Tales of Soldier

Chapter 106


Wei Fei, who was walking forward, felt very strange. He had neither connections nor money. How could Kamukki let him be the commander of 10,000 warships? The walk from the seat to the front of Kamukki reminded Wei Fei of his own life: Wei Fei was born in a family that was so ordinary that he couldn't be rich enough to starve to death. However, there are too many brothers and sisters in the family, and the parents cannot afford so many people to go to college. The brothers and sisters all go out to work after graduating from high school. Wei Fei is no exception, but his occupation is a soldier. I don't know whether he is lucky or unlucky. As soon as he joined the army, he joined the bandit suppression team and started chasing pirates all over the world. This suppression lasted until he was 30 years old. However, with his calmness and luck, at the age of 30, he became a major general.

Although 18-year-old major generals are flying all over the Federation, there are only a few dozen people in the Federation who have climbed up step by step. Because of the same experience, these dozens of people got in touch with each other, and over time, these people without factions became known as the Young and Strong faction. This young man has little influence at the top, but is the idol of the soldiers at the bottom. Compared with them, Tang Long is not at the same level at all. Although Tang Long has been in the limelight recently, Tang Long is only a topic of discussion among lower-level soldiers, not an idol.

Wei Fei took the command knife and stood beside Zhang Longpo. The two looked at each other and smiled politely. Due to their different backgrounds and different factions, the two of them had no contact with each other, but they both heard about each other's achievements.

"Commander of the Third Fleet—Rear Admiral Will Johnson!" Cammucci once again said a name that made the veterans stunned, because this was another young major general.

The blue-eyed and red-haired major general stood up in surprise, and quickly ran to Kamucci to salute and took the command knife. When standing next to Wei Fei, both he and Wei Fei had puzzled looks in their eyes. Because according to federal practice, fleet commanders generally have to have the rank of lieutenant general, and the major general can command at most several squadrons or the staff officer of the lieutenant general. Now that the major general is the commander, wouldn't all the officers below be one level lower

There were a few generals and lieutenant generals who wanted to speak, but they were all stopped by their companions. Under the gesture of their companions, they saw that the generals of the Kamukchi faction had ugly faces, so they couldn't help showing expressions of watching a show , Shut up and keep silent.

Soon, Kanmucci had already appointed the commanders of 30 fleets. Everyone was surprised to find that none of these commanders, who were all major generals, was from the Kanmucci faction, and most of them were generals from the young faction. . Although the veterans did not admit it verbally, they all knew in their hearts that these commanders were the elite of the federal army.

But what surprised them even more was that although the generals of the Kamucci faction looked very ugly, none of them stood up to oppose Kamucci's appointment. It can be seen that the unity of the Kamukki faction is far beyond everyone's imagination. If the leaders of other factions make the same action as Kamukki, I believe people in the faction will definitely jump up and shout against it!

Of course, Kamukki knows that the generals of his faction are full of anger in their hearts. They really want to blame themselves, but everyone in his faction is a member of that mysterious group, and he is the representative of that group. Even if they were not afraid of themselves as generals, they were also afraid of their qualifications as representatives, so they did not dare to say anything.

Of course, Kamucci knew to give them a reasonable explanation to prevent them from feeling resentful. For this explanation, Kamucci had already thought of it when he changed the list. He was not afraid that these guys who were eager for merit and had red eyes would not be convinced. After Kanmucci said something on the scene, he took the 30 commanders and left. Of course, he also hinted to the people of his faction when he left.

In the small conference room, Cammucci began to assign tasks to these commanders. It is said that assigning tasks is actually just handing them a disk. The blue-eyed and red-haired Weir looked at Kamucci as if he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it. After seeing it, Kamucci couldn't help smiling and said, "Major General Weir, just speak up if you have anything to say." Kamucci's words Immediately let everyone's attention focus on Will.

Weil immediately stood up and saluted and said, "I'm sorry, sir, please forgive me for speaking bluntly." Weir saw Kamucci nodding with a smile, then swallowed his saliva and continued: "Sir, I don't know where this force came from when I mobilized 300,000 troops. ? The total federal military strength is only 500,000. Excluding the 100,000 rebel troops, we only have 400,000 troops. If we mobilize 300,000 troops at once, I am afraid... "

Everyone here knows the meaning of Weier's unfinished words. The Federation has 500,000 troops, and Muen Reis controls the 100,000 troops that have followed the rebellion. No one could mobilize the 50,000 troops in the hands of the mysterious General Mujiet without his orders. And the 150,000 troops of Zhang Junlong, the king of the north, were not transferred just by saying, and the remaining 200,000 troops were distributed to several small factions. After all, in fact, Kamucci only has tens of thousands of troops controlled by his faction. He appointed 30 commanders at once. Is it enough? Don't expect each commander to have only a few thousand troops under his command.

Of course Kamucci understood, he smiled and said: "Actually, the source of your troops has been explained in the diskette given to you. Don't worry, your troops will definitely not be less than 10,000 or even higher. A lot.” Kanmucci saw that the major generals still had doubts, thought for a while and continued: “Hehe, it looks like you are worried. Well, let me tell you the truth, the 500,000 troops of the Federation refer to the regular army, and such Of course, it is impossible for a large federation to have such a small force, I believe everyone will not forget that each administrative planet has a local fleet."

The major generals all nodded, everyone knows this, but the last incident of the local fleet posing as pirates hit the local fleet hard, and even the commander-in-chief of the local fleet retired early because of this. Now why is Kamucci mentioning the local fleet? Is he going to use the local fleet? Those are all low-level warships.

"I don't know if Admiral Weir knows how many troops there are in the local fleets of each administrative planet?" Kamucci asked suddenly.

"Reporting sir, I don't know the details, but it is said that the minimum establishment of the local fleet is 100 light patrol boats, and the maximum establishment is 1,000 troops including warships below destroyers." Weir stood up and replied.

Kan Muqi nodded, turned his gaze to Wei Fei and asked, "Major General Wei Fei, in your eyes, who will win with the same strength between the local fleet and the regular army controlled by recruits?"

"Report sir, I think the local fleet will win." Although Wei Fei didn't know why Kamukchi would ask himself, he still answered respectfully. The fleet will win because the local fleet has more or less experienced wars to eliminate pirates, and the war experience is incomparable to recruits.”

Kamucci smiled with satisfaction: "That's right, although the local fleets are poorly equipped, they have actual combat experience, because there are traces of pirates around any administrative planet. Haha, I don't know what's going on, since ancient times So far, it has not been possible to completely wipe out the pirates." Speaking of this, Kamucci showed a helpless expression.

Seeing that the major generals were blushing and wanted to say something, Kamucci hurriedly waved his hand to stop them and said: "Needless to say, now is not the time to discuss pirates. Of course, there will be a chance to satisfy your desire to eliminate pirates in the future. I want to tell You, the local fleet of the entire federation has about 6 million low-level warships. Excluding the necessary forces for the defense of the administrative planets and the local fleet that is out of control in the south, I have mobilized 2 million local fleets to move to the Tetragi and Zola galaxies respectively. , for the detailed distribution of troops, please go and see the disk in your hand."

All the major generals were stunned when they heard the number of 6 million. Not only them, but all the people and the regular army looked down on the local fleet. The last incident made the world forget the existence of the local fleet. But I never thought that the number of local fleets would be so huge! Although they are all low-level battleships, or cannon fodder battleships. But no matter how cannon fodder their performance is, they have to admit that these ships are battleships with combat effectiveness! Haven't you heard the idiom that many ants kill elephants

Zhang Longpo's eyelids kept twitching, he regretted that he hadn't paid attention to the local fleets, and according to Kanmucci's tone, all the local fleets had been subdued by him. Oh shit! It is definitely a threat for him to say the number of the local fleet now! Otherwise, among the commanders who are all young factions, he is the only one who belongs to other factions. Kamukki dared to use his mouth to demonstrate against the most powerful northern faction while preparing to win over these young factions.

People in the central government have an advantage over people in other places. Kanmucci must have relied on the orders of the president and the marshal to subdue so many local fleets. And although his father is the king of the north, he apparently controls several galaxies in the north. But the important members of the northern faction know that they really control only a few military stars stationed in the army and a few administrative stars nearby. It also makes ordinary people mistakenly think that the father firmly controls all the northern administrative stars.

Like that Muen Reis, don't look at the approval of the three galaxies when he announced the establishment of the new federation. In fact, it was nothing more than three people with the title of Department Chief swearing allegiance to him, all for others to see. There are thousands of administrative stars in the southern galaxy, how dare he, Mu Enlai, pat his chest and say that all of them are loyal to him? It is said that he is sincerely convinced, but it is not because he is afraid of his 100,000 troops that he is sincerely convinced on the surface. Once Mu Enlai loses the battle, those executive stars will definitely turn back immediately!

Thinking of this, Zhang Longpo couldn't help admiring the mysterious General Mujiete. He didn't know what method this person who was going into the coffin had used to firmly control hundreds of administrative stars in the Jiemu galaxy. My father once told me about the riots that were covered up by the Federation. Because of one adjutant, the entire galaxy rioted at the same time, and no one except Mujet could do it. The scariest thing is said to be those residents who voluntarily participated in the riots. No wonder my father has not extended his influence into the Jiemu galaxy for so many years, so it is better not to provoke such terrifying opponents.

Although Kanmuqi noticed Zhang Longpo's absent-minded appearance, he didn't pay much attention to it. The main purpose of making him a commander was to let Zhang Junlong know his strength through his mouth, so that he could help himself or remain neutral in the battle for marshal , in short, don't fight with yourself.

In fact, in this marshal battle, Kanmucci has no opponents, as long as he succeeds in countering the rebellion, he will be the marshal. He was only afraid that Olmsted and Zhang Junlong would play tricks behind his back and make the battle situation he commanded lose, so he would appoint real elites as commanders. Now that Zhang Junlong's son is brought in, I can use his son to threaten Zhang Junlong. If he dares to do evil, I can find any excuse to shoot Zhang Longpo. I believe Zhang Junlong will understand this soon, so I only need to Just concentrate on defending against Olmsted. As for the old guy Mujiet, he wouldn't even be able to do it when he was invited, so don't think about it. And Mu Enlai, not to mention, is a traitor, and the only thing waiting for him is to be shot!

Why would Cammucci see Olmsted as an opponent? In fact, this is related to the laws of the Wanluo Federation. The laws of the Wanluo Federation stipulate that in order to have a unified command, the federal army can only have one active marshal. The position was taken over by the general who had made great contributions.

Because of this inexplicable law, in order to prevent a certain general from getting particularly outstanding meritorious service, the marshal always let the generals make meritorious service in turn, and the generals also held their breath to compete for more credit than other generals. Over time, in order to grab credit or slander opponents, the generals gathered forces controlled by them around them. When the first-generation leaders of these forces retire, the position of leader of this force is passed on to the highest-ranking general in the force, and under the leadership of this general, they continue to fight against other opponents. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation. It can be said that the earliest faction in the federal army appeared because of this law.

Some people also began to consider changing the law after understanding the reasons for the emergence of military factions. In order to change reasonable laws, it is customary to send out questionnaires to the world. But the result is disappointing, because the people simply think that there are more than two marshals, they will fight for power and profit, and will affect the battle situation during the war, so they oppose it.

The answer from the soldiers is even simpler. They think that if there is only one marshal, no matter whether the order given is right or wrong, as long as they obey the order, they have no responsibility at all. If there are more than two marshals, you will not know who to listen to, and you will be blamed whether you are right or wrong, so it is better to have one marshal.

At this time, the faction in the army, which already had a lot of power, even opposed it with all their strength, because they believed that the unique position of marshal was worth fighting for. For these reasons, this law has been used to this day.

After some chatting, Kamucci asked the major generals to go back and watch the layout on the disk, and asked them to arrive at the destination specified on the disk within three days to receive their troops. Looking at the back of them leaving, Kamucci smiled slightly, because he knew that there were two people who would be surprised after reading the contents of the disk.

One of them will be surprised because he has transferred all the 10,000 high-level warships from the Bone Cloud Dragon galaxy to his command. This will be the first fleet of the Federation composed entirely of high-level warships, and of course there are thousands more The high-level transport ship is doing logistics. This is the person I plan to train vigorously. How can I not care about it

And the other would be surprised because he has neither too much nor too little troops, a total of 10,000 low-level transport ships, and they are the ones with the worst capacity in the local fleet. Hehe, although I didn't intend to kill him, I can't let him do meritorious service. Let him be a full-time transportation captain. Of course, this kind of low-level transport ship can't transport much supplies, and even if he has made great achievements in transportation, it will not be much.

However, other major generals will also be very happy, because at that time, the warships under their command will not be 10,000, but more than 70,000. Although they are all low-level warships, it is still possible to destroy a fleet with standard configuration. Of course, compared with that high-level warship, its combat effectiveness is one underground and one heavenly.

Not long after the major generals left, the generals of the Kamucci faction, who had been holding back their stomachs for a long time, poured into the conference room. As soon as the man sat down, a general attacked first: "Sir, why don't you send us to play such a good opportunity for meritorious service? Don't you look down on us?" His words immediately caused the generals to vent their grievances In an instant, the entire conference room became a mess.

Kamucci jumped onto the conference table suddenly, his eyes widened and he shouted aggressively, "Shut up!" Seeing how scary Kamucci was, the generals shrank their necks and remained silent.

"You idiots! Tell me, who among you has actually fought with a sword? You? You? Or you?" Kamucci walked back and forth on the O-shaped conference table, pointing at the general at his feet as he walked. officer asked.

Kanmucci saw a few generals speaking to him, and he waved his arms and said, "This war is not a previous exercise. It's not about making an offensive and defensive plan, and then starting to act! This is a real war! People will die! If any of you dare to pat your chest and say that you are not afraid of death, I will give him 200,000 troops and let him go to the front line!"

Who here is not afraid of death? So everyone lowered their heads and kept silent. They were afraid that when they raised their heads, Kamucci would think that they had the guts, and it would be a disaster if they sent themselves to the front line.

Kanmuqi saw that the arrogance of the crowd had been knocked down, and he stopped uttering words to humiliate these people. After he jumped back to his seat and sat down, he said in a slow tone: "So, in order to win, we can only rely on the major generals of the young and strong faction. But you don't have to worry about your lack of credit. This officer compiled 30 fleets into 10 Combined Fleet, and each combined fleet has a commander in chief, two deputy commanders in chief, and eight staff officers. These 110 positions are all yours, and we only have more than 20 people here. Arrange your relatives and friends into it.” In fact, Kamucci’s purpose of doing this is not only to seize credit, but also to prevent other factions from saying that a major general as a commander does not conform to the military system. Among them, there are more than 10 generals. , it is more than enough to serve as the commander-in-chief of the three fleets, so that no one will chatter.

The generals who are accustomed to fighting for power and profit immediately smiled when they heard this. Of course, they understood the meaning of Kamucci's arrangement: the elite major generals of each fleet will be in charge of the battle, so that victory can be guaranteed, and when the credit is shared, of course the joint The leader of the fleet occupies the majority, which can ensure that these people get enough merits, and it can be said that these people are sitting on their own. So the generals began to discuss who should occupy which position and who should be assigned to what position in the family.

Seeing that his subordinates' resentment towards him disappeared all of a sudden, Kanmucci couldn't help crossing his legs and began to listen to his subordinates' discussions proudly. But when he heard that these idiots were planning to send their wives to be the deputy commander-in-chief and their son who was still in kindergarten to be the staff officer, he slapped the table with his veins exposed and shouted angrily: "You idiots! Are you going to let the following Mutiny?" If a soldier preparing to go to the battlefield finds that his deputy commander-in-chief is a bitch who doesn't know anything about military affairs, and the staff officer is a brat who can wet the bed, it would be strange not to mutiny.

Seeing that the general was still looking at him with an expression of not knowing what was going on, Kamucci continued to scold him in anger: "You are so stupid! I asked you to arrange your relatives and friends, These people must be members of the army at the most basic level. Otherwise, why would you command the major generals of the young men’s faction! Remember, you must have the rank of lieutenant general or above for the position of deputy commander in chief, and you must have the rank of lieutenant general or above for the position of staff officer. To be able to take charge." Kamucci made a conclusion, otherwise these idiots might take Private as a staff officer.

The generals nodded when they heard this. It seems that they just remembered that the person commanding the fleet is not from their own faction. Their direct subordinates may give face to their wives and children, but those from the young faction will not. myself.

Kanmucci shook his head helplessly, originally he wanted these subordinates to share his worries, but it seems that it still can't. Alas, who told me that when I was anxious to establish my own faction, the people I recruited were all greedy for fame and fame like myself, but they were all military idiots. But these people are not completely useless, at least they are very good at framing and conspiring.

"Listen, this is a great time to increase our power. Except for those of us, we must choose people who are loyal to us and capable to take up the remaining positions. The most important point is to give great credit to those who As the major general of the fleet, of course, Zhang Longpo is an exception."

After Kamucci finished speaking, seeing everyone looking at him with puzzled expressions, he couldn't help but patted his head and groaned and continued: "I believe you all know that the situation is getting more and more chaotic. In addition to having soldiers, you must also have generals who can fight! Otherwise, even if you have a million soldiers, you will not be able to stop the attack of a fleet led by a general who is good at fighting! Therefore, we will use this battle to counter the rebellion to establish our The force of force! So giving great credit to those major generals is to buy people's hearts. In short, you regard those major generals as a guarantee that you can enjoy your old age in peace, so give me your heart to buy them! Everyone is in charge of a major general. Whoever fails to complete the task, I Let him lose his head!" After speaking, Kamucci had already gritted his teeth.

The generals were confused at first, but after knowing that those major generals are their future protection, they all suddenly realized that they were not really stupid, and they understood the truth. If you ask them to mobilize troops to fight wars, they will not know it at all, but if you ask them to build relationships and make friends, they each have their own way, and there is no problem at all. After all, these acting masters can completely play a loyal and brave image, and buying the hearts of those young major generals is not a piece of cake.

When Kamucci was about to say something, his communicator suddenly rang. When he took out a small black communicator, all the generals closed their mouths and slowed down their breathing, because it was organized by OSFPU. Intercom.

Kanmucci looked at the communicator carefully, and found that it was just a text message, and it was not sent to him by that person, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. But I was a little curious, no one else in the organization knew my number except that person, so who exactly sent me a text message? After he read the text message, his face became very strange.

"What's the matter, sir? Are there any instructions from above?" an admiral asked carefully.

Kamucci opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he shook his head and answered irrelevantly and said, "Okay, hand in the recommended list, and the whole army will be released later. Remember, leave 10 Give me a spot."

Although the generals knew that the organization must have some orders, they also knew that they should not know what they should not know, so everyone put aside the matter just now and began to discuss candidates. But Cammucci stayed there not knowing what he was thinking.

In a secret room on a certain planet, Chen Kang and the gentle general manager of the OSFPU organization were clinking glasses. The general manager took a sip of the wine and asked, "How is it?"

Of course, Chen Kang knew that the general manager didn't ask how the wine was, so he replied respectfully: "It's been done. I believe that if Kamukki is not an idiot, he should be able to understand this sentence after reading the text message of 'Tang Long has a bright future'." meaning." Speaking of this, Chen Kang said a little uneasy: "General Manager, will this violate the regulations?"

The general manager smiled: "Don't worry, those ubiquitous inspectors won't find this out, even if they find out, they will think it's Kamucci's move to bribe Tang Long. Besides, other general managers may have done even more outrageous things. At this time, all kinds of conspiracies and tricks will be used, and the only purpose is to let the agents get the most benefits."

Chen Kang nodded to express his understanding, yes, this is related to the rights and interests of being able to control the universe, no one will stand obediently on the side and let the agent develop by himself. Chen Kang suddenly remembered something and asked worriedly: "Do you think Tang Long will be discovered by other general managers?"

The general manager shook his head: "At the beginning, we couldn't find it at all, but in the later stage, we can find out who has changed from an unknown person to a famous person in the universe. However, it is difficult to guess before the winner is decided. Find out who is who's agent. Yes, is everything ready?"

"Everything is ready, now we are waiting for Tang Long to speak." Chen Kang smiled. He wasn't an idiot enough to ask Cammucci if he was reliable, because it was impossible for a person like Cammucci to know the secret of such an agent, and at the same time, even if he wanted to rebel, other general managers could not accept it. The organization stipulated that whether it was defecting from the organization or defecting from this general manager to another general manager, there would be only one result—the traitor would die a miserable death. It is said that this is to reduce the infighting at the bottom. Because of this rule, once a general manager is selected, then you can only follow this general manager to the end, unless you can make the board of directors appreciate you as the new general manager.

The general manager nodded in satisfaction, didn't say anything but slowly sipped the wine. After being silent for a while, Chen Kang asked again: "General manager, since you know that Tang Long will be transferred to that remote base, why don't you stop him? Tang Long has no development there."

The general manager shook his head and smiled: "Who says there is no development? That place is the best place for development. As long as you stay away from Tanglong in the Federation and concentrate on development, when the time comes, you will first enter the Wuchao galaxy, then control the entire Wuchao galaxy, and finally wait When Wan Luo and Yin Ying lost both sides, they seized the opportunity to send troops to annex them in one fell swoop. When Tang Long gets these three countries, it is enough to make me invincible among the crowd."

Although Chen Kang didn't know why the general manager was so sure that Tang Long would annex the three countries, he believed that even if Tang Long didn't want to, the general manager would have a way to make Tang Long do it. From the moment Tang Long was selected, his fate could only follow the path designed in the plan. Chen Kang suddenly felt his blood boil, he took the fine wine in the cup as the power to manipulate fate, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Somewhere in the Zola galaxy, densely packed battleships are slowly advancing in line. Wei Fei, who was appointed as the commander of the Second Fleet, stared blankly at the letter of appointment for the joint fleet officers sent by the military headquarters. This time he spent more time in a daze than when he saw his fleet consisting of all high-level warships.

At this time, a virtual figure suddenly appeared in front of Wei Fei, which woke Wei Fei up. Seeing this blue-eyed and red-haired partner, Wei Fei said weakly: "You have also received the letter of appointment, right? I really don't know what the military department is doing. They actually sent a group of people who have never been on the battlefield to be our commanders." Officer! Alas, I thought I could show my strengths, but it seems hopeless."

Weier said cheerfully: "It seems that you haven't read the letter of appointment. Look at the bottom line of the letter of appointment. I believe you will be as happy as me."

Wei Fei was stunned for a while, but still stared at the last line of the letter of appointment quickly, and saw that under the dense list, there was a line of words enclosed in brackets: (The above officers are all on temporary duty due to other tasks, and will not participate in the United Fleet The specific command will be discussed by the commanders of each fleet.)

Wei Fei raised his head happily and said, "Are they temporary? Not participating in fleet command?"

Weier nodded a little helplessly and said: "Yes, that is to say, if we are sent to die, they will also have a share of the credit, and it will be the one that takes the majority."

Wei Fei smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if they take the credit or not, as long as they don't point fingers and hinder us, it doesn't matter to give them all the credit."

Weier also laughed and said, "That's right, as long as I can completely control the command of the fleet, I have a 90% chance of defeating Mu Enlaisi's troops. If those guys are in command, I don't think there is even a 10% chance of winning! "

When Wei Fei was about to say something, another virtual avatar also popped up suddenly, a young blond and blue-eyed major general with a sturdy figure shouted as soon as he appeared: "Hey! Do you know that our United Fleet's The staff are all princelings! But luckily they don’t take part in the command, otherwise it would be a headache.”

Weir smiled at the blond major general: "Major General Levi Yanke, we have known about this for a long time, and there is a mysterious figure among them. It's okay to see him being so arrogant before. I'm still surprised. It turns out that he is also a member of the princelings. Character, no wonder there are so many disasters, nothing happened at all."

Wei Fei frowned: "Who are you talking about? I haven't heard of any princelings who are very arrogant."

Rear Admiral Lai Wei said with a look of surprise: "Don't you know? Tang Long, he serves as the staff officer of our joint fleet as a major."

"Tang Long? I haven't heard of him since the military prostitute incident. Wasn't he a lieutenant at that time? How did he become a major all of a sudden? Did he belong to the princeling?" Wei Fei pouted. These young people have always looked down on those princelings, because most of the princelings became major generals at the age of 18 or 20.

Princelings, as the name suggests, are all the children of senior military officials. They are a group of young people who make trouble everywhere, invade state-owned assets, and like to fight for power and profit.

Weir said a little puzzled: "In the past, he didn't look like a princeling, and I didn't hear that any princeling was very close to him. But as soon as he came out, he was a second lieutenant, and he became a major in just one year. His deeds, and this appointment as a staff officer all show that he has a lot to do with the high-level military. But is there a high-ranking official named Tang in the high-level military? After all, Tang Long provokes all the top people, and these people don’t need to look at anyone Why did you give in to Tang Long? I don’t understand, I don’t understand.” Weier shook his head as he spoke.