Tales of Soldier

Chapter 286: The last battle (2)


Mecha. The light pierced through four or five mechas before disappearing, and the mecha warriors penetrated by the white light immediately turned into powder and dissipated.

In such a short time, the dense human wall in this passage immediately collapsed, and hundreds of mech fighters disappeared. However, the mecha fighters behind were not stunned by the scene in front of them at all. Instead, they immediately rushed forward to fill the gap without hesitation, and continued to attack Tang Hu recklessly.

Tang Hu wandered around this central area, and the Datang Army immediately sacrificed tens of thousands of people. Such a heavy loss made all the Datang Army's eyes burst into flames.

However, Tang Hu was not much better. Although his attack was powerful, it was a pity that he couldn't attack continuously. Before and after the attack, the Datang Army fired several shots at him desperately when he was unable to dodge. A few cannons are fired at one opening, and thousands of cannons are fired at hundreds of openings. Such a major attack, even if it is as strong as Tang Hu, can't resist it. Looking at his current clothes and shaky figure, you can know how embarrassed he is.

"Bah! Damn ants!" Tang Hu checked his body, and was shocked to find that he had consumed 10% of his energy in these seemingly insignificant shelling.

Tang Hu thought to himself: "Damn it, if you attack like this ten times, won't you be able to exhaust your energy? Wouldn't you be slaughtered when you have no energy

"No! I can't go on like this. Although they are ants, there are so many ants that they still kill elephants. The so-called green hills are left. I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood. Let's slip away. After I escape from this planet, I will kill this planet." Detonated, let's see where they find themselves!"

Tang Hu, who made up his mind to escape back to the palace, just moved a little when he saw a figure quickly appearing beside him, punching him into the floor.

Tang Hu, who fell into the ground, resisted the mental pain. Yes, the punch did not bring pain to his body, but his spirit was hit hard. Tang Hu knew who attacked him without thinking.

Tang Hu roared violently, and with the concrete and metal block, he rushed from the ground to Tang Long in the air. Tang Long and Tang Hu, who were wearing mechas, started punching and kicking in the air.

Those Datang mechas who were still attacking Tang Hu were dumbfounded. His majesty is so powerful? How can His Majesty's mecha block the attack of that evil guy? You know, the model of His Majesty's mecha is the same as the model of these mechas

Tang Hu was also very puzzled. It would not be surprising if Tang Long blocked his attack with his body alone. After all, Tang Long's blood was the same as his own. How did A's Tang Long block his attack? It stands to reason that even if the person is fine, the mecha should be turned into powder!

Tang Long didn't understand why he was so brave anymore. Although he could fight robots with bare hands before, robots and guys like Tang Hu were definitely not at the same level. impressive

It doesn't matter, it's fine if you can kill Tang Hu, but it seems that it should have something to do with the abilities of your parents, after all, they are not afraid of Tang Hu's tricks.

It's just a pity that Dad and the others couldn't figure out what was going on, and the little black cat who claimed to be the strongest in technology had to give up research after spending several years, otherwise they would be able to cultivate such powerful talents in large numbers.

"Fatty, Landmine, take people to search that guy's palace! Block his only way out!" Tang Zhong said to his brothers while watching the battle between Tang Long and Tang Hu.

"Understood, boss, we will check to see if that guy has planted a bomb here." The fat man and the mine nodded fiercely.

"Well, you must check carefully. I'm sure that guy will die together when he is desperate." Tang Zhong said.

Fatty and Landmine didn't say much, and rushed towards Tang Hu's palace with a group of mech fighters. It's normal for mecha fighters to accept orders, who said that these people are all prince-level figures.

Tang Hu is extremely depressed now, he and Tang Long are actually tied! But it wasn't a tie either. I was beaten by Tang Long and suffered a lot of mental damage, but when I beat Tang Long myself, except for the damage to Tang Long's mecha, it seemed that there was no harm at all.

The most depressing thing is that every time I was knocked down by Tang Long, countless heavy artillery bombarded me from all directions immediately, blowing me into a dizzy state. cut.

The more Tang Hu fought, the lower his energy became. When only 10% of his energy was left, Tang Hu finally came out of his guts. He threw Tang Long to the ground with all his strength, and then slammed Tang Long down. When Tang Long was struggling, Tang Hu laughed wildly and said, "Ahaha! Damn it, I haven't been angered like this in thousands of years, I quit! Let's finish it together!"

Hearing this, one word came to everyone's mind: "Oops!" According to the habit of this evil guy, he must have planted a bomb on the capital planet, and now he is going to detonate the planet.

At this time, the fat man and mine who entered the palace had already run out with a group of mecha fighters, and eagerly shouted through the whole channel of the mecha speakers: "Leave quickly, the planetary bomb is about two hours away!" It's going to explode!"

Hearing this from Tang Long's mech, Tang Hu said in surprise: "Two hours? Impossible! I set it to detonate in real time!"

Fatty obviously also heard this through Tang Long's mecha, and couldn't help but smiled proudly: "Haha, idiot, I don't even know who your uncle is, although I can't disarm the complicated detonating device in a short time , but delaying the detonation time is not an easy task?"

"Damn it! I'm going to crush you!" Annoyed, Tang Hu immediately let go of Tang Long and flew towards the fat man.

But Tang Long grabbed his foot: "Come down for me, you bastard!" He threw Tang Hu to the ground hard.

Then, before Tang Hu could react, he drew out the laser knife, quickly cut off Tang Hu's limbs, grabbed a steel bar, and stuck Tang Hu's body on the floor. Tang Long was still worried, and even used a lot of steel bars to firmly nail Tang Hu to the ground. From a distance, Tang Hu looked like an attacking hedgehog.

After completing these, Tang Long squatted down and patted Tang Hu's face with a smile: "Hey, you just wait here for the planet to explode, I don't believe that you can withstand the force of the planet explosion! Let's Farewell!"

Tang Hu cursed while struggling: "Damn it, if I hadn't consumed a lot of energy, I wouldn't have had my limbs cut off by you. Let me go! You bastard!"

Tang Long completely ignored Tang Hu's vicious cursing, and ordered directly to his subordinates: "All retreat!"

The Datang Mecha, who had already known the situation from Fatty's full channel, immediately evacuated the underground passage in an orderly and quick manner like ants moving house.

Back on the ground, I didn't bother to care about the large number of comatose Weishen Kingdom people, and quickly boarded the battleship, and the battleship also climbed rapidly out of the atmosphere.

The Datang fortress and warships that besieged the capital of Weishen Kingdom immediately retreated to a safe area after joining up with their majesty and friendly forces.

Even so, the star cluster of the capital of Weishen Kingdom was surrounded from all directions, up, down, front, back, left, and right, and the radar was fully activated to monitor all movements within the encirclement. After all, no one can guarantee whether Tang Hu, a perverted guy, can escape from the explosion of the planet.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the beautiful-looking planet, the capital of Weishen Kingdom, instantly turned red, and countless heat energy entrained huge magma, ejected from the planet.

The Datang Army, who had already hid far away, quietly watched the planet turn into a pile of flames.

However, the spreading flame suddenly shrunk sharply. Before the people who saw this scene realized what was going on, the shipboard computer immediately rang: "A temporary black hole is about to appear ahead, please evacuate to a safe area immediately! Repeat, A temporary black hole is about to appear ahead, please evacuate to a safe area immediately!"

Hearing this, everyone was startled immediately, and hurriedly drove the battleship and fortress to escape from this place. Being sucked into a black hole is no joke.

Staying in the safe area, looking at an extremely small black hole from a distance, swallowing the entire planet, the original location of the capital star of Weishen Kingdom became an empty star field in a short while.

After absorbing all objects within the range of influence, the black hole that could no longer absorb anything, shook helplessly, and began to become smaller and smaller. When it shrank to the extreme, the starry sky shook like a piece of cloth, and the black hole disappeared completely. .

At the moment when the space was shaking, Tang Long suddenly felt Tang Hu's arrogant laughter in his head: "Ahahaha, thank you Tang Long, I didn't expect a black hole to appear at this last moment, and let me I found the passage to go back to my hometown, I really have to thank you, let me master the ability to go back and forth between the two universes!

"Don't worry, as long as my ability recovers, I will bring countless strong men from my hometown to come to this universe again. I promise, I will definitely reappear in your lifetime! You give me a long life and appreciate your rule How did the universe perish! Ahahaha!"

Tang Long resisted the feeling of nausea, and asked the people around him: "Did you hear anything?" Seeing everyone shook their heads in doubt, knowing that it was directly conveyed to his brain.

Tang Long's parents, uncle, and aunt all stared excitedly at the screen that had become empty, and said with a lot of emotion: "It's over, the long-standing mission is finally over in our generation."

"No, it's not over yet. In the near future, we will face stronger and more numerous enemies." Tang Long said aloud.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong and others who knew the inside story shouted: "What? Could it be..." Seeing Tang Long nodding his head affirmatively, they couldn't help but look bad.

"Don't worry, as long as we develop this universe, we with strong technological power will definitely be able to kill them!" Tang Long comforted.

Tang Zhong and the others thought about it, and they also thought that what Tang Long said was reasonable. No matter how strong those guys are, they can't resist the attack of destroying a planet, right

Seeing that Tang Long's face was still serious at the moment, and he was not at all joyful about winning, Tang Xing, Xing Ling, Feng Shuang, Feng Bing, and Lan Mengyun couldn't help coming forward and asking, "What's wrong?"

Seeing his lover, Tang Long smiled: "Are you willing to help me govern, develop, and protect this universe?"

Although Tang Xing and the others didn't understand why Tang Long said this suddenly, they still nodded immediately.

"What about you?" Tang Long asked the subordinates beside him.

"May I follow Your Majesty forever!" Everyone shouted respectfully.

Tang Long smiled heartily: "Okay, with your help, we will be able to govern and develop this universe well, and more importantly, we will definitely be able to protect this universe!" Speaking of this, Tang Long waved his hand and shouted: "The whole army obeys the order and returns!"

"Obey, my lord!"

(End of the book)

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