Tales of Soldier

Chapter 85: Down


The captain shouted nervously: "What's going on?"

The radar soldier shouted in a panic: "Sir, those meteorites suddenly reacted with thermal energy, and there are 10 thermal energy points outside our hull!"

"What exactly is it?" The captain saw the 10 small bright spots on the screen and instinctively thought that there was no harm, so he asked with a sigh of relief.

The radar soldier pressed the button to make the screen zoom in on those bright spots. This zooming in made everyone in the patrol boat stunned, because the bright spots were obviously in the shape of human beings!

"Impossible! It is impossible for a human body to have such a large amount of heat!" the radar soldier shouted in panic. At the same time, the ship's computer warned again: "The ship is under attack and is about to be damaged. The crew on board put on space suits immediately!"

The captain was in danger while wearing the space suit that fell from the top of his head, and ordered: "Report the information to the rear warship immediately!"

After the communication soldier had been busy for a while, he responded with a pale face: "Report sir, we are surrounded by a layer of radio waves and cannot communicate with the outside world!"

Hearing the report, the captain immediately shouted in panic: "What?!" But he quickly reacted, pressed the communication button on the command platform, and ordered to the whole ship: "Attention all personnel, prepare for combat! Don't panic! , there are only 10 enemies, we will definitely be able to eliminate them!" After the loudspeaker shouts of boosting morale from all cabins, the captain nodded in satisfaction.

Putting on his spacesuit, he took out his pistol and stood facing the cabin door. After the communication radar and other soldiers found that their work was useless, they also took out their pistols and pointed their guns at the cabin door under the cover of a chair. Door.

At this time, the loudspeaker in the command room transmitted the voices of each cabin: "The engine room is on alert!" "The sailor's room is on alert!" There was a sound, and there was a mess of shouts that didn't know what to shout.

After a while, the horn didn't make any sound anymore. The captain, sweating all over his head, pressed the communication button and said, "Report the situation in each cabin." The horn was quiet and there was no response. The people in the command room didn't know What happened, I suddenly felt a cold chill filling my whole body, and all the hairs on my body stood on end.

The captain just shouted angrily: "Every cabin..." Hearing the sound of "clicking" coming from outside the door, the people in the command room immediately retracted themselves behind the chairs, and the captain also closed his mouth and hid himself Behind the command chair, aimed a quivering muzzle at the hatch.

The hatch opened with a puff, and a huge figure, more than two meters tall, gleaming all over, walked in like a diamond-encrusted humanoid.

Without the command of the captain, all the personnel fired immediately when the humanoid object walked in. Dozens of lasers rushed towards the humanoid object. Unfortunately, when the laser touched the body of the humanoid object, they did not eject. , is to shoot back.

Seeing this scene, the captain shouted: "Reflective armor!"

As we all know, the laser will bounce off when it hits a smooth and reflective object. According to this principle, the armor designed is called reflective armor. However, it is rare to install the reflective armor on the armor worn by adults, because it is too heavy and cumbersome. It is said that it takes more than an hour to wear such armor, and it is difficult to move around. Moreover, this armor will not be equipped on the battleship. This kind of armor cannot withstand the heat of the laser of the battleship's main gun. If it is shot by the high-energy main gun, it will be melted before it can be reflected. Due to these problems, reflective armor is equipped on high-end cars, but it will still be damaged when hit by explosive laser balls. This is why Tang Long's limousine exploded immediately after being attacked by a portable laser cannon.

Hearing the captain's words and seeing that their attacks had no effect, everyone stopped firing. At this time, the man in the reflective armor raised his hand casually, and the federal soldier saw with a livid face that the enemy was actually holding a huge laser cannon in his hand!

The captain hastily dropped the pistol and raised his hands and shouted: "Don't shoot, we surrender!" The soldiers looked at each other and then at the laser cannon emitting a cold light, so they had no choice but to throw away the pistol and stood up with their hands raised .

When the enemy heard the captain's words, a burst of red light suddenly glowed from the armor's eyes, and his hand tightened, as if he was about to shoot. The captain shouted in fright: "Don't! If you shoot, this battleship will be destroyed! Then everyone will die together!" Also, if the laser cannon is fired here, it will definitely pass through the body and hit the ship. The machine on the console, if you are not careful, the entire battleship will explode.

The person wearing the reflective armor might also have considered this, put down the laser cannon in his hand, and a muffled voice came from inside the armor: "Humans, I accept your surrender."

All the federal soldiers couldn't help being dumbfounded when they heard this, human? How can someone call his own kind like this, isn't he a human being? The captain stammered and asked, "Who are you?"

There was a red light in the man's eyes, as if he was about to say something, but he seemed to be listening to something, and then stood sideways at the door. At this time, a person who was also wearing reflective armor and carrying a laser cannon, whose figure was almost exactly the same as the first person, walked in. He nodded to the previous man, and then stood sideways by the door facing the man.

Seeing this posture, the federal soldiers knew that the chiefs of these mysterious people were coming in. Sure enough, following the sound of footsteps, the two men hung their laser guns obliquely on their chests and saluted with a snap.

While they were saluting, a foot wearing a metal boot stepped into the cabin. The federal soldier who was attracted by the metal boots couldn't help but look up. On top of the metal boots was a pair of black canvas pants, followed by a belt with a golden skull. Gloved hands, and above that is a black high-necked canvas jacket with two rows of buttons. The first feeling I saw when I saw this dress was that it was a military uniform, but I didn't know which country it was from, because the military rank on this person's epaulets was a small white skull pattern. In my impression, there is no country that uses skull patterns as military ranks.

Looking up, some soldiers immediately fell to the ground limply, because the man who came in had a golden metal skull on his neck! The captain was startled at first, but he quickly saw that it was a mask, or rather a skull-shaped helmet covering the entire head. The soldiers who were paralyzed on the ground also saw clearly, and hurriedly stood up embarrassingly.

The man in the skull helmet returned a salute to his subordinates and then came to the console. Pressing a button on the long metal glove, several wire ends with a diameter of several millimeters, like living objects, nimbly got into the electronic system of the console.

The captain instinctively believed that this person was stealing the information in the warship's computer, and he was thinking about how to report the news of the mysterious person's invasion. Although what the man in the reflective armor said about human beings made him misunderstand that these people are not from this universe. Of course, although the saying that there are countless universes besides this universe and those sci-fi movies has been heard since childhood, the captain still doesn't believe that these people are people from other universes, thinking that these enemies are deliberately saying so, so that I misunderstood myself.

The on-board computer, which had not moved at first, flashed a red light in the eyes of the man wearing the skull helmet, and suddenly B called out, and said: "Report to the sir!" Hearing this, the federal soldiers were stunned. I was stunned and didn't know what was going on, but the man in the skull helmet nodded and retracted the threads, and said, "I accept your report."

The captain immediately reacted and cursed secretly: "Damn it, they took over the warship."

At this time, a person who also wore a metal skull helmet walked in and saluted the original person: "The damaged part of the battleship has been repaired."

The captain was stunned for a moment, why did this person who was also wearing a golden skull helmet salute? And why didn't the two men standing by the door salute him? However, when he saw that the military rank on the shoulders of the later person was just two crossed skulls, he couldn't help but suddenly realized that he looked at the two people wearing reflective armor, but he couldn't find the military rank on them, which again made the ship The boss became confused, he couldn't figure out how to identify the identities of these mysterious people. However, the captain knew that the person whose military rank was a white skull pattern was the leader of this group.

The leader nodded to that person, then turned his head and said to himself, "Go back to the base." His subordinates didn't answer, and it was the shipboard computer that answered, "Follow orders! Please do Get ready, a space jump is about to take place!"

The captain was taken aback again. When will the shipboard computer be able to be controlled by voice? In the past, space jumps were all controlled by human hands. Could it be that the person just entered some program to change the functions of the computer

When the captain saw that these people had no intention of sitting on their seats and wearing safety helmets, he couldn't help shouting anxiously: "Sir, I'm going to space jump..."

The leader looked back at the captain and the others and said, "I forgot that you humans can't withstand space jumps, well, go back to your seats."

Hearing this, all the federal soldiers hurried back to their seats, fastened their seat belts, and put on their safety helmets. When putting on the helmet, the captain saw through the screen that the four friendly ships in the distance were emitting the unique light of space jumping, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed: "It seems that they are also being clamped, alas, I finally know that the space jumping Why did the five warships disappear last time?" Before he had time to think about it, he felt a numbness in his body and blackness in front of his eyes, and it seemed that the space jump had begun.

In the flagship of hundreds of federal warships that turned off the power furnace and waited quietly for the fish to take the bait, a lieutenant colonel jumped up and cursed: "These bumpkins, why did you turn off the communication? Damn, if the mission fails, see if I don't off their skins!"

At this time, the radar soldier who detected it suddenly said: "Sir! The local fleet is simultaneously jumping into space!"

The lieutenant colonel was taken aback: "Dimensional jump? The mission has not been completed yet, how dare they resist?" His adjutant thought for a while and said, "Sir, do you think the fish have already eaten the bait?"

The lieutenant colonel shook his body when he heard the words and immediately ordered: "Attention all, move towards the target at full speed! Calculate their jumping position!" Nearly a hundred warships immediately activated their power furnaces and sailed towards the location of the local fleet with full power. Of course, the local fleet has jumped at this time. The lieutenant colonel didn't panic when he saw this. For this mission, the military department of the galaxy dispatched all the excellent radar personnel, and I believe that they will soon be able to calculate the exit of their jump.

After a while, the radar soldier reported: "Their exit position has been calculated, the bearing is S123X45Z468Y23!"

"Okay! Enter the computer immediately, and everyone prepares for space jump!" The lieutenant colonel ordered happily. However, when nearly a hundred warships jumped out at the target point with a murderous look, even the maximum power of the radar could not find a shadow of a ship. The unwilling lieutenant colonel ordered the radar soldiers to recalculate again, but there was still no result. In the end, he almost turned the belt around and found nothing, so he had no choice but to return to his station with helpless curses.

After the captain heard the shipboard computer say that the jump was over, he immediately took off his helmet and looked at the mysterious people. It was found that these people really performed space jumps without relying on armor, and couldn't help being stunned. But seeing those people wrapped in reflective armor and wearing golden skull helmets, he thought smugly that they relied on those things to safely jump through space.

The captain, who explained to himself that he was relieved, began to look around while getting closer to his subordinates. He suddenly discovered that these five ships were heading towards a red planet. He knows the jumping range of his own ship, judging from the fact that it only jumped once, it means that it has not left this galaxy, but is there a red planet in this galaxy

At this time, his radar soldier came forward and whispered: "Sir, we haven't walked very far. The little star above the screen is the Horror Military Star."

The captain glanced at the star as big as a bean and nodded, and his communicator also whispered: "Sir, I just closed my eyes and tried to activate the communicator quietly, but found that the shipboard computer refused my order. The computer has been controlled by them, what should we do?"

The captain had known for a long time that the shipboard computer was controlled, so he whispered without any fuss: "It looks like they are going back to the base. After we find out the situation, we will find an opportunity to notify the army to encircle and suppress." The soldiers listened. Nodding at this point, he looked curiously at the growing red planet on the screen.

These federal soldiers didn't notice that when they were whispering, the eyes of the two men in reflective armor standing at the door were bright red, and they were about to shoot with their laser cannons. When the boss saw this, the red light in his eyes suddenly flickered, and the two obediently put down their weapons.

At this time, the battleship also slowly entered the atmosphere of the red planet.