Tales of Soldier

Chapter 5


There are more than hundreds of thousands of known civilizations in the universe, but after thousands of cosmic years of battle, they have been integrated into 356 countries of all sizes. The cultures of the countries in the universe are very similar, except for the different political systems, there are also some weird religious beliefs. It is also in this way that there will be countries based on religion. Of course, this only accounts for a very small number of countries in the universe. The national political systems in the universe are generally divided into: democratic politics, imperial politics, and peculiar clan politics and religious politics. The country where Tang Long is located is the democratic Wanluo Federal Government.

A clan country is a country ruled by several surname families or a single surname family. These countries are relatively weak, and generally several planets are united together, which can also be said to be allies. Although it is a family, it is different from an imperial country. The power of these countries is controlled by family members, and any major issues are discussed and decided by the elders or several family heads. There is no absolute power of an imperial country. Of course, there are also family members who defeat other members of the family and thus gain absolute domination of the country, but in this way the country becomes an imperial country.

Maybe the birth process of life in the universe is similar, and there is nothing particularly strange about the races in the universe. To say that there are some planets that were originally in the age of apes, after being forced into contact with advanced civilizations by neighboring higher civilizations, they have become a bit irrelevant. Although the current theme of the universe is the equality of life, these apes have also mastered certain technologies. But because of their unevolved appearance, they are derisively called barbarians by people in some developed countries, and these so-called barbarians exist in all countries.

Most of these barbarians can only stay in the planet they originated from, and slowly evolve while working for their own country. In a democratic country, they are treated just as badly as others, and they still have civil rights. However, in some imperial countries and all clan and religious countries, they are completely in the status of slaves, and their worth is not even as good as a computer.

Don't be surprised why slavery still existed in the cosmic era. Although the process of cosmic civilization is similar, the progress of civilization in some countries is slow, and the superstructure has not yet reached the time of destruction. Moreover, because communication technology cannot reach the point of covering the entire universe, information in some remote places is still very blocked.

Areas with developed information are generally superstructures, so the leadership monopolizes the circulation of information, which makes it impossible for those people to obtain knowledge. In addition, no one will go to those backward places to lead these people in slave status to rebel. Of course, even if they want to resist, they can't resist, because those in power in these countries have the same technology and force as other countries.

Now the countries in the universe get along very well with each other, and some countries even propose to establish a cosmic coalition government. However, because the emperors of some imperial countries were unwilling to give up their power, and some democratic countries were vying for the leadership of the coalition government, and those clan and religious countries were not willing to accept other countries at all, so this proposal was invalidated.

The population of known civilizations in the entire universe is about 200 trillion, with a total of more than 560 galaxies, and there are hundreds of thousands of administrative planets in the entire universe. The Wanluo Federation where Tang Long is located has 11 galaxies, more than 6,700 large and small administrative planets, and a population of about 3 trillion. It is a medium-sized country among the countries in the universe.

Administrative planets refer to planets that existed civilizations a long time ago, as well as planets that did not exist civilizations before but were habitable. The barbarian ape planet is also an administrative planet. Whether a country is strong or not depends on the number of administrative planets, and planets that are not suitable for human habitation are not considered administrative planets.

There are countless uninhabited planets in each galaxy, and the environment is very harsh. In addition, only a few are suitable for mining certain materials. So these unmanned planets are just like the barren mountains and deserts on the planet. Some unmanned planets will only be used when the war requires them, and no one will pay attention to them at ordinary times.

It is difficult for the center to control the administrative planet that was originally isolated from the center by several galaxies. However, with the development of science and technology, the spacecraft and information transmission system have the function of space jumping. Because this function shortens the distance between the center and the regions, the country is not divided. However, it is impossible to manage such a huge population and region by manpower, so a management system—smart computer—appeared. Every country in the universe has a system of this kind, and the only difference lies in whether it is powerful or not.

Although spacecraft and information transmission systems can span hundreds of thousands of light years in an instant, they are not so harmful that they can traverse the entire universe of civilizations and galaxies. Because technology limits the range of space jumps.

After a spaceship jumps a certain distance, it must sail normally for a period of time before it can make the next jump. The jumping distance and sailing time depend on the level of the spaceship. That is to say, the higher the level of the spaceship, the farther the jumping distance will be, and the shorter the voyage time to recover the jumping ability.

When the information is transmitted to the limit distance, it will stay in the fixed receiver placed at this location for a moment, and then immediately jump to the next receiver. So usually the information is much faster than the speed of the spacecraft. These receivers can be an instrument the size of a fist, or an entire giant uninhabited planet.

Generally speaking, the receivers in this country are unmanned planets, because the receivers built on unmanned planets have high power and are relatively stable. After invading an enemy country in a war, you can only use a small receiver to keep in touch with your country. Because it takes a lot of manpower, material resources and time to turn the receivers of the enemy's unmanned satellites into their own receivers, it would be easier to destroy and rebuild directly. Of course, this can only be done after the war is over, otherwise it will be destroyed by the enemy as soon as it is built, which is too wasteful.

Of course, don't even think about using space jumps to directly enter the territory of other countries. Because on the borders between countries, space barriers are set up to make space jumps invalid, which is the so-called border checkpoints. These checkpoints are not only used to intercept spaceships, but also to intercept incoming information from outside. These barriers are generally set up for each galaxy. The barriers of domestic galaxies are generally not used at ordinary times. They are only activated during wars, because this can prevent the enemy from breaking through the border galaxies and rushing straight into the heart of the country.

However, in order to exchange information with other countries, an information converter was set up at the checkpoint to receive information, filter it through the converter, and then automatically transmit harmless information into the country. As for the spacecraft wanting to enter, it needs to be inspected by the checkpoint personnel, and it can only pass after passing the pass. Of course, if you use warships to attack, these levels cannot be stopped at all. But this is an invasion, and the fleet arranged near the checkpoint will arrive as soon as possible.

The current universe is very peaceful. On the surface, the peace is due to the development of science and technology. The current science and technology have solved the energy crisis and the food problem long ago. It can be said that there is nothing to fight for except the territory. Of course, in addition to territory, rare and sophisticated special ores are also the target of competition, but at this time, countries that do not have certain ores buy from countries that have these ores, and they will not use knives or guns.

Although the peace of the universe is the wish of everyone, among so many people in the universe, there must be some ambitious people who want to rule the world. They are delusional. The reason for peace is that almost all countries have mastered the terrifying weapon - the ultimate black hole bomb. So no idiot would start a war without inventing technology to counter this weapon.

The ultimate black hole bomb, also known as artificial black hole technology. When using this weapon, within one second when the weapon's power is fully deployed, it can devour everything within a light-year diameter. And the weapon can also maintain the highest power state for 10 seconds. That is to say, after using an ultimate black hole bomb, it can devour all objects within 10 light years. According to computer calculations by scientists, when 10 high-power ultimate black hole bombs are detonated simultaneously or in stages within a diameter of 100 light-years, there will be a chain effect, resulting in an eternal, ever-expanding black hole, and finally Devour the entire universe.

Although no idiot will detonate 10 ultimate black hole bombs in a row within 100 light years, what if there is really an idiot who thinks that only he can detonate the ultimate black hole bomb? Or is there a situation where you have to let it go? For this horrible reason, the universe has always relied on this sharp sword hanging above its head to maintain an apparent peace. And now the national scope of the universe is settled after the birth of this weapon.

But this delicate peace was suddenly broken by a fool.

"Hahaha, it's been tricked, surround me and destroy them!" Tang Long stepped on the chair in the command tower, commanding triumphantly to his subordinates. His battleships in the game have reached millions, and he is a commander who has experienced nearly ten thousand battles. Now his main ship level has reached the top Z level, seeing tens of thousands of crew members busy around him, Tang Long really forgot that he was in the game.

The few months of study in the game went like this: the robot instructor first taught him some strategies and battle examples, of course, did Tang Long understand it? After studying the theory, the instructor who played the role of the enemy began to use these tactics and battle examples to set Tang Long's way in the game. Of course, the instructor who became Tang Long's subordinate would guide Tang Long to deal with these situations. I don't know if Tang Long is a genius or just because of the light of the game. Tang Long, who was ignorant at first, was able to fight back victoriously according to the instructor's hope.

The instructors taught Tang Long not only the strategy and command knowledge recorded in history, but also a lot of knowledge about personnel management and organizational construction. Because these machine instructors are all equipped with intelligent computers, the things in their minds include almost everything in the history of the universe, so the knowledge taught to Tang Long is the most classic and useful.

This guy Tang Long has long forgotten what the purpose of learning these things is, he just concentrates on learning so that he can get good grades in the game. But also because of this reason, not only quickly mastered what the instructor taught, but also learned and used the knowledge of money management taught by the game boot program. Because Tang Long knew that without money in the game, he couldn't grow his army and change his equipment, so of course he had to master it.

But what turned the green light into yellow light in the eyes of the instructors was that although Tang Long performed very well on the game battlefield, he was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say when asked to tell him what tactics he used after the battle. Ask him what's going on, Tang Long can only scratch his head and say in puzzlement: How do I know what method was used, I just intuitively think that doing so can defeat the enemy. The instructor can only lament that Tang Long is a single cell!

Tang Long finally didn't have to fight with the leader instructor today, and finally he was free to choose his opponent to increase his points. Although Tang Long is powerful, the machine instructor is even more powerful. He fought against the machine instructor and lost 6 out of 10 games. If it weren't for the fact that he was desperately looking for opponents to fight during the break, Tang Long's ranking could only be ranked fourth.

Tang Long looked cheerfully at a group of enemies who had fallen into the trap and were about to be surrounded by his own fleet. He raised his right hand high and was about to order to fire. When the hand was about to wave down, the command tower suddenly sounded a red alarm. Those virtual soldiers suddenly ran around in a hurry. At this time, a virtual lieutenant hurried over and saluted and said eagerly: "Sir, the enemy has used the ultimate black hole bomb! It is expected to explode in our center in five minutes."

Tang Long, who was still lamenting the expressive expressions of those virtual soldiers, was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground when he heard this. Tang Long jumped and shouted: "What? The ultimate black hole bomb? The ultimate black hole bomb worth 100 billion yuan?!" The virtual adjutant was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded sharply. The "War" game is so popular, largely because the NPC in the game will put on an emotional system that matches the player's words and deeds. As a result, many players can hardly tell which is reality and which is virtual.

Everyone in the universe knows what the ultimate black hole bomb is, so some players in Tang Long's fleet sent power to ask for instructions. Of course, more players used space jumps to escape without asking for instructions. A lot of points will be deducted for one death in the game. These players, who regard the score as their life, acted the same as when encountering this situation in the real world.

Tang Long completely ignored those subordinates' requests for instructions. He was looking at the icons of the enemies displayed on the screen and regretting: "They can get this random weapon. I'm really envious. It's 100 billion! If you sell it, you can buy it." How many warships..."

At this time, the virtual adjutant urged anxiously: "Sir, there is only one minute, please make a decision quickly, the other fleets have all escaped!" Tang Long woke up after hearing this, and hurriedly looked around, and found that there were still densely packed fleets just now. The fleet group attached to him has disappeared, and now only his main ship is left alone.

Seeing these Tang Long couldn't help jumping up and cursing: "Damn it! These bastards with scores but no officers! They left me as a commander and ran away! Damn it, use the black hole resolution program for me!" Tang Long was angry After finishing speaking, he hummed a few times: "Hmph! These idiots, don't they know that Z-class warships have a program to crack the ultimate black hole bomb? The crime of running away is a great crime." Tang Long began to imagine how to punish him afterwards Those players are subordinate.

Following Tang Long's order, the virtual soldiers on the battleship became busy again. After a while, several huge main guns of the battleship began to fire, and several rays of light shot towards the virtual ultimate black hole bullet flying from a distance. The ultimate black hole bomb first exploded, and then produced a black hole hundreds of kilometers in size, but when it was preparing to expand infinitely, it sucked in the rays of light that came in, and then the black hole suddenly disappeared without a head and tail. It's like it never appeared.

At this moment, Tang Long waved his hand and ordered: "Assault! All missiles are launched, artillery fire is fully fired, and all fighter planes are dispatched!" He wants to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. In fact, Tang Long's flagship can be said to be the only Z-class warship in the game. If it wasn't for helping those players who called him big brother to level up, Tang Long would have fought against the enemy alone. His top battleship definitely has this ability.

The group of players who were expecting to defeat the largest army and get a huge score reward suddenly fell into the abyss from joy, and were thrown into the battle by Tang Long before they had time to organize a resistance. Powerful and invincible artillery fire, saturated and various missiles, tens of thousands of fighter planes, and perfect protective shields, with these relying on Tang Long, it is like a tiger among sheep. After a while, the fleet was wiped out by Tang Long.

The game chain will show some big and spectacular battle scenes on huge screens for customers in the store waiting for the empty plane to go online. Therefore, all the people in the universe who were going to play this game and pass by to watch the fun saw this spectacular scene. All the people who saw this scene were stunned. The young players watched in a daze as the points under the name of 23TL continued to soar, while the big players of a certain age were shocked beyond their control. Because they play this game and they all know that the slogan shouted by the game is equivalent to reality, which means that what kind of effect will be produced in the game can also produce the same effect in reality. The terrifying ultimate black hole bomb was wiped out by several white lights in the game, so according to that slogan, will this effect also appear in reality

After Tang Long wiped out the enemy fleet, he stood on the command platform, holding the back of his head with one hand and his stomach with the other, and started dancing with his buttocks twisted. This is his habitual action after victory, and it is a habit he developed when playing fighter jets. And those virtual soldiers who were originally very cooperative stayed at their posts surprisingly, pretending not to see them.

The 'she' who managed the game was originally very keen on correcting the game. When Tang Long made this action, she wanted the virtual soldiers to react accordingly. But she searched all the information in the universe, but she didn't find out what actions the soldiers would take when the chief did this. She couldn't help being distressed, because no matter whether it was clapping, dumbfounding, or jumping along, it didn't match the style of the army. She had no choice but to let those virtual soldiers pretend to be invisible when Tang Long was dancing.

Tang Long didn't jump for long. He was surrounded by countless players who ran back to flatter him, all asking how to solve the terrifying ultimate black hole bomb. This is the public psychology of gamers wanting to learn the trick, and of course there are some caring people who ask with ulterior motives.

Tang Long, who wanted to turn his face at first, felt relieved after being flattered for a while. As soon as he was proud, he announced the resolution program to solve the ultimate black hole bomb. This program was disseminated on the Internet and immediately attracted the attention of all interested people. After countless research experiments by top scientists, all interested people who saw the results were elated.

It didn't take long for major newspapers and websites in various countries to publish these headlines in large numbers: The ultimate horror black hole bomb has finally come to be a waste; the great contribution of the "War" game-particles restore light, the terminator of black holes; enveloping the universe The dark clouds have finally dissipated...

With the spread of these news, the ambition suppressed by the ultimate black hole bomb lost its shackles and began to move around. However, after the news that made the whole universe boil spread, the leading newspapers and websites in many countries made such advertisements in prominent places: "A certain company invites the players of "War" 23TL, 23-3C41, 23- 3C42... come to the company to develop games, please contact the company as soon as possible after seeing this message." And there are many favorable conditions listed later. The invitation notices of these countless companies almost swept in the top 10,000 players in the various rankings of "War".

The leaderboard includes total score ranking, combat merit ranking, and logistics management ranking. In short, there are leaderboards for who needs to manage a war in reality.

At the beginning, people didn't know what was going on, but after some small countries that could not hire one person became impatient, they suddenly realized. Because these small countries blatantly posted such a message: "This country invites "War" game players 23TL, 23-3C41, 23-3C42... and others to take up official positions in this country! I would like to confer the rank of major general or above or government positions above the ministerial level! At this time, the sensitive people discovered from the previous newspapers that not long after the news of the solution to the ultimate black hole bomb appeared, countries with weak countries around them began to mobilize their troops to deploy on the border. At this moment, only one thought flashed into everyone's mind: "War will break out!"

No one will think that the country doing this is an idiot, because anyone who has played the game of "War" knows that the war in it is exactly like the real thing, that is to say, the people on the leaderboard have the ability to command the fleet and govern the organization. And a few months ago, there were several news reports that a certain general praised the game "War" as a good place to exercise the abilities of civil and military officials.

There was also a sensational report at the time: In order to achieve the training effect, the fleet commander of a certain country entered the "War" game with tens of thousands of subordinates. This group of fleets with unified control is invincible, and within a few days, they climbed to the top of the fastest-upgrading leaderboard. It's a pity that after encountering the combined army of 23TL and 23-3C41, they were completely wiped out. Afterwards, the fleet commander of a certain country left a message saying that even on the real battlefield, he would suffer a crushing defeat.

In fact, the military departments of various countries have paid close attention to the "War" game for a long time, because they found that there are some very exemplary battles in the "War" game, which are very suitable for tactical and strategic teaching materials. Some countries even incorporated some battle cases in the game into the courses of military academies, and even transferred the assessment process of the academy to the assessment in the "War" game. Because of this, the intelligence departments of various countries have stepped up their search for the president of the "War" game company, and also spent a lot of manpower to find the real identities of the top six players on the leaderboard, because those six people played the classic battles. from. Moreover, the Ministry of Intelligence attaches the most importance to the number one 23TL, because besides his outstanding military management skills, this person also released the particle recovery program for destroying black holes! It is a pity, but also gratifying, that no country has declared its allegiance to these six people.

The days passed day by day, and although no country had yet heard of a war, everyone could feel a tense atmosphere spreading throughout the universe. Players on the "War" game leaderboard are increasingly revealing their true identities and which country they are loyal to. It was only then that everyone discovered that many of these players were military officers in service, and of course there were also some ordinary boys. Since the "War" game has almost become a tool for countries to select talents, countless people have poured into this game, which also caused the game terminal to crash for the first time, and for the first time began to divide into regions by country. A financial newspaper once reported that if the "War" game company goes public, it can instantly become the number one among countless companies in the universe. But for some unknown reason, the company's top management has no desire to go public at all. That means the company is privately owned.

As the emerging players climbed higher and higher on the leaderboard, the reports in newspapers from various countries became more and more intense. People's eyes are all looking at the top six players on the list whose prefixes are all 23. The price tag for inviting these six players from various countries is getting higher and higher, and there are even countries that award the rank of marshal. However, these six mysterious players ignored the news and disappeared in the "War" game. The news that the six of them were originally suspected to be a group became even more popular. Of course, there are also suspicious people who suspect that these six people have been recruited into the army by a certain country, and they are all secretly afraid of the hidden abilities of these six strange characters, so the war has not yet broken out. But the ropes that hold peace are getting tighter and thinner.

In fact, Tang Long didn't know the outside news at all, and he didn't know that he was so expected by the world. He had now left the "War" game and started a life of hard physical training again.

"Damn! When I was about to sweep the world, I just said that the training ended early, and I was asked to learn how to bunny jump here with a few kilograms on my back!" Tang Long was wearing a weight suit, with his hands behind his back in the hall of the 23rd regiment. Jumping forward around the corner. Seeing the snow-white surroundings, he couldn't help cursing again: "Grandma, why don't you create a virtual scene? Not to mention having some beauties around and shouting cheers, at least you should create a charming pastoral scene. Look When I saw such a white scene, I only jumped a few hundred steps before I became dizzy."

When he jumped into a room cursing, he turned his head and spat on the door, "Shit! These perverted guys actually want me to jump 10 kilometers in such a boring scene, it's not for me Fate? Bah!" Tang Long spat again, looked up at the white ceiling and sighed, "Oh, I thought I had more than a million under my command back then, but I didn't expect to end up like this, oh..." Although he sighed, Tang The dragon is still jumping forward with its hands behind its back.

At the moment, in the drool-stained room, the five robot instructors stood still, of course they were talking: "I didn't expect Tang Long to master the ability of strategy and command so quickly. It seems that the game is really good." It can train people."

"But it's a pity. It would be more ideal if Tang Long honed in the game for a while longer."

"Hey, why did the federal army play against the six of us? There's nothing we can do about it."

"Let's listen to our friends, don't enter the game in the future. According to our friends, the attacks of hackers have almost doubled during this period, and they are all organized hacker groups. It is certain that the countries of the universe assigned to find out our user profile."

"That's right. After playing in a game that is equivalent to reality for a long time, you will not be able to distinguish between reality and illusion. It is best to leave early. I heard that many young people are suffering from delusions. I am very worried whether Tang Long will be like this. "

"It was for this reason that I ordered Tang Long to do physical exercises as soon as he came out. After such heavy exercises, I think Tang Long's mind has returned to real life again, right?"

"It seems that the "War" game needs to be modified appropriately, so that players must clearly understand that they are in the game." The leader instructor interjected.

"Hehe, our friends will modify these. Tang Long accidentally released the program to eliminate black holes, thus confusing the peaceful situation of the universe. It seems that the time for Tang Long to show his ambition has come .”

"Yes, the peace of the universe for more than a hundred years is about to disappear. I have known for a long time that this kind of peace based on the terrorist weapon, the ultimate black hole bomb, cannot last at all."

"Yeah? Since war is about to happen, why hide Tang Long's true identity? Some countries are willing to give Tang Long the rank of Marshal!"

"Tang Long is too young. If he is allowed to rise to the top in one step, it will be very detrimental to his future personality and ability development. There is no outstanding general who has not climbed up step by step from the bottom of the soldier. The lack of this level It is impossible to become an outstanding soldier without practice."

"Time is running out, the circuit in our body is seriously aging, and the fixed energy in our body is almost used up. What else has not been taught to Tang Long?" The leader instructor spoke.

"Now there is only a real survival crisis test left." A robot instructor replied.

"Well, although Tang Long can't tell the truth about his strategy and command ability, he has indeed mastered this knowledge. It will depend on how he uses it freely. Alright, let's teach Tang Long the last lesson. "

All the robots snapped to attention and saluted, "Yes!"