Tales of Soldier

Chapter 62: superior


In a quiet space somewhere in the Federation, a dazzling light suddenly lit up somewhere in the space, following the light. The pitch-black cosmic space slowly distorted, and at the same time as it distorted, a huge space transport ship jumped out of the distorted space.

In the passenger seat of the spaceship, a fat and short middle-aged man took off his helmet, loosened his seat belt, and said dissatisfiedly: "Really, it takes another two hours to drive normally. Why is the current technology so bad? Even a Can’t even solve the problem of jumping distance?”

At this time, a beautiful woman next to the middle-aged man who just took off the helmet untied the seat belt with one hand, and took the arm of the middle-aged man with the other, and said in a whisper, "Why are you angry, boss? It's not bad like this, at least we can have a good time." Enjoy space travel."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man nodded with a lewd smile. He didn't expect the steward of this cargo ship to be so easy to use. He hurriedly stretched out his arms to hug the slender waist of the beauty, and leaned his head forward. Just when he was about to say something, he The young passenger on the opposite side spoke: "General Manager, why did you suddenly change the supplies you ordered? This is consistent with the decision of the board of directors..."

"Okay, I said that I have obtained the approval of the chairman, what do you want?" The middle-aged man glanced at the young man and responded dissatisfied. He originally wanted to ignore the young man, but thought that the young man was The cronies of the guys on the board of directors couldn't offend him too much, so they said: "I believe you are not out of your mind. As soon as I heard that the three southern galaxies were independent, I decided to change the plan and order materials for manufacturing warships. Can't you figure it out yet?"

The young man said with a serious face: "Of course I know this, but with the strength of our company, we don't need to earn this little money at all. Besides, even if we want to enter the arms market, it is not enough to just have such a ship worth hundreds of billions. And the purchase plan decided by the board of directors will directly affect the later development of our company!"

The general manager raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly and said: "You don't need to remind me, anyway, I bought it now, and it won't take long for the price to double. At worst, I will go back and go back to complete the plan of the board of directors. !"

The young man said solemnly, "General manager, don't say I didn't remind you, the plan of the board of directors this time was approved by the president!"

Hearing the young man's words, the middle-aged man's face changed suddenly, and the hand that was licking the beauty's body stopped moving. He opened his mouth and stammered: "Boss... President... Approved? President, he... he now Dead?!"

The young man nodded silently and sighed: "So during this period of time, all the directors have been desperately trying to make money. I believe your chairman has temporarily forgotten the most important things because he saw the huge profits."

The beauty who had been paying attention to their conversation couldn't help showing a puzzled expression, and asked curiously: "Isn't there only one president or chairman in a company? Why does your company have several chairman? And the chairman and the president are not Are they the same size? Why does it seem like the president of your company is bigger than the chairman?"

The middle-aged man ignored the beauty, got up and ran a few steps away from the seat, took out the communicator to connect. The young man leisurely said to the beauty: "Generally speaking, the chairman is as big as the president, which refers to the responsibility. But in fact, the power of the president is greater than that of the chairman, because only when the company is private, the highest position will be Called President."

The beauty nodded to express her understanding, and asked again: "Do you think the chairman is a senior position similar to the general manager?"

Seeing the cute look of the beauty, the young man couldn't help laughing: "Hehe, that's right, because our consortium is so big, the person in charge of each country is appointed as the chairman." Get up and sit in the position of a middle-aged man, shoulder to shoulder with the beautiful woman. He was secretly proud that this flight attendant already knew that he was superior to that fatty general manager, so it seemed that he had a chance to kiss Xiangze.

The beauty said in surprise: "Every country? Does every country have companies from your consortium?"

The young man nodded very proudly, and unconsciously wiped the badge buttoned on the collar of the suit. It was a metal badge with a blue background, white sides, and a triangular shape with a cosmic star cluster pattern in the center.

The beauty looked at the badge carefully, and after a while she frowned slightly and said: "Strange, if your consortium is really so huge, why have I never seen the badge of your consortium? Can you tell me the name of your consortium?" Listen?" He said, took the young man's arm, and leaned his body forward.

The young man smiled and said, "Of course, the name of our consortium is Xinghai Consortium. You don't know that our consortium is natural, because we have only been established for less than a month!"

Seeing the stunned look of the beauty, the young man took the opportunity to kiss the beauty's red lips before continuing: "But you must have heard of another name before our consortium was established."

The beauty immediately acted like a baby, and the young man originally wanted to whet her appetite. After a while, he said a name that almost everyone in the universe knew: "Universe Online Game Company."

"Universe Online Game Company?! Is that the big company that develops and maintains the online game "War" with sites all over the universe and is known as an officer training camp? I am also a high-level player!" The beauty shouted in surprise.

The young man nodded proudly, and when he was about to say something, the middle-aged man was already standing beside him, and said with a very ugly face: "The chairman has agreed to sell this batch of supplies immediately, and allocated an extra thousand Give us 100 million, let us complete the plan of the board of directors immediately."

The young man shrugged his shoulders dispensably and said, "You are the leader this time, so you can do whatever you want."

The middle-aged man took a hard look at the beautiful woman's chest against the young man's arm, then turned around in frustration and said, "Then I will notify the captain and find the nearest planet to stop the ship."

A sudden weird laugh stopped the middle-aged man in his tracks, and also made the young man stop mopping. Both of them stared in amazement at the beautiful woman who opened her mouth and smiled without grace.

When the beauty laughed, the cabin door was opened, and the crew who had been very kind and polite all the way suddenly changed, and one and two rushed in fiercely. What frightens young and middle-aged people is not their ferocious smiles, but the cold shining laser guns in their hands.

"You..." The young man just uttered the words when he was slapped severely by the beautiful woman and fell to the ground. The beautiful woman lifted the young man's chin with her feet and said triumphantly, "It was fun to kiss and touch just now, wasn't it?" Damn, is my mother’s tofu so delicious!” As he spoke, he used the hard toe of his shoe to ruthlessly disfigure the young man’s handsome face.

"You are black ships?! We are willing to pay the ransom." The middle-aged man had experienced many things, so he calmed down quickly. He regretted it very much now, he had heard many incidents of robbery of passengers by transport ships registered under false names, why didn't he identify them carefully when he was looking for transport ships? When encountering such a black boat, they are usually silenced. Even if they are not silenced, they will never find the other party if they call the police afterwards, unless the victim meets the black boat again.

The definition of black boats is the same as that of black shops, they are people who pretend to be in a legitimate industry, attracting customers to rob them.

The beauty shook her head and smiled, "We don't want a ransom." When she said this, the crew members wanted to shoot, but the beauty stopped them.

A crew member asked puzzledly: "Elder sister, why didn't you keep your mouth shut?" The middle-aged man who was sweating profusely and the young man who tried not to groan all looked at the beauty nervously. Although they stepped into the coffin, they were still curious to know why this beautiful woman kept her mouth shut.

"Hehe, they have a lot of background. Not only are these goods worth hundreds of billions, but they also know a secret worth tens of billions." The beauty said, shaking her finger. Hearing this, the hearts of the two victims jumped, because they already knew what the beauty's secret was.

"What?! That batch of broken copper and iron is worth hundreds of billions?" The crew all showed excited expressions. You must know that they can't get 100 million worth of goods after a year of hard work.

The eldest sister nodded and said: "Those are not scrap metal, they are materials for making warships."

Hearing this, the crew became even more excited and shouted: "Great, we can become pirates!" Cosmic pirates are not the kind of people who can just find a ship in ancient times. The most basic condition is to have a ship. An aggressive warship. The cheapest space battleship costs billions, and generally speaking, there is still money and no place to buy it.

A more clever crew member asked: "Sister, what secret do they know that can be worth tens of billions?"

The beauty glanced at the two lambs, and smiled at the crew: "Do you know the Universe Online Game Company? It's the company that developed the game "War"."

"The "War" game? You know, I heard that there are rumors on the black market that the intelligence agencies of various countries have offered a bounty of 10 billion to obtain the identity of the company's president. Do they know?" A crew member suddenly realized.

Another crew member looked at the two lambs suspiciously and said, "Impossible? It is said that even the heads of the branches in various countries don't know. Can these two guys know?"

The beauty smiled and said, "If you just ask, you will know. One country is 10 billion, hundreds of countries, hehe, that is an uncountable huge sum of money." She took the gun in the hands of the crew and shot it. Breaking the middle-aged man's leg, ignoring the middle-aged man's screams, pointed the gun at the young man's head with a smile on his face and said with a smile: "How, do you know?"

The young man was breaking out in cold sweat, his upper and lower teeth were colliding uncontrollably, his eyes showed panic, and he begged: "We are not qualified to see the president at all! How can we find out the identity of the president, please don't kill me!" Me, I don't want to die!"

The beauty grinned ferociously, "So you are useless." She was about to pull the trigger, but at this moment a panicked crew member saved the young man's life.

"Sister! It's not good, we are surrounded by 5 warships!" A crew member ran in from the pilothouse and shouted in a panic.

"What?! Battleship? How can there be a battleship near here!" All the crew members suddenly changed their expressions and shouted in panic, while the young and the middle-aged man who was about to pass out were full of joy. They thought they were saved.

The beauty immediately asked, "Is it a local fleet or a police patrol?" The police patrols in this galaxy have not lost their respect, so don't worry too much, but if it is a local fleet, it will be troublesome. Really, if you can find How good would it be to establish a relationship with the local fleet.

The crew member who made the report said hesitantly: "I don't know which part it is from. Their warships are all white, and judging by their military equipment, they belong to mid-level warships."

White? How could white be used as the color of the hull? The beauty didn't have time to think about it and immediately threw the gun to the subordinates beside her. As she walked to the cab, she asked, "Is there any sign of it? Did they send a communication?"

"Their ship has a strange animal pattern painted in black paint, and there is no communication." The crew member answered succinctly.

Entering the cab, the beauty immediately saw a black snake-like pattern emerging from the white. Seeing the appearance of the pattern, the beauty immediately lost her voice and said, "This is the pattern of a dragon!"

Before the crew had time to ask what a dragon was, they saw these white warships, and suddenly two of them started to run aside. After a while, a spaceship jumped out tens of kilometers away from the two warships. The spaceship was also clamped immediately.

The crew members who were familiar with the jumping method were taken aback. They did not expect these white warships to know exactly where the spaceship jumped out. This shows that the other party has very good computers and navigators.

After the spaceship was clamped, the white battleship suddenly sent a voice communication: "We are the Black Dragon Pirates, you have been robbed, and the members of the ship leave immediately in the lifeboat within 10 minutes, otherwise they will become space dust together with the spaceship .”

The beauty slapped the console fiercely and cursed: "Damn! When will there be pirates in this place? Who has heard of this black dragon pirate group?"

The crew all shook their heads. In their memory, they had never heard the name of the Black Dragon Pirate. A crew member asked worriedly: "Sister, what should we do? Their firepower configuration is basically a warship detachment!"

"Damn it! Some regular soldiers must have come out to find extra money! Otherwise, how could ordinary pirates have such advanced warships!" the beauty said harshly, looking at the hundreds of cannons on the white battleship. She didn't expect that she lost her wife and lost her army in this business. Not only did she give away hundreds of billions of supplies, but even the cargo ship she depended on was also robbed!

Gritting her teeth, the beauty ordered: "Pack up your things and get on the lifeboat."

A crew member asked: "What about those two people? They may not be telling the truth."

Gritting her teeth again, the beauty said harshly: "If these small employees also know, the identity of the president is unlikely to be worth tens of billions, silence!" Then she walked out of the control room first.

When the rescue boat left the cargo ship and flew to a distance, the beauty and the crew were surprised to see that the spaceship that was later clamped was destroyed by a single shot from the white battleship, and the materials in the cargo hold of her own cargo ship were also destroyed. After the pirates moved away, they met the same fate of destruction.

"Strange, why don't they want the spaceship? How can you drag the spaceship to the black market and sell it for millions of dollars." A crew member said puzzled.