Tales of Soldier

Chapter 72: superior


Outside the SK23 base, a low-level transport ship with a length of 100 meters, a width of 20 meters, and a thickness of 10 meters is quietly moored there. At the boarding gate of the transport ship, a phalanx of hundreds of people was neatly arranged. The people in this phalanx were all female soldiers of the SK23 company in snow-white dresses.

"Report, sir, I have been ordered to come to accept the order from you." Five pretty female officers lined up at the boarding gate neatly saluted Tang Long, who was at the head of the phalanx.

"Oh... oh, okay, I'm sorry to bother you." Tang Long thought to himself while returning the salute: "What's the matter? Why would the military headquarters send a crew composed of female soldiers?" Tang Long didn't know that there were no male soldiers willing Come, because everyone is afraid that they will accidentally provoke the female soldiers of the SK23 company, and let Tang Long, the commander who protects the weak, be shot.

"Sir, now..." One of the five crew members, a female officer with the rank of lieutenant and short blond hair, couldn't help reminding everyone when she saw everyone standing quietly beside the spaceship.

"Well, okay, board the plane." Tang Long waved his hand, and the motionless phalanx behind him immediately poured into the cabin quickly, orderly and silently like an hourglass. And those crew members, also under the signal of their chief, first boarded the cabin for escort service.

The remaining blond lieutenant couldn't help showing strange eyes when he saw that the members of the SK23 company boarded the transport plane empty-handed. She wondered why these female soldiers who went out to have fun didn't even bring a change of clothes? Are they all purchased outside

She was right. The female soldiers of the SK23 company had packed a lot of things and were going to take them out. Tang Long, who was brought back by his subordinates, couldn't help but feel a headache when he saw the packages of the female soldiers that were almost filled with all the weapons in the base. For Tang Long, he very much hoped that these female soldiers would enjoy the fun of shopping and stop living the same life as before. Under this kind of thinking, Tang Long ordered them not to take things out, so this scene happened.

The blond lieutenant came to Tang Long and asked aloud, "Sir, I wonder where you are going?"

Tang Long said with a smile: "I don't know if the military department has sent me this transport ship. Is there any restriction?"

The lieutenant hurriedly shook his head and said: "There is no restriction. During this week, the commander can command this transport ship to reach any place in the Federation."

"Oh, I don't know, is the fuel cost reimbursed?" Tang Long asked urgently.

The blond lieutenant glanced at Tang Long, and said with a smile on his lips, "Please rest assured, sir, the logistics department of the Federal Army will be responsible for the wear and tear of the transport ship within this week."

By this time, all the female soldiers of the SK23 company had boarded the ship, leaving only the blond lieutenant, Tang Long, and about 10 female officers like Yuna.

Yuna and the others stood behind Tang Long, quietly listening to the conversation between Tang Long and the blond lieutenant, but no one made a sound. The blond lieutenant glanced at them inadvertently, and suddenly found that they looked at him with a slight hostility in their eyes. At first, the blond lieutenant didn't know why these female officers would show such eyes, but soon, she found that she was almost shoulder to shoulder with Tang Long because of talking to Tang Long.

The blond lieutenant smiled slightly, took a step sideways without showing any signs, waved his hands and said, "Please, sir."

Tang Long, who didn't feel anything at all, looked back at the officers behind him, nodded and boarded the ship, and Yuna and the others followed closely on the spaceship.

The blond lieutenant who was the last to get on board looked at the figure in front of him, smiled again, and thought to himself: "I never thought that these whores who never let go of their hearts would actually put their hearts on a 20-year-old girl." I don’t know if the prostitutes see him as a father or a lover? Hehe, let you be happy for another week, and you will have no chance to be happy in the future.” Thinking Here, a strange light flashed in her eyes, and she quickly entered the cabin.

The transport ship has started slowly and is floating in the air. The blond lieutenant came to Tang Long who was sitting alone in the front seat, and asked respectfully: "Sir, I wonder where you are going?"

Putting on the Tenglong sunglasses, Tang Long said, "This time I'm on vacation for fun, and the first stop is Manlanxing, the capital of tourism."

The blond lieutenant nodded and smiled, "Okay, let's go to Manlan Star." After speaking, he turned and returned to the cab.

The spaceship roared, the hull shook, and rushed out of Jutu's atmosphere like lightning and entered the outer space.

In the office of the Presidential Office of the Wanluo Federation, Chen Yu, who had not been sworn in for a long time, took a moment to relax and let out a sigh of relief, leaning on the back of a luxurious chair, after meeting with dignitaries from various departments including the military and business circles, and discussing the matter of conquering rebellion.

Just as Chen Yucai took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the table, the personal secretary next to him immediately stepped forward, took out a flint lighter with a beautiful appearance, but a very primitive structure, and set it on the cigarette holder.

Chen Yu glanced at the personal secretary who had just been hired. Satisfied, he lit a cigarette and took a puff. To be honest, Chen Yu didn't want to change his personal secretary, but the matter of the former president made him afraid to ask a smart and capable person to be his personal secretary. For such an important position as a personal secretary, it is better to have no talent, and someone who likes to be flattering. Anyway, I have no shortage of excellent talents under my command, and I still have someone to help me with important things, so that even if this personal secretary wants to rebel, I won't suffer any losses.

After taking a break, Chen Yu started to work again, but when he read the materials presented below, he immediately frowned, and said to his personal secretary, "Invite Minister Mies from the Intelligence Department."

The secretary immediately bowed his head flatteringly, and came forward to dial the communication of the intelligence department. Although Chen Yu could complete this task by simply stretching out his hand, but he is the president of the Wanluo Federation, how could he do such a low-level thing? Woolen cloth

"Your Excellency, Minister Mies said that he will come in the shortest possible time." The personal secretary who turned off the communication said softly.

Chen Yu just hummed, waved his hand without saying a word, and the personal secretary stepped back tactfully.

The chubby Minister Mies who stopped at the door of the office took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat-free forehead, then carefully arranged his clothes, and then respectfully said: "Your Excellency, the officer has come in."

Although Mies is very clear, even the most powerful hackers cannot eavesdrop on the network security of the presidential palace connected to the Intelligence Department. If the president has anything to discuss with him, he can just use the network to communicate directly, and there is no need to call him here. But Mies absolutely did not dare to express any dissatisfaction, not to mention that the person in front of him was his immediate boss, the president of the Wanluo Federation. Even if Chen Yu is an ordinary person now, he would rush over as soon as he was summoned, because Chen Yu's interests are very clear to him.

Chen Yu asked Miss, who was standing 2 meters away with her head bowed, shaking a document in her hand, "Minister Mies, why did the Universal Bank and Aerospace Association join forces to promote a singer that I have never heard of?" Even if Chen Yu became a member of the Federation The president also did not give up the power of the intelligence department. It can be said that the intelligence department has become Chen Yu's private intelligence network.

Of course Ms. knew what Chen Yu was talking about. What Chen Yu cared about was not the singer, but Cosmos Bank and Aerospace. He also knew what the information in Chen Yu's hand was about, because it was just handed in after he sorted it out. So he hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency. Although after investigation, I know that the two companies' top decision-makers will agree to the fact that the two companies jointly promoted singers. However, they have no idea why they did this. And No amount of investigation can find out who the singer they are planning to support is."

"Oh?" Chen Yu showed interest in his eyes. For the two big companies with immeasurable strengths that span the entire universe, Chen Yu is based on the attitude of not causing trouble. Originally, he just asked about it as a routine, but he didn't expect that there would be something that the intelligence department could not investigate.

"The report said that the two major companies jointly purchased the entire federation, and all the TV stations lasted for three hours at the same time. Regarding this, does your intelligence department think there is anything weird about it?" Chen Yu asked lightly.

Mies raised her head slightly and said, "Your Excellency, after our research, according to the rigorous and low-key attitude of the two major companies, it is impossible for them to enter the entertainment industry. Moreover, the price of buying time slots alone is a terrifying astronomical figure. I don’t know if the concert can make money, but they invested such a large amount of capital, which is not in line with commercial standards. As for the sudden change of style this time, we think: First, they hope to use this opportunity to take their business to a higher level .However, we don’t quite agree with this point, because they are already the top companies in the universe, and their market in the Federation is already full, so it is impossible to expand. The second is that their top management has changed their candidates, otherwise It is impossible for two large companies that are too far behind to join forces. But this is also difficult to establish, because their top management is composed of dozens of large consortiums, and these old consortiums cannot be replaced quietly. The third point However, the two major companies may take this opportunity to broadcast some amazing events. After analysis, we think this is the most likely. Although the two major companies do not have political inclinations, they may do something against our Federation in order to pursue their interests. bad thing."

"Things that are not good for our Federation?" Chen Yu smiled wryly. He didn't know that there were powerful enemies outside and separatist forces inside, and the Wanluo Federation where pirates were rampant. of.

Chen Yu shook his head and said, "It's unlikely at all. I think the two major companies will do this, and it must have something to do with that singer. But even if you didn't send out the singer's video to increase the sense of mystery, don't you even have the singer's name? Do not you know?"

Mies said with cold sweat again: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency, I've neglected my duty, but it's really because the two major companies have completely blocked the singer's information."

Chen Yu asked strangely: "If the singer's name is not mentioned, how can they attract the audience to watch the concert?"

"The tickets for the concert are free, and they are given priority to the employees of the two major companies. There are only a very small number of tickets on the market, so they are not afraid that there will be no audience." Mies quickly replied.

Chen Yu was speechless. The total number of employees of these two big companies in the whole universe can be compared to the population of a high-density administrative star. The boss ordered them to go to the show. Who would dare not to join in the show

Mies seemed to think of something, swallowed her saliva and hesitated before saying: "Your Excellency, the two major companies have just sent documents to the headquarters of the local fleet, asking the local fleet to conquer the pirates on the waterway. If the local fleet is not strong enough, they are willing to Send out the bank escort and air escort to help suppress the pirates. I am afraid that the documents will be sent to you in a short while."

Chen Yu patted his forehead in distress. This kind of large enterprise with influence all over the universe has some private fleets, and the fleets of Cosmos Bank and Aerospace Aviation are the best of these enterprise fleets. Let the corporate fleet help conquer pirates? If it gets out, does the federation still have any face? But now the military department is consuming the power of the local fleet under the pretext of the piracy incident. The commander-in-chief of the local fleet has already retired and returned home. How can the local fleet be dispatched! Is it to send regular troops? Although the army is in the hands of the military department in name, in fact it is in the hands of the commanders of the garrisons in various places. And even if they sell their face and are willing to send troops, it is not at this time when they are preparing to rebel.

Chen Yu thought for a while, then said with a sigh of relief: "You go to notify the two major companies and thank them for their kindness, but the federal army can rely on its own ability to destroy the pirates. In addition, you go to contact the pirate forces near the waterway and sell me one To save face, don't rob the spaceships on the channel during the concert."

When Mies heard this, she was stunned for a moment. How could a dignified president give in to the pirates? But Mies also understood that the president had no other way to solve this matter except to do so.

Chen Yu was obviously angry at his helpless decision at the moment. He slammed the table and stared at Mies with a ferocious face and growled: "As the highest-ranking President, you actually depend on the faces of businessmen and pirates! If I have a few It belongs to my fleet, do I need to be patient like this?"

Mies, who understood the meaning of her boss's words very well, nodded with radiant eyes and whispered, "Don't worry, the formation is already underway."

Hearing this, Chen Yu's face returned to normal, and he said with a sigh of relief: "Then what's new about our deadly enemy, the Silver Eagle Empire?"

Mies thought for a while and said, "Report to Your Excellency, there is something abnormal about the empire recently, and the four princes are strangely quiet."

"Those four prodigal sons of the empire are strangely quiet? Why? Also, weren't the two generals who invaded the Federation last time oppressed by them?" Chen Yu asked.

"Why did the four princes stop biting dogs? I don't have any special information for the time being. As for the two generals, not only were they not oppressed by the princes, they were not only promoted to lieutenant generals, but the four princes were also very enthusiastic to curry favor with them."

"There may be a storm in the empire. You order the intelligence personnel over there to carefully collect information, especially the rumors circulating among the people. You must know that sometimes, the people know the secrets before the high-level officials." Chen Yu instructed.

"Yes, follow your order." Mi Si bent down and left under Chen Yu's signal.