Tales of Soldier

Chapter 58: (two)


The senior colonel stared blankly at the lieutenant colonel, until the lieutenant colonel motioned for the senior colonel to speak, the senior colonel didn't react. Of course, he also remembered why the soldiers misunderstood, and relaxed, the colonel shouted proudly again: "Brothers, this is the moment when you make meritorious service, attack me!"

The people in the tank didn't believe what the lieutenant colonel said, because even the blind terrorists in the base would have noticed it if they walked over like this. Besides, weren't there hundreds of officers held hostage inside? Such an attack is not afraid of those officers being killed? They didn't know that the senior colonel had no scruples because of his son's death, while the lieutenant colonel hoped that under the fierce blow, the mysterious person would not care about the hostages and ensure the safety of his son. He believed that the mysterious man did not know who his son was.

Although the chariot didn't want to fire, but disobeying the order was likely to be shot by the commander, so they had no choice but to aim at the particularly strong foundation of the base and fire, so at least they would have an excuse if something happened in the future.

The double-barreled muzzle on the chariot roared, and 20 red balls quickly hit the foundation of the base. Countless deafening sounds accompanied by thick black smoke and dense soil appeared over the base.

The thick smoke dissipated, and the triumphant garrison commander did not see the scene of the collapse of the gate of the base, but only saw that the silver-white wall below the base was blackened.

The senior colonel was so angry that he grabbed the communicator and cursed: "Fuck! What are you shooting, aim for the gate!" After he finished cursing, he waved his hand and shouted at the lieutenant colonel: "Quick! Go forward!" The lieutenant colonel was also disgusted by the effect of this shelling, and thought that it would be over if the gate was blown down and the soldiers on the personnel carrier rushed in, but he did not expect this to be the result. So he also loudly urged the queue to move forward.

When the soldiers on the personnel carrier behind heard what the lieutenant colonel said, they were already uneasy. It is said to fight terrorists, but who knows if it is a rebellion? Now when they heard the explosion, they all jumped up and looked at the people around them in panic. They don't know what to do, are they obeying orders to attack the base? Can people like myself, who have never had daily military training, fight against the 'terrorists' who rely on the base

Tang Long, who was staying in the command room of the base, looked at the situation displayed on the screen, and asked with a cold smile, "Sally, Second Lieutenant Jess, are they ready?"

Li Wu, who was in charge of communication, quickly replied: "They are all ready."

Tang Long asked again: "Is everything recorded?"

Li Wu nodded silently, she knew that the chief wanted to record this battle scene to show that she was defending herself.

"Very good, now that they fired first, we have a reason to fight back." Tang Long nodded with a smile, and then straightened his face: "I order, start to fight back!"

Li Wu, who had prepared a long time ago, immediately spread the order. The originally bare walls and tops of the base suddenly cracked holes one after another, and a pair of ground-facing double-barreled machine guns emerged from each hole. As soon as the cannon came out, it immediately fired non-stop at the moving tank in the distance.

The chariot, which was about to move forward to fire, was stunned by the sudden rain of artillery. Since the protective shields of these tanks were transferred to the laser cannon system by the arrogant colonel, they couldn't be activated at all for a while. So it was immediately damaged to a certain extent. Of course, the name Chariot was not called for nothing. Although it was a little damaged, it could still maintain its combat effectiveness.

Although there was nothing wrong with the people inside the tank, the senior colonel and lieutenant colonel who stood on the top of the tank and directed the battle were shocked by the blow and fell to the ground. Although they were lucky not to be hit by the machine gun on the spot, the colonel, who was obese and had no exercise, broke his leg.

The senior colonel endured the pain and cursed: "The soldiers behind are all dead? Tell them to attack!" Of course, the disgraced lieutenant colonel immediately ordered the soldiers in the personnel carrier behind to come down and fight.

The soldiers, who were already very disturbed by the more violent artillery rain, immediately turned livid when they heard the order from the horn in the car. Hearing the frustrated voice of the lieutenant colonel, and the cannon fire that was different from his own chariot cannon, the idiot knew that his side was at a disadvantage. Soldiers who have never been on the battlefield are praying for hope. This scene is the opponent's show.

When the lieutenant colonel said in a serious tone that he would not move, some soldiers who were a little bolder secretly opened the car door, ready to check the situation. All of a sudden, these people yelled and closed the car door, jumped to the corner, hugged their heads and huddled together. The other soldiers were taken aback for a moment, but soon they also yelled, and hugged their heads together and huddled together. Because this trick is a specific trick to reduce the damage of members when the personnel carrier is attacked.

The soldiers only felt a loud noise, and the car body began to shake violently. Although people like myself were thrown around, and although their bodies were in excruciating pain, the soldiers were delighted to know that the car did not explode for the time being, but was just blown over. As soon as the car stopped, no matter whether the car was lying on its belly or on its side, they all kicked the door quickly and ran out desperately. They are afraid that the car will explode.

The soldiers ran out only to find that dozens of personnel carriers were lying on the grass unsteadily, but none of them exploded. The partners who enjoyed the somersault like myself all ran out and stood there blankly.

At this time, a sharp-eyed soldier pointed at the direction he had come and shouted: "Enemy!" The sharp voice made everyone raise their weapons nervously and look at the enemy in fear. When they found that the enemy had only a few dozen people, the courage of the soldiers who knew that they had thousands of people began to swell.

But when they saw dozens of special soldiers among the enemies, they were unusually tall, wearing golden armor, and carrying huge weapons. Everyone looked at the laser gun with a caliber as small as a finger in their hands, and at the thunder gun with a caliber as big as a fist in the hands of the special forces, and their courage immediately began to lose heart. Then I heard some well-informed veterans shout: "That's special armor that can withstand portable laser guns!" Everyone's courage became as big as a grain of rice. Fight special forces with these rifles? Court death! So the soldiers didn't fire a single shot, and immediately turned around and ran to the front line with chariots.

Hearing the situation from the lieutenant colonel, the senior colonel yelled angrily: "Damn you! Send me two tanks and blow me up those special forces! Damn it! I'm going to sue that damned galaxy quartermaster. The bastard actually gave those prostitutes a rare amount of special equipment in order to stick it on a woman's belly!"

The lieutenant colonel, who was about to give orders, was shocked when he heard this. He shouted in a panic, "Sir, do you think the quartermaster will give the official fighter jets to those whores?"

The colonel was also shocked. When he was about to say something, there was a roar above his head. When he looked up, dozens of fighter jets flying close to the ground appeared from the base. Seeing the appearance of the particularly huge fighter jet, the colonel wailed and shouted: "Fuck you! It's the latest multi-functional space attack aircraft!"

The colonel began to regret that in order to curry favor with the damn galaxy quartermaster, he used his power to let the quartermaster enjoy an open day of the SK23 company alone. I haven't gotten any benefits from the quartermaster, those despicable whores have obtained so many latest weapons!

After yelling and cursing, the colonel suddenly jumped up from the ground regardless of the pain, and shouted to the lieutenant colonel: "Quick! Contact me the commander of the fleet in outer space, please... no, please send a fleet to destroy the SK23 company!"

"Ah?" The lieutenant colonel was stunned. He didn't know why the colonel decided to ask the fleet commander, who had always been at odds with the garrison, for help when he saw the fighter jets of the SK23 company. Is this multifunctional space attack aircraft so powerful? Why not let the hundreds of fighter planes owned by our garrison come to the rescue

In the next scene, the lieutenant colonel agreed to the officer's order and prepared to make contact in a panic. Because the lieutenant colonel saw that that kind of fighter jet just emitted a small laser like a fighter cannon, turning a tank that had activated its protective cover into a ball of fire. Damn, looking at the firepower, you know that this kind of fighter is used to attack warships.

The soldiers who were running towards the chariot were all shocked when they saw that the chariot was vulnerable to the fighter plane. There are anti-ground machine guns in front, fighter jets above, and invulnerable special forces behind. What should we do now? As soon as a clever person realizes this situation, he immediately lies on the ground and pretends to be dead. Seeing that the fighter jets did not attack the immobile people, the others immediately followed suit and lay down and pretended to be dead.

After the company started to fight back, Yuna, the only one who had no combat mission, stared blankly at her sisters who were busy manipulating various weapons on the screen. Similarly, she also saw that Li Wu was very busy, but she was processing various information in an orderly manner. Thinking that I was completely useless, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in my heart.

When she lowered her head and was about to leave the command room, she was suddenly stopped by Tang Long, and Yuna hurriedly turned her head to answer. She very much hoped that Tang Long would assign herself some tasks so that she could help her sisters.

Tang Long smiled and said, "Can you shoot?"

Yuna nodded hurriedly: "I will, I will." But she blushed as soon as she finished speaking. She didn't know how she could become so impatient, as if she was asking for candy from a child.

"Very good, catch it, go out with me to destroy the enemy." Tang Long said, throwing a holographic helmet that he did not know where to get to Yuna.

Yuna, who caught the holographic helmet, followed behind Tang Long in a daze, and after putting the helmet on like Tang Long, she asked in confusion: "Sir, are you wearing this pilot's helmet to fly a fighter plane? "

"No, we are going to be snipers." Tang Long took out an ordinary long gun from the arsenal in the command room and handed it to Yuna. Tang Long's words made Yuna take the long gun unconsciously, she couldn't figure it out, isn't the sniper rifle very special? Can ordinary long guns be turned into sniper guns by adding a holographic helmet? Although she didn't understand, she was afraid that Tang Long wouldn't let her go, so she just kept feeling bored.

When Tang Long appeared on the wall of the base, the fighter jets had already destroyed those tanks in sevens and eights. Tang Long pointed to the two officers who were surrounded by several soldiers and huddled next to a chariot with a black shell and was unable to fight because of the black smoke, and said: "Our target is them, now you press the button to adjust the video to Close." Tang Long pointed Yuna, and at the same time said the words that the instructor taught him to shoot.

Although Tang Long was not a very good teacher, Yuna understood the technique right away. However, even though she could clearly see the appearance of the two officers from the holographic helmet, Yuna was not a genius, so how could she be able to get results after receiving such training for the first time? Of course they all went flying.

As the powerful chariots have been destroyed by fighter jets, the fighter jets began to attack those personnel carriers that were unable to move on their stomachs. So the colonel, who had lost the threat, sat down on the wreckage of the tank and breathed a sigh of relief, and asked the lieutenant colonel, "What's the matter? Haven't you contacted the fleet commander yet?"

The lieutenant colonel, whose face was already blackened, said helplessly: "Sir, the entire K area is covered by an electronic barrier. We have to wait a little longer before the information can be transmitted."

The colonel cursed angrily when he heard this: "Damn it! Those bastards even got information suppression equipment! Damn, I've been here so many times, why don't I know they hid so many good things?" ah!"

The standing lieutenant colonel didn't know that he had become the target of sniping, he just felt that there were always lasers flashing around him. When he heard what the colonel said, he was about to say something when suddenly a laser shot between his feet. This immediately scared him to the ground. While crawling behind the wreckage of the chariot, he shouted at the soldiers around him: "The enemy has snipers! Cover me!"

The colonel smiled disdainfully: "That's a stray bullet, a sniper? Do you think it's so easy to train a sniper? Even if those prostitutes don't pick up customers for a year and practice shooting all day, they can't be trained!"

Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel stood up in embarrassment, wiped his sweat and nodded and said, "Hey, I forgot that the SK23 company is thousands of meters away, even if there are snipers, it is impossible to hit it."

At this moment, a soldier who was squatting on the ground desperately sending a message for help stood up happily and said: "Report sir, the message has been sent..." Before he could finish speaking, a laser beam was shot between his eyebrows, making him It's gone forever.

Yuna stared blankly at the image of the soldier's head exploding on the screen. The annoyance that she had shot at other targets because she missed the intended target immediately turned into a violent nausea.

"Killed, I finally killed with my own hands!" This sentence kept churning in Yuna's mind, the more she thought about it, the stronger the nausea in her heart. Finally unable to bear it any longer, she threw away her helmet and knelt on the ground to vomit violently.

Tang Long, who was standing aside, looked at Yuna with pity. He knew why she was throwing up, and he knew she wouldn't be a warrior without it. Seeing Yuna vomiting, Tang Long suddenly remembered that when he killed someone for the first time, not only did he not vomit, he didn't even feel like vomiting.

Thinking of this, Tang Long couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, it seemed that he was really a cold-blooded animal.

"Since it is cold-blooded, let my blood continue to be cold." Tang Long whispered to himself. At the same time, he took out the pistol at his waist and adjusted the caliber of the beam to the maximum. Aim, and pull the trigger continuously towards the distance as soon as you raise the gun.