Tales of Soldier

Chapter 80: superior


The person calling Big Brother was wearing a blood-stained suit that was wrinkled like dried vegetables, and his entire face was swollen from the beating, and his original appearance could not be seen at all. At this time, the nine people in the meeting room looked at each other, because they didn't know who this person was called.

The two big men supporting that man saw the appearance of the elder brothers and hurriedly said: "He is the little army under Fifth Brother."

The young man who reported how many girls had been added immediately ran to check in a panic, because this person was his subordinate. The big man with the scar said a little dissatisfied: "Old Wu, your subordinates are very well-educated, and they ran to the headquarters to find you after being beaten." He said to the two big men who were helping people: "How do you What the hell, don’t you know we’re in a meeting? You actually brought people in casually!”

The young man called the fifth brother frowned and looked at the scarred man. He knew that he was following closely behind him at a young age, which made the fourth brother feel in danger. Of course he is not in the mood to care about it now, he turned to Die Wu and said: "President, my brother is going to sign a contract with that group of people, let me take him down to ask about the situation?"

Die Wu's eyes lit up and said: "Ask here, you must know that group of people is very important to improve our business."

Fifth Brother nodded, grabbed Xiaojun's shoulder and asked, "What's the matter with Xiaojun? Where are the other brothers?"

Xiaojun gasped for breath, and said intermittently with a leaky mouth: "I don't really know what's going on, just when I proposed signing a contract with that chicken head, he taught us a lesson, and then I was arrested In a room, they were beaten severely. Finally, they threw them into the back alley of a street not far from here. Listening to their tone, those brothers are afraid... "

Because Xiaojun's mouth leaked, Wu Ge listened for a while before realizing that he was beaten by the chicken head, and he hadn't had time to continue asking. The phone rang in a hurry, and everyone looked at the woman in the suit behind Die Wu.

The woman in the suit answered the multi-function phone that was stuffed in her ear, then leaned into Diewu's ear and whispered a few words. Everyone obviously felt something was wrong, because Die Wu's face became very ugly.

Die Wu said with a frosty face: "The police found a few corpses with their throats cut and half burned at the garbage disposal site in the suburbs. After genetic testing, it was confirmed that they were Dasha and the others under Lao Wu's subordinates."

The fifth brother roared in grief and indignation, and punched the wall with his fist. He didn't care when his fist bled, and those elder brothers also lowered their heads. The fourth brother with a scar face who was secretly happy that the fifth brother's subordinates had died, found that the other big brothers bowed their heads, and hurriedly lowered their heads to express their condolences to the brothers.

The fifth brother turned back to Die Wu with tears streaming down his face and shouted: "President! Take revenge for the brothers!" And the little army also knelt on the ground with tears in his eyes and wailed: "President, please avenge the brothers!"

Before Die Wu could make a sound, the fourth brother with the scar face had already patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, fifth brother, this revenge, the fourth brother will avenge you!" Guaranteed. Of course, he did this obviously to buy people's hearts. The other big brothers also scrambled to declare their vengeance.

Die Wu suddenly yelled angrily: "A group of idiots! These years have been so smooth that your heads have turned into pig brains? Who is the other party, what power does it have, and what intentions do they come here? Even if they don't know these things, what kind of revenge is there! Fifth, tell me, what is the background of the other party?" Hearing Die Wu's angry shout, all the people lowered their heads. Although I don't know what these people are thinking, but on the surface they dare not go against the president's words.

Brother Wu shook his head in pain and said, "At that time, I thought he was a chicken head, because he was the only man in his team."

"Stupid! Didn't even find out the details of the other party, and sent someone to sign the contract? What if they are not a team?" Die Wu frowned and said.

Fifth Brother argued: "They are definitely prostitutes, I dare to use my eyes as a guarantee!"

Die Wu obviously trusted Fifth Brother's vision, and said to herself: "So the other party is on the right track." After saying that, she said to the middle-aged man who was sitting under Fifth Brother with a gloomy face, "Lao Six , go check out the other party's background."

Before the sixth brother could speak, the fifth brother hurriedly said, "That man lives in the Huadu Hotel. There are hundreds of people in his party. Except for him, all of them are beautiful women. You can tell if you ask." The sixth brother nodded, turned and left. But no one noticed that when he walked out of the door, there was an inexplicable smile on his tense face.

At this moment, Die Wu stood up, glanced at everyone, and said: "Okay, tell the people below to pay attention, and contact the police to see what gangs have come in these days. The fourth child sends down the equipment and enters a state of alert. Make a decision after the news comes back." After speaking, he took the woman in the suit and left.

Lao Liu took people away from the Evernight Palace, and immediately ordered his men to go to Huadu Hotel to investigate. After dismissing all his subordinates, he entered the public telephone booth alone. After dialing another number, the three-dimensional portrait of the chief of the gendarmerie appeared.

"How is it?" asked the chief of the gendarmerie with an eager expression.

The sixth child smiled and said, "Just as you thought, that woman Die Wu was very cautious. She suppressed her desire for revenge and sent me to inquire about information."

"Sent you to inquire about intelligence? Hehe, I believe you already know how to report it." The chief of the military police narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Lao Liu nodded and said, "Of course." He turned off the communication and left.

Li Liwen and the seven sisters from the communication department formed a team, looking at the travel brochure in their hands, and walked down the street excitedly. After a while, they saw the shopping mall mentioned in the manual, and immediately walked in curiously. The crowded and noisy crowd and the wide variety of items immediately dazzled them.

Li Liwen's group of people in the communication department is a bit special, that is, they are all young girls who have not been poisoned. Maybe they will be surprised that they have been in the military prostitute company for so long, how can they not be poisoned? One is that they are used to entertain important people, and the other is that Yuna takes special care of them and makes them hide in the room every open day. If Li Liwen hadn't accidentally ran out last time, she wouldn't have almost been kissed by a wolf. To put it simply, this group of women are all young girls.

At this time, a young woman with a business manager's work badge came up and bowed politely and said, "Hi, are you guys here together? Please come to the counter of our company to see how it is?"

The other women were a little uncomfortable and didn't dare to speak out, because they had never been treated so politely before. But Li Liwen was very curious, so she was able to ask, "What do you sell there?"

The woman said with a smile: "We specialize in all kinds of women's clothing. It can be said that it is the store with the most complete range of women's clothing in Manlanxing. Take a look, the store mentioned in the travel brochure refers to our company." Passed through the travel brochure in Li Liwen's hand, flipped through a few pages, pointed to an introduction and said.

All the girls curiously opened the manual and looked at it. At this time, the beauty-loving nature of women had an effect. Li Liwen and the others decided to follow this woman to have a look after discussing it.

The business manager led them onto the automatic floor in the shopping mall, enthusiastically introduced the pros and cons of the products in the surrounding stores, and guided them to their destination. The female soldiers who hadn't seen the world much, of course looked around very interested. After a while, they came to a very beautiful and trendy shopping mall with many female customers choosing products.

In a daze, the business manager led the female soldiers around the entire store, and was encouraged by her to take a few sets of clothing and enter a row of changing rooms to try on.

Li Liwen and the eight of them entered the dressing room, just after taking off their coats, they inhaled a puff of smoke that suddenly came out from the corner, and passed out on the ground. Then the floor of the dressing room sank, and when the floor came up, Li Liwen and the others had already disappeared.

At this time, in the basement of this shopping mall, Li Liwen, the eight unconscious women, lay flat on the ground wearing only underwear. And around them, there were a few men who swallowed their saliva fiercely.

A middle-aged man scanned Li Liwen's women back and forth, and said to a young man beside him: "To be honest, I haven't seen so many beautiful women appearing together in the same room for so many years." It’s in front of my eyes. It seems that I can enjoy it later, don’t you think so, sir?”

The young man beside him also kept his eyes on the women on the ground. He nodded subconsciously when he heard the middle-aged man's words. The middle-aged man who had been keeping an eye on him was overjoyed when he saw the young man nodding, and was about to go forward to pick someone out. But the young man who was awakened by his actions stopped him: "Wait!"

The middle-aged man and the anxious big men all looked back at him when they heard this, and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

The young man who had already looked away from the woman on the ground, took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead gasped and said, "I was almost killed by you, you can't touch these women!"

Before the middle-aged man could speak, an impatient burly man took the lead and said, "Boy, don't think that you are Adjutant Tan's subordinate and want to have it all to yourself!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand to stop the words of his subordinates, and said to the young man in a cold tone: "Boy, I respect you, so I call you sir, although you provided information on these top-quality goods, you can't take them all alone." I'll give you three at most, so you can kill three birds with one stone, don't be shameless, I have a good relationship with your immediate boss." After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man said to his subordinates before the young man could speak. : "Take them away and sell them to the Butterfly Dance Party after enjoying them."

The young man hurriedly stepped forward to stop him and said, "No way!"

The middle-aged man and several other big men immediately began to curse: "Fucking brat! Shame on you, don't you?!" As they said that, they were about to do it, when a cold voice sounded: "Old wolf, it's you Shame on your face, right?"

The middle-aged man named Lao Lang was shocked when he heard the words, and when he looked back, he found that the adjutant of the chief of the gendarmerie had actually appeared in front of him, he hurriedly put on a smile and said, "Look at what you said, Mr. Tan, how can I do it. "

Adjutant Tan cast a cold glance at Lao Lang and said, "I'm telling you, if we weren't afraid that you would hurt us, we wouldn't care if your entire gang would die."

"Uh...sir, what's the matter, can you explain it clearly?" Lao Lang's face immediately turned pale when he heard Adjutant Tan's words, because from his tone, it seemed that his gang would be wiped out at any time.

Adjutant Tan pointed to a few women lying on the floor and said: "If you want to touch them, I will kill you all before I am killed. Don't talk about me, these women are my immediate superiors." Don't dare to touch them with a finger."

The old wolf opened his mouth in disbelief, how powerful are these women? Thinking of this, he hurriedly said, "Sir, it's your subordinate who proposed to catch them for fun." But when he was about to point his finger at the young man, the young man disappeared. The old wolf was sweating profusely immediately. He knew he had been tricked. Could it be that the military police department wanted to kill him? I usually pay tribute a lot.

Adjutant Tan said with a sinister smile: "You girls, take good care of them for a while, and when I notify you, you will wake them up and tell them that you just rescued the transport vehicle that ambushed the Butterfly Dance Party." they."

The old wolf was taken aback immediately, he was not an idiot, of course he knew that he was blaming the Butterfly Dance Party. He has been on the road for so long, and he knows very well who the backer of the butterfly dance is. He can't believe that the Gendarmerie Division can fight against the backer of the butterfly dance.

Seeing the old wolf's eyes, Adjutant Tan knew what he was thinking, and said with a twitch of his mouth: "It is the chief of these women who are fighting Die Wuhui, and he is very defensive."

"Sir? Are they female soldiers? Even if that person is also an officer, how can he beat the high-ranking officials of the military department? Is he a marshal?" The wise old wolf asked immediately.

"Even the marshal, as long as he insults my subordinates, I will give him a bang. This is what these female officers said. If you have watched TV, I believe you already know who their officers are." Adjutant Tan Speaking of this, I said again: "I warn you again, don't touch these female soldiers, we don't want to be buried with you. If you don't listen to the advice, you will lament why you came to this world with pain. And , Remember to keep it secret, or everyone will die." As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and left.