Tales of Soldier

Chapter 120: (superior)


Cammucci asked a little bit out of his mind: "What about the border guards? What happened to them? Why did the Imperial Army occupy the entire galaxy so quickly?"

The intelligence officer said with a sad face: "Sir, the garrison has already withdrawn to the north!"

"A long time ago? Could it be that they withdrew without resistance?" Kamucci asked in surprise. Seeing the intelligence officer nodding in agreement, he couldn't help yelling: "Fuck you Zhang Junlong! You actually let your subordinates flee and give away the entire galaxy! I'm going to a military court to sue you!"

The intelligence officer saw that Kamucci seemed to have forgotten something, and kept pouring countless vicious words on Zhang Junlong, and couldn't help but reminded: "Sir, the imperial army is now in a deserted place, what should we do?"

The furious Kanmucci said without hesitation: "What should I do? Cold salad! Fucking Zhang Junlong, I'll fuck your 18th generation ancestors, I..." After Kanmucci's words, dozens of three-dimensional pictures suddenly appeared The video is interrupted.

The one in the middle of these dozens of stereoscopic images is President Chen Yu, the one on Chen Yu's left is Marshal Olmsted, the one on Chen Yu's right is Speaker Zhang Huhun, and the rest are high-ranking officials. here it is.

"Kamuki, since the implementation of your counter-insurgency plan, the Federation has been in civil strife and pirates, and now a galaxy is actually occupied by the Empire. What do you say now? Ah?" A fat Chinese The young man said in an official accent.

Seeing this congressman who usually sees himself not even dare to fart, actually pulled up, Kamucci's heart burned up intermittently. "Isn't it because of you congressmen that so many things happened in the Federation? Are you still asking me now?" Of course, these words were just what Kamucci thought in his heart, and he didn't say them out, because he wanted to be The Marshal cannot do without the support of these congressmen.

So Kanmuqi suppressed his resentment and said indifferently: "The capital of Muen Reis has been surrounded by our army, and the rebels can be eradicated soon. It will be a breeze for us to transfer the army back to destroy the imperial army. "

It was the chubby congressman who spoke first. As soon as Kamucci finished speaking, he jumped up and pointed at Kamucci and cursed: "It's easy? The Dela Front Army has more than 1 million troops, and they were beaten to only 20 Tens of thousands of remnant soldiers have come, and they still want to conquer their capital? And they actually said that the army is being brought back at that time, and when you bring the army back, the empire has already attacked our capital!" Speaking of this, the congressman said to everyone: "I Proposal to revoke Kanmucci's position as the commander in chief of the counter-insurgency! Immediately negotiate a peace with Mu Enlai and resist the imperial army with all your strength!"

When Kamucci heard this, he immediately jumped up and shouted: "Damn! You are only one step away from victory, and you actually proposed to negotiate peace with the rebels? Are you worthy of the soldiers who are fighting bloody battles ahead?"

"What are the rebels and not the rebels? How can Mu Enlai establish a federal system, and what we are now facing is the invasion of an imperial country. Shouldn't we democracies unite to the outside world?" Chubby The member crossed his legs and said.

Kanmuqi looked at the people who were silent in surprise, and just started to say: "Could it be that you..." was interrupted by Zhang Huhun: "Okay, since a member of the council has proposed a motion, then let's go to the parliament first Let's vote." After saying that, he cut off the communication, and those members of parliament also cut off the communication immediately.

Chen Yu looked at Kanmuqi coldly and said, "Kamuki, you once issued a military order to promise to solve the problem of pirates, but the pirates entered the capital circle and ransacked the Minerals Administration, and the resulting confusion among the residents of the capital How do you explain it?"

"I..." Kamucci didn't know how to explain it. At that time, he had issued a military order carelessly. Could it be that Chen Yu wanted to use himself for surgery

"You don't need to say anything, just stay there and wait for the court summons, and your military power will be returned to the military department." Chen Yu left without waiting for Kamucci to speak. It seems that Chen Yu is ready to take advantage of this critical moment to take back the military power of the federal army.

While Kamucci was still in a daze, Olmster's voice woke him up: "Kamucci, you are not suitable to be a commander, but a politician is more suitable for you, if you were in politics back then , at this time, I am afraid that the position of president is also yours. Well, the army is for the government, so you can do it yourself." After finishing speaking, Olmsted gave Kamucci a strange look and left .

Kamucci was stunned for a while, and then immediately shouted at the people in the hall: "Get out! Get out!" The officers were so frightened that they ran out of the hall immediately, all afraid that Kamucci would turn his anger on himself.

Kamucci paced back and forth in the empty hall, and began to think hard about the meaning of these people's words and expressions. Finally, he came to the conclusion that he was very dangerous!

Thinking of this, Kamucci immediately dialed a few videoless communications: "Hey, it's me, how is your side? Absolute control is still maintained, right? Well, very well, this month's tax has not yet been handed over to the central government Right? Okay, keep the money and wait for my order." In these several communications, Kamucci said the same thing, and then Kamucci dialed a video communication, and an officer wearing a lieutenant general's uniform appeared in front of him before.

Cammucci's salute to the lieutenant general was just a nod in return. This return gift is either disdain for the other party, or the two parties are familiar with each other like family members. Seeing that the lieutenant general looked at Kamucci cheerfully, he knew that their relationship was extraordinary.

After Kamucci nodded, he immediately asked, "How is the fleet controlled?"

The lieutenant general smiled triumphantly: "Don't worry, big brother, can there be any mistakes if I go out? The entire fleet above the commander is our people."

Cammucci smiled and said: "Okay! Now you immediately mobilize the fleet to move towards the Ute galaxy, and immediately occupy the planet as soon as it arrives. It counts as much as it can occupy before I arrive. Remember not to disturb the people."

The lieutenant general said excitedly: "Brother, are you finally ready to do it yourself? I have long been tired of listening to those bullshit officials. If we had an organization as a backer and we did it ourselves, the Federation would have been ours long ago."

Kanmucci gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "I originally wanted to start from the inside and successfully obtain this federation. But now those bastards are taking the opportunity to remove my position and seize my power, so we can only act in advance. By the way , Don’t have illusions about the organization, the organization will not help us to achieve our wishes, all the help of the organization needs money to buy, so you must manage the money bank well after you occupy those planets, this is our construction and The money to buy the battleship. Also, I have talked to some of our ball leaders there, and they will be the first to support us then. Well, I will talk about the rest when I arrive.” Lost communication. Kamucci stood there for a while, looked up at the command room full of equipment with emotion, sighed, turned and left.

Not long after Kamucci left, a group of heavily armed military police rushed into the command room. Unfortunately, after searching the entire planet, no trace of Kamucci was found. In the end, they had to catch a few dead ghosts and go back.

After a long battle, they appeared on the First United Fleet of the Wood Plow Star House galaxy. The two commanders, Weier and Levi, have gathered on Weifei's flagship, ready to witness this moment in history.

The eyes of all the soldiers were focused on Wei Fei's raised hand, and the cannons of hundreds of thousands of warships were aimed at this planet. As long as Wei Fei gave an order, the planet would be smashed to pieces.

Although everyone in the Presidential Palace of the Lace Federation was running around in a panic, the owner, Muen Lace, sat on the sofa and drank black tea leisurely. At this time, the captain of the Presidential Palace Guard hurriedly ran to Muen Reis and shouted anxiously: "President, the time for the enemy army to surrender is coming soon, but our army is thousands of miles away! Come with us, or else we will die." That's too late!"

Mu Enlai put down his teacup, touched his bald head and smiled, "No hurry, no hurry, don't you know that the Empire has already occupied the Bone Cloud Dragon galaxy?"

"Oh, Your Excellency, what does the Silver Eagle Empire's invasion of the Wanluo Federation have to do with us? Let's go!" The captain of the guard was anxious to jump. If he was not afraid that he would be shot dead by the president's secret army if he left his post without authorization, he would have been alone. Ran.

"Hehe, this is not only related to us, but also very important. Look, this is the peace agreement sent by the Wanluo Federation, and I have already signed and agreed to it." Mu Enlei pointed to the tea table A piece of faxed paper laying there said.

Peace? The captain of the guard was immediately dumbfounded. The Wanluo Federation actually came to discuss peace when it was about to capture the enemy's capital? Even if there is a foreign enemy invasion, it doesn't have to be like this, right? If I were an official of the Wanluo Federation, I would definitely settle the Lacey Federation first, and then turn around to resist the invaders, because if I didn't do this, the previous battle would have been for nothing, and the Lacey Federation might unite with the Silver Eagle Empire Attacking themselves together, I really don't know if the heads of the Wanluo Federation officials have been flooded.

The captain of the guard didn't know what he was thinking, and was spoken out by the President of the Wanluo Federation in the Wanluo Federation Council. Although Chen Yu agreed to remove Kamucci from his position, he did not agree to negotiate a peace with Mu Enlai. Because the peace bill proposed by the parliament is really hard for Chen Yu to accept. The first item of the proposal is to recognize the independence of the Lacey Federation, and to recognize that the administrative regions of the Lacey Federation are the three galaxies of Della, Sven, and Muli. How could Chen Yu, who wanted to make the Wanluo Federation the largest country in the universe, accept such a proposal

However, since most members of the parliament believe that the war should end as soon as possible, the most important thing is to bring the army back to resist the imperial army. Therefore, except for Chen Yu and a few other members who voted against, all of them passed the peace proposal with a high number of votes.

In order to prevent Chen Yu from exercising the emergency powers of the president, the congressmen even threatened Chen Yu that if they dared to use this power to overturn the parliamentary decision, they immediately proposed a recall motion to remove the president Chen Yu. Of course, Chen Yu, who knew that the matter was irreparable, took the opportunity to extort many privileges from these congressmen.

And there are some details in it, such as the compensation for the Lacey Federation's war damages, but most of the congressmen refused to pass it because they love the country, that is, their own money. Of course, one of them requires the Lacey Federation not to help Silver Eagle The proposal for the empire to attack the Wanluo Federation was clearly placed in the second clause.

Just when Wei Fei was about to wave his hand down, a correspondent suddenly shouted in surprise: "Sir, the military department is calling, it's an emergency call!"

Wei Fei was stunned, and after looking at Weier and the others, he nodded and said, "Come in."

With a sound of B, a middle-aged man with the rank of Major General of A-level military police appeared on the screen of the battleship very coldly. This Class A military police major general glanced at Wei Fei and said: "General Wei Fei, the Wanluo Federation Government has reached an agreement with the Lace Federation Government, and the military department ordered all Federation fleets to rush to the Zola galaxy immediately to stop the invasion of the Silver Eagle Empire! "Speaking of this, the major general glanced at Wei Fei again before continuing: "This is an urgent order, please act according to the order immediately. I hope that no officials will come to urge you at that time." After finishing the salute On the one hand, the communication has been cut off.

When everyone was stunned by the news, Lai Wei was the first to shout angrily: "The Lace Federal Government? So there are no rebels anymore? Then why didn't you admit them from the beginning? Only come to admit it when we are about to win? Didn’t those of us soldiers who shed blood and fight against the rebellion sacrifice in vain without even a little value?”

Weil even jumped up and scolded: "The bastards of the federal government! We are about to win, but they did this to us. They think it's a game, and war won't kill people? How many people have we sacrificed to get to this point? They will let us fall short with their mouths! Brother, we can’t obey this order! If those bullshit gendarmes are brave enough, let them catch me!” After speaking, Weier and the others all looked at Wei Fei and waited for him to speak. .

Seeing that Wei Fei, who was frowning, clenched his fists, and clenching his teeth, suddenly relaxed, Weier was startled. He was too familiar with Wei Fei's character, and hurriedly asked: "Are you determined to obey the order? Is it just like this? The blood of our soldiers was shed in vain?"

Wei Fei nodded with a wry smile and said: "We are soldiers, obeying orders is our bounden duty, and for the Wanluo Federation, the Silver Eagle Empire is indeed much more harmful than Mu Enlais. Because Muen Leisi just wanted to In the lead, the Silver Eagle Empire wants to destroy the Wanluo Federation. If I had to choose, I would also concentrate my forces to resist the invasion of the Empire."

Speaking of this, Wei Fei saw what Laiwei and Weier wanted to say, and hurriedly said: "You said that you can't just let Muenlesi go like this, and I agree, after all, it cost so much to call here. But After we annihilate the Imperial Army, can't we come and destroy them? You must know that although the government recognizes the existence of the Lacey Federation, if there are no foreign enemies, the government will not want to eliminate the traitor Muen Lacey? So don't worry, in the future There will be a chance."

Weier and Levi stopped talking. Of course they knew about these things, but they just gave up because they felt that the sacrifice was so great, and they couldn't accept it in their hearts. However, they have no illusions about Wei Fei's last sentence that they will clean up Mu Enlai in the future. After all, no one knows whether they can survive after fighting the imperial army.

Of course, Wei Fei had no illusions that he would be able to attack this place in the future. He didn't doubt whether he could survive the battlefield where the imperial army was fighting. He realized that the next time he attacked Mu Enlai, he might not even be able to enter the Sven Galaxy. This is all due to the federal soldiers stationed on the recovery planet, which made people angry. I believe that in the hearts of the residents of these planets, the soldiers of the imperial army are cuter than the soldiers of the federal army. The next time the Federation attacks, they will treat their so-called saviors as if they were enemies.

Wei Fei, who was confined to the battlefield, did not realize that the federation had undergone tremendous changes during this period of time. The entire federation had become torn apart, and it was no longer possible for a complete Wanluo federation to emerge.