Tales of Soldier

Chapter 79: Down


The chief of intelligence was stunned for a while when he received a report from his subordinates that the chief of the gendarmerie had something to discuss with him. He couldn't figure out why the chief of the gendarmerie, who had always been at odds with the intelligence department, asked him to discuss Tang Long's matter? That guy should know how far he can avoid Tang Long.

When he found out that the place where they agreed to meet was a small family restaurant, the Director of Intelligence was stunned again. He didn't understand what the chief of the gendarmerie was thinking, what he couldn't say on the phone, he had to meet in person, couldn't he trust the security level of his network? Although he had doubts in his heart, he was full of curiosity and decided to meet with the chief of the gendarmerie.

When I came to the restaurant, I found that the officers in civilian clothes of the Gendarmerie Division had already packed the place, and without saying anything, two intelligence officers were left to guard the door, and followed the adjutant of the Gendarmerie Division who I was familiar with into the innermost table.

When the chief of the military police saw the chief of intelligence, he immediately greeted him enthusiastically: "Ah, brother, I'm really sorry that I haven't invited you to a meal after being on the same planet for so many years."

Although the director of intelligence was very impatient with such roundabout words, he couldn't let others face him, and said enthusiastically: "Look at what you said, I'm sorry, after all, I should treat you to dinner first." right."

When the chief of the gendarmerie heard this implying that the intelligence department was the eldest brother, his face changed slightly. Although he felt uncomfortable, he was not an ordinary person. After all, the issue of ranking was not up to the people below him, so he changed the subject with a laugh.

The two chattered for a while, and then the chief of the gendarmerie got into the subject and said, "Brother, Die Wu has provoked that person."

The Director of Intelligence was slightly taken aback when he heard this. Although he knew that the person was referring to Tang Long, he didn't quite understand why Die Wu would provoke Tang Long. During this period of time, he spent a lot of manpower and material resources in order to find out the reason why the two major companies favored the singer, and who the mysterious singer was. How could he pay attention to these things.

When he almost blurted out to ask why, he forced the words in his throat, because he knew that if he let the other party know that he, the chief intelligence officer, didn't know about it, he would definitely be laughed out of his mouth by the other party.

The director of intelligence kept his expression unchanged, nodded as if he already knew what had happened, and then looked at the director of the gendarmerie to signal him to continue.

The chief of the gendarmerie knew the way the intelligence chief knew, of course he didn't think of anything else. After all, it couldn't be justified that the intelligence department didn't know what happened in the sphere of influence. But he didn't continue talking, but asked instead: "Brother, do you know how much the Butterfly Dance Club earns in a month?" Hearing this, the Chief of Intelligence broke out in a cold sweat. How could he know these little things, but he was very He breathed a sigh of relief, because the chief of the gendarmerie himself said the answer: "Their income from nightclubs alone is 100 billion a month, and the income from drug sellers and casinos is at least 400 billion a month! There are 4 billion a year. Thousands of billions!"

The Director of Intelligence was taken aback by the huge amount, more than 4 trillion a year, and the regular budget of his intelligence department is only 100 million a year. Of course, he didn't reveal anything, he just continued to look at the chief of the gendarmerie with an oh. He has already decided to go back and investigate the Butterfly Ball industry, and investigate why the Gendarmerie Division knows so well.

Seeing the indifference of the Chief of Intelligence, the Chief of the Gendarmerie couldn't help swallowing his saliva and continued: "If we take over the entire Butterfly Ball industry..." As he spoke, he carefully observed the Chief of Intelligence's actions. The director's eyes shone with greed when he heard this, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. It seems that the other party is the same person as himself, and things will be easy to handle.

Although the director of intelligence salivated a little bit more because of such a big fat head, he also knew what the backer of the Butterfly Dance Party was for. If he doesn't even know the backing of the people in his sphere of influence, then he is not qualified to be the director of intelligence. He said hesitantly: "The backer of the Butterfly Dance Party is General Zhong Tao of the military department, and General Zhong Tao is the confidant of General Kamukki, we can't afford it!"

The Chief of the Gendarmerie shook his head with a smile and said: "I believe you already know that Die Wuhui took a fancy to Tang Long's subordinates and wanted to ask Tang Long to be a lady, but Tang Long beat up the people who went to make contact. And I After knowing what happened, let the people from the Gendarmerie Division hide their identities and severely lecture the liaison staff of the Butterfly Dance Club, and let him misunderstand that we are Tang Long's subordinates."

The director of intelligence had a cold light in his eyes. He already knew the meaning of the director of the gendarmerie. He said aloud: "You mean to use Tang Long's hand to give Diewu to..."

The Chief of the Gendarmerie nodded sharply and said: "Yes, after the Butterfly Dance Club is destroyed, we will immediately let the controlled gangsters take over the Butterfly Dance Club's property. It was wiped out by Tang Long, so he still has the nerve to ask us to give up the property? It’s just that, I’m afraid the whole planet will cause riots.” After speaking, the chief of the military police shook his head in embarrassment.

"Well, the issue of riots can be suppressed under the pretext of a gang fight, and the gendarmerie is dispatched to suppress it. As long as it doesn't interfere with the concert in the central square and those upper-level figures. In this way, we can take the opportunity to annex the gangs on the entire planet. As for the I will use my authority to let them be responsible for the safety of the concert, so that they have no time to worry about it.” The intelligence chief said with a smile after pondering for a while.

The chief of the gendarmerie immediately smiled when he heard this. He had decided to do this a long time ago, but without the help of the intelligence department of the official first force, it would not be so easy for him to achieve his wish. So when the Director of Intelligence utters the word 'but', let him rush to listen.

"However, we have to consider Tang Long's reaction. With only a few hundred people, he has no weapons and no reason. How can he fight Die Wuhui? Tang Long is the type of person who will not offend me." Intelligence Secretary He said in a leisurely manner.

The chief of the gendarmerie smiled: "It's simple, just let his subordinates be arrested by the butterfly dance party. As for the issue of weapons and personnel, we can let the controlled gangsters help him, and even let our people pretend to be gangsters to help him. he."

The Director of Intelligence frowned and said, "Could Die Wu be so reckless? If they found out Tang Long's identity, they wouldn't be against Tang Long if they were killed."

"Please don't worry about this. The senior cadres of the Butterfly Dance Club have my people. I will let them do it before the top management of the Butterfly Dance Club knows the truth, and let Tang Long know the first time. Moreover, I also released the arrested liaison officers only One went back, and the others were all snapped off, Die Wu would not let Tang Long go like this. Finally, I need my brother's help in terms of intelligence." The chief of the gendarmerie showed a strange smile when he said this.

Although the chief of intelligence heard that the chief of the gendarmerie killed a few people from the butterfly dance party, he didn't feel much. In order to carry out the mission, he did such a thing. Detailed income. Of course, the director of intelligence also understood very well that the director of the gendarmerie wanted to drag himself into the water together, but the director of intelligence didn't care about this at all. How could he not get wet if he wanted to eat fish? The director of intelligence is concerned that this matter will have a relationship with the catastrophe Tang Long, but considering that the underworld that rules the entire planet has an annual income of at least several trillion yuan, facing such a huge temptation, even a devil dares to make out with him one time.

The director of intelligence who made the decision nodded and said: "Okay, after the matter is completed, the account will be divided into four and four." The chief of the gendarmerie was stunned when he heard this, but soon realized that the remaining 20% was used to honor his superiors. If there is no backer, how can people like myself make money with peace of mind. So busy nodding in agreement.

"Sir, what are you taking?" A cute looking female soldier looked at the ticket in Tang Long's hand and asked. Although Tang Long hadn't memorized the names of hundreds of people under his command, the person in front of him was only 16 years old. The year-old female soldier knew it. This underage female soldier was called Li Liwen, she was the female soldier who was bullied by three male soldiers at the company base and rescued by Tang Long. Ever since she was rescued by Tang Long, she has been clinging to Tang Long all the time. Since she is the youngest, everyone regards her as a little sister.

"Oh, these are tickets for the concert. They were given by the hotel. Don't you have any?" Tang Long wrinkled his nose and asked casually. There was no way, all the body fragrances from all kinds of women were drilled into his nose, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

All the girls shook their heads when they heard this, while Li Liwen looked at the ticket curiously in Tang Long's hand, and said in amazement: "I really want to go to the concert."

Tang Long handed the ticket to Li Liwen without thinking, and said, "Here you are, I'm not interested in the concert." Li Liwen took the ticket in disbelief, while the female soldiers around used He looked at her enviously.

"Okay, let's go shopping now, but it's inconvenient because there are too many people, how about this, form a small group to go out according to the past practice, you can refer to the route in the travel guide in your hand, your military card has 100 million federal coins, see you like it If you don’t understand anything, you can ask someone or go to the consultation room. Do you have any questions?” Tang Long looked at the girls and asked.

Although the girls were a little reluctant, they also knew that it would be too troublesome for so many people to walk together, so they had no choice but to nod helplessly. Of course, Tang Long saw the mentality of the female soldiers, but in order for them to learn to be independent, they had to do this no matter what, otherwise they would not be able to succeed in anything in the future. Besides, this is a tourist capital, and the law and order must be better than other places. It is a good place to train them.

After Tang Long saw that they all nodded, he led them out of the hotel. I got on the tour bus and came to the city center, made an appointment with the girls to meet up, and then began to slowly diverge. After a while, Tang Long was walking on the street alone again.

In the uninhabited back alley of a certain building in the city center, a sealed floating vehicle drove in and stopped, and pushed out a person with a black cloth bag wrapped around his head. After throwing the person down, a big man got out of the car, kicked the person hard, and said viciously: "Boy, it is the boss's mercy that you survived. Your brothers are not as lucky as you!" After speaking, the big man got on the floating car, and the car flew away immediately.

The person who fell on the ground seemed to be moaning in pain, and it took a long time to take off the cloth bag covering his head with great difficulty. You will definitely be shocked when you see his appearance, because it is simply a pig's head. The man tried his best to open his swollen eyes and looked around, and he was obviously relieved when he saw the surrounding environment. He struggled to get up, leaning on the wall and walked out of the street.

Nightless Palace, the largest and most luxurious nightclub in Manlanxing, although there are still several hours before night falls, 80% of the guests here are already full, so it can be said that the business is very good. Such a good nightclub will definitely be targeted by gangsters, but there have never been gangsters making trouble here, and it has never been searched by the police. If you just look at the beautiful and charming welcome lady at the door, who would believe that the Evernight Palace has such great power? But those who know the inside story can tell you the reason. This is the headquarters of the biggest gang in Manlan Star - Butterfly Ball.

In the conference room used inside the Evernight Palace, a charming woman in her twenties and thirties, with a charming figure and a black tight-fitting cheongsam, was sitting obliquely on a chair that was obviously much larger than the other chairs in the conference room, with her legs crossed. chair. Although the cheongsam was slit to the end, exposing her charming jade legs, but the nine men of different ages sitting in front of her stared straight ahead.

This coquettish woman took out a cigarette filter with an extra-long pipe. Standing behind her, the cold woman in a black suit immediately took out a long and thin cigarette, stuffed it into the filter, and lit it for her. . The alluring woman took a puff of cigarette lightly, raised her eyes to glance at the men in front of her, and said lazily, "Tell me about the recent situation."

If you say it, others may not believe it, but the woman in front of you is Die Wu who controls tens of thousands of big men, thousands of large nightclubs, and millions of ladies.

"Yes, President." A middle-aged man with a flushed face and a fat head who sat at the head of the nine people hurriedly stood up and said, "Last week's income was basically the same as before. The net income of 5234 nightclubs The revenue is about 27 billion. Since the two major companies held a concert here, I believe the revenue will double this week.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a skinny middle-aged man with a light black complexion stood up and continued: "The sales of drugs last week reached more than 25 billion, and the supply of psychedelics and aphrodisiacs is in short supply. Please increase the supply."

Die Wu said coldly: "Idiot! Only when the supply exceeds the demand can the price be raised!" After speaking, she smoked her own cigarette and signaled to the next person.

The third person who spoke was a middle-aged man with no expression on his face. He stood up and said coldly: "Last week, the casino revenue was more than 50 billion." After speaking, he sat down and faced his indifference. Nobody cares. And Die Wu also nodded to him with an admiring expression, the section who asked him to be in charge is the best paid.

The fourth person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a scar in the corner of his eye and a sinister face. He stood up and said in a hoarse voice: "Last week, only one medium-sized nightclub was accepted. Will Chairman, it’s not that we don’t work hard, it’s that there are too few places without a backer. President, with our backing and strength, we don’t have to be afraid of anyone at all, just unify the underworld in the entire Manlan Star!”

Die Wu snorted again: "Idiot! We are asking for money, not anger. If we unify the underworld of Manlan Star, not to mention the big gangsters of the Federation, even the big gangsters of this galaxy will come to the door. Next!" Originally thought The scarred man who said something, seeing the president's face, had no choice but to swallow his saliva and sit down helplessly.

And the fifth person who stood up was a young man, the one who told his subordinates to sign a contract with Tang Long. He respectfully said: "Last week, we added 2,500 ladies, of which 300 were women from good families who were brought in through drugging, abduction, and threats. Among the newly added ladies, there are only about 50 who can be called top-ranking." Speaking of this , he saw that the president's face became a little ugly, and said hurriedly: "However, this time I found a team of three or four hundred people, all of whom are top-notch. I have already asked the people below to sign the contract."

Of course Die Wu knew that the team referred to the organized prostitution team. She nodded and said: "Even a picky person like you says that those hundreds of people are top-notch. You can imagine how those customers will react. Tell the people below , the conditions can be more lenient, and the team must be brought over. It is a rare opportunity for the two major companies to hold concerts here. If there are good products, these few days can make up for the income of the previous few months. By the way, the chickens of that team Who is the leader? I would like to see who is so powerful and can bring so many top-quality goods under his command."

Just when the young man was about to say something, the door of the conference room was opened, and a weak, indistinct, crying voice came from the door: "Brother!"