Tales of Soldier

Chapter 90: superior


"Arms dealer?" Elsie and the others asked in surprise when they heard Tang Long's words.

"Yes, an arms dealer." Tang Long nodded, and began to press the button next to the ear of the W-shaped sunglasses to find the number of Chen Kang entered last time.

Yuna, who started to grasp the situation of the entire company, cautiously asked: "Sir, how do you know the arms dealer?"

"You may not believe me if you tell me. Last time when I was in Mutu, I went to the bank to transfer money. I met him at the gate of the bank. I even ordered a warship." Boarded and departed, so didn't talk things out until now. However, Tang Long only told the general story, but he didn't tell his subordinates what kind of warship he bought and what equipment he had, because he was going to surprise his subordinates.

Hearing Tang Long said that he had ordered a warship, the female officers looked at each other in surprise, while Yuna swallowed her saliva and asked a little hesitantly: "Sir, who do you plan to drive after you ordered a warship? Us No one has ever learned how to pilot a battleship.”

Tang Long was dumbfounded immediately, and shouted in surprise: "None of you know how to drive a warship?!" Seeing that all the girls nodded in affirmation, Tang Long couldn't help but wailed: "Why am I so stupid? I didn't figure it out. Just spend 200 billion to buy a boat! It’s too bad, I wonder if it’s too late to return the goods?”

While muttering, Tang Long dialed the communication number he found, and anxiously waited for Chen Kang to connect. The female officers thought that Tang Long had already bought the ship, and now they knew how useful the 200 billion federal coins would be, so they waited impatiently to see if Tang Long could return the money.

On the top floor of a certain building on a certain planet in the Wanluo Federation, a beautiful female secretary frowns and walks along the carpeted corridor. on the hip. The owner of this wretched look was wearing an old and wrinkled suit, and the leather shoes under his feet hadn't been polished for a long time. And this man with the collar of his suit turned up and with the same wretched look as his eyes was Chen Kang, the arms dealer who sold weapons to Tang Long.

The female secretary stopped at the door where the signboard of the Chairman's Office was hung, she turned her hand towards the door, and said in a very flat tone: "Sir, the chairman is waiting for you inside."

Chen Kang nodded with a lewd smile, and when passing by the female secretary, he quickly touched the female secretary's buttocks, and walked into the room with a smile amidst the female secretary's exclamation.

When Chen Kang entered the room, he saw the back of a man standing at the floor-to-ceiling glass window with his hands behind his back looking at the scenery. Chen Kang hurriedly tidied up his clothes, put on a respectful expression, bent down and said respectfully: "Section Chief."

The man whom Chen Kang called the section chief hummed arrogantly, and turned around slowly. It can be seen that he is a bit fat, and the style of the suit is a bit fancy, with a big head and big ears. middle-aged man.

The section chief opened the chair in front of the desk and sat down, picked up a cigar on the table and bit it in his mouth without saying a word. Seeing these, Chen Kang quickly stepped forward to pick up the lighter on the table, and carefully helped the section chief light the cigarette.

The section chief took a puff of cigarette beautifully, leaned the back of his head on the back of the chair, squinted at Chen Kang, and said in a strong nasal voice: "Chen Kang, your recent performance is not very good."

Chen Kang hurriedly said: "Section Chief, I have been working hard to attract customers. No, I received an order of 200 billion in the past few days."

Hearing this, the section chief put down his cigarette, sat upright, and asked a little strangely: "An order of 200 billion? There should be no spare customers near you. How much deposit did you charge?"

From what the section chief accidentally said, Chen Kang knew that there were no customers at all in the place allocated to him, no wonder he had been wandering around for so long, and even went to the street to solicit customers, but only got one order. The section chief gave the little shoes to wear by himself! Of course, Chen Kang would not express his dissatisfaction, he still said respectfully: "Because the client is very famous this time, no deposit was collected."

The section chief jumped up when he heard this, pointed Chen Kang's nose and scolded: "You are showing off your head? Have you forgotten our purpose? What kind of customer is famous, even the king of heaven wants to accept a deposit! Tell me about this Who is the client?"

This time Chen Kang seemed a little hesitant, he hesitated for a while before saying: "It's that Tang Long."

"Tang Long?" The section chief was stunned for a moment, but he quickly remembered whose name it was, and roared angrily with a livid face: "Tang Long! You actually sold the weapon to that Tang Long?! Are you dying? Get lost! I will dismiss you!"

Chen Kang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the section chief to react like this. He was promoted to a salesman with great difficulty and was dismissed just like that? When Chen Kang was about to defend himself, a forced three-dimensional communication suddenly appeared in this office.

Seeing this middle-aged man in a snow-white suit, with a gentle appearance, gold-rimmed glasses, and shiny hair, this middle-aged man is the one who scolded Kamukki and called Tang Long a disaster.

Chen Kang was stunned, because he didn't know who this person was. But the fat section chief immediately put away his angry expression and put on an unusually obsequious smile, rubbing his hands, bending his legs, bowing his waist and cursing, and said: "Welcome to the general manager, you are coming!" It is really a great honor for my subordinates, and my subordinates respect you as much as..." Seeing the current appearance of this section chief, one can't help but wonder if there is a dog tail wagging non-stop on his ass.

Chen Kang didn't look at the section chief's ugliness at all, his small eyes were wide open, staring at the three-dimensional image, general manager? Did you hear me right? In addition to the board of directors, the second-level core figure in the organization, the general manager who manages dozens of national affairs, actually appeared in front of him

The general manager waved to the section chief as if chasing away flies, and told the section chief who was talking endlessly to shut up immediately and stand aside respectfully. The general manager glanced at Chen Kang, who was a little nervous, and said with a smile: "Are you that Chen Kang who went from a pimp running errands to a salesman in just a few years?"

Chen Kang hurriedly bowed respectfully and said, "Nice to meet you, I am Chen Kang." When Chen Kang raised his head, he saw the section chief's jealous eyes, and couldn't help but secretly complacent. Unexpectedly, your father and my name Even the general manager knows.

Seeing the smug look on Chen Kang's face, the section chief was extremely dissatisfied, and hurriedly reminded him: "General Manager, Chen Kang has no performance at all during this period, and the only recent business deal was actually with Tang Long! "

Chen Kang immediately lowered his head in panic, but he gritted his teeth and cursed the section chief secretly: "Damn it! I didn't give you less kickbacks. Why do you bastards keep targeting me?"

The general manager waved his hand to stop the section chief from complaining, and just said: "Chen Kang..." He heard the voice of the BBB communicator coming from Chen Kang.

Chen Kang didn't bother to respond to the general manager, and immediately took out a small communicator to answer. But in this very impolite gesture, not only the general manager didn't say anything, but the section chief didn't say anything either. Everyone shut their mouths and waited for Chen Kang to answer the phone. Others might not know why they did this, but Chen Kang knew it very well. Although people like myself sell arms, they are still businessmen, and the most fundamental purpose of a businessman is to put customers first. Therefore, whenever it is a call from a customer, it must be answered. This is stipulated in words in the organization.

Chen Kang said in a sincere tone: "Hello, I am Chen Kang, what can I do for you?" However, after hearing the other party's name, Chen Kang's face stiffened for a while, but he quickly returned to his original enthusiasm He said in a calm tone: "It turned out to be Mr. Tang Long. The goods you ordered are not so fast... er... return the goods? Isn't it?!" At this time, Chen Kang's face was already livid.

The section chief, who overheard this, couldn't help secretly laughing, Chen Kang was unlucky this time, not only did he not receive the deposit, but the other party wanted to return the product. Our organization is to prevent such a situation from happening, so no matter who it is, we have to collect a deposit. Hey, I believe that Chen Kang started to mobilize the materials as soon as he received the order, and this time the other party wants to return the goods, those huge mobilization fees are not bad for you!

"What is the reason for you to return the goods? You must know that we do business with integrity...can't drive a warship?" Chen Kang, who was originally uneasy, was relieved when he heard this, and said: "If this is the case, I can send you a few sets of training equipment, and send some instructors to teach your subordinates, I don’t know if this is the case, can I make you give up the idea of returning the goods?”

Tang Long, who was feeling a little guilty for breaking his promise, was stunned when he heard the words, and said to the microphone: "Please wait a moment." Then he asked the girls beside him: "The other party said that he can teach us how to fly a warship. What should I do? Do you still want to buy warships?"

Elsie was the first to agree and said: "Okay! Then we can open a warship, let's buy the warship." Yuna said a little worried: "But it's 200 billion, and we are Flying company, if you buy a warship by yourself, the military department may not agree?"

Tang Long said with a smile: "There is no need to worry about the military department. Based on our relationship with them, nothing will happen to them."

Jess nodded and said, "I think it's better to buy a warship. After all, we can't stay in the base all the time. Like last time, we were surrounded by people in the air, and we couldn't even walk."

Sally, who was relatively quiet, also said: "If you have a warship, you can fly a fighter plane in the universe." The officers of the fighter plane team are eager to fly in the boundless universe. Hearing this, they all agree to buy a warship.

Seeing that Ling Li was silent, Tang Long asked by name, "Ling Li, what do you think?"

Ling Li glanced at Tang Long, and asked aloud, "I wonder what type of warship the commander ordered? What functions does it have? I mean, if you want to buy it, buy the best one."

Tang Long smiled smugly and said: "Hey, I won't talk about the information of the warships now, but I can remind you that one of the warships that surrounded our base last time was only worth about 1 billion yuan, while ours is worth more than 100 million yuan. Two hundred billion good things."

Seeing that the sisters agreed, Yuna began to turn her mind to the question of how to drive after purchasing, she suggested to Tang Long: "Sir, I don't know when their training facilities will be delivered, and how long will we have to learn?" How can I learn it?"

Elsie immediately interrupted and said, "Sir, after we rescue Li Liwen, we will go back to study immediately."

Tang Long was taken aback, and asked a little puzzled: "What's the matter? After we rescue Li Liwen tomorrow, we still have a few days of vacation. Don't you want to play?"

Elsie curled her lips and said: "It's not interesting outside except shopping, and there are bad people everywhere, what else is there to do? I still think it's better to go back to my home." Hearing Elsie's words, the female officer They all nodded in agreement. Although they had not been out for a long time, they already felt that the outside world was not as beautiful as what the officer said. Of course, they dared not say this. However, they had already thought of going home immediately after rescuing their companions.

When Tang Long heard this and saw the expressions of the female officers, he could only sigh helplessly. When I was studying in the past, I had no exposure to the dark side of the world, but I thought I knew this beautiful world very well. But after leaving his parents and coming out, he saw the dark side of this world. How can a world with these things be called beautiful? Not to mention other places, just this tourist capital with charming scenery and many shopping malls, who can believe that this is an evil planet full of gangsters and collusion between officials and bandits? It seems that my plan to let them let go of the past by experiencing the beautiful world has failed. isn't it? Not long after they came out, some sisters were kidnapped and were about to be sold to nightclubs. Does such an encounter still make them think that the world is beautiful

After these thoughts, Tang Long clearly understood for the first time that he already had the feeling of loathing this federation. In the past, what he hated was only the high-ranking official. After he saw that the officials of the entire department were involved in corruption, he began to hate all officials, and naturally began to hate the entire Federation. Of course, at this time Tang Long has not yet developed the will to change the state of the Federation. After all, he is only a 19-year-old young man, and his consciousness is not yet that high.

Chen Kang, who had been quietly eavesdropping on the conversation between Tang Long and the female officers, finally waited until Tang Long expressed his promise not to break the contract. When Chen Kangsong wanted to ask when he would help Tang Long train the pilots of the warship, he was taken aback by Tang Long's words: "Uh... you want 136 sets of special equipment? Didn't the warship you bought have... I understand, of course there is no problem with this." , we have the stock in stock. Huh? Deliver it to the Huadu Hotel in Manlanxing, the tourist capital, before 5:00 pm tomorrow? Uh... There is no problem with the time, but are you sure you want to deliver it there? What you want is military supplies ah… "

Chen Kang, who still wanted to dispel Tang Long's thoughts, was suddenly startled by the general manager, because the general manager interrupted and said, "Promise him!" Although Chen Kang didn't know why the general manager would intervene in his business, the other party was his own The immediate boss of the boss, how dare he say no? So he hurriedly said: "Okay, since it is your request, I will definitely deliver the goods to the place you designated. As for the price..."