Tales of Soldier

Chapter 22


The battleship Tang Long was on was under the command of the battleship group, and slowly moved forward, ranking behind the battleship group. At this moment, Tang Long and the others were stunned when they saw the image displayed on the screen. It was a long time before Tang Long sighed and said: "This is the well-known death zone." Everyone didn't say anything when they heard this, but quietly looked at the wreckage of some warships that they occasionally saw, and the galaxy like the Milky Way in the distance.

The galaxy in the distance is called the Kesla Galaxy, which is the front line connecting the Silver Eagle Empire to the Wanluo Federation. And the nearly 20 light-year empty zone between the federal bone dragon cloud galaxy and the Kesla galaxy is the so-called death zone. This name was obtained in the previous war between the Federation and the Silver Eagle Empire. In this zone, the two countries have sunk nearly a million warships of various classes for a long time, and the number of humans who have become cosmic dust here has reached hundreds. staggering billions. Of course, this figure is not particularly alarming given the combined population of nearly ten trillion people in the two countries.

Since the battleship hadn't arrived yet, Tang Long and the others had no choice but to stay in the battleship in a daze. I don't know how long it took, Tang Long, who was originally staying at the edge of the battleship group, was also wrapped up by the rushing battleship and became the central part of the battleship group. At this time, the screen B sounded, and the head of the trainer Li Nasha appeared, and everyone stood up and saluted. And Tang Long even pricked up his ears, because the appearance of Linasha meant that all the warships had arrived.

Linasha just casually returned the salute. It is impossible for her to know whether the soldiers on the battleship have returned the salute. This communication was only released unilaterally, and she cannot see the appearance of the crew on the ten thousand battleships. No way, the base screen cannot display 10,000 screen images. Even if it can be displayed, the viewer will think it is the same as if there is no image, the image is too small.

Her somewhat icy voice came from the loudspeaker: "Now our first actual combat training is conducted in this so-called death zone. I believe you all know that this zone is full of wrecks of warships, and even some , the density formed is very thick, and the energy group that has not disappeared so far. Therefore, when you are training, you must pay attention to avoiding these floating objects in the universe. Then, every 1000 ships are a group, divided into 10 groups for mixed battles, each The captain of the first ship in the group is the commander of the group."

When Linasha said this, ten groups of long numbers appeared on the screen, and Tang Long hurriedly shouted: "Quick! See if I am the commander!"

Adjutant Gina said without even looking at the screen: "Sir, our number is 512 and we belong to the first group. It is impossible for you to become the group commander."

The liaison officer Chen Yi said: "The commander of the No. 1 battleship sent a message, let us move to S23X12Z34Y45 for group rendezvous."

"What?! The base just issued the order, and that guy sent the order so quickly? Did he know that he was the commander of the team?" Tang Long shouted in surprise.

And the pilot Mary didn't wait for Tang Long's order at all, entered the position directly, started the battleship and began to approach. She would be so direct because the base had ordered No. 1 ship to be the flagship of the group. According to the usual practice, the execution of the order was given priority by the flagship. Of course, it was also because she knew that although Tang Long was very arrogant, he would still obey orders.

Now Mary was about to listen to Tang Long's order to set off in a weak tone, and Mary had grasped that Tang Long would immediately become weak if he was disappointed. Sure enough, Tang Long waved his hand weakly, collapsed on the chair, opened his mouth, as if he was about to say those two words.

But Mary was disappointed, because Tang Long jumped up suddenly as if he suddenly remembered something, and shouted in panic: "The shield is activated! The radar scans at full power! The battleship sinks rapidly!"

Everyone was stunned, but still carried out Tang Long's order reflexively. The battleship sank rapidly and the protective cover was activated. This action made the people on the battleship that started to move around look at Tang Long's battleship a little strangely. The battleship staying below Tang Long hurriedly dodged, of course, while cursing his mother while dodging.

After Tang Long shouted out the above orders, he immediately shouted at Chen Yi: "Turn on all channels and tell them the enemy is coming!" Chen Yi just pressed a few buttons, and when he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help but stop and raise At first, he looked at Tang Long in surprise.

Everyone in the ship stopped when they heard this, and looked at Tang Long in disbelief. Seeing Tang Long's serious face, Liu Sihao couldn't help hesitating for a moment before asking radar officer Elwa: "Eylwa, what did you find?"

Elwah, who was staring at the radar closely, shook his head suspiciously and said: "There is nothing, within 10 million light miles nearby, there is no shadow of any enemy." Walking at the speed of light, one second is one light-mile. During space warfare, This is the basic unit for measuring distance.

But Chen Yi said dissatisfiedly: "Sir, you will go to a military court for falsely reporting military information." When Elwah said that there was no enemy situation, Mary also stopped controlling the sinking of the battleship. Everyone looked at Tang Long and waited. he explained.

Tang Long ignored everyone's gaze, but shouted at Elwa: "Idiot! Use the light energy radar system!" Then he shouted at Chen Yi: "Quick! Tell them to open the protective cover! This is an order! "

Hearing Tang Long's anxious tone, Elwa was stunned for a moment, but he immediately switched the metal thermal energy detection radar system to the light energy detection radar system. But Chen Yi didn't carry out Tang Long's order right away, she still had to wait for Elwa to see if she could find anything. She and Tang Long had been in contact with each other for a few months, and there was a gap between them. Now that barrier has only disappeared for a few days, and he still doesn't trust Tang Long very much in his heart, and will not carry out Tang Long's orders unconditionally.

Everyone who was looking at Elwah suddenly noticed that Elwah's face turned dead gray, and he shouted: "Cold energy laser light!" Everyone was surprised and also found that on the screen, there was a wave of light coming from the Kesla galaxy. The light of the star suddenly became brighter and brighter, and the alarm system on the ship began to whine. That's not the light from stars, but laser light!

Everyone knows that cold energy laser light is a kind of nuclear energy cannon. As the name suggests, it is a strange energy that does not emit heat. Objects shot by this kind of radium will be decomposed into particles silently. In addition to being detected by light energy radar, metal thermal energy radar is useless at all.

Tang Long just shouted: "Defense!" The screen of the battleship was filled with white light. Then the hull vibrated continuously, and the computer system equipped on the battleship immediately said in an emotionless voice: "The energy of the shield has dropped to 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%..." With the violent vibration of the hull, Vibration, this number is getting less and less, when the battleship stops vibrating, the energy of the shield is only 20%.

Although this scene only passed in a few seconds, everyone felt as if it had lasted for decades. After getting up in shock, everyone hurriedly began to detect the damage of the battleship. And Chen Yi, who was deeply regretful, began to contact other warships. However, when everyone was busy, they secretly looked at Tang Long standing on the command stage. They couldn't figure out why Tang Long could know in advance.

Tang Long pressed his ear lightly, and a tiny earplug was stuffed into his ear, which Xing Ling forced him to wear in order to be able to talk to him directly at any time, because the holographic helmet cannot be worn all day long. Just now Xingling notified him that the enemy had fired cold laser light. Although Xingling could directly display it on the screen, she didn't want others to know her existence. After all, it is impossible for the computer systems on these battleships to be powerful enough to detect the laser beams that were fired in advance from tens of millions of lights tens of minutes ago. For her, as long as Tang Long survived, it was enough, and she didn't bother to care about the life and death of other people.

Of course, Xing Ling knew that as long as the protective cover was turned on, it would be impossible for the laser light, which had traveled thousands of miles and had begun to weaken, to break through the self-propelled gunboat's protective cover. Therefore, after opening the protective cover, he could easily appreciate the changes in Tang Long's expression.

"Report sir, the systems of the main gun, auxiliary gun, and torpedo launch port are not damaged and are in good condition." The maintenance worker Silga shouted happily after checking the data. He didn't expect that the weapon system of the battleship was intact after bearing such a violent blow.

"Report sir, the power of the protective cover has dropped to 20%, the energy converter is damaged, and the main energy support cannot be used." The maintenance worker Lan Wente said with an ugly expression. Hearing this, the faces of the people who were also full of joy immediately turned ugly. When the protective cover is 100%, this self-propelled gunship can withstand a single shot from the C-class destroyer's main gun without being destroyed, but now the 20% protective cover may not even be able to withstand a salvo from the A-class patrol boat.

Tang Long didn't care about this, and waved his hand and said: "Try to repair the converter. Chen Yi immediately notified the base that we were attacked by the enemy and informed the location. Mary was going to let the battleship jump out of this area, and Elwah controlled the radar to detect the enemy. position, Liu Sihao immediately checks the number of enemy warships, and Gina clears up the damage of our side! Other personnel are on alert!" By recording the number of energy beams just now and comparing them with the enemy's warship data, the number of enemy warships can be easily calculated Yes, this is essential knowledge for soldiers.

"Yes, sir!" Lanwent and Silga immediately jumped up from their seats, got into the maintenance passage, and began to try to repair the energy converter. Everyone else immediately carried out Tang Long's order, and now they didn't have any doubts about Tang Long's order. Although they still didn't understand why Tang Long could predict the occurrence of these things, of course they also knew that now was not the time to inquire, so they could only be temporarily bored in their hearts.

Tang Long pressed a skin-colored sticker on his Adam's apple, and whispered using his Adam's apple to vibrate, "Sister, why would the enemy use cold laser light? Did they know we were gathering here?" Ordinary cold laser guns Only warships above cruisers can equip them, and of course not many, because cold laser light consumes a lot of energy, and warships equipped with this kind of nuclear cannon can only fire two volleys of exclusive energy. If there were all these cannons, they would be disarmed after firing.

Xingling's voice came into Tang Long's ears, but of course no one could hear it except Tang Long: "The enemy's target is not you, they use cold laser light to eliminate the wreckage of warships floating in the universe, that is to say, they are sweeping away aisle."

Tang Long was startled, the wreckage of the battleships in this death zone can effectively block the movement speed of the battleship group, because it is impossible to jump at all. If there is a wreck of a warship where the jump occurs, the jumping warship will fuse with that wreck, that is, it will become a warship with a strange shape, and it will 100% explode. Although the function of the battleship can directly jump over this death zone that is only 20 light years away, there is no defense line on the federal border connecting the death zone. Otherwise, blocked by the defense line, all the warships that jumped over from the empire would appear in the death zone and merge with the wreckage of those warships.

This means that the enemy is preparing to open a channel quietly and then attack quickly, because only this method can immediately appear on the defense line of the federal border. The defense lines on the borders of the two countries are set on the periphery of the death zone. If the death zone is included in the defense line, one's warships are likely to jump directly into the death zone, which will result in unnecessary sacrifices.

Tang Long immediately ordered to Elwa: "Scan three-dimensionally in the direction of the enemy's laser, I want the image there!" When Elwa obeyed, Gina said bitterly: "Report sir, our remaining There are only... more than 1,000 warships in existence." Hearing this, everyone stopped what they were doing, and stared blankly at the warships that were densely packed, but now they are empty around. In just a few seconds, there are more than 1,000 warships left.

At this time, looking from the distance of the universe, you can see that there is a big hole in the middle of the battleship group where Tang Long and his self-propelled gunboats are located. It can be said that the only survivors are the battleships that have started to move just now and are on the periphery of the big hole. But within the scope of the big hole, only Tanglong, a battleship, existed, and the others all turned into cosmic dust.

Since the defense cover consumes a lot of energy, it is usually closed except when it is opened during fierce battles, so these defenseless warships disappeared so completely. Chen Yi, who was in contact with the base, saw this and couldn't help biting her lips to bleed. She was complaining to herself, if she carried out Tang Long's order without hesitation, even if not many people would pay attention, there would always be a few warships that would open The protective cover thus escaped unharmed.

Liu Sihao, who had already counted the number of opponents, saw Chen Yi's appearance, came to her side and patted her on the shoulder, gave her an encouraging look, and reported to Tang Longhui after seeing Chen Yi nodding knowingly: "Sir, according to calculations, the laser light this time is the result of two salvos fired by 10,000 cruisers or 3,000 battleships."

"10,000 cruisers! 3,000 battleships!" Tang Long was taken aback. Although he had known for a long time that the enemy must have used a huge fleet of battleships to create such a huge laser beam, he had never expected such a terrifying fleet of battleships. According to the information I know, the enemy's military strength can be compared with the entire military strength of the Bone Dragon Cloud galaxy. Is the enemy ready to attack in an all-round way

At this moment, Chen Yi shouted: "Sir, the base requires a call." As she spoke, Linasha's appearance appeared on the screen. At this time, she was no longer cold, but a shocked expression that could not be concealed.

Linasha even forgot to return Tang Long's salute. She said eagerly: "Tang Long, have we been attacked by the enemy? How about our losses? How many enemies are there?" Since it was Tang Long's first One contacted Linasha. Although Linasha received contact requests from other warships, she still talked to Tang Long first.

Tang Long nodded heavily and said: "Yes, we were hit by the enemy's cold laser light launched in advance at the rendezvous point, and lost 90% of the battleships. After the light beam inspection, there were only 10,000 cruisers or 3,000 ships. Only a battleship can emit such powerful laser light. It is impossible for the enemy to bring these two kinds of battleships alone, according to the routine, at least two reinforced fleet groups."

When Linasha heard these terrifying numbers, she immediately changed her color and shouted: "Hurry up and evacuate..." But just as she said this, the screen was forcibly divided into two halves. On one side is a middle-aged soldier with an indifferent and majestic expression.

There were three shining gold stars hanging on the shoulders of this middle-aged soldier. Before Tang Long could react, the general saluted and said in a cold voice: "I am the commander of the Bone Dragon Cloud Galaxy Group Army, Gu Ao Admiral, our army command has received the news from you, and the army has also begun to mobilize. However, it takes 4 hours for the main fleet of the army to reach the death zone, and it takes 1 hour for the skeleton fleet to arrive. I take the bone dragon The identity order of the commander-in-chief of the cloud group army galaxy-promote the rank of all officers and soldiers of the self-propelled gunship to one level. I hope that all brave fighters will do their best to prevent the enemy fleet from reaching the defense line and buy the necessary time for our army. As long as you support for an hour, the skeleton can Starfleet will be there!"

"It must have been the liaison officers of other warships who notified the military region, and the military region notified the group army headquarters. This admiral must have eavesdropped on your conversation with the lieutenant colonel, otherwise he wouldn't have been so well-informed and chose the right time to cut in accurately. "Xing Ling muttered to Tang Long, Tang Long of course just listened to him and didn't talk to him.

All the people were dumbfounded when they heard this. Except for Tang Long and others who knew the enemy's details, the officers and soldiers of the remaining warships cheered loudly because they had been promoted.

"Please wait, Admiral, 1,000 self-propelled gunboats can't withstand such a huge fleet! Moreover, they are still in training and have no combat experience at all. Please let them retreat!" Linasha said excitedly to this shouted the Admiral.

At this time, Xingling's words came from Tang Long's ears: "The contact between the general and the lieutenant colonel, except for our battleship, other warships can only see the image of the general. Ah, the lieutenant colonel. It will turn off the function of him and the lieutenant colonel to broadcast the sound to other warships, it seems that they don't want others to hear what they say later."

Tang Long saw the general move his hand, and then only saw his mouth move, but he didn't make a sound. He hurriedly shook his throat and said: "Sister, can we just let our warship hear what the admiral and the lieutenant colonel said?" Tang Long knew that the less people knew about some things, the better, but he was very curious and wanted to know, so That's why I said so. He would do this because he thought that if something happened, his subordinates could take it with him.

"Hehe, of course, I'm also quite curious." Following Xingling's voice, a conversation between the admiral and the lieutenant colonel came out from the loudspeaker of the Tanglong warship.

The admiral said indifferently to Linasha: "Lieutenant Colonel, your training mission has been completed, and now I have taken over the command of the self-propelled gunship."

Linasha showed a surprised look and said, "Impossible, isn't there still more than ten days left?"

The general continued to say indifferently: "This is the order just issued by the Marshal. Your mission, Lieutenant Colonel, has been completed. According to the agreement, you will return to the fighter brigade of the group army as the commander. Please leave quickly, because the war is coming soon. gone."

Linasha looked unbelievable, and she muttered to herself a little bit lost: "This is impossible, how could he issue such an order in the first place!"

The general frowned when he heard this, and he said dissatisfiedly: "This is because I applied to the Marshal at the first time, so the Marshal was able to issue the correct order at the first time. Well, obey the order, I believe you are a standard soldier." After he finished speaking, his shoulders moved again, and under Xing Ling's explanation, Tang Long knew that the admiral had resumed the voice transmission between him and the warships.

The admiral's eyes showed a chilling light, and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, this is a battle that concerns the rise and fall of our country, I hope you will use the noble style of the soldiers of the Wanluo Federation to firmly intercept the enemy. As long as you support until the arrival of reinforcements, the glory and status belong to you. But... "

The general paused deliberately when he said this, the cold light in his eyes became brighter, and his voice became colder: "If anyone dares to run away, no matter who they are, they can kill the retreater immediately. If someone protects such a cowardly soldier, the military The court will impose severe punishment on those who support you! Well, I hope you will fight bravely, and the glory of victory will be with you!" After speaking, his image disappeared.

At this time, Linasha looked at Tang Long and the others with a painful expression. After a long time, Linasha said: "I'm sorry, please take care." She also turned off the communication.

Linasha stared blankly at the pitch-black screen, while Qina looked at her worriedly and did not dare to make a sound. They knew that the officers and soldiers of the self-propelled gunboat would be wiped out. Is my hard work during this period just sending hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers to a battlefield where there is no chance of winning? Why did such a thing happen? Knowing that the self-propelled gunboat can't stop the enemy's offensive at all, even if it can't stop it for a minute, why does the military department issue such an order

They have too many questions at this time, such as why the assembly point of the battleship is attacked by the laser light launched by the enemy in advance? Was the news about the rendezvous point leaked? Impossible, this rendezvous point was just randomly selected temporarily. Is it really just a random accident? In any case, the originally lofty image in Linasha's heart began to crack slowly during the days when she was in charge of the self-propelled naval gun, and now it completely collapsed after learning the order.

After a long time, Linasha said in a trembling voice: "Let's go, let's go back to our own battlefield." Qina understood the chief's current mood very well, so she could only nod bitterly.

Everyone stared blankly at the empty screen, and Tang Long, who was the first to react, scratched his head and muttered, "Why did you hear what the general said? It's like what was played on TV. Those imperial generals used it to encourage soldiers to die. What did you say?"

At this time, everyone who woke up began to do their own things with full of thoughts. They all knew that relying on 1,000 self-propelled gunboats to intercept the two reinforced fleets with 10,000 cruisers and above battleships was equivalent to an unarmed baby and Two heavily armed men fighting. What the result is, everyone knows it well.

At this time, Mary brought a news that made everyone look ashamed: "Sir, the jump system has been destroyed, and this ship can only use the normal navigation function." Fly away from the area slowly, rather than jumping straight away. Even if it flies at the speed of light, it will take dozens of hours to return to the territory of the Federation.

And Lan Wente and the others, who came out of the maintenance channel with disgruntled faces, said even worse: "Sir, the energy converter is completely damaged, and the current parts cannot be repaired at all." Everyone's cold hearts became even colder. Yes, this shows that this battleship can only face the two reinforced fleets with a shield of 20% power. Simply put, as long as it is hit by a single shot, everyone will turn into cosmic dust.

At this time, in the conference room of Xingling Base in the distant capital of Wanluo Federation, the military and political summit meeting of the Federation is going on. Since this is considered the safest place in the entire Federation, senior officials like to hold meetings here.

All present here are senior officials from both the military and the government. The atmosphere here is very heavy. Everyone is looking at the galaxy map in front of them. At the junction of the Federation and the Empire, there are a few blue light spots on the side of the Federation, and although there are red light spots the size of glass beads on the side of the Empire, they are very small compared to the blue light spots. huge. Seeing this, the civil servants involuntarily took out their handkerchiefs and wiped their sweat-free foreheads.

The Federation President Namha, who was sitting in the first seat, asked Olmster with a gloomy face: "How is the army of the Skeleton Dragon Cloud galaxy mobilized?"

Olmsted pressed a button on the table in front of him, and then said to the yellow dots scattered around the blue dots on the galaxy map, but it could be seen that they were slowly gathering: "Need It takes four hours to get to the border, but the fleet of the Shike Military District stationed on the defense line can arrive within an hour."

Namha frowned and pointed to the blue dots and said, "Can these one thousand self-propelled gunboats stop the imperial army for an hour?" , actually found this time to start a war. And no matter what the final result of this battle is, judging from the current situation, it is destined to be attacked by the enemy into the border. Even if the enemy can be wiped out at that time, the fact of being invaded by the enemy will become a stain on his administration, which is a great disadvantage to himself who is preparing to run for re-election.

Olmster shook his head and said: "It's like asking a few ants to stop the progress of two big mice. Even with the Keke fleet guarding the defense line, it is impossible to stop them. After all, they are two Strengthen the fleet, so our combat deployment is near the star Li Ke.” Then he pressed the button a few more times, and the final assembly point of those yellow bright spots appeared on the star map, and it can be seen that the fleet near the blue dot originally represented the star Li Ke A yellow bright spot of , moves back, and after stopping, it will be separated from the blue dot by a long distance.

"Well, those self-propelled gunboats are used to confuse the enemy, making the enemy think that reinforcements are coming soon, because no one will use such a weak force to intercept the army. And this kind of thinking makes them sure after destroying the self-propelled gunboat They will move forward slowly, thereby delaying us a little bit of time." Namha is not an idiot, and soon understood why the self-propelled gunboat was used to intercept the two huge enemy fleets.

But he still worried and asked: "Is that enough fleet to participate in the decisive battle?" Now that he knew that he couldn't stop the enemy from entering the federal territory, he had no choice but to pray that he could stop the enemy at the frontline military base, Huo Kexing. There are not many citizens on this planet, and he will order the army to relocate a very small number of citizens to the interior immediately, so that he can rely on the capital of no civilian casualties to win votes.

Olmsted nodded and said: "Orders have been issued to all galaxies to let all aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers and other high-level warships of the Federation armies go to the planet Skeleton, and this will take two days. As long as the bone dragon The army of the Yun galaxy can support the star for two days, and the victory must belong to us. At that time, we can also take advantage of the victory and make a large-scale counterattack, and may even occupy the Kesla galaxy. Compared with the strong combat power of our entire federation, the victory The 100,000 warships in the Sla galaxy are simply not enough to see."

Hearing Olmsted say such frivolous words, Chen Yu's eyebrows twitched, his eyes showed a suspicious light, but it disappeared quickly, and he pretended to listen to Olmsted's words with a concentrated expression.

After Olmsted finished speaking, he pressed the button again. At this time, countless yellow dots appeared in the territory of the Federation on the star map. These yellow dots gathered on the star and turned into a yellow dot as big as a skull. The big yellow dot slowly began to move forward, and the two red dots, which were as big as glass beads, were swallowed up by the yellow dot immediately, and then the yellow dot moved to the Kesla galaxy and stopped.

Seeing this scene, Namha's eyes began to light up, and he felt that his throne was more stable. He smiled kindly at Olmsted: "Thanks for your hard work, Marshal, I hope you will make great contributions to the Federation again." Olmsted hurriedly nodded and said that he would definitely do so. But Olmsted sneered secretly in his heart. He knew that he, who was caught by everyone to massacre civilians, was a tool that was neither dangerous nor very useful in the minds of these officials.

Namha, who let go of this aspect, began to shift his mind to other aspects. He looked at Chen Yu, the Minister of State Security on the civil servant's side, and said coldly: "Minister Chen, what does your intelligence department do? You don't even know the enemy is attacking! If it wasn't for the self-propelled gunship training there , the enemy is approaching the city, we still don't know what happened! And if there is no information from the self-propelled gunboats that the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in exchange for their lives, it is impossible for us to know the detailed number of enemy warships, and it is impossible to immediately formulate a counterattack plan .What explanation do you have for this?"

Chen Yu hurriedly stood up, wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, lowered his head and said in a panic: "Please forgive me, Your Excellency. In fact, I have reported to you not long ago that the Empire has stationed two troops in Keslaxin. Fleet, at that time the intelligence officer reported that the capital of the empire was a little abnormal. After analysis, it was judged that the princes were fighting for power. Therefore, the officials and the military department all thought that they strengthened the border troops to prevent our country from taking the opportunity to invade. So we Just in case, let Li Kexing be on guard, but the enemy hasn't moved at all in the past few months, and our side has become lax, and the lower officials apologized to the President for their own insensitivity."

Seeing Chen Yu's pitiful look, Namuha felt very comfortable. He nodded and said, "Forget it this time, remember not to relax in the future, and strengthen the collection of information about the empire."

Chen Yu hurriedly flattered: "Yes, I must obey the teachings of your Excellency the President, never let up, and work hard to collect information about the empire." Namha nodded in satisfaction, but did not see Chen Yu who was bowing his head at all. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.