Tales of Soldier

Chapter 46: (section one)


Yuna and Ling Li ran out of the room in a panic. Although they were on the conveyor belt, they still ran forward quickly. When running to a fork, Yuna, who was running ahead, collided with the person coming out of the fork. Of course, Yuna immediately recognized who the person who bumped her was from the exclamation of the other party, so she didn't care about the pain or got up and asked the person who bumped her: "Elsie, what happened? Why did the broadcast say that the entire company is concentrated in Area A4?"

Elsie, grinning her teeth and rubbing her buttocks, couldn't help being surprised when she heard this: "What? Didn't you give the order, elder sister? Look at me, I've brought all my armor." Pick up the SL burst laser gun.

Only then did Yuna realize that Elsie had changed into a battle suit. Apart from the SL continuous-firing laser gun, she also had a pistol on her waist, 5 grenades, three energy magazines, and multiple guns tied around her thighs. Functional dagger.

While supporting Yuna, Ling Li said to Elsie: "I was chatting with Eldest Sister in the room, and Eldest Sister didn't give any orders at all."

"What! Who gave the order indiscriminately? And they still ordered to gather all armed forces. Are they going to attack the men in Area A4?" Elsie said in surprise.

This made Yuna and Ling Li jump in their hearts at the same time. They exclaimed: "Oops!" Then they ran to the A4 area, Elsie hurriedly shouted and waited for me to follow and ran over.

When they came to the entrance of the A4 area, Yuna and Ling Li stood there in shock. Elsie, who came behind panting, was just about to speak, but was also stunned by the scene in front of her.

The originally wide passage in the A4 area has become crowded now, and the walls on both sides of the entire passage are full of people. Standing under the metal gate with the huge A4 lettering on it were more than 20 special forces wearing special heavy armor and carrying a giant laser gun. Anyone with a little common sense in weapons knows that the giant laser gun is one of the equipment of the special forces—the thunder gun! This kind of gun is more like a machine gun than a gun, because the laser emitted by this gun is not a beam of light, but a ball of light, and the power of the explosion is equivalent to two powerful grenades!

Behind the special forces are female soldiers in one-style combat uniforms and helmets that can withstand ordinary laser attacks. Their equipment is the same as Elsie's. Nearly a hundred of them stood motionless with their guns in hand. .

"What the hell is going on? Who told you to gather here?" Yuna asked in surprise, but what surprised Yuna even more was that no one answered her question, and all the female soldiers Stand still without looking sideways.

When Yuna was still talking, these female soldiers suddenly put their neat legs together, raised their guns with a snap, and turned their heads to look at Yuna at the same time, a soft and solemn voice came from They said: "Hello, sir!"

Yuna knew they were not saluting her, because they were not looking at her, but at the person behind her. Of course Yuna knew who the person behind her was, and she also heard the exclamation of Lingli and Erxi who covered their mouths with their hands. Yuna turned her head with complicated eyes, she didn't understand why that man had gained the respect from the bottom of her heart in just a short while.

Yuna looked back and opened her mouth, but she forced herself to suppress the exclamation that was about to come out. She was shocked to see Tang Long, who was covered in blood and came from outside with his upper body naked. Seeing the indifferent expression on Tang Long's face, Yuna couldn't help but feel her body start to tremble slightly. Yuna suddenly felt scared, this feeling of fear was worse than seeing the instructor who taught her when she was a child!

Tang Long strode casually past the three Yuna who were staring blankly at him. When he entered the aisle lined up by the female soldiers saluting him, Tang Long returned the salute without stopping. And said in a cold voice: "Hello, everyone." When Tang Long lowered his arms and continued to walk forward, the female soldiers gave another neat smack, put down their gun salutes, took a resting posture, and let their eyes follow Tang Long moved.

Elsie looked at Tang Long walking in front of her with dazed eyes. She didn't expect that the man who was rude to her not long ago and had a little childishness suddenly changed, becoming so bold and stalwart. What made my heart beat faster was that I could actually feel the strange charm of this shirtless, blood-stained man exuding.

Ling Li looked at Tang Long in surprise at this time. She never expected that this man would completely replace the eldest sister's position in just a short time. Anyone who saw the respectful way the female soldiers treated him would know that the female soldiers now treat him with respect. The man obeyed. why? Didn't he go to see Jess? Could it be because of Jessie's help? impossible! Except for the special soldiers who are under Jess, the other female soldiers here have nothing to do with Jess, they don't have much contact with each other, how can they gather here now? How did this man do it

Jess, who was wrapped in armor opposite Tang Long, also stared blankly at Tang Long. Yuna and the others couldn't see Tang Long's face, so it was impossible to feel the feeling of Jess watching Tang Long walking over.

Jess was shocked at this moment, because she felt Tang Long's charm, which was indescribable. But seeing Tang Long walking back to salute, and his demeanor as he passed through the wall of people, Jess's heart beat faster. Because Tang Long seemed to be inspecting a powerful figure with thousands of troops!

"Why do I obey his orders? He wants to kill those guys inside! Why don't I think about the Orphan Girls Camp at all now? Why do I feel so excited? This is going to kill people!" Jess thought Zhong was thinking wildly, while the eyes under the mask stared blankly at Tang Long who was getting closer.

"Open the door!" Tang Long stopped only one meter away from the door, and said with a wave of his hand.

For some reason, Jess, whose brain was already a little confused, immediately became clear after hearing Tang Long's voice. She immediately saluted and replied: "Yes, sir!" After she finished speaking, she nodded back, and immediately a special soldier swiped the electronic lock with a card, and with a b sound, the door began to slowly open.

The female soldiers at the back, seeing a gap in the door, immediately shifted the weapons held across their chests sideways, and assumed a fighting posture, with their eyes fixed on Tang Long standing in the front.

Yuna, who just woke up at this moment, couldn't help shouting in horror when she saw this scene: "What are you doing?!" Of course, no one answered her. Seeing this, she gritted her teeth, ran up to Tang Long with great anxiety, pointed at Tang Long and shouted, "Sir, what are you going to do? You don't want to get the people inside..."

Tang Long glanced at Yuna, and said with a cold smile, "Of course, I will kill those male soldiers who insulted my subordinates!"

Yuna grabbed Tang Long's arm in panic and shouted: "No! You can't do this! You will destroy us!"

Tang Long let Yuna grab his arm, didn't move much, just snorted coldly and said: "Are you willing to live a life of being bullied like this? If you are worried about the orphan camp, don't worry, I will take care of it .”

When Yuna heard Tang Long's words, her expression froze, but she quickly shook her head in a panic and said, "No, even if you can solve the matter of the Orphan Girls Camp, you can't do that. Could it be that you can fight with the entire military area?" Is it a balance?"

"Military area? Hehe, even if the marshal insults my subordinates, I will kill him! I tell you, I have killed more than 50 soldiers who insulted my subordinates before the assembly." Tang Long's eyes radiated cold light Said.