Tales of Soldier

Chapter 66: superior


Two soldiers were leaning against the checkpoint, with cigarettes in their mouths, laser rifles casually hanging upside down on their shoulders, and they were talking about something. Seeing Tang Long's black military car approaching, he hurriedly threw away his cigarette butt and stood up straight. Because it is impossible for ordinary soldiers to take a military car, they thought some high-ranking official was here.

Tang Long opened the car door and stepped down. The two soldiers who had just shouted out "Good morning, sir" were immediately taken aback by Tang Long's appearance. They even shouted: "Tang Long!"

Tang Long was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, it seems that there are almost no people who don't know him now. He bowed back and said, "I want to pay my respects to the logistics officer, is that okay?"

The two soldiers hurriedly nodded and said in a panic: "Yes, yes, sir, please come in." While opening the checkpoint, they did not fulfill their responsibility to release people after the guards informed them.

Although Tang Long felt that the two soldiers seemed very scared, he drove into the checkpoint without thinking too much about it.

After the car went far away, the two soldiers looked at each other with lingering fear, and said with a sigh of relief: "Oh my god, if we move slower, we must have met the king of Hades. Why did this disaster come to us?" "Ghost knows , Why did he go to the logistics chief? It seems that the logistics chief is going to be in trouble." Obviously, these are two soldiers who have heard too many negative remarks about Tang Long.

Tang Long didn't know that he had been listed as an unwelcome person. After parking his car, he looked at the logistics base and walked towards the office of the logistics chief.

"Report!" Tang Long stood at the door and saluted the logistics officer of the lieutenant colonel in the office.

The lieutenant colonel didn't even raise his head, he just said, "Come in."

After Tang Long came in, he saw the chief working hard, so he didn't say a word, just stayed there quietly. After a while, the lieutenant colonel felt that the person who came did not speak, and looked up curiously. This look made his whole body tremble. He stammered and shouted: "Tang...Tang Long, you...what are you doing here?!"

Seeing the reaction of the lieutenant colonel, Tang Long scratched the back of his head in confusion and said, "I want to borrow a transport ship from you, sir."

Without thinking about it, the lieutenant colonel shook his head reflexively and said: "No..." But as if he remembered something, he immediately changed his mouth and said: "Transport ship? No problem, I will allocate one for you right away." He was sweating profusely as he spoke Press the computer to start. Tang Long, who didn't know what was going on, saw the lieutenant colonel breaking out in cold sweat, and felt very strange, the weather is very cool today, why is he so hot

The lieutenant colonel who was looking at the data on the screen suddenly said in surprise: "The military department has dispatched a transport ship to the SK23 company, and it should be in the K area now. Why are you..." He raised his head and looked at Tang Long suspiciously. He glanced at it, but he immediately forced a smile and said: "No... no problem, I will send you an extra boat now, please wait a little longer."

"Yeah? Already dispatched a transport ship? Uh, no need for that, thank you." Tang Long couldn't help being very surprised, why would the military department dispatch a transport ship? Could it be that they would kindly think for their company that they would need a transport vehicle when they were on vacation? But thinking that he was holding onto them, Tang Long took it for granted that it was possible.

Since there is nothing to do now, and the lieutenant colonel doesn't seem to welcome him very much, Tang Long didn't stay any longer, and left after saying thank you.

After Tang Long left, the lieutenant colonel, who was sitting slumped in the chair wiping cold sweat, sighed with relief: "Huh, it's so dangerous..." When he said this, as if he remembered something, he hurriedly got up and dialed a phone number, answered Tong Hou said: "That guy has come out and just left from me. He came to borrow a transport ship. Of course, how could I lend it to him? But the military department didn't know what was going on, and actually dispatched a transport ship Give it to him. How do I know this, I am not from the high command. Well, if you want to act quickly, let him go to other planets, and I can’t help even if I want to.” After finishing speaking, he quickly hung up Lost communication.

The lieutenant colonel who hung up the communication murmured into the communicator with his hands clasped together: "Please, kill him, or you will be killed by him! Don't let me out, and please let him die as soon as possible." Leaving Jutu, I don't want to worry about being afraid anymore."

In a certain base on Mutu, a middle-aged man put down the communicator, gritted his teeth and whispered to himself: "Hey, I want to see if you really can't be killed with three heads and six arms!" Speaking of this, He closed his eyes and held his head up and murmured, "Don't worry, son, your father, I will definitely rasp his bones and turn him into ashes to avenge you!"

Tang Long, who got into the car, turned on the communicator and said, "SK23 company, I'm Tang Long, have you noticed that the transport ship has entered Area K?"

Yuna's voice came: "Sir, I just received a communication from a transport ship claiming to be sent by the military to our company. How should we deal with it?"

"It's pretty fast." Tang Long muttered, "Let the spaceship stop near the base, and I'll get on board when I get back. By the way, have you collected your military card number yet? Pass it to me."

"It has been collected, and I will pass it on to the officer." Yuna's voice just finished, and the car's computer received the incoming information with a b sound. Tang Long pressed a few buttons on the bridge to transfer the hundreds of groups of numbers into the music magnetic card. In fact, in addition to the main functions set by itself, all kinds of cassettes can also be used to store various data. It can be said that one card is multi-purpose.

"Okay, tell the sisters to pack up their belongings, and I can go on a trip after I finish my work." After finishing speaking, Tang Long turned off the communication after waiting for Yuna's answer, and drove towards the only city on Jutu.

Several military floating vehicles were parked on the outskirts of Area K, which is not under the jurisdiction of the SK23 company. The car door opened, and out of the car came out a dozen fully equipped soldiers, even carrying a few portable laser cannons. Among them was the middle-aged officer who said he wanted to avenge his son.

He looked coldly at the soldiers around him, then nodded his head and made a few gestures. These soldiers immediately dispersed and disappeared in the grassland here, and those floating vehicles drove back at this time .

Tang Long parked the car in front of the city bank according to the map function of the on-board computer. Although the multi-functional consulting rooms in various places have banking functions, such a large-scale transfer business still needs to go to the bank counter.

Tang Long, who was wearing the military uniform of the federal captain, was recognized by the only few salesmen in the bank as soon as he entered the bank. After several exclamations, the result was: Tang Long hurriedly turned around and got into the car. There was no other reason, those few beautiful salesmen left their posts as soon as they saw Tang Long, their eyes were shining, and they ran towards Tang Long with their teeth open and hands dancing. Seeing this posture, how can Tang Long not run away

Tang Long, who had already started his car to escape from the bank, sighed with relief: "It turns out that being famous is such a horrible thing, so you can't go anywhere after that?" Speaking of this, Tang Long suddenly looked lonely. He whispered to himself: "Oh, it is conceivable that as long as those people see the women who appear beside me, they will definitely mistake them for... In this way, as long as the people of SK23 company stay by my side, they will always be surrounded by me. Those people point and point."

"No! They can't be forced to recall the past, it seems that they must find a way!" After finishing speaking harshly, Tang Long rubbed his chin and began to think. When he thought about the hijacking of the plane he took after leaving the training camp, he couldn't help shouting, "That's right, just wear those multifunctional sunglasses!"

Tang Long, who thought of doing it, immediately found a consulting room, asked where to buy it, and then ran to the destination in a hurry. The consultation room is an essential public facility that is inseparable from daily life in the Commonwealth. Almost any question can be answered in the consultation room. Of course, asking questions about federal secrets goes unanswered, and when the question is asked by many, intelligence agencies are automatically alerted to investigate.

Tang Long ran to the branch of Aerospace Aviation in Mutuxing, because the consulting computer said that the multifunctional sunglasses were the patent of Aerospace Aviation. Although Mutu Star is a military star, it is a second-tier training star. It is impossible for ordinary soldiers to use warships in and out, so Tang Long doesn't have to go to branches on other planets to buy them.

Speaking of aerospace, it’s amazing. Just like cosmic banks, they are all over the universe. Although all countries have their own banks and airlines, their performance is obviously not as high as that of large companies all over the universe. Although almost all countries want to prohibit such large companies from robbing their own business, these large companies are a combination of super groups all over the universe, and their strength is very scary. Moreover, many domestic businesses can only be completed by such large companies. Government officials take these into consideration and keep quiet, while domestic counterparts are even more resistant to them.

However, these big companies are not stupid. In order to make money safely, they cleverly use various means to attract counterparts from various countries to join as shareholder companies, and they negotiated that the domestic market will be divided up by domestic companies, and the international market will be left to themselves. , Of course, the bonus at the end of the year is shared. But if the dividends are distributed according to business, Aerospace Aviation will definitely account for the majority.

Although Tang Long was sneaking and cautiously, he still caused quite a commotion, but he also got the benefit of buying a pair of sunglasses.

This kind of sunglasses that covered the face, leaving only the nose and mouth, actually cost Tang Long hundreds of thousands of federal coins. Although the treacherous company manager put on an expression that you would never have bought it if it weren't for Tang Long, he kept boasting that it was a limited edition new product that was only available to special VIPs, and he said embarrassingly that he lost money by buying half and giving half away. But Tang Long felt that he had suffered a great loss. He regretted how he threw away that pair of sunglasses. If he had known that these sunglasses were so valuable, he would have kept them in the first place.

Tang Long switched the car to automatic driving and drove to another bank, while he began to carefully read the thick manual that came with the sunglasses.

"What? This sunglasses is separated from the federal civilian communication system, relying on the aerospace company's communication system to form a family of its own, which is equivalent to being able to contact any place in the universe. Is it so powerful? Hmm? The premise is that you must have an account for each country? The average price of an account It’s 100,000 Federation currency, and it can be used continuously if you pay 10,000 Federation currency per account every year. Damn! If it’s universal, not to mention the money to buy the account, the account usage fee will reach millions in a single year!”

After scolding Tang Long, he immediately became nervous. If there are millions of royalties every year, wouldn't he die unjustly? I have no foreign friends. He was so frightened that he hurriedly put on his sunglasses, and checked by pressing the controller at the ear position. Tang Long heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the data that appeared in front of him: "It's a blessing, I only set up accounts for the three regions of Wanluo Federation, Wuluan Galaxy, and Silver Eagle Empire for me, and they are free to use for one year."

Relieved, Tang Long continued to look at the functions of this pair of sunglasses: "Well, it has the function of connecting to a computer set up by itself at any time for sharing; it has the function of a detailed map of the account area; it has the function of using and enjoying the major networks of the account area The service function provided by the company; it has the business function provided by connecting to the universe bank. Note: this function is applicable to the whole universe area; it has the satellite positioning function provided by the account area and the space airline... "

Tang Long didn't look any further, he looked at the sunglasses in his hand in surprise, he really didn't expect the sunglasses to have such a powerful function. According to this, it is reasonable for the account fee of this sunglasses to be so high for one year. Of course, Tang Long also felt the great power of the aerospace company, because this kind of service function throughout the universe requires such a huge capacity to be able to achieve it.

Tang Long suddenly shouted: "I'm stupid, since this pair of sunglasses has the function of the universe bank, why should I go to the bank!" method, connected to the universe bank.

With a sound of B, a beautiful headshot of a computer girl appeared in front of Tang Long. The computer girl said with a smile: "Sorry, you have not activated identity authentication, so you cannot use any functions of this machine. Please use the scanning function on this machine to scan the manual." ID code on the

"Scanning the ID code? Why is it so troublesome!" Tang Long immediately picked up the manual, and after familiarizing himself with how to use the scanning function, he turned to the homepage of the manual and scanned the barcode.

The computer girl paused and continued: "The ID code matches the hidden code of this machine. Please press and hold the authentication button with your finger to set up your identity."

"Ah, annoying!" Tang Long flicked through the manual again, and after finding the picture, he pressed a button on the machine near his ear with his finger.

"It hurts!" Tang Long felt as if his finger had been pricked by something, and when he retracted, he saw a small hole in his finger. Tang Long, who was just about to start scolding, was stunned when he heard the voice of the computer girl. I just heard the computer girl say: "The process of setting the identity begins, user name: Tang Long; gender: male; date of birth: May 31, 3414 in the cosmic calendar; height: 178 cm; blood type: O; current job is Wan Luo Major Commander of the First Federal Secret Service Base."

Tang Long, who was secretly surprised at how much information Aerospace could obtain from his own blood, nodded while listening, and couldn't help but patted his head when he heard that he was 178cm tall. It seemed that he had grown taller. But when he heard the last sentence, Tang Long immediately shouted in surprise: "What? The commander of the first special service base? A mistake! I am the captain commander of the SK23 company!"

The computer girl ignored Tang Long's words and continued: "DNA, pupil, brain structure, smell, sweat scan for authentication." After BB was startled, she smiled and said: "After the authentication, you will be the only user of this machine from now on. " After finishing speaking, he disappeared, while Tang Long stayed there thinking, when did he become the commander of the first secret service base