tang Long and the Intelligence Department, for this matter. Woolen cloth.

"Our 30% will be divided according to the previous year. There will be 15 trillion. Mr. Ball will account for 40% of the 15 trillion. We will each take 2.50%, and the remaining 0.50% will be given to the new police chief. Although We can stuff all these into our own pockets, but we still hope to share some with our subordinates." El said to Director Tan.

Director Tan nodded in agreement, he decided to swallow 3 trillion by himself, and distribute the remaining 0.75 trillion to his subordinates. He doesn't care about Mandela taking up 6 trillion, because if Mandela is vicious, he can kill himself and El and take it all. Since he is so loyal, why does he care about this

Mandela went to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of wine, opened it, poured three glasses of wine, and motioned for the two directors to come over and drink. Seeing Mandela's actions, the two directors were startled. They were afraid that Mandela would poison him. When Secretary Tan went to serve the wine, he quietly ate an anti-virus capsule that he carried with him. El, on the other hand, drank with a righteous expression on his face. But after drinking the wine, Director Tan found that the anti-virus capsule did not respond, and El found that there was nothing wrong with him, and they realized that they were judging a gentleman with a villain's heart.

Of course Mandela saw their actions, and at the moment he admired what the boss said. If you want your subordinates to work hard, you have to give him your heart. Look at the expression on El's face even though he thought he was poisoned, and he still drank it. You can know how loyal El is to himself. If he didn't listen to the boss, wouldn't such a loyal and capable subordinate be killed by himself? I'm so glad I confessed to my boss.

After drinking, Mandela said with a smile: "Although the annual black income is only 50 trillion yuan, I believe that with our efforts, it is possible for this 50 trillion yuan to become 100 trillion yuan, 200 trillion yuan, or even 1000 trillion yuan. Let's turn Manlan Star into a paradise for the whole universe!"

The two directors also shouted excitedly, if it becomes 1000 trillion, then their income will be multiplied dozens of times, for their own pockets, we must work hard to build this Manlan star!

After the excitement of the two directors weakened a little, Mandela suggested: "You go back and look for suitable candidates in the police department. Although it is 0.5% of the income, don't give it to outsiders." The two directors nodded hurriedly, that's right, why give a large sum of money to outsiders in a good manner, isn't it good to give it to your own people? They are all thinking about which police officer they are close to is suitable for this position.

So far, Manlanxing, the tourism capital of the civilized universe, was finally firmly in Mandela's hands after several days of planning and one night of turmoil by Mandela. Unless Manlan Star is destroyed by force, even Mandela's big boss, Chen Yu, cannot take it from Mandela.