Tales of Soldier

Chapter 27


"Sir, sir..." Tang Long in his sleep felt someone shouting beside his ear, and at the same time felt his body shaking slightly, he couldn't help frowning and opening his eyes. I only saw a hazy figure standing in front of me, and I closed my eyes without seeing it clearly, smacking my lips and muttering: "Don't disturb me, he is sleeping soundly."

Originally seeing Tang Long half lying on the chair open his eyes, Liu Sihao who just bent down and was about to say something heard Tang Long's words, couldn't help but sighed deeply, and shook his head slowly. He raised his head and looked around, gritted his teeth, shook Tang Long's body again, and at the same time raised his voice and said, "Sir, we have arrived at the port."

His body was shaken violently, Tang Long couldn't sleep even when he wanted to sleep, he stretched comfortably, yawned long, rubbed his eyes and said to Liu Sihao: "Oh, I said Sergeant Liu Sihao, to the port We’re just at the port, will I die if I sleep a little longer?”

Liu Sihao didn't say anything. After Tang Long woke up, he stood at attention and stood quietly beside Tang Long. Tang Long, who had already got up, saw Liu Sihao's weirdness, so he couldn't help but look around, and found that a dozen of his subordinates were standing quietly beside him at attention, with hesitant expressions on their faces.

Tang Long scratched his head a little strangely, and opened his mouth to ask, but when Tang Long saw the computer projected on the bulkhead and the image of a row of military police at the port outside, Tang Long closed his mouth. He glanced at his subordinates, smiled, adjusted his military uniform, and walked to the elevator entrance.

When Tang Long stretched his fingers towards the lifting button, Liu Sihao stretched out his hand to stop Tang Long and shouted: "Sir..."

Tang Long's hand paused for a moment, but he immediately turned around and showed a bright smile, and waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, it's a big deal that he's been in the kiln for a few years, it's okay, I'm leaving." After speaking, he pressed the button, The lifting device slowly supported Tang Long to descend.

Liu Sihao opened his mouth, and put down his hands weakly. At this time, someone patted his shoulder. Looking back, it was Li Lijun, a big man. Li Lijun nodded to him and pointed to the lift. Liu Sihao looked back and saw that all the members including Mary, Chen Yi, and Elwa were standing at the risen lift. They didn't speak but nodded to Liu Sihao.

Seeing this scene, Liu Sihao turned his head to look at Li Lijun beside him, saw the look in his eyes, couldn't help but nodded firmly, and walked towards the elevator entrance together with Li Lijun.

Standing on the pier, Tang Long shook his head and looked at the space port built by the sea. There were countless small transport ships moored on this endless sea, and he was the only battleship. "This battleship of mine looks like a transport ship from a distance, right? And it's a particularly dilapidated transport ship." Looking at the battleship's scarred body, Tang Long couldn't help but think to himself.

"Is it Chief Tang Long?" Suddenly a cold voice came into Tang Long's ears. Tang Long looked back and found that the military police standing in the distance had already surrounded him. Saying this and saluting to himself was a second lieutenant of the gendarmerie with a pistol on his waist.

When the other gendarmes heard their captain's words, they all looked at Tang Long's military rank with one bar and one star on his shoulder, with puzzled expressions in their eyes. They couldn't figure out why the captain, who was also a second lieutenant, called him officer

Tang Long nodded back and said, "I am Tang Long, what's the matter?"

The second lieutenant took out a piece of paper from his coat pocket, unfolded it in front of Tang Long, and said at the same time, "Sorry, you and your subordinates have been arrested." Although Tang Long knew that this would happen, he couldn't help it. Curiously, he took the arrest warrant to see what was written on it.

I saw it read: In view of the fact that all members of the No. 512 self-propelled gunship violated military orders, abandoned allies, and fled in battle, they are now allowed to be arrested. In addition to a court-martial seal on the lower left, there is also a signature of South. This name, Tang Long knew, was Lieutenant General Sous, the highest officer of the Erke Military Region.

Tang Long handed back the arrest warrant to the second lieutenant, while discussing: "Uh... this... my subordinates violated the military order because of my order. Just arrest me alone. Can we let them go?"

The second lieutenant only said indifferently: "Sorry." He waved his hand and ordered: "Take them away!"

Tang Long couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, took them away? Am I not the only one here? Looking back curiously, they found that Liu Sihao and the others had all come down, and there was a military police pointing a gun at each of them.

Seeing Tang Long staring at him, Liu Sihao couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "Sir, even if we don't come down, we will be arrested." Li Lijun shouted loudly, "Sir, when we were on the same boat, we shared weal and woe. And let us share our difficulties together."

Hearing this, Tang Long didn't speak, but turned around and lowered his head. Although he didn't want them to be arrested, but looking at the arrest warrant, he knew that they were out of luck with him. Of course, I have long decided to appeal to the judges in the military court, saying that they had to disobey the orders of the military department under their high pressure. Let yourself take all the responsibility on yourself, and hope that their crimes will not be punished so severely, and it is best to be exempted from punishment. As for their arrest now, let's just take a trip to the military court with me for sightseeing.

Tang Long let the gendarmes handcuff him, seeing other gendarmes nervously watching with guns, he couldn't help laughing. If I want to resist, I won't come back, just find a place to hide.

Suddenly Tang Long saw a few military police walking towards the four female soldiers with handcuffs. The four female soldiers all showed sad expressions on their faces, and couldn't help shouting to the second lieutenant of the military police: "This brother, the four of them It’s just civilian soldiers, who belong to weak women, don’t they need to wear handcuffs? They won’t escape.”

The second lieutenant of the gendarmerie saw that the gendarmerie in charge of the four female soldiers stopped and looked at him when he heard Tang Long's words, knowing that they felt sympathy. Then, seeing the weak and pitiful appearance of the four female soldiers, she relaxed, thought for a moment and said, "You don't have to wear handcuffs now, but you still have to put them on when you get to your destination."

Tang Long nodded quickly and said: "This brother understands, we won't make it difficult for you, thank you brother."

The second lieutenant of the gendarmerie saw the four beautiful female soldiers showing gratitude to him, and his face turned red. He coughed dryly, waved his hand and said, "Let's go." He took the lead and walked in front.

Seeing the gendarmes escorting his group politely, Liu Sihao's heart skipped a beat. He secretly wondered why the gendarmes were so humane? Isn't the gendarmerie synonymous with inhumanity? He secretly glanced at the armband of the military police next to him, seeing the different pattern from the armband of the military police before, his heart beat violently.

Liu Sihao, who is familiar with the emblem patterns of various branches of the Federal Army, already knows that these military police are not ordinary military police, but military police directly under the headquarters! Liu Sihao was very surprised, the crime of fleeing the battle was just a crime of running away, and the military court of the military region to which he belonged could judge. Why did he need to use the military police of the command headquarters? Is the military discipline committed by these people really so serious? However, the gendarmes among the gendarmes are actually humane? Liu Sihao felt that he had a headache.

Liu Sihao saw that Tang Long was talking boastfully and getting close to the gendarmes who escorted him. Although the gendarmes didn't talk to him, Tang Long kept talking as if he didn't feel it. Shaking his head with a wry smile, I really don't know what to think about this officer. Didn't he know that what he committed would even be shot to death

The reason why Tang Long felt so relaxed suddenly was because he remembered how he had destroyed two thousand enemy ships. This was a great contribution. According to the Federal Wartime Rewards and Punishment Regulations, he could at least make himself a general. Even if he violated the military order, but if his merit outweighs his fault, he can barely earn a lieutenant colonel, right? No matter how bad it is, the merits and demerits should be offset, and you should be released without guilt, right? Even if he wanted to be a little bit worse, at most he would squat in a bitter kiln for a while, so there was nothing to worry about. As for the subordinates? After taking all the responsibilities behind themselves, they can also be promoted according to their merits.

Thinking about it, the more Tang Long thought about it, the happier he was. The worry just now had been thrown somewhere, and finally Tang Long started to walk in the front with his head held high and his chest held high. It's just that his hands are handcuffed together, and he can't walk away with his hands shaken, and his movements seem a bit weird.

When Liu Sihao saw that the means of transportation for escorting them was actually a suspended vehicle, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and wondered in his heart: "Why isn't it a transport plane? Doesn't the use of a suspended vehicle imply that an interrogation will be carried out on Planet Xake? Then why don't ordinary military police be sent instead? Did you send the gendarmerie directly under the headquarters?"

Liu Sihao, who was thinking wildly, and other silent companions were escorted into a sealed transport vehicle, while Tang Long, who was looking around, was taken into a suspended car.

Tang Long, who was sitting on the sofa with a comfortable expression, asked the second lieutenant sitting in front of him: "Brother, why is there no one in the whole pier? Didn't you put the law under martial law? I am a guy who disobeyed military orders. Is it that important?"

The second lieutenant of the gendarmerie shook his head and said, "Sorry, I don't know if this pier is under martial law. I just received an order to arrest you and send you to a military prison."

Hearing this, Tang Long, who was still crossing his legs, immediately stared and shouted: "Prison? Didn't I go to prison after being interrogated first and found guilty? I haven't been to a military court yet!"

The second lieutenant was also taken aback at this time, and he thought for a while before he said: "This is an order directly issued by Lieutenant General Sous, the highest officer of the Erke Military Region. I think it may be because it is a pre-war alert and a trial by a court-martial The officer is busy dispatching the army and has no time to deal with it, so I need you to stay in prison temporarily."

Most of the judges in the military courts of the federal military districts usually serve as military officers, and when they have tasks, they often postpone the trial. Although this kind of judge is not a full-time judge and often makes emotional judgments on some unimportant small cases, this is the prerogative of the military court.

"Pre-war vigilance?" Tang Long muttered, he was still on pre-battle vigilance, since he had already fought the enemy, at least it should be wartime vigilance. Alas, if you go to jail, you can go to jail. Anyway, I have already made an appointment, but it is a pity that my subordinates followed me.

Not long after, the car stopped. Tang Long came out to take a look and found that the car was parked in front of a dark and tall metal gate. There are tall and long walls on both sides of the metal gate, and on the top of the wall is an automatic laser machine gun every tens of meters. Tang Long looked around and found that there was only his own car here, and the transport vehicles carrying his subordinates did not follow at all.

Seeing Tang Long's movements, the second lieutenant of the gendarmerie hurriedly said, "This is a military prison for lieutenant officers. Your subordinates are in the prison for non-commissioned officers. This way please, the warden has come." He pointed and stood in the prison A few people at the gate. Due to the large area and sparse population and sufficient expenses, this kind of military prison for detaining officers of different ranks was created.

Tang Long followed the Second Lieutenant of the Gendarmerie, and saw a middle-aged man with a big belly in a major's uniform standing between two prison guards wearing a captain's uniform.

"Sir, this is Lieutenant Tang Long. Please confirm the handover." The second lieutenant of the gendarmerie saluted the big-bellied major, and took out a machine in the shape of a big disc in the palm of his hand. He pressed the button on the side of the disc. , with a sound of B, the glass-like thing in the middle of the disc emerged with Tang Long's head and rows of words floating beside the head.

The big belly major first looked suspiciously at the second lieutenant rank on Tang Long's shoulder, then at the second lieutenant of the gendarmerie, and then nodded and took the machine. He carefully looked at Tang Long's profile picture and those words, then turned one side of the machine to Tang Long, pointed to a button on it and said with a smile: "Please Lieutenant Tang Long confirm your identity, just press it with your index finger."

Tang Long knew that this was a preventive method for fear of picking up the wrong person, so he didn't say anything, and did as he said. The gendarmes who saw this scene frowned.

The major with a big belly saw the matching data appearing on the machine, and hurriedly smiled at the second lieutenant of the gendarmerie: "It's not that I don't believe you, but because this is a fixed procedure, so please forgive me." Yuanpan stores his identity in it.

The second lieutenant of the gendarmerie didn't say anything, but just took the disc that had been handed over and confirmed, saluted everyone, and then got in the car and left. The big-bellied major who watched the car start with a smile spat fiercely at the shadow of the car after the car left, and cursed viciously: "Damn it, wearing a dog skin makes you look like a human!" Put him in a single cell." After the big belly major finished speaking, he turned and entered the prison without even looking at Tang Long.

The two captains said yes, and fiercely pushed Tang Long towards the prison. Although Tang Long was very dissatisfied, firstly he was a prisoner, and secondly, these two were of higher rank than him, so he could only swallow his anger.

After Tang Long entered the gate of the prison, before he had a clear view of the prison, he was taken to a narrow room with a control panel full of buttons beside the wall. Before Tang Long could ask, they took out a collar and put it around his neck. Seeing this finger-thick thing wrapped around his neck, Tang Long couldn't help shouting: "What is this?"

One of the two captains released Tang Long's handcuffs, and the other stood in front of the control panel and fiddled with the buttons. Hearing Tang Long's question, the captain who uncuffed Tang Long's handcuffs looked at Tang Long and blinked, and said with a sinister smile: "Hey, I didn't take this thing off, as long as you escape from the prison, it will explode immediately , blow your head off."

"..." Tang Long was stunned when he heard this. Knowing that there is such a dangerous thing on the neck can still be happy, I am afraid it is not a human being.

At this moment, the captain who was fiddling with the control panel raised his head and said, "Here we are, this is your cell." With the sound, the wall in front of Tang Long suddenly cracked, revealing a narrow space where only a bed, a toilet, and a faucet were placed. and washbasin room. The captain who released Tang Long's handcuffs gave Tang Long a hard push, and Tang Long, who was in a daze, just entered this cell that looked like an ancient cultural relic.

Tang Long, who was staying in the cell, was awakened by a squeak. Looking back, he found that there was an iron gate made of dozens of iron pillars with electric sparks erected at the cell entrance. Through the iron grid, one can see a three-dimensional cube suspended in the air with a volume of four to five cubic meters. That small cube is the small room where he was just now. After watching the small room where the prisoners were transported quietly fly away, Tang Long began to look around slowly.

What catches the eye is a row of cells on the opposite side that are the same as this side, but they are all empty, with no bars closed. Walking to the iron gate, looking down carefully, I found that this is a back-shaped building, exactly the same as the one seen in the movie. Tang Long took a casual look and figured out that there were ten floors on the opposite side, with 20 cells on each floor. Relying on this, I deduced that I was locked in the 12th cell on the 5th floor here.

After a while, Tang Long felt that the quiet here was disturbing. Tang Long couldn't help shouting: "Hello! Is anyone there?" But there was no other sound except for the buzzing echo.

Tang Long couldn't help touching the collar on his neck and muttered: "Am I the only prisoner in the whole prison? I don't know what happened to Liu Sihao and the others? Well, this is the same treatment in the Lieutenant Prison. I believe they are not any better?" Tang Long Long sat weakly on the bed, looking at the metal wall.

At this time, the wall facing the corridor suddenly cracked a palm-width, half-meter-long square crack, and with the creaking sound, an iron plate stretched out, on which were stacked thin quilts, mouth cups, hand towels, Daily necessities such as toothbrushes and a few changes of clothes. When all the iron plates were stretched out, four iron pillars stretched out from the ground to firmly support the iron plates. After the crack closed with a bang, a simple table appeared.

While fiddling with those things, Tang Long muttered, "All of them are inferior products. The warden must be making money for himself, otherwise these things wouldn't be so bad!"

While talking, a gap appeared on the wall beside the table again, but this gap was relatively small, and what protruded was a set of food boxes. Tang Long, who was feeling a little hungry, of course picked it up immediately. After opening it, he ate it without even looking at it. After taking a few mouthfuls, Tang Long immediately vomited it out, and shouted to the outside: "Is there any mistake! This is for pigs! You're going to kill the warden, you actually It’s so bad that even the prisoner’s food is discounted, so I won’t sue you!” Of course, other than the creaking sound of the charging iron post at the door, Tang Long’s response was those echoes.

Tang Long threw the lunch box back to the delivery port, angrily took the quilt and wrapped himself up on the bed, ready to sleep. Tang Long, who was lying on the bed, saw the empty prison cell outside, looking towards him eeriely, and couldn't help closing his eyes and sighing: "Oh, I hope Liu Sihao and the others will be treated better, and I hope that the trial will be held soon and let them go out, don't follow me Suffering." As he said that, Tang Long couldn't help but curl up, and began to slowly fall asleep.

At this time, the second lieutenant of the gendarmerie escorting Tang Long was standing in front of a middle-aged soldier with a smile on his face, looking at the two gold stars on the shoulder of the middle-aged soldier and the name tag on his desk. It was known that this person was Lieutenant General South, the highest officer of the Xingkexing Military Region.

After listening to the second lieutenant's report with a smile, Lieutenant General Sous nodded and said with a smile: "Very well, you have successfully completed this task. It seems that I did not make a mistake in recommending you to be a military police. This is a request from the Military Police Department. The notification letter for your team to participate in the training camp, you can start as soon as you get ready." He said and handed over a black card.

The second lieutenant of the gendarmerie took it with both hands with a smile on his face, then saluted with a slap, suppressed his ecstasy and said, "Thank you for your cultivation, sir!"

After the second lieutenant of the gendarmerie left, Lieutenant General Sous took out his newly purchased interstellar mobile phone, dialed it and said: "The news has been cut off, and it will be carried out as planned immediately." Then he turned off the phone and threw the mobile phone into the room. Trash bins for incinerators.

Going to bed when he was full, Tang Long spent two days doing nothing. In his sleep that night, he vaguely heard the sound of the iron gate being opened. Then he felt someone approaching him, and just when he was about to open his eyes, he suddenly felt an electric shock from his stomach that paralyzed his whole body. Tang Long screamed involuntarily, and his body shrank into a ball.

When the current disappeared, Tang Long, whose body was still twitching, was lifted up, and his drooping head was violently grabbed by the hair and pulled back. When he opened his eyes, he saw a soldier with a ferocious face. Seeing this man, Tang Long was stunned for a moment, but he quickly gasped and said, "It's you, you dare to attack the officer, you are not afraid that I will send you to the military." Are you going to court?"

This person is exactly the sergeant that Tang Long had taught at the airport when he first came to Li Kexing. Hearing Tang Long's words, the man couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahaha, listen to what this guy said, he actually said that I attacked the chief, I'm so scared." He said to Tang Long with a scared look.

Tang Long heard laughter coming from all around, and only then did he realize that besides the man and the two people holding him up in the cell, there were two soldiers at the door. Look at them and find that they are all familiar, as if they have seen it somewhere. He couldn't help but take a closer look. Tang Long's heart sank when he saw this. These four soldiers were defeated by him in the group arena at the base and lost their qualifications. They were second lieutenants who belonged to the same company as him!

The sergeant who didn't know his name saw that Tang Long didn't pay attention to him, so he couldn't help but punched Tang Long hard in the stomach, but he didn't expect Tang Long to show a painful expression, but felt that his fist was a little bit pain. The man took advantage of the opportunity to slap Tang Long twice, and secretly shook his hands behind his back.

Then he looked coldly at Tang Long, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Tell you, you don't have to use officials to suppress me in the future. I am also a second lieutenant now. Have you seen it? Second lieutenant!" He pointed excitedly at the The rank of second lieutenant also leaned forward to let Tang Long see clearly.

A ruthless look flashed in Tang Long's eyes. Leaning on two people who were tightly hugging his arms, he suddenly lifted his body and kicked that guy hard. At the same time, he said with a bah: "Tell you, I am now a lieutenant, and I will always be one level older than you!"

At this time, the man had already slammed into the wall with a scream, and before he could speak, the other two second lieutenants standing at the door rushed in and hugged Tang Long's kicking feet fiercely. Since Tang Long hadn't fully recovered from the electric shock, Tang Long lost the chance to resist.

That guy got up with his stomach in his arms at this moment, and the look of resentment in his eyes became stronger. Seeing that Tang Long's limbs were pinned down, he couldn't help shouting: "Fuck! Dare to hit me!" He slapped Tang Long's face recklessly, and shouted as he slapped: "Lieutenant, lieutenant, dare to hit me!" Come on me? Fuck your fucking lieutenant!" When Tang Long's face was already swollen like a pig's head and began to spread on the ground, he kicked Tang Long's stomach continuously with his feet, also kicking and growing Shouted: "How dare you fucking hit me? I wouldn't be Shen Jin if I didn't kill you!"

The four second lieutenants originally held Tang Long while taking the opportunity to shake their fists fiercely, but when they saw Shen Jin's crazy appearance and Tang Long had passed out, they couldn't help but let go of Tang Long, and held him together. Shen Jin wanted to continue beating Tang Long.

"Let go of me, I'm going to kill him!" Shen Jin shouted while struggling.

One of the second lieutenants hurriedly shouted: "Didn't the major say that? He still needs to be interrogated. We can't kill him, otherwise the major and us will all be in trouble!"

Hearing this, Shen Jin calmed down, he took a breath and said: "I see, drag him to the medical room for examination." The four second lieutenants saw that he had really calmed down, so they let go of Shen Jin. Entering, the three second lieutenants began to drag Tang Long to the transporter that brought Tang Long and was parked in the air outside the door, the shape was the same as the room.

At this time, the remaining second lieutenant lit a cigarette for Shen Jin, and said with a little worry: "Will that guy tell us about beating him when he goes to the military court?"

Shen Jin, who was smoking a cigarette, glared at the second lieutenant: "What? Are you scared?"

The second lieutenant quickly shook his head: "Of course not, I'm afraid that I will implicate the major."

Shen Jin took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, my brother and his friend the warden said that as long as there is no lack of arms or legs, when he is about to go to the military court, give him an active cell therapy, just like him." It’s okay. When he sues, we can still say that he made a false accusation. It’s just a pity for the medical expenses.”

Hearing this, the second lieutenant obviously showed relief. He nodded and said, "That's good. No matter how hard we beat him, we won't be able to detect any injuries afterwards."

Shen Jin took another breath of the cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and then stomped on it fiercely, his eyes flashed with a ferocious light and said: "Hmph! I was specially transferred to be a prison guard through my relationship, so I didn't want to vent my anger. Now, how can I be worthy of him? Let's go and see our achievements." He said and took the second lieutenant onto the transporter.

In the prison medical room, an elderly sergeant military medical officer, while examining Tang Long with instruments, secretly looked at the five second lieutenants who were chatting relaxedly with bloodstained military uniforms.

Shen Jin was still a little uneasy when he entered the medical room, but he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the military medical officer was actually a sergeant, so he didn't have to worry about the old guy asking questions. Seeing that the old guy hadn't left the computer console for so long, he couldn't help but said impatiently: "Sergeant, how is that guy?"

"That guy? Oh, that second lieutenant, except for a few broken ribs, all of his injuries are skin injuries, which can be cured soon." The old military doctor turned around and said while looking at the data displayed on the computer.

Shen Jin, who was expecting something, was stunned when he heard the result. Just now, people like myself beat Tang Long desperately, but it only broke a few ribs? Shen Jin yelled: "Damn it, I didn't expect this guy to be so tough!"

A second lieutenant touched Shen Jin with a smile and said, "Isn't this better? We can let him enjoy it slowly in the future." Hearing this, Shen Jin and the other second lieutenants laughed ferociously.

Hearing that laughter, the old military doctor couldn't help trembling and thought: "Why are these new-faced second lieutenants so cruel, they seem to take pleasure in beating people. It seems that this second lieutenant who committed a crime offended them to death."

After Shen Jin finished laughing, he walked to the treatment box and said to the military doctor while pressing the switch: "Since he only broke a few ribs, there is no need for any treatment." Opening the treatment box, Tang Long was naked, He couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, this thing is really effective. In just a short while, all the scars on my face have disappeared."

Those second lieutenants also came forward with great interest, seeing that Tang Long's originally red and swollen face had returned to normal, they all secretly lamented the advancement of technology. Seeing Tang Long's naked body, Shen Jin suddenly grinned and said, "Hey, I wonder if there are any prisoners with that kind of interest in our prison? Let them and our Tang Long have a good time, I believe Tang Long will definitely Thank you very much for ours."

Hearing Shen Jin's words, the second lieutenants all nodded and said yes, and one second lieutenant shook his head and smiled: "It's a pity that at this time, he is the only prisoner in our prison, and we are not interested in this, otherwise it will be nice when the time comes." " The old military doctor who stayed in the corner stared blankly at these demon-like people and shook his head secretly.

When the second lieutenants were about to drag Tang Long out while laughing, Tang Long suddenly opened his eyes and shook his fist violently. One Ssangyong went out to sea, and the two second lieutenants who came to pull him immediately had a nosebleed, marked with nosebleeds, and fell to the ground screaming. Before everyone could react, he jumped out quickly, regardless of his naked body, kicked down the second lieutenant closest to him with a flying kick, and then knocked down another second lieutenant with another elbow.

In just a few seconds, only Shen Jin and the old military doctor with wide-eyed eyes were left standing. Shen Jin looked at Tang Long in disbelief, he didn't expect Tang Long who had fainted to wake up so soon.