Tales of Soldier

Chapter 82: superior


Seeing the police sign at the entrance of the building in front, Tang Long opened the door and jumped out just as the car stopped. But Tang Long, who was about to rush forward, suddenly stopped, turned around and took out his military card and handed it to the driver. Although the driver was a little surprised that the boy with two beauties and strange sunglasses was actually a soldier, he didn't hesitate, took the military card and swiped it on the credit card machine, said thank you for your patronage, and threw the card back to Tang. dragon.

Sally, who had already taken out her military card, quietly took back the card after seeing this scene, and sighed secretly, shaking her head and thinking: "Sir, he really took care of us so meticulously, I really can't feel that he is a better person than you." I am several years younger than a boy."

And Yuna, who had been secretly looking at Sally all the way, of course saw Sally taking out her military card. After realizing that Sally had to pay the fare with her military card, she who had already started to feel inferior even more. "Why didn't I notice this? Why did Sally notice?" Yuna cried out in her heart.

Tang Long didn't pay attention to the inner state of his two subordinates, and ran to the police station after receiving the military card. Of course, Yuna and Sally packed up their moods and followed closely behind.

There are only three police officers in a police station in Nuoda, and the rest of the place is empty. Tang Long didn't think about where the policemen here went, and shouted to the nearest policeman: "Mr. Police, please, I want to report the crime!"

The three police officers who were sitting around smoking cigarettes and drinking tea and chatting seemed not to have heard what Tang Long said, they didn't even look at Tang Long, and continued to chat about their affairs.

"Hey, officer, I want to report the crime!" Tang Long suppressed his anger and shouted again. Of course, everyone could hear the dissatisfaction in Tang Long's words.

A young policeman turned around and glared at Tang Long. He was about to say something, but suddenly changed his face and walked over with a smile on his face.

"Hey, two beautiful ladies, what can I do for you?" the policeman said to Yuna and Sally standing behind Tang Long with a smile.

Of course Yuna and Sally remained silent, while Tang Long took the opportunity to take out the three-dimensional photos that recorded the information of Li Liwen and several other women, and opened it while saying, "Officer, my companions are missing."

The police officer, who was originally dissatisfied with Tang Long blocking his appreciation of the beauties, couldn't help showing a surprised expression when he saw the beauties in the three-dimensional photos. He stared at the photos intently, swallowed his saliva and casually said to Tang Long: "Missing? No?" The problem, our police will definitely help you find it.”

Tang Long saw that although the policeman's eyes were always scanning Yunasari's body up and down, but seeing that he didn't drag out his electronic notes to make records, the anger just now disappeared, and he was ready to cooperate with the policeman's questioning. Talk back and forth.

Just when the policeman asked, "When did you know they were missing..." a policeman behind him patted his shoulder, then gave him a look, and pulled him away a few steps and whispered something in each other's ears. Seeing them shaking their heads and nodding, they didn't know what to say.

The policeman who was going to make a record, after whispering to his colleagues, his original smiling face disappeared, and he put on an upright expression, returned to Tang Long, and asked questions as usual. When he heard Tang Long say that he had been missing for less than 2 hours, he closed his notebook angrily, and cursed loudly: "Make trouble for no reason! Don't report the case if you haven't been missing for more than 24 hours! Don't you know that our police work is very busy? "After speaking, he turned and returned to his colleagues, ignoring Tang Long.

Hearing what the police said, Tang Long couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Of course, he knew that the disappearance time had not exceeded 24 hours and he could not file a disappearance case. But Tang Long was a little strange. The policeman who had been obsessed with Unasari had changed his image all of a sudden after hearing what his colleagues said.

Of course, it was impossible for Tang Long to answer this question through the police, and he didn't have the time. Tang Long, who took Unasari out of the police station in a hurry, did not see the obscene eyes of those policemen looking at Unasari's back, nor did he hear what they were saying.

The policeman who was taking notes reluctantly withdrew his eyes and smacked his lips and said, "Damn, I don't know what that guy is doing. Not only are the two girls beside him very good, but the missing girls are also so beautiful."

At this time, the policeman who was whispering to him said, "Since I'm interested, why didn't you let me find an excuse to lock them up?"

The policeman who took the notes shook his head and said, "Didn't I tell you just now? This is an extraordinary period, we should not be too rampant, so as not to cause trouble and make it difficult for us to do. And it's not that you don't know that everything in the wild Lan Xing's missing woman, no matter who is kidnapped, will eventually fall into the hands of the butterfly dance party, are you afraid that we will not be able to enjoy it?"

The second policeman seemed to be very disappointed and sighed and said: "Oh, those two beauties just now, the more I look at them, the more my heart burns. After playing hundreds of thousands of times, the taste has changed."

"Hey, if you're in a hurry, you can tell Die Wu that you found two good guys. In this way, you can not only get a sum of money, but also get the first place." Another policeman next to him, who had been silent all this time, was vicious when he heard his words. laughed.

The second policeman hurriedly shook his hands and said in a panic: "Don't, you can't do this kind of business robbery. They must be targeted. If I want to inform you, I might offend that gangster. Offending the gangster is a trivial matter. If my wife finds out, I will be out of luck."

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, these evil policemen changed the topic.

Feeling irritable but not knowing what to do, Tang Long stopped a taxi in a muffled voice and drove to Huadu Hotel.

Tang Long felt that he was very useless for the first time now, because he had no way to find out Li Liwen and others. If you go to the police, it will not be accepted if the missing time does not exceed 24 hours. If you go to the underworld, you don’t know anyone in the underworld at all. Going to the street to look for them, don't say they don't know where Li Liwen and the others have gone, even if they know, how can they look for them in the vast crowd? If you send people out to look for them, you are afraid that you will pay a few more to get in.

As for Yuna and Sally beside them, if I asked them what to do, they couldn't tell. It seemed that they had to go back and discuss with all the subordinates to see if so many people could find a way out.

Tang Long didn't know that some blind guys had already fixed their eyes on the two beauties beside him. When they got into the taxi, an ordinary car followed quietly, and there were three men in the car, three men who were in a hurry.

The man driving in front said to the man smoking a cigarette in the back: "Boss, how much can those two good guys sell for?" Before the boss in the back could answer, the man next to him interrupted: "With their looks, If there is no one million, there will be half a million."

"When I have the money, I must change to a better car!" The man driving the car just said this when he was hit on the back of the head by the boss just like the companion beside him.

The boss who was biting a cigarette scolded angrily: "You bastard! You only know how to sell money, not to mention keeping those two goods to open a small shop, even if you don't open a shop, you can still blackmail their relatives. These two things don't exceed one Millions?"

The man sitting in the assistant's seat said worriedly: "Boss, have you forgotten? There are rules on the road that blackmail is not allowed on Manlan Star, and it is also specified that kidnapping can only kidnap tourists who are not in the group, and that locals and tour groups are not allowed to be kidnapped." Some people do it, saying that they can’t disrupt the tourism industry.”

The boss knocked him on the head again, and said harshly: "Damn it! I still need you to teach me, I don't know? We follow them to find out information, and only do it when we see clearly!"

While the two were talking, the car stopped suddenly. Before the boss started cursing, the man driving the car turned around and said, "Boss, they are guests of Huadu Hotel!"

The boss took a look, and sure enough, the target entered the Huadu Hotel. He couldn't help but bawled and said helplessly: "Damn, the director of the intelligence department is a waste of our time. Let's go!" His brother also knew that the director of the intelligence department was a What kind of stuff, without further ado, turn around and leave.

Tang Long lowered his head and rushed towards the gate of Huadu Hotel. Just at this moment, the waiter opened the manual gate to let the guests out. Of course, the two people collided when they entered and exited.

Tang Long just swayed and stood firm, while the other party fell on his back. Of course, Tang Long stepped forward immediately, and helped the man up with the help of the waiter. As soon as he said "I'm sorry", Tang Long shouted in surprise: "It's you!"

The one who was knocked down by Tang Long was the intelligence director who was checking Tang Long's military certificate. The waiter who was nervous at first found that the director rubbed his waist. When the boy wearing sunglasses said he was sorry, the chief actually smiled and said it was okay. Is this the director of the intelligence department who mysteriously disappeared whoever made him displeased in the rumors

When Tang Long said it was you, the waiter remembered the rumor not long ago. It turned out that this kid wearing sunglasses was the big man who made the chief of intelligence bow down and apologize! But it's strange, isn't the director of intelligence walking around the door long ago? It stands to reason that he should have seen the boy outside the door a long time ago, and even if he wanted to greet the boy, he should stand at the door to greet him, why did he deliberately bump into him? Although the waiter didn't understand, he didn't dare to guess too much. He helped the director up, patted his dust-free clothes, and returned to his post like a wooden man.

"I'm really sorry, I accidentally bumped into you." The director of intelligence said to Tang Long with an apologetic face.

At this time, Tang Long didn't think about why the director of intelligence would apologize in turn, obviously because he bumped into him. When Tang Long saw the Director of Intelligence, he felt a bright light bulb appear on his head, and he said anxiously to the Director of Intelligence, "You are the Chief of the Intelligence Department, right?"

The director of intelligence said with a smile: "Yes, Mr. Tang Long, I am Mandela, the director of the intelligence department of Manlan Star. I apologize to you again for my presumptuous behavior last time."

Tang Long hurriedly shook his hands and said, "No need to apologize, no need to apologize, Mr. Mandela, I have something to ask you."

Mandela said with a smile: "Please feel free to ask, as long as I can help you."

Yuna on the side stared blankly at the two people talking very politely, and Sally saw Yuna's expression of hesitation but stopped wanting to call Tang Long, took a step forward, and whispered in Yuna's ear: "The chief wants to use the power of the Intelligence Division."

Yuna, who didn't know why Tang Long was wasting time here, was shocked when she heard this, and she knew that she was at a disadvantage again. Why can't I even think of these common sense? Is it true that I am not a big sister material

"Let's go over there and talk." Tang Long saw that he was blocked at the gate, and hurriedly pointed to the place where the sofa was placed in the corner of the lobby. After Mandela nodded, he turned to Yuna and said, "Yuna, are you Eldest sister, go up and comfort the sisters first, and Sally will accompany me."

Yuna, who had already sunk into the abyss, immediately cheered up when she heard the words, and she thought to herself: "I am the eldest sister, I am the eldest sister, that's right! I am the eldest sister, I can't just lose to others like this, I can't just give up like this, I I must work hard, and I must become a qualified eldest sister! Not only for myself, but also for not losing the face of the officer!" Yuna raised her head and chest, saluted with a slap, and walked towards the elevator with her head held high.

Tang Long hadn't paid attention to the people around him, so he didn't feel anything. But when Sally saw such a huge change in Yuna, who had always been depressed, she couldn't help showing a smile on her cold face. She knew what her elder sister was worried about, and now that she had finally cheered up, she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Tang Long and Mandela sat down face to face, while Sally stood behind Tang Long. Tang Long was not in the mood to care about this, and said as soon as he sat down, "Some of my subordinates disappeared when I went shopping just now. gone."

Of course Mandela knew what was going on, but he still shouted in surprise: "Missing? How is it possible?" The waiter who had seen Mr. Secretary here and came over with a drink to flatter him was caught by Mandela. The sound of pulling was startled, and the drink almost spilled. Of course, the things were immediately taken by Sally, and the flattering waiter was dismissed by Mandela with a glare and a wave.