Tales of Soldier

Chapter 40: (section one)


"Well, brothers...uh, sisters." Tang Long realized his mistake just as he called out the word "brother" because he was the only man in this hall. .

"My little brother is called Tang Long. Today is the first day to report here. I am very happy to be a member of the SK23 company. I... Let us work together... Let's fight together." Tang Long didn't know how to end it, so he had to say a few random words. Looking at the expressionless Lieutenant Yuna with pitiful eyes, because the whole place is silent now, and these women are looking at him with strange expressions, which makes Tang Long feel uncomfortable all over.

Lieutenant Yuna looked at Tang Long quietly. She still doesn't know what kind of person Tang Long is. Although Ling Li talked about Tang Long's experience, these were all recorded on the computer and broadcast on TV. This young boy What is the background, what is the reason for coming here, no one knows. For the sake of these suffering subordinates, I have to act cautiously. Because Tang Long is the highest officer of the entire SK23 company according to his military rank, it would be embarrassing for this guy to act recklessly.

Although Yuna guessed Tang Long very cautiously, but seeing Tang Long's eyes asking for help, Yuna couldn't bear it for not knowing what happened. "He still looks like an immature child, so he shouldn't be so bad?" Yuna thought secretly. But Yuna immediately overturned her own thoughts. She couldn't guarantee what a young man with a lot of blood would do if he stayed with this group of women, so she immediately said: "Disband!"

As soon as these words came out, except for the second lieutenant beside her, the other female soldiers immediately left in an orderly manner through the passages that appeared around the hall. Of course, many of them looked at Tang Long curiously when they left.

Tang Long, who had always kept a cold face, immediately sat on the ground when all the female soldiers were gone, wiped off his sweat and gasped, and said to Yuna, "Sister, why did you let me make a fool of myself without notifying you?"

Yuna said coldly with a sullen face: "The name of the subordinate is Yuna, sir."

Tang Long didn't care about Yuna's tone at all, he let go of his discipline button, and said lazily: "Lieutenant Yuna, can you tell me what's going on with this SK23 company? Why are there all female soldiers here?"

Yuna still said coldly: "This is up to you to explore by yourself. Ling Li, take the officer to his room." She saluted and left. As soon as she left, the other lieutenants also saluted and left. Except for the second lieutenant named Jie Si who glanced at Tang Long, the other female officers left without even looking at her.

Seeing that the red-haired second lieutenant was also about to leave, Tang Long couldn't help shouting: "Hey, second lieutenant, didn't you mean to take me to my room?"

Hearing this, the second lieutenant with red hair stopped and smiled coquettishly: "Hee hee, sir, my name is not Ling Li, but Elsie. Her name is Ling Li." A black-haired second lieutenant with his head bowed silently.

Tang Long pointed at Elsie in surprise and said, "You lied to me?!"

Elsie still smiled and said, "What? Can't I lie to you? Or are you reluctant to part with me as a fake adjutant? If you are willing to give me some favors, I can be your personal secretary around the clock." Said and threw it at Tang Long She winked and made a very sexy move.

"Woo, you look so disgusting." Tang Long frowned and rubbed his arms with both hands. Tang Long couldn't bear the woman showing such contrived expressions the most.

"What?!" Elsie glared, she didn't expect her charming signature moves to be called disgusting, and she casually winked outside and sent a lot of men over to show her love, this little bastard must be A guy with no hair at all!

"Sir, will I make you sick if I do this?" Elsie, who wanted to get angry and cared about the other party's military rank, said in a coquettish voice, while deliberately unbuttoning a few buttons of her jacket, revealing a large piece of snow-white skin , and the whole person leaned up.

Tang Long didn't move much, and let Elsie cling to himself. After carefully looking at Elsie, he said: "Your appearance and figure are very beautiful, and anyone will praise you as a beauty. But it feels too much to me. Pretentious, but not as cute as her." He pointed at Ling Li who was looking at her with a flushed face.

Elsie, who was originally full of obsession, turned pale when she heard Tang Long's words, snorted coldly, turned and left. Tang Long scratched his head and whispered in confusion: "What? Are you angry?"

Ling Li, whose face was also expressionless because of Tang Long's words, sighed slightly, took a step forward and said in a low voice: "Sir, I will take you to your room."

"Oh, okay." Tang Long got up and patted his buttocks and followed Ling Li to enter the automatic door. After entering, the two of them stood on the conveyor belt without saying a word. Tang Long looked left and right and looked around.

After a while, Ling Li got off the conveyor belt and walked into a passage, and Tang Long hurriedly followed. When Ling Li came to a door, she stopped and said to Tang Long: "Sir, this is your room."

"Oh, thank you." Tang Long anxiously walked forward and opened the door. Before he could go in and have a look, he heard Ling Li's hesitant call: "Sir."

Tang Long turned around and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Ling Li bit her lip and said: "Sir, Elsie is not a dissolute person. She is because..."

Tang Long waved his hands and said with a smile: "Although I don't know what's going on, I know that everyone wears a mask. Like me, don't you also wear a cold mask? I want you to tell love Second Lieutenant Erxi, it's a good thing to be yourself properly and show your true nature. Alright, goodbye." Then he turned and entered the room.

Ling Li looked at the closed door with complicated eyes. At this moment, she no longer had the feeling of a shy girl not long ago. But she didn't stay long, and quickly turned and left.

In a certain room, Elsie was gnashing her teeth and clenching her fists while looking at a portrait on the wall. This portrait was a fixed image of a young federal soldier waving his arms. Tang Long must have been shocked when he saw it, because this handsome young soldier was so familiar, and it was Tang Long himself.

When Elsie stared fiercely at the portrait on the wall and did not move, the door of the room was opened. Elsie turned her head and saw Ling Li, her expression relaxed, she nodded and said: "That bastard didn't treat you right. Hands and feet?"

Ling Li glanced at Elsie, shook her head and said, "No."

When Elsie heard this, she immediately took Ling Li's hand with great interest and said, "What's the matter? Is that kid so timid? It's just the two of you alone, and you are so weak and shy, he Why don't you attack me?"

Ling Li, who no longer had the shy girlish expression on her face, didn't make a sound, just broke away from Elsie's hand slightly, walked to the bedside table and took out a box, opened it, took out an object and threw it to Elsie, and then He also took one and put it in his mouth. Then he took out a metal object that popped into flames, igniting the thing in his mouth, and at the same time threw the lighter to Elsie.

Ling Li took a deep breath, leaned against the bedside table, exhaled elegantly, glanced at the portrait of Tang Long hanging on the wall and said, "He is not an ordinary guy, just now he asked me to tell you what to do It’s also a good thing to return to yourself and show your true nature.”

Elsie didn't care about Ling Li's sudden change, she just held the flaming lighter and said in surprise: "He would say that? Doesn't he look like he has such emotional thinking? "Speaking of which, she saw that Ling Li hadn't spoken, so she shook her head and said in a low voice: "Show your true nature? Can we do it?" Then she lit a cigarette and breathed out before continuing: "I know too. It's not easy to become a captain at such a young age, but is it appropriate for us to take him in like this?"

"I believe Eldest Sister has already made a decision? Otherwise Eldest Sister would not introduce him to other sisters." Ling Li said with a frown.

"The trouble is that he is the highest rank in our company. If he acts recklessly, it will be very difficult for us. This guy is from the fighting system, and he can also defeat Jess. It may not be so easy to kill him secretly. , besides, who knows if he has any connection with the headquarters." Elsie said worriedly.

"Sacrifice a few sisters to see if we can win him over, and if not, make a decision." Ling Li said with cold eyes.

Elsie said hesitantly: "He might not like me, he thinks I've lied to him, and also thinks I'm pretentious."

Ling Li threw away the cigarette, gritted her teeth and said, "Let me try it, don't let the elder sister know about it for now."

Elsie nodded, put on a smile and said: "Your acting skills that can fool even the eldest sister, I believe he will be fooled."

Ling Li's serious face turned red immediately, and she said in a shy tone, "It's not too much for you to cover up."