Tales of Soldier

Chapter 63: Down


The beauty looked solemnly at the battleship leaving by space jump and said: "This only shows that they are not ordinary pirates. It is impossible for pirates to let go of the passengers of the hijacked spaceship without even searching them."

"Then what are they doing? Even an army pretending to be a pirate can't destroy the captured spaceship, right?" a crew member asked.

The beauty didn't speak, but just shook her head, because she didn't know what was going on. After a while, when the crew asked her what to do in the future, she said aloud: "How much money have we saved?"

The crew member in charge of finance immediately replied: "Over the years, we have lived frugally, about 300 million yuan."

The beauty nodded and said: "Well, go to the nearest planet first, and then take a spaceship to Longlai Star in the Wenmin Galaxy. I heard that you can buy warships there."

"Buy a warship? Eldest sister, should we quit our old profession and become pirates?" the crew member asked in surprise.

"You have also seen that when encountering pirates, those of us who make black ships can't resist at all. If we are stronger than them today, then hundreds of billions of goods will be ours. And it can be predicted that the era of great pirates will come again. It’s impossible without a battleship!” the beauty said distressedly.

Thinking of the loss of hundreds of billions of cargo, all the crew members nodded sadly. Thus, the lifeboat flew towards the nearest administrative planet.

Somewhere in the universe, there is a large meteorite that no one pays attention to. No outsider will know that this meteorite is only a stone with a thickness of two or three meters on the outside, and the inside has been hollowed out to build a base many years ago.

At this time, in the center of the base, the young man Zhong Zhengqi called his son was sitting on the commander's chair, watching the reports from all over the place. It took him a long time before he nodded in satisfaction and said: "The results of the past few days have been good, and almost all the waterways have been cut off. Okay, let's pass on the order and prepare for the next plan. I want to make the local fleet lose popular support!" An officer wearing a black dragon uniform immediately saluted, turned and left.

Kai Wuxing's chief of police has been battered during this time, not only the head of the planet came to him, but also several large local companies. There is no other reason, only because a white fleet of black dragon pirates appeared in the nearby waterway. No matter whether it was an incoming or outgoing spaceship, they were all robbed. Although no one was injured or injured, they suffered heavy losses. There are hundreds of ships of all kinds.

It's not that they didn't dispatch patrol boats, and even asked the local fleet to exterminate the pirates together. But I don't know how to do it, and I can't find the other party's trace at all. It is said to send people to protect the spaceship, but it is impossible to protect them to their destination! As soon as the escorting warships leave, these spaceships will be robbed immediately, and I don't know how the news of the pirates is so well-informed.

But today, the chief of police can finally relax his frown, because he got a secret communication, which was sent by a pirate who claimed that he couldn't bear the boss's bullying, and promised to reveal the location of the pirate.

Although I suspect that this may be a trap, but in this situation of no clue, I can only believe it. Besides, those who escaped said that the pirates only had 5 warships. With his thousands of patrol boats, even high-level warships can compete with him. The police chief didn't want to give the credit to the local fleet, oh, it would be nice to take such a big credit for himself. Besides, if something really goes wrong, I can support the local fleet to come to the rescue.

Now the chief of police is waiting for the defected pirate to pass on the location of the pirate fleet. As soon as he receives the location, his thousands of patrol boats will jump there immediately. And launch the space barrier, so that the pirate fleet cannot use the space jump to escape.

At this time, the communications officer on the flagship reported to the Chief of Police: "Sir! The signal is coming!"

The director immediately shouted happily: "Immediately pass it on to all the patrol boats, set it up immediately, and prepare for the simultaneous space jump!"

Seeing the swift movements of his subordinates, the director began to fantasize about the moment when he became a national hero.

A few light-years away from Kai Wuxing, in a stable space with no foreign objects, there are 5 snow-white battleships parked. Looking at the black dragon pattern painted on the hull, you can know that they are the Black Dragon Pirates of Megatron Federation recently. It is said that this black dragon pirate group is formed by the gathering of countless pirates. Otherwise, they would have five warships in each region, and they would be able to attack cities and loot land together. They would give up such advantages and switch to guerrilla warfare. The pirate group must be a mob that is internally disorganized and doing things in its own way.

This group of pirates who were able to detect the space jump point of the spaceship did not realize that they were surrounded by thousands of patrol boats this time. When densely packed patrol boats surrounded them, the five white warships immediately dispersed in a panic to fight on their own.

Seeing this scene, the Chief of Police immediately laughed and said, "A pirate is a pirate! You don't know how to concentrate your firepower to break through the encirclement. Fire me to destroy these vicious pirates!"

Hearing the commander's order, the police, who had never fought a battle before, began to bombard the five warships running around in a panic, relying on their large numbers and superior firepower.

Countless artillery fire hit the white battleship, immediately showing the protection range of the battleship's own shield. Seeing this scene, the director couldn't help cheering loudly: "Don't worry! Their protective shields can't withstand such shelling for a long time! Hit me!"

Sure enough, as the director expected, the protective cover of the white battleship was quickly consumed, and the energy cannon of the patrol boat began to hit the hull of the white battleship, shaking off the white paint.

The originally triumphant director seemed to have discovered something, and hurriedly ordered to his subordinates: "Zoom the camera closer! Yes, it's there!" As the image of the battleship grew bigger and bigger on the screen, everyone was surprised to see The color of the white battleship after peeling off the paint. A police officer shouted in surprise: "Isn't this the unique color of the Federal Regional Fleet?"

The director was also stunned for a moment, but he quickly ordered: "All patrol boats reduce their artillery fire, aim at the positions where ordinary warships are numbered, and blast me off those white paints!"

After seeing the unique colors of the fleet in that place, all the patrol boats knew the intention of the director, and hurriedly began to carry out the order of the director. After a while, the white paint of the five white battleships peeled off in sevens and eighties, and the position of the numbers painted on the front and side of the battleships was also exposed.

"K5DFJD1023! Damn it! It's really Kai Wuxing's local fleet! No wonder they were able to escape every encirclement and suppression. If they didn't notify the local fleet this time, they must have returned in vain!" Looking at the letters on the fleet , the director cursed.

After what has happened these days, the people don't have a good impression of the army. As half of the people, the psychology of the police is of course the same as that of the people. Seeing the patron saints of these original places, they actually crawled inside and outside to rob the places that were supposed to be protected! In addition, the police were recently scolded as useless by the public because of the pirate incident, which made them suffocated. Of course, at this time, they immediately cursed!

The chief of police shouted angrily: "Order them to surrender! Otherwise, they will be destroyed immediately!" As soon as the chief's voice fell, the correspondent immediately passed the information over. However, the five warships ignored them, continued to fire, and began to prepare to break through.

Seeing that several patrol boats were injured, the director shouted angrily: "Sink them! The wreckage can also be used as evidence!" The laser slammed into the battleship that had lost its shield protection. With a bang, the battleship either split apart and exploded, or stopped functioning with black smoke.

The director boarded the wreckage of the battleship, seeing the federal military uniform worn by the dead body in the cabin, he couldn't help snorting coldly: "This is even more incriminating evidence!"

Not long after the last military prostitution incident, the people of the Federation became angry again. Unexpectedly, the local fleet pretended to be pirates and robbed the people they were supposed to protect! Not long after the news was broadcast, large-scale demonstrations appeared across the Federation.

Chen Yu, who was still on the presidency, immediately called the Minister of Intelligence to scold: "Bastard! Why is your efficiency so low! Didn't I tell you to control those private TV stations immediately? Why did you let them report this news? How about now?" The people who are easy to calm down have started to demonstrate again! If this continues, I will be forced to step down in a few days!"

The slightly chubby intelligence minister habitually took out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat, and said with a trembling voice, "Your Excellency, your subordinate has already controlled a large part of the private TV stations, but the rest of the private TV stations have backgrounds, and Among these uncontrolled private TV stations, a large part is controlled by the speaker."

"Huh? Could it be that the chairman broke the news this time?" Chen Yu asked in a slow tone.

"No, it wasn't the speaker who broke the news, but the police department filed a lawsuit against the local fleet in the Supreme Court, which was accidentally published in the newspaper by a reporter before letting the public know." The Minister of Intelligence said hastily.

"Crack!" Chen Yu slammed the table, causing the Minister of Intelligence to hang his head even lower.

Chen Yu said harshly: "What a bastard! What time is it now? The police system and the local fleet system are still biting dogs! The three rebellious galaxies in the south have not yet started conquest, and the Silver Eagle Empire is eyeing the border. What is the proposal to cancel the local fleet! Do you want to turn the planets into undefended planets for people to pick!"

Seeing what the Minister of Intelligence wanted to say, Chen Yu stopped him with a wave of his hand, and ordered: "Every idiot knows that the local fleet and the others just find an excuse to seize the spaceship if they want to rob it. There is no need to pretend to be a pirate! This must be hostility." It's a trick played by the forces, you find the evidence for me, those stupid people will only believe it when they see the evidence!"

"Yes!" When the Minister of Intelligence bowed and was about to leave, he was stopped by Chen Yu: "Report the collected intelligence to Marshal Olmsted, although the parliament has not yet passed that bill, and although the armies in various places are in the hands of the general, But he is the card we play to control the army, so we have to build a good relationship with him.”

After the Minister of Intelligence left, Chen Yu sighed deeply and said to himself, "Oh, when will the Wanluo Federation be built into the most powerful country in the universe!"

I don't know that the outside world is in chaos. I'm afraid it's only the officers and soldiers of the SK23 company in the K area of Jutu star in the bone dragon cloud galaxy. Among them, the person who lost the most contact with the outside world was the officer who was surrounded by a dozen beauties and who didn't pay attention to his image rolling all over the ground and screaming strangely.

"Ula! That's great! 200.8 billion! Not to mention millions of people, even tens of millions of people can feed!" Tang Long, who was rolling on the ground like a child, held his soldier's Ka desperately kissed.

The female officers sitting around Tang Long looked at Tang Long cheerfully. Of course, they stroked the military cards in their hands more.

Yuna looked at the military card in her hand with emotion, yes, from the moment she got this military card, these orphans finally had their own identification. I never thought that I could be free, let alone obtain a real identity certificate. It was all thanks to this happy man in front of him that he was able to climb from the abyss of hell to the clouds.

Thinking of this, Yuna couldn't help thinking of the scene where Tang Long threatened to change Zhong Zhengqi's testimony. Hearing that Tang Long was unwilling to change his testimony at the time, Zhong Zhengqi was very surprised and angry, but after Tang Long clearly stated that he wanted 40 billion to change his statement, Zhong Zhengqi's sluggish look was really funny, maybe he had never seen such a penchant for extortion people.

I don't know why Zhong Zhengqi attached so much importance to changing Tang Long's testimony, so he agreed immediately after thinking about it. I originally thought that the next step would be to wait quietly for an interview and spread the testimony I had prepared long ago. But unexpectedly, a message came from the military department, requesting to discuss the issue with Tang Long.

Seeing the image of the general with four gold stars hanging on his shoulders, the female officers themselves were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe. Because although Zhong Zhengqi's forces say that they want to ensure that people like themselves are exempt from ties, who knows what these generals who really control their own future think? If it was me, the first thing I would consider would be to silence, because this would be the end of it all!

But it was strange, when I saw Tang Long, who was worried at first, said in a nonchalant manner: "Why did you come here now." This made the imposing general with a frosty face put on a smiling face. My heart will calm down immediately. Is this because I think Tang Long can solve all problems? Yuna smiled slightly, yes, she believed in her own officer so much.