Tales of Soldier

Chapter 33


Facing countless reporters, Namha raised his fist angrily and shouted: "Slander! This is slander! This is absolutely slander!" After shouting this, Namha changed his expression and said with a desolate and painful expression: "I want to I have been walking on thin ice since I became a politician, working day and night without sleeping and eating, and all I did was for the people of the Wanluo Federation. I never thought...someone would slander me! I want to sue the TV station for spreading false news!" Said This, he raised his voice again.

After Namha's performance, just after making a gesture to start the question-and-answer session, a reporter immediately raised his hand and asked, "Sir, is it true that the federal prosecutor will investigate you this time?"

"Absolutely nothing! If the prosecutor investigates me, do you think I can stand here and hold a press conference? It's all just rumors!" Namha said as soon as the reporter finished speaking. answer.

"Sir, who do you think a case has been brought against you in court?" asked another reporter.

"I have to ask you journalists. I didn't know that someone was suing me until the news was broadcast on TV. But I can be sure that this kind of people who make out of nothing must be my political enemies, hoping to use this to damage my reputation. But he will definitely be disappointed, a person like me who is not afraid of the shadows will not be knocked down by these rumors! My supporters will definitely not believe such nonsense!"

At this time, when a reporter stood up and was about to ask a question, he suddenly noticed that Namha's face changed, and he was staring blankly at the door of the conference hall. He forgot to ask the question and turned to look. Namha's expression and the reporter's actions made everyone turn their heads back to watch.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned, because four big men in military uniforms walked into the entrance of the conference hall. A well-informed reporter, seeing the armbands of those soldiers, couldn't help exclaiming: "A law enforcement officer of a military court!" Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Everyone knew that this type of law enforcement officer was specially designed to arrest people who violated the federal military law. , but there are no soldiers here, why are they here

Namha looked at the four soldiers walking towards him in puzzlement, and couldn't help but turned to his Secretary Zhang and asked in a low voice: "What's going on? Why did the people from the military court appear here? Didn't you say hello to the marshal?" ?"

Secretary Zhang replied puzzledly: "Sir, the marshal has agreed to use the power of the army to interfere in this matter, and I don't know why people from the military court came here."

When Namha heard Olmster's promise, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. As long as the first person in the army was on his side, he would have nothing to fear, and he was not a soldier, so the court-martial was not qualified to arrest him. These people may have come to inform him of something.

Thinking of this, Namha hurriedly put on a friendly smile to greet the four law enforcement officers who were already standing in front of him. But before asking them what was the matter, a law enforcement officer standing at the top took out a piece of paper from his arms with a cold expression and read: "According to Chanamha colluding with the arms manufacturer, using the president's The power forcibly determines the type of warships purchased by the army, and obtains huge rebates from them, which has caused a large number of casualties among our Wanluo Federation soldiers due to the low quality of warships. Now arrest them for the crime of endangering soldiers in Article 345 of the Federal Constitution!"

Namha was dumbfounded when he heard it. He was in a daze not because there was no such thing, but because it was a very confidential matter. Why would the people in the military court know? Except for the arms dealer and himself, no one should know about it!

When Namha was thinking hard, those reporters were already holding up their cameras and desperately taking photos. They all knew that this time it was really big news. Namha, who usually yells to protect the interests of the soldiers outside, will collude with arms dealers to supply the army with fake and inferior warships!

"I'm sorry, please come with us." The leading law enforcement officer saw Namha staying there and winked. Two of the law enforcement officers behind him immediately came forward and clamped Namha's arm forcefully. Just set it up and go.

Only then did Namha come to his senses, he hurriedly struggled and shouted, "Let go of me! This is slander! Rumors! Frame!" He looked at his personal bodyguards for help, but those bodyguards pretended not to look at them. When he saw his gaze, he either lowered his head or turned his head sideways.

These bodyguards are usually very annoying, because their boss is the federal president. People like myself usually beat the police hard if they don't like it, and they can even fight with the military police without being caught, but now they can only behave with their tails between their tails when they see law enforcement officers. The reason is simple, if you offend the police and gendarmerie, you just offend their chiefs, and you can get through with some pressure from the boss. But the law enforcement officer represents the majesty of the entire federal army, to stop them? 100% will be shot to death by random robbery, and it is still a very dishonorable way of death. It seems that people like myself have found another boss.

Seeing that his bodyguard was unreliable at all, Namha could not help but curse secretly, but now is not the time to think about it. Namha hurriedly turned his gaze to Secretary Zhang, and winked desperately, asking him to go to Olmsted for help.

But Namha suddenly felt his whole body was icy cold, because he saw Secretary Zhang sneer at him, then turned and left. Could it be that this matter was not done by Chen Yu, but by Secretary Zhang, whom he relied on as his confidant? But why did he do it? It won't do him any good at all. Or did my enemies pay him a high price? It's also impossible, all my secret funds are handed over to him to make a profit, even the interest in the bank is astronomical.

Oops! Namha knew why Secretary Zhang betrayed himself, because all the secret funds would be his! no! I can't let this traitor eat my money! Namha opened his mouth, ready to drag Secretary Zhang into the water. But at this time, one of the law enforcement officers who caught him whispered something in Namha's ear: "Your secretary is not called Kaijie Zhang, but Zhang Huhun."

"Zhang Huhun?" Namuha was taken aback when he heard the name, but for a moment, thinking of something, Namuha groaned with a livid face: "Zhang Huhun, the eldest son of Zhang Junlong!" He got down and was taken away by the law enforcement officer without any resistance.

In a villa in the federal capital, Chen Yu, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, swaying his wine glass while watching the news, smiled sinisterly, as if talking to himself: "Take advantage of his illness to kill him." , spread the information about Namha."

Suddenly, a figure stepped out of the corner where the light from the projector could not reach, and the figure bowed to Chen Yu's back in response: "Yes."

Chen Yuqian took a sip of the fine wine in the wine glass, then held the wine glass up to the light to observe the bright colors.

The shadow didn't leave either, it just stood there quietly.

After a while, Chen Yu said slowly: "Do you know who jumped out first?"

"It's Namha's first secretary." The shadow answered very concisely.

"Oh, Secretary Zhang, I've met him several times, but I didn't expect this taciturn young man to be so ruthless. Can you find out why he betrayed? It should be for Namuha's secret funds." Chen Yu finished speaking Smiling, he took another sip of the wine.

"I can't find it, but I found another identity of Secretary Zhang." The shadow just closed his mouth after speaking halfway.

When the matter is not urgent, Chen Yu likes his subordinates not to give the answer directly, because it can exercise their thinking ability.

"Oh, his motive cannot be found out, and he has another identity. Being able to become Namha's first secretary with a fake identity not only shows that he is very capable, but also proves that there are many people behind him. A big power. Which power does he belong to?" Chen Yu has already roughly guessed which power is behind him, and now he is waiting to prove that he is right. Of course, he would not reveal his guess. If it was wrong, it would not only embarrass his subordinates, but also make them laugh.

"His real name is Zhang Huhun." The shadow knew that if he told this boss in too much detail, he would be considered a show off, so he only said what could represent the power of that person.

Chen Yu, who is also the chief of the two major departments of national defense and intelligence, immediately knew what the name Zhang Huhun stood for.

He opened his mouth in surprise and wanted to say something, but he quickly closed his mouth, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and after a sigh of relief, he said slowly: "Investigate what Zhang Junlong and Zhang Huhun are going to do?" Namha's secret funds are not yet in the eyes of the King of the North, they must have some purpose in doing this." He waved the man back as he said.

I don't know how long it took before Chen Yu said to himself weakly and softly on his forehead: "How could it be Zhang Junlong? It stands to reason that Olmsted should be the one who wants to overthrow Namha. Zhang Junlong, the king of the north, has always kept a low profile , and don’t meddle in politics, what is the reason for suddenly letting your son make such a big deal?”


In the Marshal's Mansion, Olmsted, sitting at his desk, smiled and looked at the two holographic projection busts in front of him. The one on the left is a middle-aged man wearing the uniform of a four-star general of the Federation. His jet-black hair is combed back very tightly, and his ordinary facial features are full of might because of his shining eyes.

The one on the right is a very refined young man in a neat black close-fitting suit, white shirt, and black tie. It's just that there is a faint smile on the corner of this young man's mouth, which makes him look a little arrogant.

The four-star general spoke first and said, "Old friend, please take care of my son's affairs." The young man lowered his head slightly when he heard this.

Olmster said with a smile: "I said, Junlong, what are you asking for? I have always regarded Hu Hun's nephew as my own son. If you need my help, do you still ask me?"

Zhang Junlong listened, nodded with a smile and said nothing, but his sharp eyes glanced at the young man. The young man lowered his slightly lowered head, bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you uncle, please continue to take care of my nephew in the future."

Olmster nodded with a smile and said, "Needless to say, just treat me as an outsider. Tiger Soul, have you accepted Namha's territory? Is there any problem?"

Zhang Huhun said respectfully: "Yes, there is no problem. Because Mr. Namha's nephew has done all the elections and getting closer to the voters these years. It can be said that the voters are familiar with Mr. Namha. , It’s better to be familiar with my nephew. After Mr. Namha’s accident, the voters proposed that I should replace Mr. Namha in the election.”

When Olmster heard that Zhang Huhun still called Namha Mr., he couldn't help but take a closer look at him. Olmster knew that Zhang Huhun was not the reason why he was used to calling him, but he didn't know whether he continued to call him Mr. because he admired Namha, or was it because of politeness? If it was the latter reason, then this young man was very deep, and he was able to maintain politeness to the person he framed in front of his own people.

Thinking of this, Olmsted sighed and said, "It's a pity that you can't join forces with Chen Yu. Namha and Chen Yu are rivals. It turned out that the voters who supported Namha would never agree to join forces with you and Chen Yu." , otherwise you will be qualified to serve as vice president." Speaking of this, Olmsted laughed: "But you don't have to be discouraged, with the support of the members sent by me and your father, the speaker of the house can still be elected. "

When Olmster said this, he kept secretly paying attention to the expressions of the two father and son, and saw that although they had faint smiles on their faces, there was a slight sense of confidence in their expressions. Seeing this scene, Olmster couldn't help but thump in his heart. It seems that the MPs supported by the Junlong faction must have accounted for the majority of all the seats, otherwise they would not have shown such an expression.

"Well, it's such a pity. Because of the last impersonation incident, all the MPs who were officially supported by the military were dismissed. Although I have always supported my spokesperson in the dark, there are not many of them. Look at their appearance , the people secretly supported by the Junlong faction must be much more than themselves."

While Olmsted was thinking, Zhang Junlong said aloud: "Chen Yu is now ranked first in the votes, and the presidential throne is secure. The first person in the Federation with national defense and intelligence will definitely not Let the people in our military system feel better. In order for the House to contain him, I think we should be frank. This is the list of congressional candidates supported by my faction, and 70% of them have already won the election."

Following Zhang Junlong's words, a miniature screen appeared in front of Olmster, and the names of people were slowly scrolling. Olmsted pressed the infrared electronic touch keyboard on the table, and immediately knew that there were 7,000 people on this list, and more than 5,000 of them already had the qualifications of parliamentarians. Among the 20,000 seats, it is already known who made them sit in more than 5,000 seats. Don't know if the figure of more than 5,000 people is true? It should be much less than the real number.

Olmster raised his head and smiled and said, "Although I don't have a faction, there are thousands of people who are friends who have won the election. I will send you their list." He pressed a few buttons.

The image of Zhang Junlong seemed to be looking down at something, and after a long time he raised his head, glanced at his son inadvertently, and then said with a smile: "I really can't see it, you have so many friends who have won the election, let Hu Hun go visit them?"

"Of course it is necessary, otherwise how can we restrain Chen Yu? I will introduce Tiger Soul to them." Olmsted said with a smile.

Zhang Huhun received the list of congressmen supported by Olmsted from his father, and saw that there were a total of 3,000 people on it. Accounted for more than half, reaching 52% of the seats. Don't underestimate the 2%, this is the power that can really influence the federation!

Olmsted started typing on the keyboard when the two fathers and sons were handing over documents, and then said to Zhang Huhun aloud: "I have already sent them the letter of introduction, you can contact them at any time."

This kind of contact with thousands of people is usually through holographic projection, just like Olmsted and the others. Otherwise, who has the energy to meet thousands of people one by one? Of course, we will still meet in person for very confidential matters or to cultivate relationships.

Zhang Junlong nodded to Zhang Huhun and said, "Look, how much your uncle takes care of you, and just after he finished speaking, he issued a letter of introduction. Why don't you hurry up and contact those councilors?"

Zhang Huhun knew that his father had something to say to Olmsted, and it was likely to be a topic that could not be discussed. If he stayed here, he might be angered, so he quickly thanked Olmsted, and then turned off the communicator Connection.

"Your Excellency Marshal, now that there are no conflicts on the border, I don't know when the high-level warships under the command of the military region will be able to return to the station? Of course, the commander of the military region, Xiaguan, does not have any objections to this. We are all federal soldiers. Those warships It is a warship of the Federation, and wherever it is stationed is a word from the Federation. But the soldiers in the north, my subordinates, always complain to me, saying that they dare not complain during the war, but now there is no war. The battleships are all concentrated on one planet, and they are all crowded to death. When will they be able to go back? Because hearing these words made my ears callous, so I came to ask Your Excellency the Marshal." Zhang Junlong looked closely at the Olmsted.

Olmster knew what he was going to say when Zhang Junlong asked his son to leave first. Although Zhang Junlong still has 150,000 warships under his command, it is a pity that these are all types of warships and transport ships of the middle and lower classes. Only less than 60% of the original is left, so of course I am anxious about those high-level warships.

After the border conflict ended, there were dozens of officers who asked me to express their hope to transfer the high-level warships back to their original station. Some of these people say that the power to defend the border is not enough, and some say that the strength to fight space pirates is not enough. In fact, they are not all trying to preserve their own strength. It seems that the Federation is slowly beginning to be divided by warlords. Thinking of this, Olmsted secretly laughs in his heart, because the military regions have such a large power, which is the result of his decades.

Of course, these thoughts flashed through my mind, and Olmsted nodded as soon as Zhang Junlong finished speaking: "I was going to tell you about this. Originally, after the conflict ended and the empire did not continue to invade , has been preparing to transfer the high-level warships back to their original stations during the general election. However, during this period, the incident of Mu Enlaisi's occupation of the credit occurred. Although the arrest warrant was issued, the South ignored it at all. Hong Kong expels those sent to arrest them."

"Your Excellency is saying that the Reis faction will rebel? How can his 100,000 middle- and lower-level warships be the opponents of the hundreds of thousands of federal warships? Please rest assured that you don't need other military regions to do anything, as long as you transfer the high-level warships of the Northern Military Region Come back, the subordinate dares to issue a military order to immediately arrest the two fathers of Mu Enlai and bring them to justice!" After Zhang Junlong finished speaking, he continued to stare at Olmsted closely.

Olmster sighed and said, "Well, of course I know that as long as your northern military region can destroy Muen Reis, but there are 3,000 high-level warships of the Reis faction on the Dread Star, if they occupy an overwhelming majority The warships of your northern military region, which suppressed the superiority, have been transferred away. Once they collude with the empire, our federation's front will collapse immediately. Even if they do not treason, if they come to the slogan of stopping the civil war and detain other warships, the entire border will immediately become chaotic. "

Zhang Junlong said indifferently: "Marshal, you can replace the commanders of these warships, or for safety, you can replace all the southern personnel. Isn't it a matter of order?"

Olmsted spread his hands and said helplessly: "It's difficult, don't they know the reason why we did this? This will only make them rebel in advance! Even if they don't rebel, they can just obey the orders of their immediate superiors." , My marshal's order is useless."

Zhang Junlong raised his eyebrows. He already knew what Olmsted meant. It turned out that he hoped that the decree that the marshal could order any soldier would be passed as soon as possible.

When Zhang Junlong first heard the proposal of this decree, he knew that it was a good sword to deal with the commanders of the military regions like himself. Because of this decree, the marshal has the right to directly place his cronies in the key departments of the military regions, and at the same time transfer the confidantes of the commanders of the military regions to other places. In a sense, it is a good thing for the federal army, but it is not so good for the military commanders themselves. Originally, he wanted his son to take control of the Senate and delay the implementation of this decree. Now it seems that Olmsted has traded the high-level warships of the Northern Military Region with himself.

"To be on the safe side, we can act first. On the Dread Star, there are at least tens of thousands of high-level warships outside the Leith faction. These warships can completely wipe out the warships of the Leith faction. As long as you order, the officer is willing to personally Go to command." Zhang Junlong weighed it and felt that it was still not worthwhile, and he would rather consume some high-level warships than let the decree pass.

"It's impossible. What reason do we use to eliminate them? Is it to prevent them from rebelling in the future? This won't work at all." Olmsted shook his head hurriedly.

Zhang Junlong looked at Olmster without saying a word, and after a long time, he said aloud: "I understand, then let's discuss the topic of high-level warships being transferred back to the military regions after your Excellency transfers those people away. Ah, That's right, Muen Reis contacted us four-star generals, he said he was framed, I don't know if I can believe his words. Okay, then I will contact you next time." After saying this, he meant After taking a long look at Olmsted, he turned off the communication.

Olmsted looked at the empty office, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said something inexplicable to himself: "It seems that a real war is needed."

After spending several hours on a floating car and a transport ship, Tang Long finally arrived outside the commander's office of the Bone Dragon Cloud Galaxy Military Region. But the military police took Tang Long to the door and left.

"Report!" Tang Long shouted as he saluted the closed door. At this time, the detectors placed on both sides of the door emitted two faint lights to scan Tang Long, and then the door opened automatically with the sound of B.

"Damn, the door is opened only after inspection. Could it be that an assassin will come to assassinate him?" Tang Long who originally thought that standing at the door, the door would open, muttered to himself. He would even complain about this kind of thing, mainly because he had to salute again after entering.

When Tang Long entered, the first thing he saw was a middle-aged soldier standing in front of a large table. He had seen this man before, and it was this man who gave him the order to resist the enemy army desperately. Those three shiny gold stars are really disgusting. Although Tang Long was thinking wildly in his heart, he still gave an impeccable military salute with a blank face, and said respectfully: "Hello, sir!"

Admiral Gu Ao waved his hand casually in return, and then said with a smile: "Thanks for your hard work, hero of our Federation. Come, let's sit and talk." He pointed to the sofa in the corner of the room.

"Thank you." Tang Long kept a cold expression, put his hands on his knees, and sat on the edge of the sofa with his back straight, so to speak, listening to the officer's words all the time. Only when the young and beautiful female orderly brought black tea did he slightly nodded his head in thanks.

Of course, Tang Long also noticed that the beautiful orderly soldier glanced at him secretly, but he didn't think about other aspects, instead he thought: "I don't know if this female soldier has had such an affair with this general? If If so, how can we collect evidence?" Ganqing now thinks about how to use everything he sees. Admiral Gu Ao, who was boastful and far-fetched, didn't know how the subordinate in front of him was planning to ruin his reputation.

"That incident was mainly done by Lieutenant General Mu Enlais and South. Later, Lieutenant General South found out with his conscience, under his own impartiality, and under the investigation of the Marshal himself, you finally saw the light of day again..." Tang Long listened to Admiral Gu Ao's constant talk, and the main content was that without Lieutenant General Sous and Marshal, especially without his help and impartiality as Admiral, he, a lieutenant, would not be able to stand up.

Tang Long sneered secretly in his heart, don't think that he has been locked up for so long and doesn't know what's going on outside, the first thing he did when he came out was to look for the archived news. During the whole incident, that Sosshai protected the people he knew and reported on Muen Leisi, and the Marshal kicked Muen Leisi from the stage, but you, the general, did nothing at all. Praise yourself repeated so many times

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't know how the comrades in that ship are doing now?" Tang Long finally waited for Admiral Gu Ao to drink tea to refresh his mouth, and immediately asked.

"Oh, them, speaking of them, this is related to the reason why I want to meet you." Gu Ao put down his teacup and stared at Tang Long, seeing Tang Long looking at him with the same expression, he said slowly : "You can imagine that this incident is a major blow to the reputation of our army. The number of people applying for enlistment this year alone has dropped by 50% compared with the previous year, and the number of people applying for retirement is even lower than that of the previous year. 200% more, from this we can know the seriousness of the matter."

Of course Tang Long knew how much that incident would affect the army's reputation. When he heard the news, he felt that the army was so dark. Those people who know the truth probably feel the same in their hearts. Who would want to stay in the army if they have that feeling.

Seeing Tang Long nodding, General Gu Ao continued: "So in order to stabilize the morale of the army, our command department hopes that you will not mention this matter. As for the people, they are very forgetful. I believe they will forget this matter in a short time. At that time, the prestige of our army will rise again. I believe that as a soldier, you will agree."

Tang Long was taken aback when he heard this, and thought in his heart: "Threats? I wonder if this matter can be used to frame him?" Of course, he immediately denied it in his heart, and he didn't want to be pointed at all day long. Besides, this is the decision of the entire military high-level, I am not stupid enough to oppose all high-level officials.

Admiral Gu Ao saw Tang Long bowed his head and said nothing, thought he was unwilling, and hurriedly continued: "Your comrades in arms have all agreed, and in order to compensate you, we can satisfy each of you with a reasonable request."

"Can you satisfy each of us with a reasonable request?" Tang Long asked back in surprise. In his opinion, it is very simple for him not to mention that matter. How could the senior military officials make such a promise? Woolen cloth

"Yes, as long as it's reasonable, you can ask for anything." Gu Ao smiled when he saw Tang Long's appearance. Although he didn't understand why the high-level military officials took such care of these junior non-commissioned officers, he was able to complete the task. That's an extra sum.

"Sir, may I ask, may I know what my comrades-in-arms want?" Tang Long said eagerly.

"Hehe, this kid, I dare to refer to it before making a decision." Although Gu Ao was thinking in his heart, he replied immediately: "They all want to go to the Non-commissioned Officer Academy to study their majors."

"Non-commissioned officer academy?" Tang Long was a little puzzled, they were already non-commissioned officers, why did they still enter the non-commissioned officer academy

Seeing Tang Long's appearance, Gu Ao knew that he had misunderstood: "Hehe, the Non-commissioned Officer Academy is a place for officers who have not graduated from the National Defense University to study. Of course, it is also the best shortcut for non-commissioned officers to be promoted to junior officers. Not everyone is qualified to enter. Yes. They are at least a second lieutenant when they come out."

Of course Tang Long could hear Gu Ao hinting that he wanted this, but firstly, he didn't like reading, and secondly, he was already a lieutenant, so it was no use going in.

Seeing that Tang Long frowned and remained silent, Gu Ao knew that Tang Long didn't like this, so he said again: "Come on, tell me, what is your request?"

"Well, I wonder if I can serve as the commander of the battleship?" Although Tang Long's expression was still indifferent, his eyes radiated a fiery light.

Gu Ao's heart skipped a beat. He had seen this light before, and he could see it every time he looked in the mirror. He knew very well that it was the light of longing for something. It was the look of longing for promotion.

Gu Ao frowned, he didn't like to see the same eyes as himself in other people's eyes, he took a sip from his teacup and said: "Although you can be promoted to major general based on your achievements last time, it is undeniable that you violated I obeyed my order - stick to it!" After saying this, Gu Ao's eyes shone with indifference.

Tang Long immediately bowed his head guilty, but he snorted coldly in his heart: "Damn, defend to the death? You bastard, 10,000 self-propelled gunboats were wiped out without even seeing the enemy's shadow, if it wasn't for me I took advantage of the enemy's mentality of thinking that we would flee and underestimated the enemy to counterattack once, and before they could react, they started to flee, and now I have become cosmic dust!"

Seeing Tang Long lowering his head, Gu Ao smiled triumphantly and continued: "However, although you committed a crime of violating military orders, it became lighter after being imprisoned. At the same time, because of your contribution It is very huge, so with the approval of the military department, it is decided to promote you to captain, and the crime of violating military orders will be eliminated, and it will not be recorded in your file. Do you have any opinions on such a decision?"

"No! Thank you, sir, for cultivating!" Tang Long suddenly stood up and saluted with a slap. Although his heart was full of joy, his face still kept a cold expression. Thinking about it, why would he have any objections? He thought it would be good if he didn't get punished and downgraded, but he didn't expect to be promoted to a higher level. Hehe, the 19-year-old captain, thinking of this, would laugh in his dreams.