Tales of Soldier

Chapter 111: (Down)


Tang Long returned a salute with a snap, stepped forward and shouted to the female soldiers: "I believe everyone has seen the condition of this base, this place cannot be called a base at all! Everyone will come to this base because of our help." This officer is troubled, because I offended the people above the military department, so they exiled everyone here. I'm really sorry! I made everyone troubled." Tang Long bowed to the female soldiers as he said.

Tang Long's actions shocked the girls, they didn't know what to do, they all stared at Tang Long blankly.

Tang Long, who had already straightened his body, continued to shout: "As your chief, I absolutely cannot let everyone stay in such a dilapidated place! Let me tell you the bad news, the communication with the Federation has been isolated, we can say that Abandoned by the Federation! If this is the case, then we don’t need to care about the Federation, we will do it ourselves! Please believe me, I will build a perfect base for you in a short time!”

Hearing Tang Long's words, the hearts of all the girls couldn't help jumping, don't you care about the Federation? We do it ourselves? Is the officer planning to rebel? If we rebel, our troops are too small, and there are no warships, how can we leave this place without warships? And building a new base? How to build without tools and materials? Although everyone knows that their company has a lot of money, but there is no way to contact the outside world, even if they have money, they can't hire people to build it.

"Sir, what are you going to do? Here..." Yuna asked worriedly. She was not afraid of Tang Long's rebellion. Anyway, these female soldiers didn't have a good impression of the Federation, and they never regarded themselves as a member of the Federation. What Yuna is worried about is how Tang Long can realize what he said to build a perfect base? There are no materials, no tools, and no communication. If the promise cannot be fulfilled at that time, the blow to the prestige of the chief will be very serious.

Tang Long interrupted Yuna, flicked the W-shaped sunglasses he was wearing cheerfully, and said, "Don't worry, my glasses have communication functions, and can be used in the three major regions of Wuchao Galaxy, Wanluo Federation, and Silver Eagle Empire." For regional use, even if the signal leading to the federation is blocked, it is fine if the signal leading to the chaotic galaxy is not blocked. Do you still remember the Chen Kang who sold us the battleship? If you find him, you can definitely get the construction The materials of the base, and asked him to send the battleship by the way."

Hearing this, all the girls smiled. At first, they thought that the sunglasses of the officer were only for ordinary communication functions, but they didn’t expect the communication range to be so wide. Thinking about it this way, it’s really cheap to buy these sunglasses at a price of hundreds of thousands. .

Impatient Elsie immediately stepped forward and said, "Sir, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with that Chen Kang!"

"Oh, ok.... Huh? Which number is it?" Tang Long frantically looked up the number while responding. No. 2 Xing Ling who was staying in the sunglasses couldn't see it, so he helped Tang Long dial Chen Kang's number. Number.

Chen Kang, who was checking the federal information at the luxurious desk, heard the phone call and pressed the connect button on the desk, but the ringing phone made him realize that it was a special phone ringing. He hurriedly stood up and took out the communicator from his waist, and said enthusiastically as soon as he connected it: "Mr. Tang Long, hello, hello."

"Mr. Chen, I have arrived at the new base now, and I can send the battleship and training equipment over. Please wait a moment, and I will send you the address now."

Although Chen Kang already knew the address of Tanglong's new base, he still said with a smile: "Okay, I will send the transport team to set off as soon as I receive the address." Following two beeps of BB, Chen Kang saw from the communicator that he had already Reverse addresses.

"The address has been received. Since your location is too remote, it will take about 20 days to arrive. I will contact you when the goods arrive." Chen Kang really wants to say something that the battleship clearance price is so cheap that you laugh , so that Tang Long could buy him hundreds of ships. But he also knew that Tang Long only had about 300 soldiers now, and it was a bit difficult to drive a warship. Even if it was cheap, Tang Long would not take it, so he could only talk about the scene and prepare to turn off the communicator.

"Ah, Mr. Chen, I still have something to trouble you." Tang Long said hastily when he heard that Chen Kang wanted to hang up the phone.

"Please just say, no matter what, I will help you." Chen Kang said happily. There is no way, Chen Kang's current life goal is to let Tang Long expand his power. If he hadn't taken care of those ubiquitous monitors, he would have helped Tang Long form dozens of fleets to unite the Chaos Star System a long time ago. According to the regulations of the organization, except for the request of the agent, people like himself cannot take the initiative to help the agent, so Chen Kang especially hoped that Tang Long would make a request.

"Oh, thank you in advance. My base is really bad. I want to build it more beautifully. I will send you the information of the base. Please help me find out what it takes to build a level 4 base. Because It is inconvenient for me to communicate, so I will trouble you to help me with the engineering team and materials, and the money is easy to discuss, and it is best to send the needed equipment and the battleship together."

"Okay, I'll prepare it for you right away, and I will definitely send it to you with the battleship, so goodbye." Chen Kang didn't even look at the base information sent by Tang Long. For these materials, Chen Kang can be said to be better than anyone else. Everyone already knew.

Chen Kang, who put down the communicator, began to think about how to build a level 4 base with almost perfect facilities and a very cheap price. Chen Kang was not saving money for himself, he was saving money for Tang Long. Because the agent cannot ask for help for free, and the money for Tang Long will not be used up at once, and it is impossible not to save money for him.

Tang Long, who turned off the communication, said to the girls who were all looking at him: "Okay, Chen Kang said that the battleship, construction materials and engineering team will arrive in about 20 days. Let's be patient in these 20 days." He signaled everyone to disband. Except for a few female officers, the other female soldiers were busy with their own affairs after saluting.

Elsie and Ling Li muttered a few words, then leaned forward and said, "Sir, you don't need to wear sunglasses here, do you? Can you lend us your sunglasses to study? Maybe our base can also use the communication that your sunglasses have. Range."

Although No. 2 Xingling in the sunglasses immediately jumped out and yelled no, but Tang Long thought of the prospect of the base with communication, so he silently comforted No. 2 Xingling and handed the sunglasses to Elsie.

As soon as Elsie got the sunglasses, she saluted Tang Long with Ling Li, and then ran away. And that Li Wu wearing glasses hurriedly saluted, shouted: "Wait for me." Then ran away.

Tang Long, who didn't wear sunglasses, didn't feel any discomfort, because when he was wearing sunglasses, the high-definition images displayed by the sunglasses seemed to be blocked by anything in front of him. However, Tang Long was still a little uncomfortable, because he found that the female soldiers passing by were peeking at him subtly, which was not there when he was wearing sunglasses.

Of course, Tang Long, who had long been used to being watched by others, quickly returned to normal. He smiled at Yuna and said, "Where is my room?"

After hearing this, Yuna seemed to wake up from her thoughts and responded: "Oh, sir, your room is there, please allow the officer to lead you there."

When walking with Yuna, Tang Long noticed that many female soldiers were going out in spacesuits or special mechs, and asked strangely, "What are they going to do?"

Yuna smiled and said: "Sir, since our base is too small, there is no room for activities, they are going to exercise outside the base, after all, it is very boring to stay in the house all day with nothing to do. "

"Oh, it turns out that's the case. Let everyone be patient for another 20 days. When the construction team builds the base, we will all go to the battleship. The X-type battleship we bought has various entertainment facilities on it, waiting for the new base During the period of completion, we can live on the battleship." Tang Long nodded and said.

"Hey, sir, this is your room." Yuna pointed to the bungalow in front of her.

Tang Long probed and saw that there were ten single beds in an area of tens of square meters. Except for the bed frame, there were no sheets, pillows and other utensils at all.

Seeing Tang Long's surprised expression, Yuna smiled and said, "It's the army's fault. There are 400 beds in 40 rooms, and there is not a single bedding. That's why the sisters lie down to sleep when they are very tired."

Tang Long, who was in a daze, suddenly slapped his head and said, "Oops, I forgot to bring a change of clothes."

Yuna smiled bitterly and said: "Sir, none of us brought a change of clothes, and..." Yuna blushed a little and said, "There is no paper here, but fortunately the toilet is more advanced, it is the fully automatic one. .”

Hearing this, Tang Long broke out in a cold sweat. There is no paper, that is to say, there is no toilet paper, so the big size should be... But according to Yuna, the toilet should automatically wash your butt and dry it for you kind of. I don't know whether Kamucci forgot or was kind enough to install this kind of toilet. If he ordered to dig a few earth pits to make toilets, wouldn't people like himself be very, very embarrassed

"If we didn't change the laundry pants, what should we do?" Tang Long considered that it was impossible not to take a bath and change clothes.

"Oh, there are so many special mechas. There is a drying system in the mecha. Put the washed clothes in and it will dry in a few minutes." Yuna laughed.

"Then... the bathroom, that is, where is the super luxurious big bathtub?" Tang Long was a little eager to take a bath in the big bathtub.

"Go over there, look, after entering the automatic door, you will be in the bath." Yuna led Tang Long towards the automatic door not far away.

When Tang Long saw the automatic door, he couldn't help but started to untie his collar while walking towards the door. Seeing Tang Long wanting to go in, Yuna opened her mouth to say something, but she was patted on the shoulder by Sally, who had been following beside her without saying a word. Looking back and seeing Sally's weird smile, Yuna suddenly remembered No matter what, he smiled without saying a word.

The buttons of the military uniform had been unbuttoned, and Tang Long happily entered the door where the steam was coming out. Yuna and others who had just followed immediately bumped into Tang Long who was in a daze at the door. Why did Tang Long stay there? Because he saw dozens of bodies as white as jade in the large bathing pool of thousands of square meters. Needless to say, this is dozens of female soldiers taking a bath.

Seeing someone taking a bath here is not counted. These female soldiers who only exposed their shoulders to the water saw Tang Long come in. Not only did they not scream, nor did they cover up important parts, but stood up and exposed their naked bodies to the air. In the middle, he raised his head and chest and saluted Tang Long: "Hello, sir!"

Tang Long, who was so shocked by the officer, said sorry incoherently, turned around and ran away blushing. The dozens of female soldiers didn't know what was going on, and stayed there with puzzled faces. Yuna and the others laughed when they saw Tang Long's appearance, waved to the female soldiers and said, "I'm sorry, sir, you continue to take a bath." Then they turned and chased after Tang Long.

When those female soldiers heard this, they looked at each other, and after a while they shook their delicate bodies and laughed.

Tang Long hid in his room, squatting on the ground panting, and moaned in pain while panting: "Woo, how did I forget that this is the daughter's camp! There are people taking a bath almost all the time. Then when will it be my turn. Woohoo, I really want to take a bath in that big bath.”

"Sir...sir..." Hearing the call outside the door, Tang Long got up and patted his face, and then replied while arranging his clothes: "What's the matter?"

Yuna smiled when she saw the blushing Tang Long, and then pretended nothing happened and asked, "Sir, aren't you going to take a bath? Why did you come out suddenly? Do you think it's too open? Don't worry, we will accompany you." If you wash it together, you won’t feel empty. How about letting me wipe your back for you?”

Tang Long, whose ears were almost baked, quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, no! I like the open space, and I like to wash by myself."

Seeing Tang Long's nervousness, Yuna and the others seemed to suddenly become interested, and the stalkers wanted to have a bath with Tang Long, talking about connecting with each other, and saying that it was right to serve the chief. In short, whatever words made Tang Long blush, they said whatever they said. Tang Long didn't know how to answer, so he could only look at Sally who was silent for help, hoping that she could help.

Sally, who had been looking at Tang Long silently with a smile, saw Tang Long's eyes begging her for help, and suddenly said, "Okay, don't embarrass the sir." All the girls closed their eyes when they heard this. mouth, and looked at Sally strangely, while Tang Long showed a grateful expression. But Sally's next words made Tang Long's mouth open.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Sally couldn't help but smiled and said: "The chief is still young, and he would definitely be scared to live in such a big room alone. In order to protect the chief, shouldn't we as subordinates move here to live with the chief?" Woolen cloth?"

Hearing this, Tang Long opened his mouth and couldn't close it, while the female officers clapped their hands and applauded after being stunned for a moment, agreeing to Sally's proposal. They even chattered around Tang Long: "Sir, you are only 19 years old, you have just come of age, you must be afraid of the dark at night, I, as a subordinate, decided to share the same bed with you so that you will not be afraid." "Sir, do you wet the bed at night? Do you want me to ask you to get up to go to the toilet?" "Sir, do you still drink milk? Although I don't have milk, it can also let you have a dry addiction."

Listening to these words that made people blush and wish to get into the cracks in the ground, Tang Long couldn't help wondering in his heart that he could have these subordinates because he had done all the bad things in his previous life, otherwise how could he encounter such a thing