Tales of Soldier

Chapter 104


In the central party hall on the luxury yacht, hundreds of famous pirates and their subordinates filled the hall that could accommodate thousands of people. Thousands of young ladies sitting on the laps of the pirates let the pirates caress them with a smile on their faces, while they poured the pirates to drink fine wine.

The pirates who liked to make noise didn't make any noise at the moment, they just enjoyed their smooth skin and sweet wine silently. Everyone's eyes didn't look at Keren in their arms, but stared closely at the center stage in the hall. that person.

This is a man in his fifties or sixties with a standard military hairstyle. He is tall and has a strong physique that is not inferior to young people. He has a big Chinese character face and a pair of copper bells. The most noticeable thing is his A thick black beard with a piercing mouth.

I saw him holding a bottle of fine wine, shaking his beard, cracking his white teeth, and said in a rough tone: "Brothers are not talented, I have been in charge of the Kamikaze Pirates for many years, and I haven't communicated with you big brothers. I'm really sorry, I, Li Tao Punish yourself with a bottle here!" As he spoke, he raised his head and drank the wine, and Gulu, Gulu made a note of it and drank the whole bottle of wine.

Pirates just like such a heroic person, and they couldn't help applauding.

Li Tao threw the wine bottle away, wiped his mouth, cupped his hands and said, "Brothers, I invite all the big brothers to come here this time. One is to let us big brothers get together to increase our relationship, and the other is to have a big business. I think I can't swallow it alone." , so I want to make a total calculation with my big brothers to see if we can jointly win this wealth."

Which of the following pirates is not a human being? How can people who are in this way not know which faction the Kamikaze Pirates represent? So even though they knew what Li Tao wanted to say, no one came forward to speak out. Everyone wanted to see what conditions Li Tao offered and how to bargain.

Of course, Li Tao will not be so stupid as to let the silence appear, no, immediately a pirate leader whom no one knows stood up and shouted: "Boss Li, you said that there are riches and honors to win, of course we are tempted, but how can you not?" Let me tell you what this wealth is, and what we have to do to get it!"

Li Tao nodded with a smile and said: "Don't be impatient, big brother. Let me talk about what we are going to do. I believe everyone knows that the Federation is going to conquer Mu Enlai. You should have guessed it all. That’s right! The task is that when the Federation attacks Muenlace, we pirates will plunder the Federation territory, and it’s enough to stir up the Federation.”

Li Tao had just finished speaking, and immediately dozens of pirate leaders stood up and walked out. Li Tao hastily shouted: "Big brothers, please listen to the brothers!"

When Li Tao saw the dozens of pirate leaders stop and turned around, he immediately raised his voice and said, "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of being exterminated by the Federation or are you afraid of being robbed? When will we pirates not be conscripted by the Federation? When did we stop robbing? It’s all the same anyway, so why not buy favors? It’s not that I’m discouraged, but if the federal army comes, we will definitely not be able to win. But what are we doing? Is it a large force contest? In the interstellar environment in our respective lands, I believe everyone dares to pat their chests and say that they are more familiar than their own backyards. In this way, are we still afraid of the Federation troops transferred from other galaxies? As for those local fleets, Hehe, I think those fleets that are about to be cancelled, shouldn't be in our eyes?"

Seeing that everyone was thinking about what he said, Li Tao couldn't help but said more vigorously: "Brother, I didn't ask everyone to gather troops to rob. Everyone is still operating in their own territory, but it's just an appointment time." At the same time, large-scale and large-scale robbery operations are carried out. If the Federation sends troops to destroy them, then we will fight guerrillas with them. Think about it, everyone, is there any difference between this and the past? There is no difference at all, there must be If there is a difference, it's just a robbery at the same time, so what's the difficulty?" Li Tao spread his hands as he spoke.

After listening to these words, the big pirates began to think carefully. If what Li Tao said, there is really no difference, but if this is the case, then why does this guy Li Tao stand up for Mu Enlai? I usually rob all day and play hide-and-seek with the federal army. Now that the pirates of the entire federation rob at the same time, there should be no problem, right

When everyone was thinking, an indifferent voice sounded in the hall: "What's the good?" Following the voice, a table with only five people in the corner was particularly eye-catching, because there was no lady beside these five people, and there was no Without drinking, they all sat there quietly and motionless.

However, although these five people were indifferent, they all looked cool and handsome young men, and their clothes were as cool as theirs, because they wore metal boots on their feet and a uniform black canvas uniform on their bodies. Other pirate regiments also have uniforms, but they are not as conspicuous as they have class epaulettes with skull patterns on them. And that sentence came from among the five people, a young man with shoulder-length black hair and a handsome appearance who looked like a woman disguised as a man.

Through the screen display, Li Tao immediately saw who said it. Li Tao paid attention to this beautiful young man when he greeted the arrival of the bosses. When Li Tao saw these five people, he was taken aback, because their every move was a standard military action, and they actually had a strict class system. Others may think that their skull epaulettes are team logos, but Li Tao recognized it as a military rank at a glance, and just replaced the army stars with skeletons.

When I heard the name Tang Hu from that very beautiful young man, I really wanted to grab it, because this name is too sensitive, and it is so similar to the name of that famous man, people don't often associate dragon and tiger together. together? However, Li Tao suppressed his impulse. No matter who Tang Hu is, as long as he draws his gun, the meeting will be closed. Those pirate leaders came to the meeting with deep vigilance, just a little spark can cause a big fire!

Of course, Li Tao also immediately investigated Tang Hu's situation. After the investigation, Li Tao found that the territory of the Golden Skull Pirates was in the Bone Cloud Dragon, a galaxy with no oil and water. Battleships are really not easy.

Li Tao is very aware of the significance of pirates equipping warships. Generally speaking, pirates use merchant ships converted into warships. Except for himself, who pretends to be a pirate, there is no pirate group whose force is all military warships. However, I heard that there is a shop in the remote Wenmin galaxy that sells warships to pirates. I wonder if this skeleton pirate group bought it there? If this is the case, the funds of this pirate group are strong enough!

Li Tao was a bit skeptical that Tang Hu was Tang Long's someone, but he thought that Tang Long, a little lieutenant, could not have such a great ability. From the data, Tang Long was just a guy with good luck and a straight personality. If you want to deal with him , it can be solved easily. Because of this, Li Tao concluded that Tang Hu and Tang Long just had the same surname. In fact, to say that Li Tao cares about Tang Hu, it is better to say that Li Tao cares about Tang Hu's subordinates, because these people give Li Tao the feeling of "good talents!" 'It would be great if we could get these talents.

These thoughts flashed through Li Tao's mind. Li Tao had already nodded to the young man with shoulder-length black hair who looked like a beautiful woman pretending to be a man and said, "Is Boss Tang Hu interested? The reward is very generous this time." If Muen Reis unified the federation, each participating pirate group could choose a civilization star. If he withstood the federation's attack, each participating pirate group could obtain a civilization star from the three southern galaxies. That is to say, all participating teams, regardless of victory or defeat, will get a civilized planet controlled by you!"

Li Tao's words immediately caused an uproar, a literary star controlled by himself! That is to say, the military and government on this cultural star is completely controlled by oneself, the tax is also paid into one's own pocket, and all the beauties on the planet are equal to one's own. At that time, I will be equal to the Emperor of Earth!

Seeing that the pirates were all drooling, Li Tao couldn't help but smile, but just as he started to smile, a voice immediately made him smile wryly.

The same Tang Hu said: "Sorry, I can participate, but I don't want literary stars. It's better to give cash or strategic materials, because my pirate group already has a base."

At this time, a beautiful pirate leader sitting at a table near Tang Hu came forward and kindly reminded: "Why do you need money? Are you afraid of having no money when you have a literary star? Compared with one-time money, it has a long history." What about the wealth!" This beauty leader is the one who drove the black ship to rob the Xinghai consortium manager, was robbed by the black dragon pirates, and finally fled to the Wenmin galaxy.

Tang Hu knows that outsiders don't know his details, and it's normal to have such thoughts, so he smiled and nodded at this beautiful female pirate and said, "Thank you for your reminder, but our pirate group really doesn't want literary stars." At this time, I don't want to get a Wenxing star as a burden. Giving him a Wenxing star is better than giving him a Mineral star. But Mineral Star doesn't need anyone to give it away. If they want it, they can just grab it. Besides, Tang Hu's electronic brain intuitively felt that Mu Enlai had no good intentions for the pirate literary star, but in order to make the Federation more chaotic, Tang Hu didn't say it out.

Seeing Tang Hu smiling at herself, the beautiful pirate thought that Tang Hu had changed his mind, but he didn't expect Tang Hu to still say the same. Originally, he wanted to advise, but seeing Tang Hu's resolute appearance, he had to sigh and return to his seat.

Seeing the boss's appearance, the female pirate's subordinates couldn't help laughing in a low voice: "The eldest sister is emotional."

"Sister, don't pay attention to this sissy, such an idiot is useless!" A pirate said angrily.

"Yo, are you jealous?"

"No... no! I just don't want my eldest sister to fall in love with a fool!" The pirate argued with a flushed face.

"Shut up!" the beautiful pirate said, "You idiots! Look at them, can't they tell which is more important, a sum of money or a literary star?"

When the pirates heard this, they all looked at Tang Hu and the five men, seeing their cold and confident expressions, the idiots couldn't believe that they couldn't tell the difference. Thinking of this, the pirates shook their heads.

One of the pirates whispered to the beautiful pirate: "Sister, do they think that Muenlais will regret it after he succeeds?" If we are strong, we should not fail to pay attention to this aspect. Don't say anything, let's see what Li Tao says next."

Li Tao knew that the pirates were suspicious when he saw the pirate leaders start whispering. Of course, he was not panicked, because he had expected this to happen, so he hurriedly said: "Please rest assured, Muen Laisi will sign a contract with the participating pirates, if Muen Lai Lai breaches the contract , we can make him ruined, don’t worry about him playing tricks on us! If you don’t want to participate, you can leave, but please don’t spread the news, if anyone spreads it, you will be an enemy of all pirate groups!” please gesture.

Hearing this, none of the pirates left. Since there is a contract guarantee, why should I be afraid? They couldn't help but settle down and began to discuss when to sign the contract.

At this time, a big man beside Tang Hu asked in a low voice: "Boss, what should we do? Do we still want to sign a contract with him?"

Tang Hu smiled: "Why not? What we are looking forward to is that the Federation will be in chaos. Of course we have to do our best to such a good opportunity. As for those literary stars, we can't have them at this time. For the time being, our ability is not enough. Enough to control the human beings of a planet." Hearing this, the four big men looked up at the group of human beings who were having a good time, and couldn't help showing a smile.

With a chirp, the classic car wobbled before stopping. Tang Long stared blankly at the five-story dilapidated building in front of him. Although when the car drove to the suburbs, I knew that my father's company was not good, but I didn't expect it to be so bad! A few kilometers around, except for a dilapidated wall several hundred meters long, which is the rotten house inside the wall, there are no buildings to be seen at all.

After getting out of the car, Tang Long looked at the plaque on the gate stupidly, which read "Cosmic Unification Joint Headquarters", making Tang Long forget where he was. After a while Tang Long stuttered and asked his father, "Dad, is this a company? Did you join a political party?"

"Political party?" Papa Tang, who was walking towards the gate, had a suspicious expression on his face. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and hurried out of the gate to look at the plaque. This made him jump up immediately and shouted: "Fatty man!" Why did you change the name of the company to this!" Then he ran into the building.

Tang Long looked puzzled at his mother who was by his side, grabbing some snacks to eat. Mother Tang glanced at the plaque and explained as she walked inside: "The director of your father's company who is in charge of internal affairs likes to change the company. name."

Tang Long opened his mouth and couldn't close it. How could there be such a director? Not only do you have to pay a lot of money to change the name of the company, but every time you change the name, you will lose a lot of business. Why didn't Dad dismiss the director? Puzzled, Tang Long followed his mother into the building.

This building is similar to other companies. There is a hall as soon as you enter the door, but this hall is too strange. It's not that it's not spacious enough, but that in this hall of nearly a thousand square meters, it is actually full of all kinds of tattered metal machines, or metal scraps. And in the metal trash heap was a large table with the name plate of the reception on it.

The receptionist, who was supposed to be a young woman, turned out to be a burly man over 2 meters tall, full of beards, full of flesh, biting a cigar and playing with dumbbells. Seeing Mama Tang, the big man grinned through his teeth and said, "Sister, why are you so free? Hey! This is our young master, right?"

Mother Tang pointed at the big man with her chin and said to Tang Long, "His name is Sturdy."

Tang Long's head buzzed, unexpectedly someone called Sturdy? However, he hurriedly bowed and said, "Hi Uncle Sturdy, I'm Tang Long." At this moment, Tang Long finally realized that his parents had an ulterior secret. This sturdy uncle actually called his mother the eldest sister? Moreover, this sturdy uncle was not an ordinary person. Although he hadn't been in the army for long, Tang Long was able to confirm that this sturdy uncle must have been a soldier, and he was also a soldier with high fighting skills.

The sturdy uncle squinted his eyes and looked at Tang Long, then said with a smile: "Hey, I heard that you have been doing well recently, you are indeed our young master, you have blood!"

Hearing this, Tang Long couldn't help being stunned. What does this mean? Tang Long always felt that his personality was different from his parents'. He sometimes liked to be rampant, and sometimes he liked to play tricks. He didn't have the steady and soft personality of his parents at all. It seemed that this guy was speaking politely.

Tang's mother didn't pay much attention to that tough uncle, she still walked inside while eating snacks. Seeing the concrete stairs, Tang Long sighed once again how dilapidated this place is, there is not even an automatic elevator, and there must be no cleaners in this company, because the sides of the stairs are already covered with moss.

Just when I came to the second floor, I heard Papa Tang's frustrated and hoarse voice: "Fatty man! Last time I praised you for your progress, why are you guys going to make something this time? ? Do you want to run for election?"

Then the voice of a middle-aged man who was a bit proud also rang out: "Boss, the last time you praised me, it was not because the last time the company name was Tang Empire. This time you are so excited, I am afraid it is also because the name Have you changed it?"

"Wh...how can this happen! Don't change the subject. What are your intentions when you come up with a name with a strong political party color as your company name? How could the Registry Office of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau agree with you to change this name?" Papa Tang said The voice came again.

Hearing this, Tang Long couldn't help shaking his head. No wonder his father's company was in tatters. Judging from the quality of the company from top to bottom, it's a miracle that it didn't go bankrupt.

The voice just now sounded immediately, but it was more flattering than before: "Hey, throw a sack of money over, and you can change any name. Boss, the Federation is starting to be chaotic now, why don't we make such a fool out of it?" Company, how about switching to politics? I heard that it is easier to make money in politics.”

"His grandma's! I knew you were up to no good! Politics? The cleaners who take out the garbage have more political ability than you! You guys have wasted a lot of money again. You are restless, idle, and wasting public money! I want Punish you! Punish you...you will not be allowed to eat fat for a week!"

Tang Long looked like he was about to fall down. At first he thought his father was about to throw a tantrum, but he didn't expect it to be such a trivial punishment, but the director acted like this punishment was very serious, because he actually said in a crying voice: "Boss! No! I won’t dare in the future, please don’t let me stop eating fat! I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t eat for a day! My wise boss, please be merciful and let the younger one go this time? OK? I beg you!"

Tang Long went into the office on the second floor and saw a fat man kneeling in front of his father, clutching his father's suit, begging for mercy with snot and tears, while several other people in the office were wearing makeup. Putting on makeup, looking in the mirror, playing computer games, chatting, reading newspapers, making phone calls, anyway, no one was watching the play between that fat man and Papa Tang.

But after Tang Long and Tang's mother came in, everyone, including the fat man, got up and shouted: "Sister." Then everyone focused on Tang Long, those middle-aged women who still had charm He even came forward happily, turned around Tang Long, and moved his hands and feet while turning around, pinching here and there and shouting: "This is the little boy, so cute, he looks like an old man. "

"So cute? Am I a three-year-old child? Why are they all named by the eldest sister? Could it be that my parents are the bosses of the underworld?" Tang Long thought wildly while avoiding the molestation of these middle-aged women.

No. 2 Xingling, who was hiding in Papa Tang's floating car, was scurrying around in the on-board computer, because it couldn't find any interface to enter the building in front. In other words, the company's power and computer systems are completely isolated from the outside world.

"How could this happen? It's reasonable to generate electricity by yourself, why don't you even connect the computer to the outside world?" Puzzled, No. 2 Xingling immediately began to search for the information of Tang's father and Tang's mother.

"Tang Zhong, male, 45 years old, owner of the United Headquarters of the Great Unification of the Universe, business scope metal waste recycling, ID number 3388XXXX. Liu Fei, female, 43 years old, housewife, ID number 3390XXXX... Strange, how could there be such a thing? What about the concise information? Even the previous student status information is so simple, only recording which year and where you graduated from... Yeah? The company name has been changed more than 6,000 times in just 20 years! Doesn’t it change more than once a day? It's weird! Let's see what the earliest name of this company is." The aroused interest in No. 2 Xingling began to flip through the materials desperately.

"What! The Industrial and Commercial Administration was attacked by unknown gangsters 20 years ago, and the inventory data 20 years ago was destroyed? Huh! As long as it exists on the Internet, Xing Ling will not believe that the data cannot be found!" Finding that the on-board computer is not powerful enough I used the No. 2 Xingling, ran back to the Xingling base and started searching for information with all my strength.

After a while, in the data backup of the Central Industrial and Commercial Headquarters, No. 2 Xingling finally found the company registration information from 20 years ago: "In the year 3413 of the universe calendar, Tang Zhong registered a company with the recycling of metal waste as its main business at the Lad Star Industrial and Commercial Office. The company has a registered capital of 1 million federal currency, and the company name is Xiebao Recycling Station. It was renamed Tangliu Metal Waste Recycling Station on the second day, and Tang’s Machinery Recycling Station on the third day. Since then, it has been renamed once a day. So far The total amount of the name change fee reached billions of federal currency. It was renamed Tanglong Machinery Group on May 31, 3414, and the name was kept until the second year. It was also in this year that the Lade Star Industrial and Commercial Bureau was Attack, all company information was destroyed. After that, the company resumed the habit of changing its name once a day."

No. 2 Xingling looked at these materials and was a little at a loss what to do. Although he felt that these might be related to Tang Long's family, he didn't know why they made such a big move. Thinking of this, No. 2 Xingling couldn't help but start talking to himself: "It's strange, they would rather spend a lot of money to change their name than to solicit business, their annual financial revenue is in deficit, and they were almost declared bankrupt by the tax office. Their actions seem to be to protect the name of the 'Scorpion Leopard Recycling Bin' from being known, does this name really need to be kept so secret?"

No. 2 Xingling came to mind and immediately entered the words 'Xiebao Recycling Bin' into the search bar. After pressing the search button, I got the information of the company just now. No. 2 never gave up, took apart the words "Xiebao" and searched for them. This time, the dense information immediately filled the screen, and of course most of them had nothing to do with that company.

But who is No. 2 Xingling, and quickly found a piece of information that feels related from hundreds of millions of materials. When No. 2 Xingling pulled out the only file, it was dumbfounded when it saw it. After a while, No. 2 Xingling sighed and muttered: "No wonder..." After saying that, he permanently deleted this information from the Internet.

Through his mother's introduction, Tang Long got to know all the employees of his father's company. The fat man's name was Fatty. This fat man was smiling all day long, and he seemed to be easy to get along with. As for the three middle-aged beauties, the particularly coquettish one was called Yao Ji, and Tang Long felt weird about this enchanting girl, as if she really wanted to swallow herself in her stomach. The woman with a charming face is called a fox, and when she glances at someone, her heart beats uncontrollably faster. And the remaining woman with an elegant face is called Rose. When I saw her, I felt a sense of sacredness.

The tall and thin middle-aged man is called Zhugan. Although he feels very thin, he feels that there is a powerful force hidden in his body. The short middle-aged man was called Lei. Although he looked kind, he could feel that he was hidden danger. A gentle middle-aged man wearing glasses is called Glasses, and a cold light flashes from time to time in his slightly squinted eyes. And that kind-looking, thick middle-aged man is called Da Kuai, and his muscles are full of explosiveness. As for the last middle-aged man with a very ordinary appearance and no distinctive features, he is called Mortal.

At the beginning, Tang Long wanted to laugh when he heard that they actually used their nicknames as their real names, but after feeling the aura exuded by these people, Tang Long smiled wryly, because he felt that all of them had been soldiers!

The hand on the bamboo pole has a callus from holding the gun all the year round, and the shoulder on the right side of that big piece is thicker than the left side, which is the result of carrying heavy loads all the year round. It is probably the result of carrying heavy individual laser guns. That gentleman wearing glasses, with sharp eyes flashing every time he closes his eyes, he can probably notice what the ants on the ground are doing, he is an excellent sniper. And that Rose's wrist showed traces of wearing gloves, and there was a faint smell of potion on her body. She was believed to be a doctor, and the others knew what they were doing just by looking at the name of the flower. After realizing this, Tang Long sighed in his heart. He had already guessed that his parents and these people were probably comrades-in-arms who served together in the past, and they might even be members of the same mercenary regiment.

Tang Long didn't ask why his parents didn't tell him the truth. Anyway, no matter whether they were soldiers or mercenaries, they were his parents, so why should he care what they did before? If they were afraid of killing too much in the past, it would arouse their resentment. Then they really worry too much, because their hands are also covered with blood.

Tang Long smiled and asked the fat man, "Uncle Fatty, you all have nicknames, so what are the nicknames of my father and mother?" Originally, after Tang's mother introduced the names of these people, he had been paying attention to Tang Long. The crowd couldn't help being startled when they heard Tang Long's words, but soon they winked at each other and laughed.

The fat man smiled cheerfully: "My boss's name is nice, he's called Poison Scorpion, and my eldest sister's name is even more beautiful, she's called Kuangbao."

"Poisonous scorpion? Wild leopard?" Tang Long felt that these two names were a bit familiar, as if he had heard them somewhere before, but he didn't pay attention to these, and instead paid attention to why his mother had the nickname of wild leopard.

"Mom, you are actually called Wild Leopard? Could it be that you are very violent in nature, Mom? And Dad, your nickname is Poison Scorpion. I believe you must be very insidious to get this nickname, right? Oh my god! My parents lied to me for 19 years! Huh huh..." Tang Long squatted on the ground with his head in his arms and cried bitterly.

Seeing that Tang Long was very calm, everyone began to smile, while Tang Zhong and Liu Fei looked at Tang Long with embarrassing expressions. But when Tang Long burst into tears suddenly, everyone was startled and crowded around anxiously. Especially Tang Zhong, looking at Tang Long, frustratingly wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, Tang Long raised his head violently, and said with a sinister smile without a trace of tears on his face: "I demand compensation! Give me extra pocket money!" Seeing Tang Long's appearance, everyone was stunned for a moment, but soon all laughed Get up, shouting one after another! As expected of a young master!

But Tang Zhong and Liu Fei slapped Tang Long's head hard and unceremoniously, causing Tang Long to run away with his head in his arms. After fighting for a while, Tang's mother touched Tang Long's head with tears in her eyes and said, "Son, it's not that my parents refused to tell you, nor did my parents deliberately hide it from you. We wanted you to live an ordinary life at first. , but I didn’t expect you to be a soldier, and now my mother is telling…”

Tang's father interrupted Tang's mother and said: "Okay, don't be a mother-in-law, anyway, Tang Long, remember, don't ask me and your mother's nickname, let people know that you are my son, there will be many troublesome people coming Trouble you. When you are strong enough not to be afraid of anyone, and you still want to know about your parents' past, we will tell you, and you can forget about it for now."

Hearing Papa Tang's words, everyone stared at him blankly, with puzzled expressions on their faces, while Mama Tang looked at Tang Zhong angrily. Of course Tang Zhong knew why his wife had such an expression, because last night he had tacitly agreed that his wife had told Tang Long the truth, and now he suddenly changed his mind, of course he would have this expression.

Seeing his mother's expression, Tang Long quickly changed the subject and said with a smile, "Dad, what does your company do?" Although Tang Long didn't know what was wrong between his parents, he knew that if his father didn't say anything, he didn't know what to do. Makes sense.

"Oh, our company recycles metal waste. Let Uncle Fatty show you around." Tang Zhong said and winked at Fatty. Of course, Fatty understood, and immediately pulled Tang Long out, saying as he walked. : "Don't underestimate our metal waste recycling. We can modify the scrapped machinery a little and sell it as a new one. This is a huge profit. Come, uncle will take you to familiarize yourself with the business. In the future, this company It’s yours, it’s okay if you’re not familiar with it.” Of course, Tang Long is not an idiot, he knew that his father had something to say to his mother, so he cooperated with the fat man in talking.

"Surnamed Tang! What's going on with you? What the family says is all about farting? Why didn't you tell Tang Long?" As soon as Tang Long left, Liu Fei immediately became aggressive.

"Oh, wife, didn't you see that the emergency light was on?" Tang Zhong said helplessly, pointing to the computer on a certain desk in the office.

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked back, and sure enough, a red light on the computer was blinking. Liu Fei was a little surprised and said, "Could it be that guy is here?" Speaking of that guy, everyone's expressions became serious. Even the beautiful women who had been smiling all the time changed into a pensive expression.

Tang Zhong nodded and said: "One hundred percent is that guy who came. Isn't this device set up for that guy? That's why I don't want you to tell Tang Long about us now, lest he worry. Well, call Tang Long tomorrow Go back to the army."

Liu Fei hesitated for a while, finally sighed and nodded helplessly.