Tales of Soldier

Chapter 112: (superior)


On the flagship of the First Combined Fleet of the Wanluo Federation, Wei Fei sat quietly in the command chair, looking at the galaxy map in front of him expressionlessly. As a large blue triangle slowly approached a yellow dotted line, everyone on the entire flagship stopped breathing and stared nervously at the screen. As for the radar officer on the flagship, he didn't even blink his eyes, and focused on monitoring the radar.

From the perspective of the universe, the combined fleet of 150,000 warships, the muzzles of all warships are constantly moving. The whole atmosphere made people know at a glance that they were in a state of facing an enemy.

"There are still 10 seconds, 9, 8, 7..." Following the countdown sound from the computer, everyone stayed at their posts nervously, and even Wei Fei, who maintained a normal demeanor, couldn't help pinching Tighten your fist.

"3, 2, 1, 0! Enter the Sven galaxy!" Hearing the voice of the computer, everyone's body shook suddenly, as if they were preparing to resist something, but then their bodies softened as if they were relieved. down.

Wei Fei, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth and asked, "Did you find anything unusual?"

"No! There is no abnormality within the effective range of the radar!" The radar officer replied immediately after hearing the question.

Wei Fei nodded, and ordered to the adjutant beside him: "Order the two wings to spread out and release the scout boat." As the adjutant passed the order to the entire fleet, a triangle on the galaxy map slowly separated into a triangle to the left and right. , and then densely packed small blue dots were separated from the three triangles. The small blue dots were so fast that they threw the triangle far away and began to spread around the galaxy map.

At this moment, with the sound of B, the three-dimensional heads of Will Johnson and Levi Yanke appeared in front of Wei Fei. After the two saluted Wei Fei, Lai Wei said first: "Brother, it's really weird. We entered the Sven galaxy without any resistance." Weier then said: "It's not weird, even if Mu Enlai is an idiot He will fight head-on with our millions of troops, he must have robbed all the planets of food, then let us bear these burdens, and finally wiped us out when our supplies can't keep up!"

Levi curled his lips and said, "Second brother, this kind of scorched-earth method has been taught by the new barracks. Mu Enlai wouldn't have come up with this method, right? This method is used on the enemy's side. We are now countering the rebellion Yeah, is it useful for him to do that?"

"Of course it works! You have to know that the people don't care who is in power. If you don't have food, you will be against you. So if Mu Enlai really does this trick, we really have to bear the burden. Alas , I hope we don’t take over too many planets, even if the food manufacturing machines on the fleet are running at high load, they can only afford about 50 planets.” Weier shook his head and sighed.

Looking at Wei Fei, who were discussing with the two, he couldn't help but think of the three of them sworn brothers when they first set off. At that time, I thought of sworn brothers because the fleet had a unified command system, because the three of them were major generals, and they each controlled a fleet. Although the fleet is united, although there is a joint fleet commander above, those people above are not here, and each fleet has its own command system. If no one is elected, then no one will obey the other. Isn't that a bunch of mobs

After graduating age, he became the eldest brother, Weier was the second child, and Laiwei was the third child. It seemed that they really regarded themselves as the eldest brother. Of course, it requires the three of them to maintain a friendly relationship for a long time in order to succeed in sworn marriage. Like other joint fleets, due to the same military rank, and there is an order to negotiate together, those fleets have not yet been fully united.

This is also the reason why my main fleet will be the vanguard, because I am afraid that other fleets will be the vanguard, and they will be broken up before they are reorganized. Although the commanders of the other fleets are young men like himself, their ability to command the fleet is not bad. But it's also because they are all self-admiring and unyielding people. Such a person can still play a role in controlling the fleet alone, but it is a very bad idea to let them form a joint fleet. Combining them together, not to mention that they can't exert their combat effectiveness, may cause command confusion. After all, the formation time of these fleets is very short, and they were not under the control of each other in the past. Once the command is chaotic, the result can be imagined.

Seeing that Wei Fei remained silent, Weier and Lai Wei asked in unison, "What do you think, brother?"

"Oh, I think, we are here to suppress the rebellion, not to rescue the people. Our main task at the moment is to eliminate the main force of the rebel army. In the future, we will not occupy it if it is not a military star. We will leave it to the fleet behind." Wei Fei said with a sigh.

The two of Weir couldn't help being stunned when they heard it, and it took a while for Weir to say: "Brother must have a reason for doing this."

Wei Fei nodded and said, "I'm sure you all know that our First Combined Fleet can be said to be the most effective and united among the 10 combined fleets."

Weier and the two nodded in agreement. Looking at the loose formation and slow speed of the United Fleet behind them, they can conclude that there is no comparison with their own fleet.

Seeing that the two brothers were waiting for him to continue, Wei Fei didn't feel embarrassed, and immediately said: "If all the planets on our way are looted, it can show that it is a trap, do we still jump into it when we see the trap? So instead of distributing food, we might as well look for the main force of the rebel army. And handing this over to the joint fleet behind will not only allow them to stop and rectify the fleet, but also save the people, and the captains of the fleet will not blame us. Take credit from them."

"Hehe, not only can we focus on finding the main force of the rebel army, but the friendly side can also reorganize the fleet, and save the people, and even sell a big favor to the friendly fleet. This is really killing four birds with one stone, brother is really clever." Levi smiled with a thumbs up.

When Wei Fei shook his head with a smile and was about to say something, the adjutant suddenly interrupted the report: "Reporting to the commander, the scout boat has received a telegram from the nearest planet. The local planet government welcomes us to recover this place."

Seeing the bright light on the star system map closest to his fleet, Wei Fei nodded and said, "Please maintain the local order, and ask them if they have enough food."

"Yes!" The adjutant quickly ran to the liaison officer to deliver the order.

Neither Weier nor Laiwei said a word, they quietly accompanied Wei Fei and waited for the planet's reply.

After a while, the adjutant quickly brought back the reply: "Report to the commander, they said they would definitely maintain law and order, and said that there is no shortage of food on the planet, and at the same time expressed their willingness to provide food to our army."

The three of Wei Fei couldn't help being stunned when they heard this. Didn't Mu Enlai use the scorched earth policy? While they were thinking, the scouting boat sent news that hundreds of administrative planets had been recovered. These planets would generate electricity almost as soon as they found the scouting boat, expressing their welcome to the recovery of the federal army. These planets are all food-sufficient, and some planets even generate electricity. The Federation Army can ask for anything they need, and guarantee to meet all the needs of the army.

After pondering for a while, Wei Fei said to the adjutant: "Send power to the fleet behind, saying that we are bothering them about recovering the planet because we are eager to find the main force of the rebel army."

"Uh..." The adjutant hesitated for a while when he heard this. The achievement of occupying a planet is enough to promote a private to be a school officer. There are hundreds of planets that can be occupied by sending people there. The fleet behind

Of course, Wei Fei understood the adjutant's thoughts, stood up and patted the adjutant on the shoulder and said, "Look at the distance, compared to eliminating the main force of the rebel army, this is only a small contribution, and anyway, our First United Fleet is the vanguard, even if If we don’t occupy a planet, the fleets behind will also share the credit with us. Well, let’s pass the order.”

"Yes!" After hearing the chief's explanation, the adjutant did not hesitate to act immediately.

Lai Wei smiled and said, "Brother, once your telegram is passed to the back, I believe they will rush in here immediately."

Wei Fei smiled and said, "We also need to personally remind those fleet commanders, and implicitly tell them to reorganize the fleet when they fly to recover the planet."

Weier asked suspiciously: "Will they listen? Although everyone is from the Young Men, they don't have much contact with each other at ordinary times."

Wei Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Do your best." Then he waved his hand and ordered in a solemn voice: "I order! Wings folded, the whole ship quickly passes through this area, and the scout boat continues to investigate around, and report immediately if there is any abnormality!"

"Obey!" All the officers, including Weier and Levi, stood at attention and saluted, and followed the order.

In a certain cosmic area of the Wooden Plow galaxy, countless battleships painted with the emblem of the Lace Federation are moored here silently.

"Your Excellency, the Vanguard Fleet of the Wanluo Army, which entered our territory from the Zola galaxy, did not stay long, and has gathered its troops and moved forward at full speed. According to the intercepted communication, the vanguard fleet handed over all the planets within the scope of the scout boat Let the follow-up troops deal with it." A major general in the uniform of the Lace Federation saluted Li Tao who was wearing the uniform of the general.

Li Tao nodded, looked at the galaxy map and sighed: "It's a tough nut to crack, it seems that a few fleets will be sacrificed to entangle him."

Tang Tres, who was happily wiping the newly replaced lieutenant rank on his shoulder, asked in a puzzled voice when he heard this: "Uncle Li... oh, Commander, the Vanguard Fleet of the Wanluo Army Is it really that difficult? How can you tell that he is difficult?" Tang Tres, who has begun to reform himself, is very obedient to his father's advice to learn more and ask more questions, and learn as soon as he seizes the opportunity.

Li Tao respectfully said to Tang Tres: "Lieutenant, I believe you also know that the meritorious service of occupying a planet is very great, but the vanguard of the other party has hundreds of planets that can be occupied by sending a soldier. Handing over to the fleet behind and concentrating on finding the main force of our army, this shows that the opponent's vanguard officer is a determined person, and at the same time a person who does not seek small profits. To put it bluntly, the opponent's commander is not a A person who throws watermelon instead of sesame seeds."

Don Tres was not annoyed by Li Tao calling himself a lieutenant, because his father emphasized to him that there are only high and low ranks in the army, and there is no such thing as a young master. As soon as Tang Tres came to the battleship, he was promoted to a level by Li Tao with a false reason, which made Tang Tres firmly believe that the battlefield is the easiest place to be promoted.

Of course, although Li Tao called Tang Tres a lieutenant, he regarded him as a young master in both his heart and his tone, no, it should be said that he was a prince! Facing the man who is about to become the prince, how dare Li Tao really pose as a boss

Tang Tres nodded thoughtfully and asked: "Although the other commander is such a person, it can't attract your attention because of this. He even decided to sacrifice a few fleets to entangle him instead of destroying him. There must be some other reason?"

Li Tao nodded in surprise, and muttered in his heart: "It seems that this young master is not as stupid as the rumors say." Of course, he immediately replied: "Yes, if it is just like that, I wouldn't say send a few A fleet is entangled with him. Take a look at the comparison between this combined fleet and other combined fleets." As he spoke, he pressed the button, and the galaxy map immediately changed, and ten blue squares appeared.

When Tang Tres saw a neatly arranged triangle, he immediately concluded that it was the vanguard, because the other squares were strangely shaped like a jigsaw puzzle, and they didn't look like the formation of a battleship when it moved.

Li Tao saw that Tang Tres had noticed, so he continued: "From the perspective of formation, we can know that this fleet is more disciplined and integrated than other fleets. And you have to know that the formation of other fleets will be like this. The reason for the chaos is that there are three commanders of the same level in each fleet. From this, we can also see how powerful a person is who can make the other two colleagues of the same level obey his orders."

"Actually, the most important point is..." Li Tao continued after pressing a button: "This fleet has 10,000 high-level warships, and with such combat power, it is easy to destroy 100,000 low-level warships."

Tang Tres nodded solemnly. Everyone in the army knew that although the command ability was very important, the level of the battleship was more important. The battles that can win more with less are all the results of battleships of the same level on both sides, or the result of the lesser party being under high-level warships. If you want to win with the same number of low-level warships against high-level warships, unless the main combatants on the high-level warships are all idiots, it is just a dream.

"Then how much force is your Excellency Commander going to use to hold back this fleet?" Tang Tres asked.

"Five fleets 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10." Li Tao said looking at the galaxy map.

"300,000? One-third of the force? Although the opponent has 10,000 high-level warships, there is no need to dispatch a fleet of five ordinary warships to deal with him, right? In this way, we only have 10 fleets left for maneuvering. What about the enemy forces entering the Deira galaxy from the Siju galaxy?" Tang Tres said in surprise.

"If it weren't for the fact that we really don't have extra troops, I would use more fleets to deal with that fleet. You must know that apart from 10,000 high-level warships, there are 140,000 low-level warships in that fleet. As long as this main force Troops are entangled, even if 5 fleets completely collapse, it is still worth it. Because we don’t have to worry about the other fleets except for the first joint fleet. Even if the enemy attacks from two sides, our remaining 10 fleets can completely take them Play with the palm of your hand." Li Tao said with a smile on his face.