Tales of Soldier

Chapter 65: Down


Hearing what Kamucci said, most of the generals applauded and applauded. But it was the major general who didn't want Mutu Star to interrupt everyone's applause and reminded: "Sir, are you going to transfer him to your command to fight? I'm afraid..."

The scene immediately fell silent, because Kanmucci had already obtained the commander of the bone dragon cloud galaxy appointed by the marshal, and the two positions of commander-in-chief of the rebellious frontline appointed by the president, and these two positions are the frontline, no matter which frontline Tang Long goes to All under Cammucci's command.

Kanmuqi broke out in cold sweat immediately, and cursed secretly: "Fuck, I'm dizzy? Transfer the disaster star to my subordinates to seek death!" He wiped off his sweat, and immediately changed his words: "I'm wrong He should be transferred to the border to be Wannian's base garrison commander!" When he looked at the generals whose sphere of influence was on the border, these generals immediately demanded to refuse with mournful faces. It can be seen that no one wants Tang Long to stay in his sphere of influence!

A general with a sphere of influence in the interior saw how useless his colleagues were, and couldn't help shouting: "Look at what you are afraid of, don't you think you will bribe pirates to destroy Tang Long!"

Those generals who begged for mercy immediately said in unison: "Yes! This brother is so right! Sir, give him the task of eliminating Tang Long!"

This time it was the general's turn to panic. He shook his head and hands desperately, and shouted nervously: "No! My territory is in the interior, and I can't find pirates! Let's leave it to the brothers on the border!" He thought to himself : "Damn it! To wipe out the company of three armored regiments with a few hundred people, who knows if the warship can fight him, if I don't kill him all at once and get bitten by him, then I'm in bad luck!"

"Fart! There are pirates all over the world now, why can't you find them? You are making an excuse!" The generals immediately retorted.

Just when the commotion was raging, Kanmucci stopped them loudly: "Don't push me, find a good place on the map for me carefully!" It's not that he didn't think about killing Tang Long, But the reason was the same as that of the general, fearing that if he could not kill Tang Long, he would be bitten back. He didn't dare to assign Tang Long to other factions. Everyone knew Tang Long's name. If he was sent to Zhang Junlong and Mujiet's territory, he might be hacked to death by two generals. And when he was sent to Muen Reis, who was in rebellion, he would be pulled down by the people. Besides, when I took over Gu Ao's territory, I also took over the army on the territory, so I could only send it in my own territory.

So a group of high-ranking military officers lay down on the table without grace, carefully looking for a suitable location on the holographic map that had been enlarged several times.

"How is this place? It has beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate. It's a good place for home travel!"

"You idiot! Now we are looking for an unmanned star that can serve as a base for the disaster star!"

"Ah, then, this place is not bad, it is not only an uninhabited star but also a ruined star, it is definitely suitable as a base!"

"You want to die! That's the training base of the King of the North!"

"Ah, you see, at the meteorite belt that does not belong to any faction and connects the chaotic galaxy, yes, that is there, can this huge meteorite be used as a base?" Said the planet across the conference table.

All the people put their eyes there, and quickly called up the data of this huge meteorite and the information of tens of light years nearby.

"The diameter of the meteorite belt is one light-year, and there are more than hundreds of millions of large and small meteorites scattered there. The largest meteorite star is located at LBBF24Q45, with a diameter of more than 1,000 kilometers. It is a solid meteorite body without any material except its own stone. Meteorite." A general immediately said the geographic location.

As soon as he finished speaking, another general also hurriedly continued: "The nearest administrative star of the Federation to the meteorite belt is 55 light-years away, while the closest to the meteorite star in the Wuchao galaxy is only 11 light-years away, but the meteorite There is a space route connecting the Federation and the chaotic galaxy 3 light years away from the star. Due to the chaotic terrain of the meteorite belt, and hundreds of millions of meteorites often change positions, plus there are no materials that can be developed and utilized, and there is no strategic position , so neither the Wuchao Galaxy nor the Federation extended their forces into the meteorite belt."

Kanmucci clapped his hands suddenly, and shouted with joy: "It's great, this place is the most suitable prison for exiling disaster stars!"

A general reminded: "Sir, there is nothing in that place, and Tang Long is just a captain, so it doesn't make sense for him to be the commander of the base who is only qualified as a lieutenant colonel."

Kanmucci laughed and said, "Isn't this easy to solve? Send out 5 engineering teams, and the base can be built in a week. As for Tang Long's official rank, just use the rank of Major Commander of the First Special Service Base of the Wanluo Federation." gone."

Cammucci suddenly said excitedly: "Hehe, remember to tell the engineering team that the base doesn't need to be too big, just enough to accommodate 400 people. There is no need for a training ground, just build a room for stacking laser pistols That’s fine. Remember, you only need an arsenal for laser pistols, not other arsenals. Of course, you also need a room for space suits, so that they can go outside to learn bunny hops when they have nothing to do. The room The facilities should not be too good. It should be built according to the private standard of 10 people per room. There are no toilets and bathrooms. As for the toilets built outside the room, there are only 40 toilets. Remember that they are only toilets for shitting and peeing. In addition Build another super luxurious large bath that can accommodate 1,000 people, so that guy Tang Long can take a super mandarin duck bath with military prostitutes! Remember, this bath is more advanced than all the bases of the Federation! I want them to sleep in the bath Sleeping in the bed!" Speaking of this, Kanmucci showed a very lewd smile, and the other generals also showed lewd smiles.

A general fawned: "High! Sir, your move is really high. Hehe, Tang Long and the military prostitute company only have a broken gun in addition to a space suit. They don't want to leave even if they want to leave." I can't go anymore."

Kamucci smiled and said: "Hey, that's not counting. Tell the engineering team that the energy of the shield of the base only needs to be able to withstand a main gun attack from the patrol boat. As for whether it can withstand the impact of the meteorite, it doesn't matter. In order to prevent people from saying that we are inhumane and let the soldiers go hungry, we will generously build a food factory for them with a daily output that is enough to feed two hundred people, but only enough for four hundred people to be half-starved." After Kanmucci finished speaking, he looked All the subordinates showed great expressions, and couldn't help humming a few times proudly.

At this time, an uninformed general asked: "Then how to send them there? Tang Long will definitely protest if he knows that he is going to such a remote place."

Kanmucci glared at the general and said, "It's not easy? Let them take a week off, let them go on a trip, take the opportunity to dismantle the original base, and when they come back by spaceship to report, directly launch the spaceship." Just go to the new base! At that time, install a signal jammer nearby to block all the signals sent from the meteorite belt to the Federation, and see who he complains to! I want him to have money and no place to spend it!"

Hearing this, all the generals became happy, and desperately flattered Kamucci. Resisting the pride in his heart, Kamucci pretended to be serious and said: "Okay, the meeting is here, everyone go back and prepare, and help me fight the war of rebellion. Although our organization doesn't care about the status of the ruler, we Care!"

The generals immediately nodded knowingly.

Tang Long, who didn't know that he would be exiled as a disaster star, couldn't help jumping up happily when he received an order from the military headquarters for the entire company to take a holiday for a week. But when he found that all the female officers were looking at him with weird faces, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "Why do you have weird faces? Don't you want to go out to play?"

"Sir... let's stay at the base..." Yuna said with a slightly ugly face, and the other female officers nodded with the same expression.

"Why? It's hard to lift the ban and go on vacation. What are you still doing at the base? Of course, go out and have fun!" Tang Long suddenly remembered something and asked: "Are you afraid that Zhong Zhengqi will lie to you? Are you afraid? Didn't the bomb in the body fail?"

Yuna shook her head and said, "It's not this one. We have already passed the instrument test to prove that the bomb in the body is no longer a threat."

"Why is that?" Tang Long asked strangely. He couldn't understand that these women who were already completely free would not want to leave the base.

"We..." Yuna bit her lip, looked at the sisters around her, and then mustered up her courage to say, "We are afraid of the outside world because we don't understand anything."

Tang Long froze, it turned out that they were afraid of the outside world. That's right, they have never been in contact with the outside world since they were sensible. It can be said that they can't even buy a boat ticket. It seems that it is not enough to just let them be free, but also to teach them how to integrate into the prosperous and complex society.

Although Tang Long has a bit of a headache about this kind of babysitting problem, and he can imagine what kind of sensation he will cause by walking on the street with hundreds of beauties, but he will not evade this kind of responsibility that belongs to him.

So Tang Long said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? I am here with your chief, so rest assured! I will take you around the world, take you shopping, and take you to eat all kinds of delicacies! Follow I enjoy life by eating sweets, drinking spicy food, there is no problem at all!" After speaking, Tang Long held his head high and slapped his chest fiercely as a guarantee.

"Sir, are you willing to take us out?" The girls cried out in surprise when they heard Tang Long's words. At first they thought that Tang Long was going to spend the holiday alone, so they could only decide to stay in the base. Because they don't trust anyone except Tang Long.

Tang Long nodded: "Of course I am willing, go and tell the other sisters to pack up, I will borrow a transport ship from the local fleet." Speaking of this, Tang Long slapped his head and shouted: "I almost forgot, wait Please write me the military card numbers of everyone in the company." Tang Long remembered that the card numbers of these subordinates had no money at all, and the first step when he went out by himself was to remit the money in his card to their cards, otherwise Hundreds of people have to swipe their cards to buy everything outside. Isn’t that exhausting

The female officers didn't ask Tang Long why he wanted the military card number, they just saluted and left. They obeyed all Tang Long's orders unconditionally, even if they knew that Tang Long had sold them, they were still willing to count the money for Tang Long.

Tang Long walked towards the garage and found that there was no one in the corridor, but the voices of girls chirping and discussing things with joy could be heard from the rooms along the way. It seemed that they were very much looking forward to being able to go outside.

With a smile on the corner of Tang Long's mouth, he calmly started a suspended military vehicle, pressed the audio button in the vehicle, and stepped on the accelerator pedal suddenly when the intense music played. The military vehicle made a violent sharp turn, and rushed out of the garage amidst Tang Long's strange screams.

It's no wonder that Tang Long was so excited, because since he was interviewed and gave the testimony discussed, he was coldly dealt with by the military and banned from leaving the base for a week. Not only can't go racing, but also can't fly a fighter jet. Let him, an S-level pilot, have never even touched a fighter jet in this nominal flying company. The most unbearable thing for Tang Long was that he couldn't play games online! The only time he went online was before the interview, to verify whether Kamucci had remitted the money to the card.

After feeling the cold treatment, Tang Long immediately began to order the entire company to be on guard day and night. Because who knows if the military department will cross the river and demolish the bridge, let me help them pass the customs, and secretly destroy myself. The news reports about Admiral Gu Ao committing suicide were not because Gu Ao was regarded as a scapegoat.

When Tang Long saw the news, he really felt chills in his heart, because he and Cammucci agreed to push the matter to Gu Ao, and the news of Gu Ao's suicide came out on TV. This also made Tang Long deeply understand that the power of darkness should not be underestimated.

However, since nothing happened afterwards, Tang Long felt very strange, why was he, a powerless guy, not silenced? After careful reasoning, it turned out that Xingwu saved himself from suffering because he made the matter completely public and became a very important and indispensable person. Like last time, if the major general of the empire hadn't announced the news, if he hadn't met that robot, he would have become a human.

And after understanding the cause, process and result of so many things, and then through Tang Long's straight minded understanding, he left in his mind: the point of view that doing things must be big things, because he thinks that this is right or wrong. It is easier to turn around.

"Hey, I didn't expect me to be so fucking powerful. I killed hundreds of officers. Not only did I not get sentenced, but I got more than 2 trillion yuan in compensation. I'm afraid no one will believe me if I tell it?" Tang Long thought of the information on the card. The amount, immediately let out a weird laugh uncontrollably. Although Tang Long's original intention of asking for money was to feed the millions of orphans in the orphan battalion that the SK23 company and the orphan camp would save in the future. However, this very smooth thing due to various factors also gave him another wrong idea, that is: earning money is very easy, as long as you find a good opportunity, just ask for blackmail.

After a while, Tang Long passed through the boundless grassland and came to a place where checkpoints were set up. Tang Long looked at the map displayed on the computer in the car, and then looked at the words on the plaque erected next to the checkpoint, and knew that he had arrived at the gate of the ground logistics department of the local fleet of Mutu Star.