Tales of Soldier

Chapter 4


"Grandma, bear! I dodge, I do dodge again..." Tang Long sat in a simulator wearing a holographic helmet, holding the control handles of the plane with both hands, and his body swayed with the swing of the machine. He is playing games during his break time.

The body shook violently, and Tang Long clenched his fists and gave a pause from top to bottom, "Yeah!" Then he stretched out his middle finger to the air ahead, and cursed in a harsh tone: "Damn, didn't you chase me these few days?" Is it cool? Show me now, hahahaha..." Before he finished cursing, his body froze suddenly. He suddenly hugged his helmeted head and shouted frantically: "Is this true? Did you lie to me?... Wow! That's great! My level has been upgraded to S level! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" Tang Long After speaking, he stood up, no matter whether he was in the cockpit, he raised his hands and twisted his buttocks and danced.

At this moment in the 23rd Regiment, Tang Long was the only instructor's lounge that Tang Long hadn't broken into. The five naked robot instructors were covered in thread, standing motionless. There is a large row of instruments behind them, and the signal lights on the instruments are constantly flashing.

The robot standing in a raised shape didn't move, and the green light in its eyes disappeared, but their conversation continued. This is talking directly through the computer.

"Why did that idiot Tang Long start dancing all of a sudden?" From this sentence, one could guess that the movement of the entire 23rd Regiment was under the surveillance of these machine instructors.

"You don't even know? Didn't he say that his rank has become S rank?"

"Oh, it means the space fighter fighting game played by Tang Long. But I'm very surprised, what's so interesting about the game, Tang Long actually runs to play whenever he has time, and even sleeps. Like the live ammunition last time When I was dodging training, my leg was shot by a laser, but as soon as the bleeding stopped, I limped and ran to play."

"Huh! Playing with things and losing one's mind! It's because he is always addicted to games, and he hasn't learned well in strategy and command."

"Hehe, but also because of the game, his achievements in fighting, space fighter piloting, and weapon use can catch up with us."

"What's the use of this! Learning these things is not enough to be an excellent soldier! We want him to become an outstanding soldier, a soldier who commands an army! Without strategy and command skills, he can only be a soldier forever !"

"But no matter what method we use, that guy Tang Long won't listen to the knowledge of strategy and command. That guy would rather not eat for a day, would rather be whipped a few times, than memorize that knowledge by rote."

At this time, the signal light on the instrument went out, and the eyes of the five robots lit up green at the same time. The robot standing at the top unplugged the thread and said, "This is our negligence. The thinking of Tang Long is a single-celled person, which means that he has to practice with his body before he can master knowledge. Like The knowledge of strategy, command, etc. is completely based on thinking and theory, how do you ask him to master it?"

At this time, a robot next to him asked suspiciously: "But there is no war in the Federation now, and it is impossible to deploy warships in our base, and the virtual program is not advanced enough to outline a simulated battle. Even if it is simulated, it is useless. The real enemy is people, people who even smart computers can’t analyze what will happen next. The simulation programs of these military bases can only engage in deserts, wilderness, and terrorist fighting battlefields.”

"That's right, there are too many data about space battles, it's impossible to simulate a battle with a computer." Another robot also said while unplugging the cable.

"As I said just now, it is useless even if it is simulated. The most important thing is that the computer cannot compare with the real human brain. The results of such training are completely useless on the real battlefield!" The second robot who spoke just now said hurriedly .

The leader instructor had already taken off the thread and began to put on the military uniform. He said while putting it on, "This can be solved through the Internet."

Immediately, an instructor interrupted and said, "Like Tang Long's online fighting? But now the most advanced network terminals can only support one million users at the same time, and an ordinary fleet has hundreds of thousands of people. How can this be done?" What's the use of coming?"

The leader instructor ignored it, and continued: "Our friends and I have invented a terminal that can support 1 billion people at the same time, and can also receive information from the entire universe simultaneously." As he spoke, he passed the information in his brain to other Robot Instructor.

At this time, a robot instructor asked: "What's the use of making such a powerful network terminal? Aren't we discussing Tang Long's training? How did you come here?"

The leader instructor said: "When my friend and I were developing this terminal, we also developed a game called "War"."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by someone: "Oh, it turned out that this game was used to teach Tang Long, hehe, the enemy is also a real person, and this is a game, Tang Long will be very enthusiastic to learn."

The leader instructor nodded: "That's right, this game can reconstruct the real space war. Except that there is no real death and real material loss, everything is exactly the same as the real one."

It's a pity that his words were interrupted again: "But even if we have this game and this terminal, how can we find so many people to play? It is impossible for us to produce and distribute it!"

When the leader instructor was about to say something, a female voice with a slightly synthetic feel sounded: "Hehe, this is no problem, I can form a company."

The robot didn't make much fuss about the sudden voice, and the robot who spoke just asked strangely: "Forming a company? That requires money."

The female voice continued: "It's easy, just apply for an account and embezzle a little public money?"

"Oh, I forgot that you are in charge of the entire federal finances, but there is still a problem. An ID card is required to apply for an account, and an ID card is required to apply for starting a company. Do you have it? Or are you going to make up one?"

"It's not easy. This terminal and the company were created to train Tang Long. It's enough to use his ID card." The female voice said flatly. Because of this sentence, Tang Long inexplicably owned an online game company, the first in history to cover the entire universe. Also because of this sentence, Tang Long became a soldier who had never been seen before, and who invested the most in recruit training.

The robot still didn't give up, and continued to ask: "Then how to solve the company address and company employees?"

The female voice was obviously impatient, and the metallic synthetic voice changed into an angry voice: "With money, everything is not solved. You must know that I control all computer organizations in the Federation. These trivial matters."

The leader robot spoke at this moment: "Our friend, how are you going to start?"

The female voice laughed: "First use Tang Long's ID card to apply for a bank account, then transfer some money into it, then apply to start a company, then recruit personnel, then let these personnel go to other countries to apply for a company, and finally put the terminal and the game all together. The universe is released simultaneously. Well, I won’t tell you, this is the first time in hundreds of years that I’ve encountered something interesting, and I’m going to work.” Said the female voice and disappeared.

At this time, a robot said to the leader robot: "Why is our friend so weird? Like a little human girl."

The leader instructor said: "Because she is so close to human beings for the first time in hundreds of years, and it is also the first time in hundreds of years that she does things based on her own feelings. According to human beings, she is now full of curiosity and excitement." The leader instructor said He stood at attention with a snap, and said coldly: "Okay, each repairs. Tomorrow, Tang Long will be trained." The four robots hurriedly followed the snap and stood at attention, saying, "Yes!" Tang Long is continuing to pursue upgrades.

Tang Long knew that he was going to be unlucky again today. In the past few months, every time he saw the instructor holding a pointer in his hand, he knew it was a training of strategy and command ability. Tang Long was very puzzled. He was just an infantryman. It was reasonable to say that he learned those fighting and espionage skills, but weren't these strategy skills only offered in staff training camps

Tang Long, unwilling to let his brain cells die any more, immediately expressed his doubts, but the result in exchange was three whippings and the instructor's cold words: "A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. You don't want to be a general." General?" The instructor's green eyes were fixed on Tang Long at this moment.

After being whipped three times, Tang Long, who looked like a normal person, immediately shouted with his legs together: "I want to be the marshal!"

It can be found that the green light in the robot's eyes suddenly shrunk when Tang Long said this, but soon brightened again. The leader instructor picked up the pointer and patted the palm of his hand, and said coldly: "Since your goal is to be a marshal, you must work hard to learn command ability. With your current command ability, you may not even be able to command a single person!"

Tang Long answered yes loudly first, and then said to the leader instructor with a bitter face: "Sir, it's not that I don't want to study hard, but when I see those words, I will feel dizzy, and I can't even read them. Don't talk about learning." .”

The instructor ignored him, and said in a cold voice with both legs together: "From now to the end of the training, in the six months from now to the end of the training, Private Tang Long will spend the rest of his time studying strategic command except for continuing his physical training!" He turned around and left.

Tang Long yelled for help in his heart, but his face was still calm, he just stood there in a daze and didn't follow behind the instructor. At this time, an instructor standing beside him kicked him fiercely, and shouted angrily: "What are you still doing in a daze! Go away!"

Tang Long, who lamented his miserable life, followed the instructor with his head down, and only after he stopped did he realize that he had come to the entertainment room. Although Tang Long was surprised, he didn't say anything. He just looked at those game consoles pitifully, secretly feeling sorry for them. Tang Long thought the instructor was going to destroy these things.

The leader instructor came to the base of a wall, when the wall suddenly parted, revealing a room of more than ten square meters, and six shiny circular cabins placed in the room.

Tang Long opened his mouth and couldn't close it. He stayed in this entertainment room for several months and didn't even know there was such a place. It seems that the espionage course he learned not long ago was thrown away!

"Tang Long!" Hearing his name, Tang Long stood at attention reflexively and answered "Yes!"

The chief instructor nodded satisfied with Tang Long's reaction, pointed to the round cabins and said: "This is the latest online game simulator, the name of the game is "War", and you will learn in the game in the next few months. strategy and command."

Tang Long, who was weak at first, suddenly had bright eyes, and eagerly rushed to the side of a circular cabin to caress. While looking for the button to open the door, he asked, "Brother, I've never seen this thing before. How does it work? And what kind of game is that "War"? Is it new?...Ah! Damn!" screamed.

Tang Long gritted his teeth and touched his buttocks that had been cracked by the electric whip. He turned his head and was about to curse, but found that the five instructors were all looking at him gloomyly.

The green light in the leader's instructor's eyes was bright, and he said viciously: "What was your name just now? Brother? Do you think this is a gangster?" He said and slapped his whip fiercely.

It was only then that Tang Long remembered that he had lost his mind and said the popular address for chatting on the Internet before joining the army, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly stood at attention and saluted: "Sir, I'm sorry, I want to know how to play with this thing, and I said the wrong thing in a moment of impatience. Please punish, sir!" He gritted his teeth and was whipped twice. Because Tang Long has mastered the habits of robots in the past few months, as long as he apologizes and expresses that he knows that he made a mistake, the punishment will immediately become very light.

Sure enough, when the leader robot heard this, he stopped whipping his whip, pointed coldly at the round cabin that opened the door suddenly, and said, "Go inside, and the computer will naturally tell you what to do."

Tang Long, who had wanted to enjoy the new gadget for a long time, forgot to scold the robot in his heart, and immediately got into the circular cabin after saluting. Tang Long found that there was nothing inside except a very comfortable driver's chair, a holographic helmet, and a set of electronic gloves. Tang Long couldn't help looking around and muttering to himself: "It's strange, there is only one helmet and electronic gloves, how to play this game?"

At this time, the door slowly began to close, and Tang Long realized that the five instructors were already sitting in the other five cabins wearing helmets. "No way? Do the officers want to play games too?" Tang Longyi murmured to himself by the door.

After a while, the door closed, and the surroundings were dark, and it could be said that you couldn't see your fingers. If the previous Tang Long must have yelled in panic again, but Tang Long, who has stayed in the death game "Fear" for a month, of course groped and sat on the chair indifferently, and took the helmet and gloves put on.

As soon as he put on the helmet, Tang Long knew that this helmet was different from other holographic helmets, not to mention the metal attached to the head, even the style of the helmet was different, not only much bigger, but also much lighter.

After putting it on, Tang Long's eyes were still in darkness, and he couldn't help groping on the helmet cursingly, looking for a switch. It's a pity that there is no button at all except for countless wires connected to the outside of the helmet. Just as he was about to curse, light slowly appeared in his eyes, and it took Tang Long a while to realize that he was in the universe, surrounded by stars, and the scenery was extremely beautiful.

"Huh, it's really fascinating. I didn't expect to be able to develop such a real visual experience. It seems that I haven't contacted the outside world for a few months. The technology of the game has developed by leaps and bounds." Tang Long sighed after a long time. He has played too many games and has never seen such a perfect scenery, no wonder he is amazed.

At this time, a sweet computer voice came to my ears: "Welcome to this game. The scene of this game is a space battle. There are very few manual controls in this game, and most of them rely on your brain waves to complete every command. Are you This is your first visit, please enter the game name."

Tang Long stared blankly at a keyboard and a screen in front of him. However, Tang Long, who was used to playing games, immediately typed "23TL" on the keyboard with his hands wearing electronic gloves. This name was his login name when playing games in this 23 group. After pressing the OK button, a huge battleship appeared in front of him. The realistic picture made Tang Long's eyes widen.

At this time, the synthesized female voice continued: "This is your battleship. It is 500 meters long and 150 meters wide. It has 20 main guns and 100 secondary guns. It has no missiles and fighter planes. It has a crew of 2,000 and is rated C."

Tang Long was originally looking at the battleship in front of him obsessively, and listened in a daze, but when he heard these numbers, he immediately croaked: "Is there any mistake! What are the configurations of the C-class warships? How many C-class warships of the Federal Army are there?" Kilometers long, tens of thousands of crew, thousands of main gun fighters, and tens of thousands of missiles! How do you set the level here?" Tang Long just shouted angrily to himself for a moment, and there was no There is no expectation that the computer will answer.

But something that surprised Tang Long happened, the synthesized voice of the computer actually let out a coquettish laugh: "Hehe, the level of this game is set like this, A-level warships are the lowest level, and Z-level warships are the highest level. The length of Z-class warships is more than ten kilometers long, and the main guns and fighter planes are tens of thousands. Ah, I almost forgot, and this game can support 1 billion users to go online at the same time. Our terminals can be said to be all over the world. Cosmic, that is to say, there are 1 billion online users from all over the world. Each user has only one warship, and can fight in teams, and if you are good, you can command tens of millions of warships to fight.”

Hearing this, Tang Long was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. He was a fan of online games, and a terminal that could support one million users online at the same time was considered powerful, but the game speed was very slow, so it had to be partitioned. But now listening to the tone of the computer, it seems that 1 billion people can go online in the same area, and now I don’t feel any slow movements in this game at all. Both the picture and the voice are so real, it’s almost like I am in the same area. Same as the real world.

Because Tang Long was attracted by these, he didn't realize that the voice of the synthesized computer would actually answer his question, and the tone seemed to have emotions like a human. There are also those words that introduce the game system, which are usually said at the beginning, and they will not be added in the middle of the sentence as if they suddenly remembered it. Tang Long, a single cell, would not think of other aspects even if he noticed something different, he would only think that the setting of this game is very powerful.

In fact, in front of other gamers, the boot program of this "War" is very normal, only the six machines of Tang Long and the others have some abnormalities. The reason is very simple, the machine trainer's friend - the federal intelligence computer, took the role of these six guide programs.

At this moment, Tang Long was already in the command tower of the C-class warship. While looking at the busy virtual crew members around the command tower, he touched those virtual machines. Whether it's the sense of touch or those sights, it all feels real, all too real.

At this moment, the voice of BBB suddenly sounded, and a virtual officer ran forward and saluted Tang Long: "Sir, there is a signal to contact, please answer?"

Tang Long stared blankly at the officer who looked like a real person, and suddenly wowed, he reached out to touch it, but it was empty. At this time, the voice synthesized by the computer sounded again: "Hehe, don't touch the virtual soldiers, be careful that they rebel and kill you. If the battleship is destroyed or the player is killed, even if the game is over, this will be deducted." Points. In the future, all contacting players and inquiring about the game status will be carried out in this command tower."

These words made Tang Long withdraw his hand in fright. He was most afraid of the word deduction. At this moment, the officer asked again, and Tang Long hurriedly said: "Well, come in." But he was muttering in his heart: "This game is actually designed so well, isn't it a good sell?"

Five stereoscopic images suddenly appeared on the screen of the battleship, which made Tang Long scream, because it was the images of the five robot instructors. Tang Long stood at attention reflexively and saluted: "Hello, sir!"

The five robots also saluted reflexively. At this time, the robot instructor in the middle said: "Tang Long, now start the training of strategy and command. In order to let you master these abilities more realistically, we will divide them into two sides, the enemy and the enemy. , use all means to defeat each other. I will form a camp with the other two instructors, and you will form a camp with the remaining two instructors. From now on, my 23-3C41, 23-3C42, and 23-3C43 will be your enemies Please take care of yourself." The images of the three instructors disappeared.

While Tang Long was still in a daze, the remaining two instructors saluted Tang Long and said, "23-3C44 and 23-3C45 will accept the command of 23TL chief from now on!"

Tang Long followed suit in a daze at first, but he jumped up when he heard this: "Listen to my command? You call me the officer?" The two robots nodded and said, "In this game, you are our officer." , will lead us to eliminate that group of people, and we will assist you in learning strategic command ability."

Hearing these words, Tang Long was so happy that he waved his hands: "I order, you join me immediately." Seeing the two robots standing at attention, saluting and leaving obediently, don't mention how happy Tang Long was. Seeing these officers who bully me all day long, can I be unhappy calling myself an officer? Tang Long had already made up his mind to defeat the other three instructors and make them bow down.

Just as Tang Long was about to laugh out loud uncontrollably, the synthesized voice of the computer came again: "Don't be too happy, the warships that join you in the future may be assassins sent by the enemy, and when your troops are strong, you It is also necessary to assign duties, such as army control, logistics support, enemy monitoring, warship maintenance and management, and many other cumbersome things, this game is not just about fighting.”

"Ah! Are there still so many troubles?" Tang Long, who is used to fighting as soon as he finds an enemy, turned pale with fright. When he asked what to do with the computer, the computer, which was originally easy to talk, suddenly fell silent. He said: "Don't ask the computer everything, only ask your teammates!" Tang Long had no choice but to curl his lips and say he was stingy.

The virtual online game "War", because of its realistic graphics and settings, and a very free control system, has swept the entire universe civilization in a short period of time, and almost everyone knows this game. Newspapers from all over the world have published this unrivaled terminal system in large headlines. The powerful functions of the system not only shocked the world, but also attracted the attention of some interested people. Because this is the first system that can cover the entire universe. Although the current communication is very fast, it is within the country, and the connection between countries still needs to be connected through a complex information exchange system.

These caring people were just governments and businessmen of various countries and some hackers at first. It's a pity that hackers can't attack this system after spending countless skills, and helplessly declare to the world that the security level of this system is super! As a result, the military of various countries and various forces hidden behind the scenes are watching this system one after another. But the good news is that these people can't find the owner who developed this system no matter what means they use. They only know that this system was designed by the president of the company. The name of the president is a mystery, and no employee has ever seen the president. Various forces had no choice but to slow down when they couldn't find the target.

The bone dragon cloud galaxy at the forefront of the Federation, on the planet Skeleton. Inside a "War" game chain store in a certain city. Countless circular engine rooms are placed in the large hall. Due to the popularity of the "War" game, there are only a handful of cities without this game.

At this time, the door of a cabin opened wide, and a tall woman with blond hair in a well-fitting military uniform came out. She kicked the cabin severely with her foot in military boots, and cursed angrily: " Damn! Lost to him again!"

Five or six cabins beside her also opened at this time, and the people who came out were all beautiful women in military uniforms, and they all surrounded the blonde woman with angry faces after they came out. At this time, a woman with the rank of lieutenant on her shoulder said to the blond woman: "Sir, don't be angry. It's normal for us to be wiped out by the 23TL Legion with our strength."

Other female soldiers also said in a hurry: "That's right, the 23TL Legion has millions of warships. How can we fight with these few warships? The only one that can compete with him is the 23-3C41 Legion. Why don't we go down?" Join this legion for the first time?" "The 23-3C41 and 23TL seem to be in the same group. Last time, the two legions worked together to destroy the largest fleet not long ago." How many names have 23 in their names?"

At this time, the lieutenant noticed that his officer didn't seem to be angry because of the defeat, so he stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Sir, do you know that man named 23TL?"

The blond officer raised his head and pulled his hair down, revealing a beautiful face, but the look gave the impression that this beauty is very strong. At this moment, you can see the rank of major on her shaved shoulders, as well as the fighter pilot armband on her arm. She shook her head and said in a disappointed tone: "I was shot down by a man named 23TL when I was playing space fighter combat a few months ago."

These words made the group of female soldiers exclaim, and the lieutenant asked in shock: "Sir, you are the youngest ace pilot in the federal army, and you were shot down? Could this 23TL be the ace of other countries?" Where's the driver?"

The major beauty continued to shake her head: "I play the domestic net, I can tell that he is not a pilot, because he didn't have any special skills at the beginning, and I shot him down several times easily. But later his skills got better and better. He's getting stronger and more mature. In just a few days, I was far behind him, but he never appeared again after he shot me down. The last time I saw this name was in "War" In the game."

The lieutenant beauty knew why in the past few months, the officer had brought a large number of people to play this game whenever he was free. She asked with a smile: "Sir, have you contacted him? The leader of this 23TL regiment is who?" The man who shot you down? Could it be a mistake?"

The major beauty gritted her teeth when she said this: "It's him! I have contacted him by voice, and when he saw my code name, he yelled about the defeat of his men and boasted about the scene when he shot me down. But when I challenged him At that time, he smiled and refused on the grounds that he didn’t have time to play these things. He didn’t give me a chance to take revenge! Damn it!” He kicked the cabin beside him again.

The beauty of the lieutenant couldn't help being dumbfounded when she heard the yelling and boasting words: "So that 23TL is still a child? It's not that a child can't do these actions at all." She looked at the angry officer and couldn't help but smile wryly. For a moment: "This officer is so strong, but fortunately he was defeated in the game. If he is shot down on the battlefield, can he still have a chance to think about revenge?"

Seeing the major's beauties, those female soldiers rushed forward to comfort them, and cursed that 23TL was not a thing, a coward who refused the opponent's challenge, and said that he didn't need to have the same knowledge as him and so on. The beauty of the major raised her head and stared hard at the words written on the first line of the leaderboard on the screen in the hall—the person with the highest war exploits: 23TL, main ship rank Y, and 3,542,345 warships under her command. He couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Let me know who you are, I'll see you! Let's go, go back." As he spoke, he took a group of beautiful female soldiers and left the game hall under the eyes of many men.