Tales of Soldier

Chapter 47: (section two)


When Yuna heard this, her eyes involuntarily moved to the bloodstains on Tang Long's body. Suddenly, the bright red color made her withdraw her hand as if she had been frightened. At this time, the gate has exposed a gap that can accommodate three people in parallel.

"Four special forces control the lights and radio, and the others separate our people from others. Remember not to shoot without my order!" Tang Long waved his hand after speaking, and was the first to walk into the constant transmission. Blaring heavy music, dimly lit doors. Of course, the female soldiers behind immediately followed Tang Long closely and ran in.

Yuna, who had already spread out on the ground, stared blankly at the dark and empty door, her face pale and her lips trembling. She knew that her people were finished, why would those female soldiers obey the orders of this man who hadn't been here for a day and was impossible to get acquainted with? Why don't they think about it carefully, don't they know the result of doing so? Although I also hate this kind of life very much, but can these helpless orphans resist? Can a small company compete with the entire military region

Elsie helped Yuna up. Of course she understood Yuna's feeling now, so she sighed in a low voice and said, "I can understand why the sisters obey his orders, because he brings a kind of feeling that the sisters have never had before. , a sense of belonging that is valued and cared for.”

Yuna repeated Elsie's words with a dull expression: "The sense of belonging of being valued and cared for?"

Elsie nodded: "Yes, didn't you hear what Tang Long said just now? He said 'I will kill those male soldiers who abused my subordinates!' And that sentence' Even if the marshal insults my subordinates, I will kill him!' These words are arrogant, but to us orphans who have never been valued by others, and have never been cared for It's so shocking! Especially the words 'my subordinates', from Tang Long's mouth, let the sisters deeply feel their sense of belonging, because after hearing such words, I also have That feeling."

After hearing this, Yuna's eyes became slightly flexible, and she chewed Elsie's words carefully. At this moment, she knew that her previous management method was wrong.

Although I have always used the righteousness of taking care of the Orphan Girls Camp to make the sisters endure the days of being abused by others, but everyone knows that even if they don't care about the Orphan Girls Camp, it is impossible for them to be free. Because people like myself were doomed to such a fate when they entered the orphan camp, and they were also doomed to enter the grave with the shameful name of a prostitute.

Yuna couldn't help thinking about her past: she was an orphan from birth, because she lived in an orphan camp as long as she could remember. No one there knew who their parents were. Since I was a child, I have learned all kinds of knowledge under the guidance of various instructors with grim faces, and the knowledge about how to please men is the main lesson! There are many children who are brainwashed by such teaching, and some even make it their life goal to be the best whore.

I don't know whether it's sad or lucky, many children, including myself, connected to the outside network system through the negligence of the instructors, and came into contact with the outside world. Although the system was shut down by the instructor shortly afterwards, at this time, these people already had their own sense of good and evil.

When I knew the meaning of a prostitute, I, like many sisters, wept and prayed that this was not true! Although everyone wanted to leave this place, the security of the Orphan Girls Camp was comparable to that of a concentration camp, and there was no chance of escape at all. There were also some sisters who took the risk of connecting to the outside network and passed the news of the Orphan Girls Camp to the news agency. But as a result, these sisters were abused to death by those instructors, and no reporters came here to interview them. After this incident, the instructor eliminated the external interface and stepped up vigilance. Since then, no one has been able to contact the outside world.

Then, when I turned 18 years old, I was taken on a transport ship with a large number of my peers. Although everyone was riding for the first time in their lives, no one in the spaceship felt excited. Because the people in this spaceship were ordered to dedicate their first lives to noble people.

When I got off the spaceship, I encountered something that made me feel ashamed all my life. I was dressed up like a gift, and sent to the noble person I was in charge of. That is an old man old enough to be his own grandfather!

Yuna had no memory of what happened next, she only knew that when the old man approached her with a lewd smile, her brain stopped functioning, and when she woke up, she was already sitting in the transport plane. There were only dozens of people left in the spaceship's original team of one hundred people. Some of these sisters were crying secretly, some stayed there numbly, and more were unconscious with bruised noses and swollen faces.

From the mouths of those monitoring instructors, I know that those sisters who were not there were either taken away by the nobles, or were tortured to death by those nobles. The spacecraft transported the remaining people like myself to another place, let everyone rest, and treated everyone's physical trauma. Everyone thought that the matter was over, but when everyone's body recovered, the instructors rudely put everyone on the spaceship again, and started the next round of gift-giving.

This kind of life lasted for a full year. I used to cry after being bullied, but gradually became insensitive like everyone else. A year later, among the 100 people in my same group at that time, there were only about 10 people who were neither sent away nor died, and I was one of them.

A year later, at the age of 19, I was sent to this company specially, like myself at the age of 30. After coming here, I saw my seniors, and knew that those who had not been sent out or died after leaving the orphan camp for a year after becoming adults were all sent to the companies in various places in this way. Her identity as a prostitute has also been covered with a layer of military color, and she has become a military prostitute that the outside world cannot know!

Although I still welcome different men here as before, at least I have my own time, and I don't have to be sent back and forth. At the same time, those soldiers have to come here at a certain time, which also allows them to have time to rest.

Slowly, his prematurely aging appearance slowly returned to normal. Maybe it was luck, he regained his youthful appearance, so that he didn't have to meet those low-level officers again. Then after the old and decrepit seniors disappeared inexplicably, he finally became the supreme commander of this company.

At this time, I knew that the bodies of those from the Orphan Battalion had been equipped with small locators with bomb functions. I was able to know that it was because a sister who couldn't bear the pressure and had a mental breakdown suddenly blew herself up after running out of the company's sphere of influence with a fighter plane and exploded into powder.