Tales of Soldier

Chapter 61


Mu Enlai, who appeared on the screen, said in a sad and angry tone: "Major Jeter, who stood up for justice not long ago, was shamelessly assassinated. I believe that the people of Wanluo Federation know why he was assassinated. Because those shameless assassins are afraid that the evidence will be made public!" After speaking, Mu Enlei's tone became passionate, and he clenched his fist and waved his hands, and we could tell how excited he was.

Mu Enlais changed his tone, and said in a sad and helpless tone: "I am a criminal wanted by the Federation. You may not believe what I said. However, I will prove to you as a former four-star general of the Federation. , Military prostitutes do exist in the military, and they have existed for 30 years! These orphans who were originally helpless, were deprived of all identities, and were secretly trained by the federal government and the federal army to become high-level prostitutes! A high-class whore for senior officials of the Federal Government and Federal Army!"

Speaking of this, Muen Reis burst into tears. He was inexplicably sad and angry, and said in a crying voice: "And these poor orphans, when they are tired of being played by senior officials of the federal government and the federal army , were abandoned to various planets to form military prostitutes for middle-level officials. Faced with such a tragic fate, the orphans have no ability to resist at all. They are either humiliated to death, or they are old and fading. when it was thrown into the incinerator for disposal."

When Muenrez was too painful to speak, a handsome young officer came up and hugged Muenrez's shoulders. The young man shouted angrily at the camera: "I am Tang Tres, I didn't even think about taking the credit of Brother Tang Long. It was only because I was deceived by the senior officers of the command that I was fooled and implicated my father. When my father and I found out that we were deceived, we were going to apologize to everyone At that time, people from the high command actually framed us, and kept sending assassins to try to kill me and my father!" Tears of humiliation flowed down as he spoke.

At this moment, Mu Enlai seemed to have calmed down, he patted the shoulder of his crying son, and said to the camera: "They will send people to assassinate our father and son, not just because they are afraid that we will tell the truth. But a long time ago, I could not understand how they cultivated orphans for pleasure, and I did not want to join forces with them. Although I wanted to announce it, but because I was weak, I could only collect evidence secretly. It is a pity that , when we were evading the assassins, the evidence had already been destroyed by them." He said and shook his head sadly.

Suddenly, Mu Enlai raised his head and said with tears in his eyes: "For hundreds of years since our Wanluo Federation was established, although we have been swaying in the wind and rain and struggling to survive, our belief in the founding of the Wanluo Federation : Justice, freedom, and democracy have been preserved. However, in the past few decades, government forces have stood up against factions, fought each other, plotted, and framed each other for their own interests, making the entire Federation a mess. Now it is even worse, and the persecution is isolated Girl, take it for granted. The just, free and democratic Wanluo Federation is dead! I, Mu Enlai, hereby announce my separation from the Wanluo Federation!" Muen Leisi shouted extremely excitedly.

When Muen Reis yelled this, the camera pulled back, and three officers in uniforms of the generals of the Federation and three middle-aged men in suits appeared beside Mu En Reis. They said in unison: "In view of the fact that the free and democratic Wanluo Federation has died, the galaxy governments and galaxy fleets of the three galaxies Della, Swan, and Muli have announced their separation from the Wanluo Federation. Let us build a new country of justice, freedom and democracy!"

After shaking hands with the six people and thanking them, Muen Reis turned to the camera and said majesticly: "Now I declare that the Reis Federation of Justice, Freedom and Democracy has been established!" The camera immediately turned to a very huge square , Countless people and soldiers shouted in unison: "Long live the just, free and democratic Lacey Federation! Long live the just, free and democratic Lacey Federation!"

Seeing this scene, the people of the Wanluo Federation were all stunned. Have the three southern galaxies separated from the Federation? no? Is there going to be a civil war

Chen Yu and Zhang Huhun glanced at each other, knowing that this is not the time to be stunned here, they nodded to each other, Zhang Huhun hurriedly left to gather the councilors, now there is no time to go to Tang Long, anyway, in case of an emergency, the public The eyes will not stare at this piece.

And Chen Yu patted his forehead. He didn't expect such a thing to happen before the president became president. That old bastard, who is so alive, only finds this headache to declare independence! Damn it! Chen Yu, who has always been gentle, finally couldn't help scolding her mother.

After the generals of the High Command heard that Muen Leis declared the independence of the South, they immediately threw their demeanor into the black hole, hopped their feet, patted the table, and greeted the 108-generation ancestors of Muen Leisi with curses. again. In fact, when they knew that Mu Enlei could not be arrested, they planned that this old bastard would become independent. The reason why they are so excited is only a small part because of this, and more because of Mu Enlei calling himself an angel, and calling his colleagues who used to wear the same pair of pants a devil!

"I'm ABC, you Mu Enlei is B! You bastard who gave birth to a son without an asshole! What the hell is wrong with you, you bastard has no part in it, now you not only pretend to be noble and righteous to me, but also put everything The crime is blamed on us? Fuck me!" Kamucci completely lost his demeanor, opened a pair of bloodshot eyes, regardless of the messy hair that was originally neatly combed, stood on the table and pointed to Mu Enlei on the screen S yelled.

Olmsted, who was the only one sitting upright in the entire headquarters, couldn't help but smile when he looked at the commanders of the federal army who had lost their sense of normalcy. He knew that the reason why these guys who had never fought before and climbed up by sycophants through the back door became like this: only others have taken the blame for them all the time, when did they take the blame for others? Therefore, it is normal to have this kind of reaction when encountering the matter of taking the blame for Muenleis. As for these guys caring about this, it's normal for them to care more about the independence of Muen Reis, because they never value the interests of the country.

Although Olmsted wanted to continue admiring it, he decided to forget it. Because Muen Reis became independent a little earlier than he had planned, it needs to be corrected. It's all because Tang Long, the troublemaker, suddenly reappeared.

Thinking of this, Olmsted coughed dryly and patted the table, quieting a group of officers who were going crazy. Several officers who stood on the table and scolded Mu Enlais also came to their senses, jumped off in a hurry, hid aside and adjusted their appearance, and then sat down in their seats solemnly.

"Your Excellency Marshal, what should we do now? Should we immediately send troops to fight against the rebels?" Kamucci asked back to normal. He is a little flustered now, because he has no idea, because he has never been on the battlefield, and he has never led a soldier.

Olmsted shook his head: "No, the first requirement now is not to crusade against the rebels, but to restore the righteous status of our federal army. This is not done well, not to mention that the people will not support us, even our soldiers will defect! An army without morale cannot win a war."

Hearing this, the generals remembered that the military's reputation among the people is very bad now. If it is not handled well, let alone the crusade, the people will riot in minutes. Thinking of this, they wished they could eat Tang Long alive. If it wasn't for him, how could there be so many troubles

Although these generals who only fight for power and profit have no talents, they still have the ability to grasp the key points, so when Olmsted said this, they all nodded in agreement. As for how to frame Gu Ao, the scapegoat, and how to bribe Tang Long to change his mind, don't even think about these ideas, they can come up with a lot of plans at any time.

Olmsted ignored the methods these people used. He went back to his official residence and activated the secrecy measures. After starting a confidential program, after entering a few paragraphs of text, pressing the send button, it was split into two streams and sent to the distant starry sky through the network in an instant.

A little farther away from the federal capital circle is the Wenmin galaxy. Apart from being close to the capital circle, this galaxy is also surrounded by a large group of endless ruined galaxies. Everyone knows that the ruin star is a planet with no development value. Needless to say, this Wenmin galaxy has the lowest living standard among the 11 galaxies in the Federation.

But because this galaxy is close to the capital circle, the consumption index is artificially forced to refer to the index of the capital circle under the vanity. Therefore, the living standard of low income and high consumption can be imagined. So for these reasons, this galaxy is the galaxy with the most pirates except for the northern galaxy that is connected to the Chaos Galaxy by the Federation.

There is a planet called Longlai on the border of the Wenmin galaxy. Don't underestimate this planet near the border. Although it has no production industry, it is the place with the most dark transactions in the entire federation.

In a certain city on the planet, there is a huge plaque that seems to have been completed only a few months ago, and people can see those big characters from a long distance: Abandoned Spaceship Recycling Plant. This factory with the name of recycling factory is just a small bungalow. But no one will be surprised, because the recycling plant cannot be placed in the city, and the person who sells the scrap ship cannot go to the wilderness to search for it.

At this time, in this small bungalow, someone suddenly shouted: "Brother! Look! It can finally open!" Entering the room, you can see a person wearing beachwear and wearing a pair of cool black The super burly man, holding what looked like a communicator, was yelling in the hall.

Not long after the big man's words came out, a big man who was also wearing a beach suit, flip-flops, and black sunglasses rushed out of the room, grabbed the communicator, and looked at it carefully. After a while, he looked up to the sky and screamed: "God! Thank you! Let me, the A-level bodyguard of the Silver Eagle Empire, finally be able to sleep without eating!"

Another big man heard the elder brother calling out the name of the Silver Eagle Empire, he couldn't help covering his mouth in panic, and said in a low voice while looking around: "Brother, don't shout, this is the land of the Wanluo Federation!"

The eldest brother broke free from the big man's claws, jumped to his feet and cursed: "Fuck! We've been here for half a year, and we haven't even seen a single hair of a federal policeman! Is this a federal land? This is a fucking paradise for pirates! Fuck it!" I thought I could come to the Commonwealth for a vacation, but I didn't expect a fucking border conflict to happen! Conflicts will be conflicts. Why do you think the fucking imperial spies have such good noses? We all turned off the communicators , but not long after getting off the plane, he was approached and sent to this place where the birds don't shit. This stay, I stayed in this place where there is no female creature for half a fucking year, how is it now, Finally liberated!"

The big man stared blankly at the elder brother who was so angry and swearing continuously. After a while, the elder brother shut up out of breath, and then said cautiously: "Brother, what should we do now?"

The eldest brother curled his lips: "What should I do? Now that there are orders, of course it is to open the banner to do business! Quick! Change the plaque for me, I will make a fortune!"

The big man nodded happily when he heard that, and ran out in a hurry, because they were told before they came that they could take one-thousandth of the sales profit. Sounds like a small amount, but look at the brand new sign on the roof and see why they're all so happy for only a thousandth of the profit.

The signboard of the nearly new abandoned spaceship recycling plant disappeared, and a brand new signboard was replaced. It depicts a small battleship sailing in the universe. A huge white skull occupies a large area in the center, but the most eye-catching thing is the brightly colored characters arranged under the skull. Those words are : Pirate Armory. There is a line of smaller characters under these big characters: retail and wholesale of various arms including warships.

Tang Long and the others were all stunned when Jet suddenly exploded, but the sound of the object falling to the ground with a bang woke them up. Everyone looked back and saw that Sally had passed out on the ground.

Seeing all the girls rushing forward to care for Sally, Tang Long couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Sally is not as strong as she looks on the surface. Tang Long didn't know that Sally never let go of her love for Jeter. Although decided to ignore Jeter, even when Jeter said those words, Sally started to hate him. But when she saw Jet exploding in front of her, she felt so painful that her nerves couldn't bear the blow, and she passed out. Maybe she is the kind of woman who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

When Tang Long also wanted to go to have a look, a female soldier's panicked voice came from the loudspeaker: "Sir, the local fleet of Mutu star stopped above the base and surrounded us!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. The base was surrounded by warships? Everyone thought it was over for this time. Although they had the confidence to defeat the ground troops, facing the battleships, the anti-aircraft guns in their base were like children's toys! A random salvo of warships will turn this base into ashes!

The girls, who were so flustered that they didn't know what to do, all turned their eyes to their backbone—Tang Long. Tang Long frowned, and said to the female soldier who reported, "Bring in the image."

"Yes, sir." Following the words of the female soldier, a group of battleships densely covering the sky appeared on the main screen. Although Tang Long could tell at a glance that the level of these warships was not high, such a large number still surprised him. Looking at the number automatically displayed on the screen, Tang Long knew that there were 10,000 warships above his head.

Seeing the number of warships, Yuna leaned over very worried and asked in a low voice, "Sir, what should we do now?" She originally thought that after the military prostitutes were exposed, they would be safe. I watched the follow-up report on the TV news just now, and the reactions of the people and commentators from all over the place have moved in the direction I expected, but why are they surrounded by battleships at this moment when they are about to be truly liberated? Could it be that people like myself really can't pursue happy days

Tang Long did not respond to Yuna's question, but carefully observed the arrangement of the battleships. After a while, a smile appeared on Tang Long's originally cold face. Seeing that smile, Yuna's tense mood suddenly relaxed. She finds it very strange, why this little guy who is 7 or 8 years younger than herself can feel at ease

Before Yuna had time to think carefully about this question, she was taken aback by Tang Long's words, not only her, but the entire company were also taken aback by him.

Tang Long turned on the microphone and said to the entire company: "Don't worry, these warships are here to stand guard for us and protect us."

"Protect us? No way? They are the local fleet of Jutu planet!" Elsie was the first to not believe it, saying that they came to take revenge and still believe it, and said they came to protect? Head burnt out? Why should they protect the military prostitute company? Of course, Elsie would not say the following words. Tang Long once said that the word military prostitute should not be mentioned again, and Elsie agreed with this point very much.

"Hehe, I said they have a reason to protect us. Because the formation of these warships is to protect the flagship, and our base is in the position of the flagship. This is written in the federal fleet formation textbook." Tang Long explained road.

Although everyone couldn't see the formation of these battleships, since Tang Long said so, everyone believed it. They didn't believe what was said in the scriptures, but because Tang Long said so, even if they were suddenly attacked by the fleet now, they still believed that Tang Long said that these warships were here to protect themselves.

Of course, the next scene clearly proved that Tang Long's words were correct.

After a while, the screen showed a large number of troops coming from other regions. Looking at the murderous look, and the scouts reported that these troops belonged to the local garrison, we knew that those nephews must have been killed. The officers came to take revenge. At this time, dozens of warships floating in the air suddenly left the group and fired a few shots at the garrison threateningly. Then came a broadcast from the warship through all channels: "This fleet is ordered by the Supreme Command to guard the SK23 company. Once any hostile person enters the attack range, he will be killed immediately!"

Although Tang Long couldn't hear it, he was sure that the officers of the garrison troops must be greeting the ancestors of the local fleet at this time, and he was also sure of what the garrison troops chose. Sure enough, those garrison troops stopped after hearing the broadcast, then turned around and walked away in despair. I believe that idiots will not fight a fleet with hundreds of chariots.

After the garrison withdrew, the warship resumed its defensive formation. At this time, Elsie came forward curiously and asked Tang Long: "Sir, how can you tell the formation of these warships all at once? Have you learned this knowledge before? I heard that you are from the fighting arms." .”

Hearing Elsie's words, Tang Long couldn't help but think of that computer sister who hadn't heard from her for a long time. How did she change her unit to fighting? Why should it be changed to a battleship command system

When Elsie saw Tang Long's nostalgic expression suddenly, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment. She knew that this was the look in her eyes when she thought of someone. Now who is she, the officer, missing? Is it male or female? It should be a woman, right? And she is a very intimate kind of woman, otherwise it would be impossible to show such gentle eyes. Originally Elsie wanted to ask aloud, but felt a little presumptuous, but seeing that kind of gentle eyes, an unspeakable feeling surged in her heart.

Just when Elsie didn't know what to do, Tang Long said aloud: "In fact, the knowledge of identifying fleet formations is all learned from the game "War"." Of course Tang Long did not lie, but taught in the game. He identified only five robots.

"The game "War"? Have you ever played the game, sir? Is it fun? I heard it was very fun, but unfortunately..." Elsie was excited at first, but she immediately became depressed after speaking.

Because Elsie does not have Tang Longgao, and now Elsie's expression looks like a child who is depressed. So Tang Long couldn't help touching Elsie's head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities to play in the future." When Tang Long was about to say something, he saw that Sally had woken up, and hurried over .

Elsie, who was stunned by Tang Long's head-touching action, finally came to her senses. She stared angrily at Tang Long's back and thought, "This hair hasn't even grown... oh, his hair has grown." She thought of this I couldn't help but blush, there was no crisis, and I was free. That's why Elsie was in the mood to think about things. Of course, she quickly returned to the question just now: "You brat, my wife is three years older than you, how dare you comfort me like a child? Hmph! Wait, I'll let you know who is the right one." Children!" Of course, Elsie would not say these words, and she began to think about how to get this face back.

When Tang Long came in front of Sally, seeing her bloodless face and dead gray eyes, he couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart. He didn't say anything, just patted Sally on the shoulder. But he was cursing in his heart: "Zhong Zhengqi, you bastard without eyebrows, you dare to kill my Sally's lover and make my subordinates so sad. When I find a chance, I will not break the contract and demolish your platform. Your last name!"

Tang Long is not an idiot. Jeter exploded for no reason. It must be that the bastard put a miniature bomb on Jeter in order to increase the intensity of suppressing the prestige of the Federal Army. Although this tone was forced to swallow because the crisis was not really resolved, but one day it will come back!

After getting along with these female soldiers life and death, Tang Long's personality changed a little. In the past, when he encountered such a thing, he would immediately rush forward and give him a vengeance, but now he shoulders the future of more than 300 women, and he cannot recklessly ruin their future, so Tang Long has learned to be patient. It can be seen here that Tang Long is a donkey-shaped person, that is, he does not carry lightly but not heavily. The heavier the burden on the body, the more stable the walk. Tang Long is the kind of character that changes or evolves to modify himself due to pressure. This can also be said that Tang Long is an immature or maturing man.

As for why Tang Long would not hesitate to break the contract and oppose Zhong Zhengqi over Jeter's death, it was because of Sally's relationship. Tang Long simply believed that since their future depended on him, he must make them happy. Now that Sally's happiness was ruined, it was a very important matter for Tang Long. For this, Tang Long dared to compete with the whole world. Tang Long would do this, not because he fell in love with Sally, but he just took it as a responsibility. Any member of the SK23 company who encountered such a thing, Tang Long would do the same.

However, from this aspect, Tang Long's narrow concept can also be seen. His idea is that as long as people related to him, he should try his best to protect them, and those who have nothing to do with him don't care whether he lives or dies. However, at this moment, Tang Long is still young and has not experienced many things. It is great to have such a concept, and it is much better than a selfish person.

When Tang Long was about to leave the command room, a forced entry communication appeared on the main screen. Seeing the middle-aged man with pale face and beardless eyebrows, Tang Long wanted to beat him up. Because when he saw Sally, who had originally had ashen eyes, when he saw Zhong Zhengqi appearing, there was hatred and anger in his eyes.

Tang Long smiled and said to Zhong Zhengqi: "Yo ho, what brought the Prime Minister here? Did the money that was mentioned last time as compensation be deposited into my card number?"

When Zhong Zhengqi heard Tang Long's previous words, he wanted to say a few words, but he was choked up by Tang Long's latter words. His eyebrows twitched, and he tried his best to smile and nodded, "40 billion federal coins have been deposited in your card number. I am very sorry, so I gave you an integer."

Tang Long knew that in the future he would have to support the entire company, and possibly even the entire Orphan Girls Battalion, so he would definitely not think it was too much money. He changed the subject and said, "So, you are here now, do you mean it's our turn to act in front of the camera?"

When Zhong Zhengqi heard Tang Long's words, his expression was a little ugly, and he hesitated for a while before saying: "The plan has changed. Mu Enlai took the three galaxies he controlled to become independent."

"Mu Enlai is independent? Who is he? It's none of my business." Tang Long scratched the back of his head and said indifferently. Because of Jeter's explosion and Sally's fainting, everyone didn't pay much attention to other news, and everyone only watched the reaction of the people in various places before turning off the TV, so Tang Long and the others didn't know what was going to happen next. Muen Rees' Declaration of Independence.

"Uh..." Zhong Zhengqi didn't expect that Tang Long couldn't remember the former four-star general who framed him, robbed him of his merits, and was wanted. Is it because Tang Long has no brains, or is Tang Long broad-minded and never cares about these things? Zhong Zhengqi didn't have time to investigate, he said directly: "Because this guy's independence has made things complicated, His Majesty doesn't want the Federation to become a warring state, so I hope that when you testify, you can find any senior military officer who doesn't like it to be your witness." For the dead, don't involve the entire army and government."

Hearing this, Tang Long suddenly let out a sinister laugh: "Hey, I am very principled. Since we have agreed to transfer the responsibility to the Federation, I will definitely do it according to the agreement."