Tales of Soldier

Chapter 24


All the people stared blankly at the floating wreckage, they did not expect that 2,000 enemy warships could be wiped out so easily. Liu Sihao and the others looked at Tang Long who was quietly sitting on the command chair with unbelievable eyes. Seeing that still cold expression, they had no choice but to swallow what they originally wanted to ask.

They were very surprised, why didn't the officer show any joyful expression at such a victory? Suddenly they remembered the number of enemies they had detected. These two thousand warships were just the vanguard of the enemy, and the next big force was about to enter the battle. How could they be happy? So they immediately returned to their posts with serious faces.

But when they were getting ready to work, they suddenly heard a series of sneering sneers. Looking back, they found Tang Long with his eyes closed and a cold smile shaking from the corners of his mouth. That sneer came from Tang Long's mouth.

When everyone was amazed, Tang Long suddenly opened his mouth and laughed wildly: "Ahahahaha, I am so powerful, I can wipe out the enemy so easily, I admire myself so much." Said and sat on the chair , holding up his limbs and dancing excitedly.

Everyone lost their minds at this moment, and after a while, they softly rubbed their foreheads, ignored Tang Long, and turned around to get busy with their own affairs.

Tang Long jumped up excitedly and shouted: "The whole world obeys the order, move me to the above position immediately, and prepare to snipe the next wave of enemies!" The map of the galaxy immediately showed the places where the ships were going to arrive.

When everyone on the ship looked at the light spots of the instructions, they could see that Tang Long required all the warships to form a three-dimensional circle and surround the wreckage of the safe passage. It seems that they want to snipe the enemy up, down, left, and right at this blocking point.

Mary immediately followed the order to drive the battleship to move to the set location, but the battleship just moved, and Chen Yi shouted in a panic: "Sir, other battleships jointly sent a message, refusing to move, and asked to talk to you."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and Tang Long shouted even more angrily: "What are they idiots doing? Don't hurry up and get in position, the enemy is coming!" Speaking of this, Tang Long waved his hand in dissatisfaction Said: "Turn on the communication, I want to see why they refuse to move!"

As soon as the screen changed, a 30-year-old second lieutenant officer appeared. He blushed when he saw Tang Long didn't salute, pointed at Tang Long and shouted: "What are you doing?! Didn't you mean to scare them? How can you scare them?" All destroyed! Do you want to put us to death?!"

Tang Long's angry look disappeared long ago, he shrugged, spread his hands with a helpless expression and said: "I didn't know that the warships of the Silver Eagle Empire were so bad, but two torpedoes can take care of one. But isn’t it good? We’ve done a great job.”

The second lieutenant's eyes were about to pop out, and he shouted angrily: "What a great achievement! The country has abandoned us, and now there are two fleets coming in from behind the enemy. Can our self-propelled gunboats resist it?" ? Originally you planned to surrender at the beginning, and we people are very happy to accept it, but now that so many enemy warships have been wiped out, what do you say?"

Tang Long smiled: "Oh, so you not only know that the country has abandoned us, but also the number of enemies." These captains are not idiots. Know what's going on. As for the number of enemies, they also obtained it from the computer when they were connected to the Tanglong battleship, so they tended to surrender.

Tang Long continued to laugh and said: "Isn't this very good? We used this thousand cannon fodder warships to destroy two thousand regular enemy warships. Didn't we show our value to the enemy? We will be treated better if we surrender at that time." .”

The second lieutenant looked at Tang Long, and asked suspiciously: "Really? Wouldn't the enemy become angry because of the loss of two thousand warships and refuse to accept the surrender and destroy us?"

Tang Long waved his hand cheerfully: "Of course not, we are so good, how could they be willing to kill us? Follow the instructions to reach the predetermined location, we have to take the last step."

The second lieutenant hesitated for a moment, but did not look at Tang Long, as if he was discussing with someone. Xing Ling interrupted and said, "Tang Long, his screen is full of images of captains of other warships. It seems that he was elected by those captains."

Tang Long nodded and didn't speak. He just signaled Elwah to investigate the enemy's position while waiting for the second lieutenant to reply.

The second lieutenant, who seemed to be listening to something, suddenly jumped angrily and cursed: "Bastard, you bastard, you actually want to lie to us again, do you think we can destroy two fleets?" Tang Long sighed in his heart, it seems They all know what they are going to do.

Just when Tang Long was about to speak, the second lieutenant's face straightened, and he said in a cold voice first: "Now we have agreed to remove your commander's authority. We are all lieutenants, and no one should listen to others. If you want to attack them, you can do it yourself." Go, we'll wait here to surrender to them."

Instead of being furious, Tang Long said with a thief-like smile: "Hehe, do you still want to surrender after destroying the enemy's vanguard? As soon as the enemy appears, they won't listen to your words, they must attack immediately .You can save your life if you listen to me, or just wait to be cannon fodder!"

"Bastard, you counted on us from the beginning!" The second lieutenant shouted angrily, and when he wanted to say something, the alarm lights on all the battleships began to flash, and the whining sirens kept ringing.

Elwah, who has been monitoring the radar, shouted to Tang Long in a panic: "Sir, the enemy ships will appear at the 500th column in 10 minutes. There are more than 18,000 enemy ships, including 4 aircraft carriers and 1,000 battleships." cruisers, 7,000 cruisers, 6,000 destroyers, and 4,000 transport ships. The possibility of submarines is not ruled out. They are two strengthened fleets! They have found us!"

Everyone was stunned, such a terrifying number, and all of them were warships several levels higher than self-propelled gunboats. The most terrifying thing was that the enemy did not have any warships of the level of patrol boats.

They all looked at the screen at the same time, except for the position of the enemy warship displayed on the galaxy icon, there was no trace of the enemy at all. This discovery made them a little relieved, because if they could see the enemy's warships with the naked eye, it meant that as long as the enemy fired a salvo, these warships would turn into cosmic dust.

Tang Long immediately pressed the button on the podium quickly, and the screen immediately showed that the enemy was slowly moving in a snake shape in the safe passage. Tang Long raised his head and shouted: "The enemy's warships are all giant warships, which are not suitable for shuttling through this death zone. We small warships still have a chance. Quick! Execute the order immediately and arrive at the indicated location!"

The second lieutenant's image that disappeared during the alarm reappeared in front of Tang Long. His expression was very relaxed, and he said with a smile: "Sorry, we have sent a surrender signal to the Imperial Army, and now we are waiting for their commander's reply. We don't want to be cannon fodder, so you just give up your heart and surrender with us." .”

Tang Long shouted in surprise: "No! The Imperial Army will not accept your surrender!"

The second lieutenant and the people on the Tang Long ship looked at Tang Long in puzzlement. How could the Imperial Army not accept the surrender? And wasn't it you who said you would surrender in the first place? Xing Ling also felt strange and asked: "Tang Long, why are you so sure that the Imperial Army will not accept the surrender?"

When Tang Long answered Xing Ling's question, he said to the screen at the same time: "I have seen the fleet formations of the Federation and the Empire. Generally speaking, a fleet consists of an aircraft carrier, 100 battleships, 1,000 cruisers, and more than 2,000 ships. destroyers of all levels, more than 4,000 patrol ships, and thousands of transport ships! Although the above figures vary due to different missions, there has never been a fleet of more than 500 battleships. From the perspective of battleships, the enemy Two fleets are equal to the strength of 10 ordinary fleets. According to the practice of the empire, such a powerful fleet is only the imperial guard. If the empire wants to invade our country, it is impossible to send an army to defend the imperial capital. And now the Kesla galaxy The 100,000 garrisons have not been dispatched at all, and it is certain that these imperial guards are not here to invade, they have a secret mission! Is it possible for such an army to accept surrender?"

Tang Long's words made everyone stunned. They also knew that the general fleet did not have such a powerful attachment at all. The only fleet in the empire that could have such a strong configuration was the imperial guards guarding the imperial capital. What are you doing here? It is an invasion, not to mention that it is impossible to send out the guards far away from the border, and it is true that the 100,000 garrisons in the Xra galaxy have not been dispatched. Is it possible to invade an enemy country with only two reinforced fleets? Thinking that the imperial guards came here on a mission, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Hearing Tang Long's words, Xingling immediately asked: "Tang Long, how did you know and analyze this?" Tang Long smiled and shook his throat silently and said: "It's not all taught by my perverted instructors, they are like It’s like cramming me to learn how to deal with intelligence analysis. Although I haven’t learned much, I can still see these at a glance.”

Xingling could hear the complacency in Tang Long's words, and couldn't help curling her lips and muttering: "Proud." Of course, she knew what the instructor had taught Tang Long. The acquired knowledge has become an instinct of Tang Long.

The second lieutenant's expression changed, and when he wanted to say something, he suddenly showed a happy expression on his face. He looked at Tang Long with disdain and said, "You don't need to lie to us anymore, the imperial army has already accepted our surrender." Tang Long showed a sluggish look, and he grinned grinningly: "I'm sorry, after our discussion, we decided to hand over you, the war criminal who destroyed 2,000 warships of the Imperial Army, to the Imperial Army. Haha, please forgive me, we must at least get some Gifts are the only way to meet people."

Elwah immediately shouted: "Sir, our self-propelled gunships have begun to surround us, and all the main and auxiliary guns are aimed at us!" Hearing that everyone on the ship looked at Tang Long, they all knew As long as Tang Long refuses, the artillery fire from these own people will hit him. With the current 20% protective shield, he will definitely die in one shot! When the cabin was silent for a while, Chen Yi pressed the earplugs and listened for a while, then said nervously: "Sir, the Imperial Army has sent a message to communicate with you."

Tang Long ignored Chen Yi's words, because Xing Ling was talking to him: "Tang Long, what should we do? It seems that you are going to be a prisoner now." Tang Long smiled wryly. They were killed. I originally planned to use the huge size of the enemy warship to sneak attack the enemy in this dead zone full of wreckage, so that their wreckage would form a bigger obstacle, so that my plan to hide far away would be shattered. up.

When Tang Long was in distress, he suddenly remembered something, his eyes sparkled and his throat trembled and he said to Xing Ling: "Sister, when we assembled, the speed of this battleship suddenly reached 2G speed, is it your fault?"

Xingling smiled and said: "What? Do you want to punish me?" Tang Long laughed hurriedly: "Hehe, how can I do it? I want my elder sister to do me a favor." After talking about this, Xingling laughed and said: " You are really risking your life. But I like it, it's very exciting." Tang Long could only shake his head when he heard this, hoping that the power furnace would last as long as he expected.

At this moment, Chen Yi shouted again: "Sir, do you want to communicate with the commander of the Imperial Army?" Tang Long finally came to his senses, waved his hand and said, "Come in."

Hearing Tang Long's words, all the people sat back in their seats. They had never seen a high-ranking official of the Imperial Army. No matter whether they surrendered or died in battle, they had to show the appearance of a soldier. .

Sitting on the seat, Liu Sihao found that his feet were trembling uncontrollably. He knew that he was trembling for the next unpredictable fate. Angrily, he twisted his thigh violently, he was ashamed that he was so afraid of death. However, seeing the faces of the partners beside him were pale and sweating, the shame in my heart was slightly reduced.

According to the veterans in the past, they never felt the feeling of death during the war, because their fate was decided by one shot, and before they had time to feel the feeling of fear, they became dust in the universe. This time I will be like this, one is that I am a new soldier who has never experienced war, and the other is that I am now shrouded in the tentacles of death. Faced with such a situation, I believe that even veterans who have experienced countless battles will tremble just like me Bar.

"Well, the fate of my ten or so people are all determined by the officer's words." Thinking of this, Liu Sihao couldn't help but look back at Tang Long, and found that there was a vague smile on the corner of Tang Long's mouth. Liu Sihao couldn't help being stunned. He thought of Tang Long's performance since the battle. Not only did Tang Long show unparalleled command ability, but he was also very calm and natural. Even in the face of such a threat of death, he didn't panic at all. . It doesn't feel like a recruit at all, let alone a soldier from the fighting system. It feels like a general who has commanded thousands of troops and experienced life-and-death battles.

Moreover, how did the officer know about the situation of this battleship and the dirty inside stories in the country? Thinking of Tang Long's murmured words not long ago, he couldn't help sighing: "It seems that this officer is not as simple as he shows." Liu Sihao thought of this, and then thought of himself, he couldn't help sighing, he was just an internal affairs soldier, Can you break out of your own world? At this time, B's voice was connected to the contact signal, which made Liu Sihao stop thinking about it and looked up at the screen.

On the screen were two young men wearing the uniforms of the major generals of the Imperial Army, with their flowing, shining golden hair, and their handsome appearance, they looked so elegant and extraordinary. Liu Sihao couldn't help looking back at Tang Long. He estimated that when Tang Long reached the current age of these two major generals of the empire, would he be able to become a major general? Seeing this, Liu Sihao saw a scene of surprise, because Tang Long saw the surprised expressions of the two major generals, and blurted out: "It's you!"

The news that Kester and Darrens were annihilated without firing a single shot made Kester and Darrens think that they had a problem with their ears and misheard. After repeating it two or three times to confirm that the entire army was indeed wiped out, they were shocked and couldn't believe it. Because there are only 1,000 so-called self-propelled gunboats there. One patrol boat can deal with 10 of that kind of gunboats. How could the entire army be wiped out

They studied the information sent back by those battleships before they died, and they were even more shocked, because they couldn't move after jumping out, and the battleships were distorted by space. Through energy scanning, it was found that while jumping out, the opponent detonated a torpedo at the jump point, and it was this torpedo that distorted the battleship. They were shocked and hurriedly saved this data into the computer and sent it back to the country. They never thought that they could prevent the warship from jumping in this way. If this is the case in the future, how can the war be fought? So it was decided to give this data to the Imperial Warship Research Institute for research. At the same time, they were also full of curiosity about the federal commander who directed the battle, because no one had ever used such an attack method. How did the federal commander find out

Of course, they wouldn't be stupid enough to jump again, not to mention that the enemy might come to this trick again, but the wreckage after the explosion prevented them from jumping. They had no choice but to order all to drill into the safe passage and advance at ordinary speed. Originally, I thought that the enemy would have used this time to escape far away, but I didn't expect them to stay there and send a message of surrender. And a strange phenomenon was also discovered, that is, all self-propelled gunboats aimed at one self-propelled gunboat. Through contact, it was known that the commanders of these warships were held hostage by their own people.

After they agreed to the enemy's surrender, they proposed to meet the enemy commander. When a very young second lieutenant was displayed on the screen, they were all stunned. Who would have thought that the commander who surprised them was such a low-ranking young man? What about the officer. Before they could make a sound, they were taken aback by what the young second lieutenant said.

Kester and Darrence glanced at each other. They didn't expect the other party to know themselves, but they obviously hadn't seen him, and the two of them were not famous in the empire, and they never appeared in the newspapers, except for themselves. Except for the people around him, no one knew him at all, so where did this second lieutenant see him

Darrence asked in surprise, "Second Lieutenant, have you seen us?"

Tang Long immediately shook his head and said, "Oh, I have never met the two major generals before. When I saw you just now, I realized that you were very similar to my two friends, so I mistakenly thought you were them." Tang Long would not be so dazed yet, admitting that he had seen them, otherwise it would be a big deal when asked. How can I explain that I will fight with the robots of the Imperial Army? Could it be that his instructors are friends with them and let them help train him

Kester touched his face and said suspiciously to himself: "Is there anyone who looks like me? Impossible? I am a rare handsome guy in the empire. It is impossible for someone to look as handsome as me." Darrence saw his partner's narcissistic character actually displayed in front of the enemy, and couldn't help coughing to remind him.

Although Tang Long was muttering about narcissism in his heart, he smiled flatteringly with a smile on his face: "That is, Your Excellency is unmatched in handsomeness, not to mention that there is no Silver Eagle Empire, but there is no one in the entire universe who is more handsome than Your Excellency." " Liu Sihao and Tang Long's subordinates didn't know what to do. Hearing Tang Long's words, his heart skipped a beat. Although he couldn't explain the reason, he just felt that the chief was about to carry out another trick.

Kester first smiled with a satisfied smile, then immediately sullenly made a military salute and said, "I am the commander of the Third Fleet of the Imperial Guards of the Silver Eagle Empire—Major Admiral Kester." Following the salute, he said, "I am the commander of the Fourth Fleet of the Imperial Guards of the Silver Eagle Empire—Major Admiral Darrens." They didn't believe what Tang Long said. This second lieutenant must have seen him somewhere, but he is not asking these questions now. It's time, let's ask him after he surrendered.

Tang Long smiled, his face returned to that indifferent expression, he snapped a beautiful military salute, and said loudly: "I am the captain of the No. 521 self-propelled gunship of the Wanluo Federation—Lieutenant Tang Long."

Tang Long saw Darrens raised his eyebrows and knew what he was thinking. He smiled and said, "This lieutenant is the remaining admirals who were promoted by the admiral of the military region after 90% of our warships were wiped out by your cold laser light." All the personnel in the thousand self-propelled gunboats will be promoted to a higher level."

Kester said with a smile: "Hehe, a typical way to send you to death. Lieutenant Tang Long, you have been abandoned by your own people now. Don't be surprised why I know. According to common sense, when the superior gives the order to be promoted before the war, then It means that they are ready to abandon you. My army is about to arrive, and it is not a good choice for you to fight or flee, so what is your answer now?" After receiving the surrender signal from the Federal Army, Kester saw Tang Long was threatened by his own people, so he knew that Tang Long did not agree to surrender. To be honest, he quite liked this young man, and he still had doubts, so he persuaded him to surrender.

Sitting in their seats, Liu Sihao and the others looked at Tang Long nervously, and they didn't know how they wanted Tang Long to answer. Although I have only been a soldier for a short time, I have an inexplicable aversion to surrender, but if I don't surrender, the lives of people like myself will be buried here. Distressed, they didn't know that they had decided to entrust their fate to Tang Long, intentionally or not, and were preparing to face different fates according to Tang Long's order.

At this time, Xingling's voice came from Tang Long's ears: "Prepare OK, the enemy ship is now 200 feet away." Hearing this, Tang Long showed an inexplicable smile, and he turned his back to Kester and Da. Before the two of them knew what was going on, they patted their upturned buttocks with their palms, turned their heads and cursed: "Fuck me, do you want me to surrender? Nah!" Turning to Kai The two of them clenched their fists and raised their middle fingers.

Before everyone could react in a daze, Tang Long slammed into the command chair, and the seat belts of everyone on board automatically jumped out to bind everyone, and then Tang Long waved his hand and shouted: "Run away!" The battleship immediately let out a roar. From the perspective of the universe, Tang Long, a warship surrounded by people, suddenly ejected a strong flame from its tail. The warship pierced through the encirclement net with an incredible speed, and got into the dead body full of wreckage. The area flew far away in a flash.

Liu Sihao and the others, who were suppressed by the strong oppression, could only smile wryly while looking at the two major generals with bruised veins on the screen. Mary, on the other hand, was struggling to check the driving system. Of course, the result was that she had lost control. Although she was muttering in her heart, since such a situation had happened not long ago, she was not in the flustered mood last time. Now the idiot also knows that the strange events that happened on the battleship during this period have something to do with the commander.

Tang Long looked at the two major generals on the screen and said with a grin: "Hehe, don't be so angry. If you were not the imperial guards, but ordinary fleets, I would have surrendered early in the morning. Now I feel like going back to the court-martial." It’s better than surrendering to you.” He waved his hand and made Xing Ling turn off the screen.

The expressions of the two people on the empire's flagship changed when they heard this. Even in the virtual image, they could still see the horrified expression in the eyes of their partners. "Does this person know what he is going to do?! Can't let him go!" This was the same thought of the two, and they ordered at the same time: "The whole ship speeds up! Let those self-propelled gunboats that surrendered chase Tang Long, and make sure to take him away!" Sink!"

After the captains of the self-propelled gunboats that had surrendered received this order, the captains of more than two hundred ships immediately ordered to pursue them. The other battleships didn't move at all, maybe these captains didn't want to chase their own people

They didn't hear the conversation between Tang Long and the major general. Although they didn't know why the two major generals gritted their teeth and ordered Tang Long to be sunk, they knew that this was an opportunity to protect whether they could be reused after surrendering. Nonsense, I don't know what crimes will be charged by the Federation and announced to the whole universe.

So they immediately chased Tang Long at full speed. Since these self-propelled gunboats are small, the wreckage in the death zone is no big obstacle to them, but Tang Long's speed is too fast, so they can only pass by Fired from afar.

Lanwent, who is in charge of the power system, has already shouted: "The output of the power furnace reaches 200%, and the jet will melt if it can support for 2 minutes!" After the ship shook a few times, the adjutant Gina shouted: " Under attack, but because we are too fast, no damage!"

Tang Long took off his seat belt, staggered to Mary's side and said, "Mary, let's change seats." Mary was shocked when she heard this. Does the officer mean to let him drive the battleship? I have practiced hard for several months before I can pilot a battleship. How could the commander do it? Although he hesitated, he nodded when he saw Tang Long's eyes, loosened his seat belt with difficulty, and sat down on Tang Long's command chair.

Xingling smiled and said, "What? Your hands are itchy? Can you drive a battleship?" Tang Long laughed and said, "I haven't played it for a long time. I think the driving of a battleship is similar to that of a fighter jet?"

Xing Lingyi slapped his head and laughed: "Dizzy, how can a battleship be similar to a fighter jet? But the principle of this self-propelled gunship is indeed developed according to the fighter pilot system, because only the fighter pilot system is suitable for such a small warship. Let me help you." Change a few programs to turn this self-propelled gunship into a fighter jet."

"Haha, thank you, big sister, you are truly omnipotent." Tang Long put on the holographic helmet and smiled.

"Hmph, you don't even think about who I am. Of course, this is a trivial matter. But Tang Long, let me tell you, I will only help you when your life is in danger. Don't think about relying on everything. Me, this is not good for your development." The virtual computer girl who originally appeared in Tang Long's helmet and spoke proudly with her mouth curled up, had a sad look on her serious face after speaking.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Hehe, if you don't mention it, I'm ready to say it. If I always rely on you, I don't have to mess around. Now we have agreed that you will only help me when I ask you for help, okay? Because I found that nothing can trouble you, if this continues, I will be at a loss as soon as I leave your help."

Xingling smiled bitterly. She knew that Tang Long said this, and he would rarely ask her for help from now on. According to Tang Long's character, he might even never do it again. She could only nod speechlessly, she knew that her existence was like a child's walking aid to Tang Long, if she didn't take it off, the child would never learn to walk by herself.

Seeing Xing Ling's lonely expression, Tang Long couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't worry, big sister, I'm not ignoring you in the future, we can still chat like now and go shopping on the virtual network."

Hearing this, Xing Ling nodded and smiled, "Okay, after this time is over, you have to go shopping with me. You've been cheating several times, so you can't be cheating this time."

Tang Long smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't be foolish this time. Alright, now restore the speed to normal, and connect the weapon radar system to the driving system!" Tang Long opened his voice and shouted after speaking.

Lieutenant Gina was stunned, but immediately switched the weapon radar system to the driving system. The people in charge of the secondary artillery and radar stared blankly at Tang Long, not knowing what he was going to do. At this time, the speed of the battleship slowed down, and everyone leaned forward. They knew that the battleship had returned to normal.

The captains of the 200 battleships who were chasing further and further found that Tang Long's speed had reached 2G, and quickly ordered: "Speed up! Don't be afraid that the power furnace has reached the limit. The power furnace of that guy's battleship has already exceeded 200%. Are you okay? Maybe this is the hidden ability of the self-propelled gunship, let me activate it with all my strength!"

Hearing what the officer said, and seeing Tang Long's speed, the soldiers in charge of the power furnace also thought so. It was impossible for Tang Long's warship to reach that speed, but his own warship could not. Aren't they all self-propelled gunships? There is no difference! So they all desperately raised their energy output to the highest limit, and seeing the straight-up numbers, they were actually very excited.

At this time, the captains heard the radar officer report that Tang Long's speed had slowed down. They couldn't help being overjoyed and shouted: "Everyone, honor is ahead, speed up, the secondary guns fire, and the main guns store energy. We will be the first! The one who destroyed Tang Long!"

In an instant, nearly a thousand laser beams from the auxiliary guns shot at Tang Long. Tang Long glanced at the data displayed on the helmet, and couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Idiot, I fired before the effective range was reached. I stand here and let you go." Shoot, I’m all intact.” Tang Long swung the controller while cursing, and the ship flew smoothly and dangerously through the narrow gap between the two huge warship wreckages, making him sit on a chair and watch. The subordinates who watched the thrilling scene on the screen screamed.

Tang Long who passed through the wreckage heard the exclamation of his subordinates and shouted triumphantly: "Don't worry, you sir, I was an invincible master of fighter planes in the world. This is a gadget, so you can concentrate on enjoying my outstanding performance. "

Hearing this, everyone stared blankly at Tang Long, and they all thought in their hearts: "A fighter master? Boss, this is a battleship!" The huge and sharp wreckage came, and I closed my eyes in fright.