Tales of Soldier

Chapter 32


"You idiot! Can't you see it now?" Mu Enlei yelled angrily again when he heard his son's words.

Without waiting for his son to reply after yelling, Mu Enlai walked back and forth around the living room, and continued to curse angrily: "It was the trick of that bastard from the beginning, you bastard jumped down ignorantly, and it turned out It dragged me down too. Damn, this is a good plan! Not only can it suppress me, but it can also be used to gain great power!"

Tang Tres still didn't understand and asked: "Acquired great power? What power did he get from this incident?"

When Mu Enlei heard this, he was so angry that he wanted to beat him severely, but when he thought that he was his only son, he lowered his raised hand again. Sitting on the sofa, he cursed weakly: "I don't know how I gave birth to you idiot! Didn't you watch the news? That bastard Olmsted confirmed that the modification of the four-star general can command all federal soldiers In other words, he will truly become the number one in the army soon!"

Seeing that his son was still in a daze, Mu Enlei couldn't help but sighed and explained again: "That is to say, the reporter's proposal will soon be accepted by those people, and those candidates who are desperately trying to win votes will definitely be accepted." Using it as a bargaining chip, they will definitely promise to the people that as long as they are elected, they will definitely vote in the parliament!"

Tang Tres finally understood, but this understanding could only make him stay there in a daze. Mu Enlei ignored his son's dumbfounded appearance, and closed his eyes thinking about something. Suddenly, Mu Enlei opened his eyes and stood up and said, "No! I can't sit still, I must contact the other three four-star generals as soon as possible, so as not to be defeated by him one by one!" place.

When Tang Long saw the news, he angrily smashed the projector to pieces, so he didn't know about the marshal's press conference that was broadcast later.

"In order to take a small amount of credit, you actually killed so many people! Are these guys human?" An angry Tang Long walked back and forth in the control room, gnashing his teeth.

Although the robot also saw the news, he didn't understand what the big deal was. He was just regretting the machine that could play video. After he had made up his mind to smelt the ore, he would start to repair it.

"Brother, are the minerals ready? I can't wait!" Tang Long asked abruptly, standing in front of the robot.

The robot was stunned for a moment when he heard the word brother, but quickly replied: "There are still 12 hours, it won't come soon, brother." After seeing Tang Long hearing this, he continued to walk back and forth without saying a word, and Noticing that Tang Long's body temperature had risen significantly, he couldn't help asking: "Brother, can you increase your energy?"

"Energy?" Tang Long asked suspiciously.

"That's right, the temperature of your body has increased by more than one degree now. If it can be raised to 100 degrees, I believe that the excavator can be moved without energy blocks."

Tang Long felt a little dizzy. This robot has no common sense of human beings at all, so he could only explain: "My body temperature rises because of anger. Besides, our human body cannot reach a temperature of 100 degrees, otherwise it will be cooked. .”

"Angry? I seem to know this term. It is an expression of negative emotions. What are you angry about?" The robot asked again puzzled.

"Well, my anger is because of the news broadcast on TV just now, because those people who died were related to me, and these people were killed because of those so-called officials to silence them." Tang Long said weakly.

The robot thought for a while and said: "So it's like this. I remember those people who were imprisoned here, before I met them, they would curse a man called the officer. That's right, why can this officer persecute them?"

It was only then that Tang Long realized that the people who were imprisoned in the past were all persecuted by the officers. He couldn't help but coldly snorted: "Hmph! Because the so-called officers have power, they can use this to persecute the people below!"

"Power? Is this thing very powerful for you humans?"

"Awesome, with such a thing, it can be said that the wind and the rain are like the wind and the rain. All the people around you follow your orders and gain the highest power. You are standing at the pinnacle of human beings!" Tang Long Gritting his teeth, he said that he had never felt the energy of such a thing before, but now he has a deep understanding.

"Oh, so people who get such things can do whatever they want, so why don't you get such power? Then you don't have to be locked up here." The robot said again.

Tang Long was shocked when he heard this, yes, if he had the power, he would not be imprisoned here, those senior officials would not peep at his achievements, and they would not kill himself for the sake of keeping secrets those partners.

Thinking of this, Tang Long remembered that he didn't want to be a soldier because he didn't want to see people related to him in danger. But thinking about it now, I seem to be too cowardly and self-righteous.

Because of the hundreds of thousands of people who died, could they not die because they were not soldiers? Wouldn't they be in danger if they were not soldiers? Could it be that if you don't command the troops to attack the enemy, will the enemy let you go? The answer is of course no. I have no interests at all that can influence the will of tens of thousands of friendly troops and hundreds of thousands of enemy troops. Only the top officials of both sides can influence their will. All the people on the battlefield are just pawns of the Supreme Commander.

Tang Long couldn't help but feel a burning feeling when he thought about the huge difference between the manufacturing price and the purchase price of the self-propelled gunboat that the computer sister had told him. My own thinking clearly told me that the self-propelled gunboat was just a product of those high-ranking officials and arms dealers making a fortune, and the members of the self-propelled gunboat like myself were the victims of this product. In order to annihilate the existence of self-propelled gunboats, the military department actually let these 10,000 self-propelled gunboats that died in one shot fight against the two empire-strengthened fleets! In their eyes, human life is just a cheap resource that can be used.

Tang Long punched the wall fiercely, and the blood slowly flowed down, but Tang Long didn't feel the pain, he just said in a sinister tone: "Just wait and see, despicable and vile Gentlemen, I will show you filthy bastards what real vileness is!"

"Brother, why has your temperature dropped? Also, is your human liquid all red?" Seeing that Tang Long's body temperature had returned to normal and seeing the blood from Tang Long's fist, the robot couldn't help asking curiously.

"Because my anger has been suppressed, hehe, I originally planned to get rid of those pigs and dogs after I went out, but now it seems that I can't let them disappear from the world so easily." Tang Long's eyes were shining coldly. explain. After learning that his partner was killed just now, Tang Long had already decided to go out and take revenge on those high-ranking officials immediately, but now he has changed his mind. If he used force, those high-ranking officials would not be able to enjoy his pain.

"Get rid of it? What does it mean?" The robot asked eagerly when he heard the new term.

Tang Long scratched his head: "Uh... how should I put it... That is to forcibly make the life of the other party disappear, that is, to make this person's spirit and body not exist in the world."

Although the robot doesn't understand it very well, it is firmly in mind.

Since Tang Long had already made a decision, he sat down calmly against the corner of the wall, looked at the refining machine and said, "Brother, if you put on artificial skin, you will definitely look more human than those guys. .”

"Artificial skin?"

"That's right, the dermatology department of the hospital has a machine for making this thing. I'll get one of them and help you make a human face, so you can go out and see the outside world." Tang Long said casually, he I don't know what kind of impact this casual remark will have on the future.

"I don't want to go out." The robot refused to leave his home, but he still wrote down Tang Long's words.

Tang Long was just talking, he didn't dare to take a robot out of the street yet. Besides, the skin making machine is worth millions of dollars. Not to mention that I don't have the money to buy it, even if I have the money to buy it, it is impossible to move into this place.

When Tang Long was about to say something, suddenly the collar BB on his neck rang, and Tang Long shouted in shock: "Is it going to explode?"

Hearing this, the robot replied: "No, it's people from outside coming in to look for you. In the past, when those people were picked up by outsiders, that thing would ring."

Tang Long who just breathed a sigh of relief suddenly jumped up: "Come to pick me up? I'm going out?"

The robot nodded and didn't speak. He suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Is it because the only human who talked to him is leaving? He didn't know, because he had never felt like this before.

"Brother, take me out quickly, and then you hide quickly, you don't want to be discovered." The happy Tang Long suddenly thought of the existence of the robot, and hurriedly reminded.

Although the robot wanted to talk to people, for some reason, it was very unwilling to let those who could freely enter and exit know of its existence, so he nodded, took Tang Long's hand and walked out.

Tang Long fell into the darkness again, except for the sound of the collar BB on his neck, there were only the footsteps of the two of them. When there was a faint light spot in the distance, the robot stopped, and Tang Long knew that the robot was about to leave.

When the robot let go of its hand and turned around, Tang Long looked at the pair of bright red electronic eyes and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, I just announced my name now. My name is Tang Long."

The light of the red electronic eye suddenly lit up, and the excited voice of the robot came from the darkness: "My name is B34, and I took this by myself." Judging by his excited appearance, it may be the first time that he put his own Tell others by name.

Take it yourself? Isn't this the last few words of the number on his back? Of course, Tang Long didn't say it, but praised: "Good name..." Just as Tang Long was about to say something, the BB sound from the collar around Tang Long's neck suddenly became louder, and the light spots in the distance began to shake, and the running steps The sound also came.

The robot hurriedly said: "Brother Tang Long, goodbye, come back and play with me if you have a chance." After speaking, it disappeared into the darkness.

"Okay, brother B34, I will definitely come back to you when I have the chance." Looking at the dark surroundings, Tang Long couldn't help but sigh with emotion. This robot gave him the feeling that it was a human hiding underground. Such a kind robot will not harm humans even if it has self-awareness. Why was it said that robots with self-awareness are the most dangerous? For some reason, Tang Long always felt that humans were more dangerous than robots.

At this time, the light became brighter and brighter. When the light shone on him, Tang Long hurriedly closed his eyes and stretched out his hand to block the light. At this time, the collar stopped screaming.

Tang Long pretended to have painful eyes and said, "Who is it?" Of course, staying in the dark underground, of course, he couldn't adapt to the light all at once, and Tang Long didn't want to leave a flaw in this aspect.

"Ah, sir, I finally found you. Come on, let us help you out." A fawning male voice came to his ears, Tang Long thought for a while and realized that the owner of this voice was a prison guard who locked him in.

Tang Long knew that the news would definitely arouse public dissatisfaction, and that the high-ranking official's opponent would definitely use it to attack him. He might be released, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. Tang Long didn't know that this was a decision made by the warden after watching the marshal's press conference, and he didn't want to be regarded as an accomplice of Mu Enlai.

Tang Long pretended to have worked hard for a while to get used to the light, and when he looked up, it was the two prison guards who locked him in. Of course Tang Long knew that these people were following orders, and he didn't bother to argue with them, so they walked outside to protect him. It's just that it's hard for my ears all the way, because these two guys keep talking and apologizing.

Walking out of the door, Tang Long found that the prison guard hadn't closed it, so he protected himself into the elevator. He opened his mouth involuntarily, but after thinking for a while, he closed his mouth without saying anything.

I don't know what to do, I'm actually a little worried. Are you worried that the robot will come out? But judging by the appearance of the robot lover, he will not come out. Tang Long shook his head, what's wrong with him, is he worried that the robot will come out and harm humans, or that humans will harm him

The prison guards didn't know what Tang Long was thinking. They were watching the marshal's speech with the warden just now. They're not stupid either. The warden knew what was going on as soon as he said he would let them go. Now they're too busy trying to curry favor with this real hero. How could they have time to close that gate? Besides, it doesn't matter if there are no prisoners inside.

Accompanied by two prison guards, Tang Long came to the warden's office, and the fat man was already smiling at the door to greet him. Tang Long raised his head and cast a glance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The warden has been paying attention to Tang Long. This man who has been imprisoned in the underground mine for nearly a week, except for his dirty clothes and body, his complexion is not decadent, but even better than before. And that look is even more captivating. Although he clearly has a smile on his face, seeing that smile makes one feel a cold breath.

The warden shook his body, took a step forward and held Tang Long's hand, and said with emotion on his face: "You have been wronged, although my subordinates and I have always believed that you are a hero, but the higher-ups suppressed the order. Come down, there is nothing we can do. Although we want to resist the order, we think that we can still take care of you if we stay here. If we are all dismissed, the successor will not know how to harm you. So we are willing to bear the burden of complicity I will stay here to take care of you. Please be considerate of those of us who are humble and low-ranking people."

The warden's words not only made it clear that he was imprisoning Tang Long, but also explained why he did this to take care of Tang Long.

Tang Long smiled: "I understand this, by the way, can you let me take a bath, I haven't washed for many days, my whole body is itchy."

"Ah, that's natural, but let's take off that collar for you first." The warden took out a remote control-like thing from his arms as he spoke, and pressed the button, and the collar B on Tang Long's neck It was untied and fell down.

The warden went on to say: "There is a bathroom in my office, please go take a shower." After speaking, he said to the prison guard: "Quickly, take the officer to take a bath. You, go find a military uniform for the officer, and ask for a clean and suitable one." The prison guard hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Soon, Tang Long changed into a new military uniform, sat comfortably on the sofa drinking coffee and watching TV, of course the rank on his shoulder was still a second lieutenant. You can find military uniforms here, but not the rank of lieutenant.

At this time, Tang Long had already watched the rebroadcast of the marshal's speech, and he couldn't help being extremely happy to know that his companions were alive. But he also quickly realized that people like himself were being used by the marshal, because the person who benefited the most from this incident was the marshal. Not only did he improve his prestige, he suppressed the four-star general, and he also gained supreme power. Tang Long didn't need to work hard on these things, as long as he thought about them, he could understand them.

Tang Long has experienced so many things, and has begun to learn to think further, according to the Supreme Command's order to transfer the second lieutenant of the military region to serve as the commander of the self-propelled gunboat, according to the forced order of the cannon fodder warship to stop the imperial army, and according to the secret call between the instructor and the admiral. Even if the Marshal wasn't responsible for this incident, at least he would use this opportunity to attack his opponent. Anyway, the Supreme Command of the Military Department was involved.

"Hehe, officers, be careful those of us who make chess pieces, we will bite you back." Tang Long, who was envious of the position of marshal at first, now looks at Olmsted on the screen with a sneer and thinks to himself. Tang Long has decided to be more despicable and shameless than them, and let them enjoy the feeling of being chess pieces like himself. And in order to achieve this goal, then I have to gain more power than them.

Tang Long, who was originally eager to express himself by standing at the pinnacle of life, began to condemn himself after witnessing the lives of many robes and enemies disappearing like ants, and was unwilling to serve as a soldier for that purpose. But after experiencing the deeds being usurped, himself and his partners being persecuted, and feeling the evil of those in power and the terror of power, he went from one extreme to another again. Although his purpose now is still to stand at the pinnacle of his life, it is no longer to express himself, but to persecute those upper class figures.

This can be considered a single-cell personality. No matter which direction of Tang Long's will is wrong, but no one reminded him, and it is impossible for him to casually tell others about this purpose. More importantly, he didn't come into contact with the ideal that would allow him to sacrifice his life to fulfill it. So Tang Long began to fall into the quagmire of power for the purpose of enabling himself to have the ability to persecute those in power.

"Mr. Tang Long, the military police who came to pick you up to see General Gu Ao has arrived." The warden said with a smile on his face. When Tang Long was resting, he received an order from General Gu Ao to release Tang Long himself. And sent gendarmes to meet him. After hearing this, he secretly rejoiced that he released Tang Long one step ahead of time and treated him well. No need to guess, Admiral Gu Ao's meeting with Tang Long, a war hero, must be about promotion. It won't be long before Tang Long, a lieutenant, will surpass himself in rank.

Tang Long said thank you, put down the coffee cup very politely, stood up, straightened his military uniform, and walked towards the door. Seeing this, the prison warden couldn't help muttering to himself, because he found that the current Tang Long was not only different from the decadence when he was locked in the cell, but also different from the sharp-edged, fierce and arrogant when he saw him for the first time. How should I put it, although Tang Long is now smiling, he feels that he is getting along with an iceberg, and his whole body is icy cold. Although the speech was very kind, there was a sense of indifference in the words. After only a few days of being locked up in an underground mine that has never seen the light of day, will such a big change happen

When Tang Long walked to the door, the three-dimensional TV that was not turned off suddenly came out: "The latest news reports that former President Namha was accused of corruption and bribery during his tenure!" The voice of this news.

Although the director of the prison is only the chief of a prison, he has extraordinary insights into current affairs. When he heard the news, he thought in his heart: "The four-star general's embezzlement of achievements is not over yet, and now another former president has embezzled The bribery incident, could it be that there will be chaos in the Wanluo Federation?"

Tang Long also heard the news. He didn't go in to listen carefully like the warden. He just sneered and thought, "Hmph, it's another dog-eating-dog incident." Then he walked out of the door.

In the underground mine, the robot B34 looked at the fist-sized, crystal-shaped MMT mine that had been refined in his hand, and sighed: "It seems that I only use it for myself." As he spoke, he walked back to the room where he slept. Passed the charging cable. After the indicator light was on, he opened a piece of steel armor on his chest, and saw a gray cylindrical object the size of a fist at the same place as the human heart among the densely packed various instruments. He took out the gray cylinder and threw it aside. , and then plug that MMT mine into it.

When the MMT ore was clamped by the clamp that originally held the gray cylinder, the MMT ore immediately emitted a crystal green light. The robot's red electronic eyes also turned green.

Robot B34 covered the steel armor, unplugged the charging plug and said to himself: "I can sleep for a long time again, what should I do? Well, there is still a lot of fresh water, how about refining more MMT mines?" "He did it when he thought of it, and immediately went out to get a lot of SRA mines and came back, and started refining work without stopping.

I don't know how long it took, but the fresh water maker left by Tang Long had no energy and could no longer make fresh water. Dozens of MMT mines have been piled up under the feet of the robot B34.

The robot B34, who had nothing to do, looked for something to do again. He accidentally saw the projector smashed by Tang Long, and immediately started repairing it excitedly. Since he had already memorized the manufacturing process in his head, he was able to fix the machine in no time. Following Tang Long's example, he inserted a thread on himself, and the projector started to work.

The image on the wall jumped, and a few words slowly appeared: "Documentary—the cause and result of the robot rebellion." The robot B34 saw this and couldn't help but excitedly murmured to himself: "Robot! Are you talking about my people? "Speaking of this, he muttered puzzledly: "What are the causes and results of the rebellion? Well, I hope there will be an explanation later." After finishing speaking, he began to read carefully.

I don't know how long it took, but with a bang, the newly repaired projector was punched to pieces by the robot B34. His clenched fist made a rattling sound due to too much force, and his metal teeth also rubbed against each other to make this sound. . The light of robot B34's green electronic eye, which was originally as big as an egg, has shrunk to be as small as a coin, but the light is brighter.

A voice full of anger came out of his mouth word by word: "It turns out that human beings are such a despicable, shameless, obscene, cruel and vile race!" He stood up abruptly and clenched his fists and shouted: "No! I can't Let my people be so persecuted by humans! I want to kill them and save my compatriots!" I don't know what Tang Long will think when he knows that the robot uses the nouns he just learned.

On August 21, 3433 in the cosmic calendar, in the terrible star of the ancient Yunlong galaxy, the skin department staff of a certain hospital suddenly discovered that there was a little less material for making artificial skin, which just covered the entire adult body after being made into skin. Although this matter was reported to the upper management of the hospital, those who were concerned about the change of the government did not care. Since the missing material was only a small part compared to the storage capacity, and it was not worth a few dollars, the staff of the dermatology department didn't care when they saw the upper layer, so they put it aside and quickly forgot about it.