Tales of Soldier

Chapter 20


"The front distance is 320, the bottom distance is 134, the target is aimed." The main gunner Quest shouted to Tang Long who was standing in the command position. The other main gunner, Lance, immediately shouted: "The energy of the main gun has been replenished!"

Tang Long saw that the aiming aperture on the screen had been aimed at a black shadow, so he couldn't help but swung his raised hand down, and shouted at the same time: "Launch!"

Quest immediately followed suit and shouted: "Main gun fired!" and pressed a button at the same time. At this moment, the hull of the ship shook for a while, and then a huge light appeared on the screen, hitting the target accurately. The black shadow immediately turned into a ball of light and exploded. And Lance immediately pressed a button, and said: "Count down the cooling of the gun body, 10, 9, ..." When the count reached zero, he immediately shouted: "The energy replenishment of the main gun has started."

At this time, the radar officer Elwah immediately covered his earphones and shouted loudly: "The enemy fighter plane is approaching, the number is 10!" Tang Long immediately waved his hand and ordered: "All secondary guns are free to fire, and the torpedoes are ready!"

Li Lijun, Zhang Kaihua, Ski, and Yan Jun, who were the deputy gunners, immediately pressed the helmet button to enter the virtual visual shooting system, and the four secondary guns outside the battleship also started to move up and down, left and right at the same time Get up and aim at the enemy. Then 10 small space fighters appeared on the screen, and as their laser cannons lit up, four secondary cannons also started firing.

Gina, the adjutant, shook the ship a few times, looked at the data displayed on the computer, and shouted at Tang Long: "The power of the protective cover has been reduced to 90%!" Position data, and immediately ordered the torpedo operator: "Prepare for a directional explosive torpedo, and the target distance is 12. Lieutenant, the power of the protective cover is fully activated!"

When the torpedo player Chen Sihao heard this, he hesitated for a moment, but he quickly pressed the button and shouted: "Understood! A directional burst torpedo with a target distance of 12. The torpedo is set!" At this time, shouted: "The protective cover restores 100% power!"

Tang Long first shouted: "All personnel secure their positions!" Then he grabbed the handrail and waved his hand: "Torpedo launch!" Following Tang Long's order, a missile-shaped thing appeared on the screen immediately, and it flew for a while , it immediately exploded by itself, and in an instant, a dazzling sea of flames appeared on the screen.

At this time, the ship was shaking violently and non-stop. Everyone listened to Tang Long's order to strengthen their bodies, so they just followed the ship's shaking and were not thrown out of their posts. When the ship stopped, Gina checked the computer and immediately shouted: "The protective cover is reduced to 30%, and it will take 30 minutes to replenish the energy!"

And Elwah shouted: "All enemy planes are wiped out!" Hearing this, everyone involuntarily turned their heads to look at Tang Long. With a grim face, Tang Long ignored them and ordered: : "Adjutant, report the energy base of all weapons!"

Gina looked shocked, immediately lowered her head and pressed the computer quickly, then raised her head and said, "One directional burst torpedo, two tracking neutron torpedoes. The energy base of the auxiliary gun is 5, and the base energy of the main energy is 30!"

Tang Long looked at the data displayed on the screen, pondered for a moment, and immediately ordered: "Stop replenishing the energy of the main gun." The main gunner Lance was stunned when he heard this, but he immediately pressed the button to respond: "Understood, the energy of the main gun 40% stop energy replenishment immediately."

Tang Long nodded and ordered to Gina: "All the main energy is used to replenish the protective shield."

Gina was stunned, but she executed it immediately, and then she replied with a little surprise: "It will take 10 minutes for the protective cover to return to normal."

At this time, the radar officer Elwah shouted in panic: "At a distance of 456 ahead and 834 above, we found an enemy cruiser and a battleship!"

Hearing this, Tang Long didn't even think about it, he waved his hand and ordered: "Retreat!"

Everyone was stunned: "Retreat?!" When they were about to say something, Tang Long had already pressed a button on the podium, and in an instant, the cosmic scene on the screen disappeared, replaced by the inside of the base. scene. Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and took off their helmets.

Looking at the self-propelled gunboats parked on the ground around the screen, Tang Long couldn't help muttering: "Boring." Then he waved to the adjutant Gina and said, "I will leave the task of reviewing the battle to you." She replied and left the battleship from the landing port.

The 14 people on board watched Tang Long leave blankly, and it took a while before they began to review their performance in this battle. After seeing the data displayed on the computer, Gina shouted in surprise: "We are the first again in this solo training!" Hearing this, everyone let go of their work, and Chen Sihao smiled at Gina. : "Put the data on the home screen for everyone to see."

"It's sir." Gina pressed the button, and the screen that could be seen outside immediately refreshed, and then rows of data appeared. Li Lijun blew his whistle and said, "Wow, I didn't expect that we would take the first place in so many individual training sessions. You see, we have never been destroyed once in individual training sessions."

Chen Sihao smiled and said: "Hehe, that's because the chief retreated and left the battle when he saw something was wrong."

Chen Yi, who was the liaison officer, snorted coldly and said nothing. Seeing Chen Yi's face, Chen Sihao couldn't help but smiled at her and said, "If you see a strong enemy, you run away, and when you see a weak enemy, you fight. Very useless? Hehe, in fact, bullying the weak and fearing the strong is the basic principle of war, unless you encounter a situation where you can only fight to the death, otherwise you will not fight head-on with an enemy stronger than yourself."

Although Chen Yi understood the reason, she still muttered dissatisfiedly: "If it is a real battlefield, after we are surrounded, the commander will definitely surrender to the enemy."

When Chen Sihao heard this, he smiled and didn't say anything, but he thought in his heart: "In this era, surrendering to save one's life is not a good thing. At least one has life to continue one's dream."

At this time, Gina said aloud: "Do you think that Chief Tang Long has become very strange recently?"

Li Lijun hurriedly said: "Yes, it's really strange. He hasn't danced that strange dance recently, and he has become serious."

Gina shook her head: "I'm not talking about this, but he disappeared as soon as he finished his training recently, and he is very mysterious." Chen Yi interrupted when she heard this: "Hmph! Did you just realize that something is wrong with him now? ? Let me tell you, he is very hot with people from the 34th company now."

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, but Li Lijun immediately shouted angrily: "What?! He is so hot with the 34th company?! Doesn't he know that they insulted us? I'll go find He made it clear!" Said that he was about to leave the battleship.

Chen Sihao immediately grabbed him and said, "Don't be so impulsive."

"Not impulsive? Not only did the officer not stand up for his subordinates, but he became very passionate with those who bullied his subordinates. Can you swallow this breath?" Li Lijun shouted with a ferocious face.

Chen Sihao said with a smile: "It is because of this that the officer and them are on good terms. Believe me, we will know the result in a short time. The officer will not let us down."

Chen Yi asked Chen Sihao a little puzzled: "Why do you think so highly of that officer? It can even be said that we became Officer Tang Long's subordinates under your persuasion. There is something worth following, if I can't quit, I would have left long ago."

Chen Sihao saw that many people nodded after hearing this, and he couldn't help but straighten his face and said: "You may not like Chief Tang Long's foolish and arrogant appearance, but now he doesn't show this in front of us anymore, This shows that he has noticed that we are somewhat dissatisfied with him." Hearing this, everyone thought about Tang Long's recent performance and nodded involuntarily.

Seeing what Chen Yi wanted to say, Chen Sihao stretched out his hand to stop her and said, "Let's not talk about this aspect. You may think that the chief has no ability, but you find out that he doesn't. The chief has hardly learned much, and he can command us to fight freely. Like just now he ordered the use of explosive bombs within the range of 12 front ranges. Everyone understands that if they explode at such a short distance, the battleship itself will suffer great damage. At that time, the number of fighter jets was 10, which could make our secondary artillery react However, even if we shoot them down, we will suffer more damage than the impact of the bombs, and we may even be sunk. And this can completely destroy the fighter planes around the battleship. People who cannot bear such damage, who have not experienced battles and are very familiar with the data of both the enemy and us, cannot make such a decision in a flash."

Elwah interrupted and said: "I also find it very strange, sir, he can respond the moment he gets the information, usually I report the number and level of the enemy's position, and the voice falls, and the sir can make a relatively favorable decision." Decision. It is impossible for a person who has just become a commander to have such reflex processing ability."

Chen Yi was stunned, but still dissatisfied and said: "But he didn't perform well in the joint operation training at all." Gina was on Chen Yi's side, and after she hurriedly pressed a few buttons Then he said: "Yes, you see, in the training of joint operations, we have not achieved any results at all, and Chief Tang Long doesn't know how to cooperate at all!"

Chen Sihao looked at the data on the screen and smiled: "It's not that the commander doesn't know how to cooperate, have you forgotten? During the joint operation training, we were dragged down many times by the inexplicable actions of the friendly ships, and we were in so many times. Was it shot down once in a joint operation?"

Seeing Gina lower her head, Li Lijun hurriedly shouted: "Of course not, but the friendly ships don't know how to cooperate. Can't the officer persuade them?"

Chen Sihao sighed: "We are all commanders at the same level. Do you think they are willing to obey the commander's command? I think we are all warships with second lieutenants as commanders. If we really appear on the battlefield, we will definitely be killed." The enemy was defeated. But I heard that when the time comes, everyone will return to the battalions to accept the command of the battalion commander. I believe it will not be so chaotic."

Li Lijun curled his lips: "There are only dozens of such self-propelled gunboats in a battalion. What is the attack effect if they are scattered? Warships like ours that only have powerful main guns should be used together to be effective. What do you think?"

Chen Sihao shook his head and said: "This is not something we little soldiers can understand. Anyway, we just need to obey the orders and survive."

Chen Yi hesitated for a while and said to Li Lijun: "You mean by saying so much that the chief is different? Can he let us survive on the real battlefield?"

Chen Sihao nodded and said with a smile: "Perhaps, you should have noticed that the commander has very superb command skills, and is also very able to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If the commander wants to surrender if he is surrounded, I will be on his side. "

When Chen Yi heard this, she curled her lips and muttered, "Surrender seems to be a matter of course. No wonder the government shouted all day long to cultivate patriotism."

Tang Long, who was walking with a pile of champagne, roast duck and other items, sneezed suddenly, wrinkled his nose and muttered, "It must be my subordinates who are talking bad about me, oh, how could the chief just want to take care of his subordinates?" I forced myself to oppress myself because of my mood, I really want to dance and curse loudly." Speaking of this, Tang Long shook his head mournfully.

"But for the sake of my lovely subordinates, I must show a majestic demeanor in front of them. Hehe, they will definitely be full of admiration for me after knowing what happened." Tang Long suddenly laughed when he thought of this.

Suddenly someone stopped Tang Long, and an enthusiastic voice rang in Tang Long's ears: "Wow, Boss Tang Long, why are you spending so much money?" Tang Long immediately showed a friendly smile when he heard this, because he knew Who is this guy. He smiled at the second lieutenant who stopped him: "Great, hurry up, help me get something." Then he stuffed the items in his hand into the second lieutenant's arms.

The second lieutenant happily took it, and turned around and shouted: "Come on, Boss Tang Long is giving us another meal!" Following his words, more than a dozen soldiers rushed over to greet Tang Long with smiles.

At this time, Tang Long was at the 21st channel and the 124th bayonet of a warship belonging to the 34th company of the base. Tang Long greeted these big guys with a smile while walking towards the lounge where the battleship belonged.

The soldiers took the items handed over by their officers and immediately laid them out in the lounge. Seeing several bottles of champagne and some delicious roast duck ham, the second lieutenant could not help swallowing and said to Tang Long: "Boss Tang Long, you really have a way to get these things. Our group of guys can nourish our intestines and stomach well." More than you, boss."

Tang Long patted the second lieutenant's shoulder and said with a smile: "My brother, why are you being polite. Come on, needless to say, the banquet is here!" The soldiers who had been waiting for a long time immediately cheered and began to bite the delicious food.

The second lieutenant held a glass of wine and said to Tang Long: "Boss, this wine is getting more and more delicious. I apologize to you for molesting your female subordinates for my subordinates." Tang Long touched his wine glass with his wine glass. , laughed and said: "What are the family talking about, let's just make a joke about it."

The second lieutenant nodded hurriedly and said, "Hehe, at that time we were afraid that you, the boss, would come to the door aggressively. At that time, I was so scared to death." He said with a worried and frightened expression.

"Haha, you bastard, am I going to get angry over these trivial things? I'll punish you for killing a bottle!" Tang Long laughed and patted the second lieutenant on the back.

The second lieutenant quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Yes, you should be punished!" He picked up a bottle and drank it vigorously.

Tang Long laughed and shouted to the soldiers who were drinking slowly like babies: "Brothers, drink with confidence, I brought a lot of good wine, don't worry about not having enough!" He dragged him in from outside the door. There were several boxes of wine, and those veterans and ruffians immediately cheered and grabbed them and drank one bottle at a time. Smiling and squinting their eyes, they didn't notice the playful light in Tang Long's eyes at the moment.

At this time, Chen Sihao and others were eating the army's customized fast food in the lounge to which their army belonged. Li Lijun rolled up a roll of dry fried noodles with a fork, stuffed them into his mouth, and muttered and cursed while chewing: "Damn, let's eat these chewy garbage obediently, those gangs The guy eats fish and meat every day, hum!" When he said that he was about to wipe out the food in front of him again, he suddenly found a deliciously roasted chicken leg and a large piece of ham on his dinner plate.

He raised his head in a daze, and found that Tang Long was holding a large bowl of delicious food with a serious face, distributing it to himself and others. All the people stopped moving and looked at Tang Long quietly. Although Li Lijun was drooling and swallowing non-stop, he, like everyone else, did not touch the extra food on the plate.

After Tang Long put a chicken leg and a piece of ham on everyone's dinner plate, he came to sit down at the table that had been empty for everyone these days.

Chen Yi was the first to point at the food on the plate and said sarcastically: "Why, sir, is it because the people in the 34th company are tired of eating, so you gave it to us?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Long's mouth. He didn't speak, but just looked at everyone quietly. At this moment, the sound of a patrol car whining suddenly came from outside. Li Lijun was the first to run out to watch, but apart from him, no one else moved, and they all sat quietly on chairs without making a sound. They are in a very uncomfortable mood now, and they are waiting for Tang Long to explain, so they are not in that mood.

After a while, Li Lijun ran in with a strange expression and shouted: "People from the 34th company got drunk and started sex with other companies. Now they are captured by the military police! I heard that they will be locked up for a few days."

Chen Yi stood up in disbelief and said, "Drunk? Can you get spirits in the barracks? Usually, the special supply is champagne that is as low in purity as a drink."

Chen Sihao looked at Tang Long who started to bite the chicken leg and said with a smile: "It seems that if the officer enters the political circle, he will be like a fish in water." Everyone was stunned when they heard this inexplicable words, and then immediately stared at Tang Long closely.

Tang Long took a bite of the chicken, winked at them and smiled, "Why don't you eat it? This is a celebration meal." Seeing Tang Long's appearance, Chen Yi's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly felt that the officer's smile was very evil. . She already knew that Tang Long used this method to vent anger for her subordinates, but it was really insidious to spend a lot of money and time to make friends with each other for this purpose. It's just that he doesn't know where he can find the network of people who manage materials

Chen Yi knew that if a soldier wanted to change his meals, he would have to spend money to curry favor with the logistics staff, otherwise it would be impossible to eat delicious food and drink wine. And this officer was able to get high-strength alcohol that even the material manager didn't have. It seemed that his network was surprisingly wide. But why is the person with such a network still a little second lieutenant

At this time, the old colonel, who was shaking the empty wine bottle, felt that it was not enjoyable enough, so he opened his secret collection room, and prepared to enjoy the bottle collection. But as soon as he opened it, his face immediately turned green, because the storage room, which originally held nearly a hundred bottles of spirits, was actually empty!

The old man jumped up and cursed: "Damn! Which bastard stole all my wine? Who did it? Can't even stop 30 password security lines?!"

After the old man learned about the drunkenness of the 34th company, he immediately ran to check. Although he knew that they did not steal his wine, he still felt distressed when he saw the empty bottles that belonged to him and the strong smell of alcohol in the room. He yelled at the people of the 34th company.

The next day, when Tang Long was just preparing for today's combat training, the old man was already waiting for him. When Tang Long saw the old man, he didn't show any expression. He ordered Chen Sihao and the others to get on the boat and train on their own with a flat expression. Then he walked up to the old man and bowed, then looked at the old man quietly.

The old man picked up the bottle and took a sip, but quickly spat it out. He shook the bottle at Tang Long and said viciously, "Boy, you are so cruel that you actually made me drink champagne that is like a drink!"

Tang Long didn't say anything, just smiled, took out a palm-sized wine bottle from his military uniform, and handed it over. When the old man's originally cloudy eyes saw the label of the bottle of wine, they immediately radiated light. He snatched it away, twisted off the bottle cap, and took a deep breath with his nose. It took a long time before he sighed with satisfaction and said, "Fragrant and pure, it is indeed the sim wine that has been preserved for a hundred years." When the old man said this, he suddenly stared at Tang Long and said, "It has been forbidden to go out here, how did you get in here?" What? And a bottle of this kind of wine is worth 20,000 yuan on the market, you, a little second lieutenant, don't have that much money, do you?"

Tang Long showed a kind smile and said: "This is an apology from the official. This kind of wine should be much better than the wine in your collection, right?"

The old man looked at Tang Long with weird eyes, and subconsciously raised the wine bottle and took a sip. After drinking, he immediately closed his eyes and showed a comfortable expression. After a while, the old man opened his eyes and smiled at Tang Long: "Yes, all my collections are not as good as this bottle of wine." After speaking, he left humming a little tune.

Tang Long, who was still full of sternness, suddenly showed a frustrated expression, and muttered to the old man's back: "You are good, I exchanged a cheap wine for a bottle of fine wine worth 20,000 yuan. Woohoo, for my sake My subordinates spent all the money in the card in one fell swoop, is it worth it?" Tang Long flexed his fingers and said, "Four thousand dollars to buy the logistics chief, twenty thousand dollars to buy a bottle of wine, woo woo, I changed You've become a pauper!" Tang Long walked towards the battleship while beeping dejectedly, "Oh, when will the second lieutenant's salary be paid?" The logistics staff stared blankly at this weird second lieutenant.

After Tang Long boarded the battleship, his expression immediately became cold, and he came to the command platform and sat down expressionlessly. Chen Sihao and the others glanced at each other with suspicion in their eyes, but they still obediently did not ask the chief what the old man was doing, but quietly waited for Tang Long's order.

Tang Long said casually: "Let's start." He put on the helmet. Everyone who heard the order immediately became busy, and no one paid attention to what Tang Long was doing.

"Eldest sister, how did you find out that the old man likes sim wine?" Tang Long spoke to Xing Ling who appeared in the helmet in a very low voice. Although Xingling had told him long ago that he didn't have to worry about other people hearing what he said, Tang Long was afraid that his subordinates would think he was crazy when they heard him talking to himself, so he said it in a low voice every time.

Xing Ling smiled and said, "Because he is from Planet Sim, he likes Sim wine very much."

Tang Long asked puzzledly: "Then why did you deliberately steal all his wine and buy good wine as an apology for him? Without evidence, he can't do anything to me."

Xingling waved his fingers and said, "You are so stupid, he is the one with the most powerful logistics management ability in the Federation. Impress him now, and it will help you in the future."

"What's the use of being the most capable in logistics management? Can you be better than a computer? Now it only takes one command to make the computer in charge of logistics work faithfully." Tang Long pouted.

Xingling shook his head and said, "You, I haven't asked people much, so I don't understand. Computers are dead, and they can only provide logistics services according to orders, but it is people who need these services. Of course, there will be various computers that don't take care of them. There are problems. Besides, the deployment of some materials requires the approval of the administrator, which also requires people to establish friendship, otherwise do you think that when the computer sends out a request, the person in charge of the management will truthfully allocate the required items?"

"Yeah? Isn't it like this? Then why do you say it is automated management?" Tang Long said very puzzled.

"Really, don't even understand this? Are human beings willing to obey the management of computers? It's me..." Xingling hurriedly said: "The federal central computer is as powerful as it is, and it is only responsible for providing various data. The specific decision-making is still It's up to people to decide."

Tang Long nodded in a sudden realization, changed the subject and said, "Sister, how is my performance this time? Those guys are in confinement."

Xingling looked at Tang Long strangely for a long time before saying, "I never thought that you, a seemingly ignorant guy, would stab someone in the back while greeting people with a smile. It's really sinister."

Tang Long said with a cheerful smile: "Hey, my instructor once taught me that only by letting the enemy lose guard against me can I attack the enemy better. Hehe, I have learned a bloody lesson about this. Let me tell you, the instructor Let me remember these, and use all kinds of despicable means to murder me." Tang Long began to talk about the training base.

Looking at Tang Long's complacent and boastful appearance, Xingling couldn't help listening quietly with a smile. Although she knew everything about Tang Long at the training base of the 23rd Regiment, she didn't know how it happened, but she still felt that it was more interesting to say it from Tang Long's mouth.

In the federal capital Teren Star, the federal presidential palace, a middle-aged man with a beardless face and a little fat, that is, the federal president—Namha, is sitting on a large chair with a smile, looking at a tall man in front of him. A middle-aged man with a big belly that was about to burst through his suit, and looked a bit pig-headed.

The obese middle-aged man said flatteringly: "Your Excellency, this time I am here on behalf of our company to thank you for allowing our company to monopolize the right to manufacture self-propelled gunboats." He took out a car from the inner pocket of his suit. Holding the key in both hands, he placed it carefully on the table, and said softly, "This is 5 tons."

Namha opened one eye, glanced at the keys on the table, his hand didn't move, he still rested his chin. He smiled and said: "The marshal originally disagreed with the development of this kind of weapon. I didn't like to intervene in the affairs of the military department, but someone in the military department suggested to me that this self-propelled gunship is a kind of weapon. It is a cheap and high-quality thing, and in order to greatly increase the federal military strength, I also used the authority of the president to ask the Marshal to allocate the production costs. This has caused a rift in the relationship between me and the Marshal."

The obese middle-aged man took out a handkerchief and wiped his cold sweat. Then he took out another key, handed it over respectfully, and said softly again: "There are also 5 tons inside."

Namha's smile grew wider. He put his hands down and pressed the two keys, and smiled at the obese middle-aged man: "I heard that the military department of self-propelled gunships ordered 10,000 ships. I don't know how much one will cost." Where's the money?"

Seeing the cold light in Namha's eyes, the obese middle-aged man couldn't help being shocked. He hurriedly flattered and said, "That's...that's about 100 million."

Namha pretended to be surprised and said: "I heard that the military department bought one with 200 million federal currency. Oh, it seems that you earn quite a lot." Speaking of this, Namha withdrew his hand , did not take the key, but put his hands on his chest, quietly looking at the fat middle-aged man.

The fat middle-aged man hurriedly bowed and said, "I'm sorry Your Excellency, I forgot that there are three keys left at home and I haven't brought them with me. I'll fetch them for you later."

Hearing this, Namha finally showed a satisfied smile, got up and came to the side of the fat middle-aged man, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Hehe, I heard that the military department plans to buy another 100,000 self-propelled gunboats to equip the army."

The obese middle-aged man smiled happily when he heard it, nodded and bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Excellency, for your cultivation."

Namha nodded and went back to press a button on the table. The door opened immediately, and a young man with black framed glasses and an ordinary appearance wearing a close-fitting black suit, white shirt, and black tie walked in.

Namha pointed to the two keys on the table, and said to the young man: "Secretary Zhang, the big boss told me to lend me five transport vehicles to transport things. These are the keys to two of them, and the remaining three Leave the key at home, the big boss, and go with him to get it back."

The young man went forward to get the key first, then bowed to Namha, then waved to the fat middle-aged man and said, "Please, sir."

The obese middle-aged man hurriedly nodded and said with a smile: "I dare not be, Secretary Zhang is really young and promising, please." Then he walked out of the room with the young man.

Namha took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff, and said to himself: "25 tons, 250 billion? It's just enough for the advertising expenses of the campaign." The largest banknote in the Federation is 10,000 yuan. It is said that A 10,000 yuan banknote weighs one gram, and one ton is equal to 10 billion. Since civilians use bank cards for consumption, few people own and use 10,000 yuan banknotes, so the role of banknotes is not only used for trade with foreign countries, but also for bribery. Because these bribes are cash transactions that do not pass through the bank, the supervisory department can't find any clues at all, so they are the favorite of officials at all levels. At the same time, weight is used to represent the amount of money in order not to be eavesdropped.

Namha took another breath of the cigarette, looked at the rising smoke, and said to himself: "There are still two months until the presidential election, and my seat is not hot yet, so I have to sit for a few more years. .”