Tales of Soldier

Chapter 70: superior


Tang Long looked at the image in front of him in disbelief. The huge colorful font of "Arms Sales Wholesale Website" let him know that he was not dazzled, and at this moment he understood that Chen Kang had misunderstood him as an arms purchaser of the federal army. He glanced at Chen Kang, and said coldly, "Aren't you afraid of being sentenced for selling arms?"

When Chen Kang heard this, he burst out laughing: "Sentence? Hehe, don't worry, as long as you bought my ammunition, I will guarantee it with my life. Even if you tell your officer to know, you will be fine. Of course, the premise is not to yell loudly in the street, let the whole federation know, as for me, even if the whole federation knows that I am selling arms, I can’t be fine.”

Tang Long was stunned when he heard this. This guy is so arrogant, what kind of power is behind him? But if you dare to blatantly seek out the forces of military officers selling arms, it shouldn't be much worse, right

Although Tang Long didn't want to buy it, after hearing Chen Kang's words, he couldn't help becoming curious. He really wanted to see what good things this arms dealer could have. You must know that he was very familiar with various weapons of the Federation. Tang Long clicked the button and entered the website. Before he could see it clearly, he heard Chen Kang say: "Sir, connect it to the computer screen on the car. Let me introduce it to you in detail."

Tang Long hurriedly nodded and said yes, Tang Long was so eager because Tang Long suddenly remembered that after the last military prostitution incident, his company's original channel for providing free ammunition had been cut off. If this arms dealer is really as powerful as he said, then it is not impossible to buy some weapons and equipment companies.

Chen Kang skillfully pointed to the three-dimensional pattern presented by the on-board computer and said: "Look, sir, I have everything from various warships to various miniature spy tools, including various protective equipment. Our purpose That is: only what you can't think of, nothing we can't do."

Tang Long, who was controlling the remote control, didn't listen to Chen Kanghala, and clicked directly to enter the page of the ship category. Seeing this scene, Chen Kang's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately chose the ship category. This is a big customer!

There are three boxes on the ship page, the first is battleships, the second is auxiliary ships, and the third is transport ships. Chen Kang saw that Tang Long clicked on the battleship box, and before the page appeared, he immediately said: "The warships here cover all the ship types that appear in the universe at present, and we specially provide a set of warships for customers who buy warships. series of services, that is, even if what you ordered is just a small sampan, no matter where you want us to deliver it, we will deliver it to the designated place on time within the agreed time. However, if it is too far away from the transaction point, We will charge a little shipping fee appropriately. And we have a maintenance system all over the universe. As long as you buy our goods, no matter where you are, even on the battlefield, we will come to repair. Of course, outside the warranty period A certain maintenance fee will be charged for damaged items, and absolutely nothing will be charged during the warranty period. Hehe, I don’t know what type the officer needs?”

Tang Long, who kept shouting exaggeration in his heart, said without thinking: "Battleship, the best kind." This kind of battleship is Tang Long's favorite, and he would dream of becoming the captain of a battleship in his dreams.

Chen Kang's heart skipped a beat immediately. You must know that the best battleship is much more expensive than an aircraft carrier! He hurriedly pointed to the bottom of the screen where 5 warships were floating on the left and right, and said, "Please click on the last page. The ones in front are defective products, and the best ones are in the back."

Tang Long was very interested, and immediately entered the page with only one battleship. Chen Kang continued: "Click on the pattern of the battleship, and you can observe the battleship in all directions."

Tang Long clicked obediently, and the fist-sized battleship immediately became as big as a big leather ball. Tang Long used the remote control to control the battleship to go up, down, left, and right, and listened to Chen Kang's introduction: "This battleship is referred to as the X battleship according to the number in our catalogue. Compared with the H-class battleship of the Federation, Needless to say, it is several times more powerful. It is 2,650 meters long, 1,780 meters wide, and 1,180 meters thick. It can accommodate 5,000 people, 1,000 nuclear laser main guns, 2,000 laser laser secondary guns, and a defense degree of 800. 50G power furnace , allowing the X-ship to travel at a top speed of tens of millions of kilometers per hour, the limit range of the jump is 100,000 light-years, and the rest time is only 10 minutes."

Chen Kang took a breath and continued: "Moreover, we have made huge changes to this X-warship so that it is no longer purely used for artillery suppression. In addition to peripheral firepower, it also carries 10,000 bullets with a range of one million km of space missiles, 2,000 non-radioactive-energy sneaker torpedoes, 100,000 non-radioactive-energy stealth mines, and the best thing is that there is an in-boat hangar that can accommodate 20 LI-class fighters and 100 stand-alone aircraft A lifeboat with seating for 50 people. Of course, these inner boat weapons are included with the ship, if you like a better model, you can add some money to replace it, or you can buy it separately to make up for the loss.”

Chen Kang realized that Tang Long hadn't uttered a word after talking for so long, so he couldn't help but give Tang Long a strange look, which made him startled, because Tang Long's saliva was drooling straight down. Can't help shouting: "Sir? Sir!"

Tang Long, who could no longer control his drooling, came to his senses in a hurry, and said while wiping his saliva, "Continue, continue."

Chen Kang glanced at Tang Long strangely, and continued: "In this way, this battleship is no longer a simple battleship, but a full-featured battleship." At this point, Chen Kang lowered his voice and pretended to be mysterious: " It is said that the Silver Eagle Empire is ready to use full-featured warships to equip its army on a large scale. Of course, their full-featured warships are still much worse than X-ships. If the two full-featured warships fight, one of the X-ships will definitely be scrapped. Three ships of the same level have to be scrapped, not to mention those of a lower level.”

Chen Kang peeked at Tang Long's expression while talking, but unfortunately Tang Long only showed him his nose and mouth, and he couldn't see what expression Tang Long would have when he heard this. Chen Kang could only continue talking helplessly, but he wasn't worried either. After all, as long as the other party knew about this, they would definitely raise it to the higher authorities. By then, as long as the current Federation warships suffered from the loss of the Empire's full-featured warships, they would definitely buy them wantonly. X battleship.

"Of course, this X battleship can also change the internal structure of the battleship according to your preferences. We have the technology that allows you to control the entire battleship for perfect operation and battle with only a few hundred people. In this way, you You can equip more fighters, more missiles, and at the same time form several individual armored regiments to raid enemy ships. This X-ship includes a series of weapons attached to the ship, and the unit price is only 200 billion Federation If you buy more than 10 ships at one time, you can also give 5 H-class battleships of the current federal model, or 20 D-class destroyers, or 200 A-class patrol boats, of course, you can also exchange them for other ships of the same level Ship." Having said this, Chen Kang finally finished his introduction, and looked at Tang Long with fiery eyes.

Tang Long, who was still drooling, heard the price, immediately gasped, and unluckily choked on the saliva, and began to cough violently. It took a while to shout in surprise: "Two hundred billion! You can't rob a bank of a planet that much!"

Chen Kang hurriedly rubbed his hands and said: "No way, this is the lowest price. If you buy it, I can decide to give you one more Federation I-class submarine. And I will help you paint the color and troop number of the Federation warship for free. Also waive your shipping fee."

Tang Long couldn't help salivating when he saw the beautiful appearance of the virtual image of Battleship X. He really liked this battleship so much. If it is military equipment, he can only swallow his saliva, because it is not his turn according to the rank. If there is no money in his pocket, he can only look at the ship and sigh. However, now I am buying arms privately. According to my relationship with the military department, if I buy it myself, it is equal to my own, and I have more than 2 trillion federal coins in my card!

Tang Long, who swallowed his saliva fiercely, forgot what he was doing for extorting so much money at this moment. Now he only wants to own that X battleship.

Seeing that Tang Long remained silent, Chen Kang gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'm afraid of you. In addition to the above, if you buy an X battleship, you will get 20 more ships of the same level as the A-class patrol boat for free." Chen Kangxin I thought, anyway, those low-level ships are money-losing goods that no one wants, so I might as well give them away.

Tang Long, who had wanted to agree a long time ago, couldn't help but secretly rejoiced when he heard this. He didn't expect that he would have 20 more patrol boats by speaking slowly. Tang Long also knew not to go too far, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll buy it."

Chen Kang, who was gnashing his teeth, immediately smiled when he heard this, and said enthusiastically, "Great, how many ships do you want?"

Tang Long stretched out a finger heavily, and said fiercely, "One ship."

Chen Kang, who was extremely excited, heard Tang Long's words, and felt as if he had fallen into an abyss, and felt as if he had been hit on the head by a 10-ton hammer. After a while, he looked at Tang Long's finger with difficulty and said, "Only one ship?"

"Yes, just one." Tang Long replied affirmatively, and then said something that made Chen Kang want to faint: "Don't go back on your word, you just said that buying an X battleship will give you 20 A patrol boats or the same for free." Class ships."

Chen Kang, who wanted to regret it very much, lost his mind when he heard this, because the most important thing a businessman pays attention to is reputation, and if this guy thinks that the battleship is worth it, the business will keep coming. Besides, no matter how I completed the 200 billion transaction this time, I can at least get a 200 million bonus, which is fine.

So Chen Kang nodded in agreement feebly, and kindly reminded: "If you go back to do business, you can increase the price of X Battleship by 10% appropriately. This is the rebate we stipulated. Don't exceed 10%, otherwise others If the price of the warship you bought is lower than yours, then you are out of luck. And those low-level warships given away are your personal rebates and don’t need to be shared with others.”

Tang Long's eyes lit up: "Rebate? I bought it with private money, so I don't need a rebate, so can the price be lowered?"

"Personally paying for it?!" Chen Kang opened his mouth wide open. How could there be a private person buying a warship worth 200 billion yuan? Thought it was a toy

"You... what unit are you in?" Chen Kang asked a little worried. He was afraid that if this guy couldn't come up with the money, then his efforts would be wasted.

"I am the commander of the SK23 company, Tang Long." Tang Long took off his sunglasses, revealing his whole face.

Chen Kang immediately collapsed on the chair, moaning in pain: "Tang Long! You are actually Tang Long! It's over, it's over this time!" Chen Kang didn't expect to find a client with great difficulty, and he turned out to be a disaster star widely spread in the organization ! If this guy exposes his arms sales, he may be promoted, but his own life will definitely be ruined. Because when people in the organization talked about him, they always said it in an unprovoked tone, and the organization would definitely abandon him.

Seeing Chen Kang burst into tears suddenly, Tang Long couldn't help touching his face, wondering if he was so scary? When he heard Chen Kang crying louder and louder, he couldn't help shouting impatiently: "Why are you crying! Hurry up, are you still in business?"

Hearing the word business, Chen Kang immediately stopped crying, and immediately looked at Tang Long with bright eyes: "Do you want to buy a warship?"

"It's all agreed, why don't you buy it? By the way, since I don't need a kickback, why don't you give me more things?" Tang Long said robbing the fire.

Knowing that Tang Long would not inform, Chen Kang hurriedly nodded his head happily and said yes, but he stopped and asked suspiciously in the middle of his speech: "Sir, you only have a company of nearly 400 subordinates, you want so many people?" What is the battleship doing? It can’t start.”

Tang Long glanced at him and said: "Didn't you say that you have the technology to change the necessary operators? Remember, change the X Battleship so that it can be operated freely with only 300 people, and I need to build 500 people in the cabin." For a suite, the hangar room should be expanded to accommodate 100 advanced fighter jets, 50 single-plane 50-seat lifeboats, a swimming pool for 500 people, a restaurant for 500 people, a food maker for 500 people, and one for 200 people. I want a game room with various game consoles, a shooting range for 50 people, and a fighting range for 50 people. You can transform the other vacant places into a missile storage for me, and put as much as you can. The original energy storage is Enlarge it by three times, help me fill up the energy needed for fighter planes and other machinery."

Chen Kang, who was taking out a small tape recorder from his wallet to record Tang Long's voice, was stunned after hearing this. Everything else made sense, but rebuilding the swimming pool? gaming room? What does this guy think of a battleship

Tang Long continued: "You can give me 20 large federal transport ships, including the X battleship. All the ships are painted in the green color of the federal army, and the unit number is SK23. By the way, the amount of the 80 advanced fighters Just replace it with the 50 lifeboats you don’t need, and as for the missiles in the missile depot, it’s fine if you gave it to me, fill it up for me.”

Hearing these exploitations, Chen Kang protested loudly: "Sir, even if I charge you twice the modification fee, I will lose a lot of money if I pay for it! If you charge you 203 billion, I will help you complete everything you say."

Seeing Chen Kang's angry look, Tang Long knew he couldn't go too far, so he nodded and said, "I'll give you 210 billion. In addition to the request I just said, you can give me 1,000 more high-power small monitoring satellites, and more 500 sets of special forces equipment, 500 sets of various individual weapons, 500 sets of the latest spy equipment, and finally 10 advanced land combat vehicles, and three years of energy for various equipment. These 20 transport ships should be able to load Let's go."

Hearing this, Chen Kang, who is very good at mental arithmetic, couldn't help cursing inwardly, because the things Tang Long said later, the land tanks alone cost over 2 billion, and the energy is even more than 3 billion. Adding other things, it is more than 9 billion. up. The 203 billion I mentioned just now has not been completed at all. However, I didn't suffer a loss, I just didn't earn much.

Thinking of this, Chen Kang was afraid that the night would be full of dreams, and that Tang Long would make another request, so he immediately nodded and agreed: "We can complete these within a month. Where do you need us to send the 21 warships?"

"One month, um." Tang Long thought for a while and said, "I will notify you then." Tang Long originally wanted to say that he would send it here, but for some reason, since he was certified by the Tenglong Sunglasses System, he said that he was the first As a major commander of the secret service base, he felt that something was wrong, and he also intuitively believed that Chen Kang had a great effect on him.

Chen Kang listened and nodded: "Okay, then give me the serial number of your pair of Tenglong sunglasses, and I will contact you at that time." Although he didn't know why Tang Long didn't ask to be sent here, as a businessman It's better not to know so many things about the guests, especially about Tang Long.