Tales of Soldier

Chapter 92: superior


The hands of the Butterfly Dance Club, after a sleepless night, finally regrouped in the Nightless Palace the next morning. At this moment in the conference room, several elder brothers who had rushed over without eating breakfast all looked angry. There is no other reason, because the sixth child in charge of intelligence brought back news of gang invasions from other galaxies.

The fourth child with a scar on his face slapped the table and cursed: "Damn! What kind of bullshit Dragon Association? A small organization that has never heard of it dares to grab the territory? Chief, let me take someone to kill him!"

Die Wu, who was seated at the top, ignored the fourth child, pondered for a moment, and asked the sixth child, "Sixth child, what is the power of this Dragon Society? Why did it come to our planet?"

The sixth child looked at a document in his hand and said: "Chief, according to the investigation, Longhui is a small gangster in the Bone Dragon Cloud galaxy. Since the Bone Dragon Cloud galaxy is under military control, the gangsters in that galaxy are not doing well. Most of them went to other places. The galaxy is gone. The nature of this Dragon Club is similar to our Butterfly Dance Club, and the main force is placed in the nightclub. This time they came to Manlan Star not only brought all the beauties under their umbrella, but also brought hundreds of billions of liquidity, and There are about 1,000 fighters."

The fourth child said with disbelief, "Only 1,000 people dare to grab the territory?"

Lao Liu shook his head and continued: "Of course, the thousand fighters of the Dragon Society are not harmful to us, but the vanguard of the Dragon Society has already used money and beauties to win over several local gangsters, and their fighters already have 5,000 people. "

The fourth child immediately jumped up and pointed at the sixth child and cursed: "What the hell are you doing, you in charge of intelligence? You're only now finding out about the fact that foreign gangsters are wooing local gangsters?!"

Lao Liu lowered his head and defended, "Their contacts are very secretive. If not for the dispatch of all personnel to collect information this time, we would not have heard of it."

Seeing what the fourth child wanted to say, Die Wu interrupted the topic and said: "This also shows that we are the only one, and we are too self-confident, and actually let people gather troops under our noses. The sixth child, no matter what time it is in the future, we must Do your best to gather information."

The sixth child hurriedly nodded and said yes. When he saw what the chief wanted to say, he said hesitantly: "Chief, when I was collecting information, I also found that because our brothers were persecuted, they didn't respond. Join us. The gang has shown signs of faltering."

The fourth child immediately stood up again and shouted: "Chief, at the beginning I said that I would kill those bastards immediately, but you said to stay on guard, but look now, the allies have begun to look down on us!"

Die Wu scolded angrily: "Stupid! You only think about fighting and killing, and the dragon will hide in the Huadu Hotel. You go kill a fart! Don't forget that all the dignitaries live there, don't you want the whole planet to Depressed? If the planet is depressed, we people should drink the northwest wind!"

"Hey, can we just wait for him to kill us?" The fourth child slapped the table helplessly. He also knew that if he fights in front of dignitaries, the tourism industry on this planet will wither immediately. If there are no guests to travel, I really can only drink northwest wind in these nightclubs.

Die Wu said with a cold light in his eyes: "Of course not! When will our Die Wu Club let the people who offend us be safe? We can't attack the Huadu Hotel, but we can kill those gangsters who are allied with the Dragon Club!"

The fourth child immediately became excited and shouted: "Yes! Get rid of them, and see what use the thousand people of the Dragon Society will have. Without the support of allies, no matter whether he comes out or escapes, as soon as he leaves the Huadu Hotel, we will Just kill him immediately! This will also let our allies know how powerful our Butterfly Dance Club is!"

The fifth child also stood up and said eagerly, "Chief, I beg to go and destroy those gangs with the fourth brother!" His status in the gang has also plummeted, why don't he personally take action when he encounters this opportunity of revenge

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the sixth child knew that he wanted to name those gangsters himself, so he hurriedly said: "The XX gang in the southern district, the XX gang in the northern district, and the XX gang in the western district. There are 2 gangsters in the southern district. Thousands of fighters, 1,000 and 5 in each of the northern and western districts."

Die Wu stood up and said: "The fourth and fifth led five thousand brothers to attack the southern district. After the completion, the soldiers divided into two groups and led 2,000 people to attack the western district of the northern district. The sixth contacted the police station to block the news and told the reporters to close the door." Mouth. Others stay and reassure allies."

Although all the big brothers obeyed immediately, everyone's mood was different. The fourth child felt sorry for not being able to take the credit for himself, the fifth child was excited to get revenge, and the sixth child was secretly smiling.

"How about it, brother? Are you ready? My siblings are all in place. Now I'm waiting for Tang Long to do it." The chief of the gendarmerie eagerly asked Mandela's virtual stereoscopic image.

Mandela nodded and said, "I have already contacted Tang Long. He knows that Die Wu will send people away at 7 o'clock tonight, and he plans to do it at that time."

The chief of the gendarmerie said a little worriedly: "Tang Long's place is full of unarmed girls. Have you given them the weapons? Don't let him kill too many people and cause trouble for us instead."

Mandela shook his head: "Tang Long said that he has channels to obtain weapons. Since he said so, we don't have to deal with it. Anyway, we are only acting in his name, and the main attack force still depends on us."

The Chief of the Military Police nodded sharply: "That's right, it's best for Tang Long to hide behind. Anyway, after we win, we can just return his subordinates to him. Why don't we attack in advance? Don't we have to wait until 7 o'clock in the evening?" Is it? There are still more than ten hours."

Mandela laughed and said: "At 7 o'clock in the evening, all the dignitaries and dignitaries went to the concert. As long as it is sealed off around the concert, the people inside will not know what is going on outside. Even if the whole planet is turned upside down, no one will be around." You know, as long as you restore everything to the original state afterwards, it will be fine. Well, I have something important to do, and I will contact you in the evening." After finishing speaking, he turned off the communication.

The chief of the Gendarmerie didn't know that Mandela on the other end of the communication was smiling sinisterly: "Hey, put the responsibility for instigating all troubles on your Gendarmerie and Butterfly Ball." Instead, he was tired of lighting a cigarette and fantasizing about it soon. How much profit he could make, but he didn't have much fun, his Adjutant Tan rushed in and shouted: "Sir! The whole organization of the old wolf is missing!"

The chief of the gendarmerie jumped up and shouted: "Missing? Where is the person sent to monitor?"

Adjutant Tan swallowed his saliva and said, "Also... also disappeared."

The chief of the gendarmerie slammed the table, stood up and took a few steps and asked viciously, "What's going on? Why did they disappear? Could it be Tang Long who did it?"

Adjutant Tan shook his head and said, "There is no sign of a fight in Old Wolf's base, and Tang Long has never left the hotel... Ah! By the way, sir, according to the previous report from the person who monitored Old Wolf, they said that people from the Butterfly Dance Party had wandered around Old Wolf's base. Do you think that the old wolf has turned to Die Wuhui and the others?"

Hearing that it wasn't Tang Long who snatched him away, the Chief of the Gendarmerie immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's a good thing it wasn't Tang Long. Heh heh, the old wolf is really an idiot. He wanted to blame the Butterfly Ball, but now he brought It is an idiot for people to seek refuge in Die Wuhui! But this is better for us, and can make Tang Long more sure that Die Wuhui kidnapped his people."

The adjutant asked worriedly: "Sir, if the old wolf joins Diewu, Diewu will be alert to us."

The chief of the gendarmerie took a breath and said, "Hmph, it doesn't matter if we are vigilant, as long as we don't worry about the backer behind him, how can he have the ability to fight us at the butterfly dance party? Only when the time comes, we can kill them in an instant !"

Adjutant Tan hurriedly smiled and said: "That's natural. Die Wuhui's confrontation with us is equal to confrontation with the army. How can it resist?" Adjutant Tan said this when his communicator rang. After asking the officer for permission, he hurriedly connected to the communication.

"What's the matter?" Adjutant Tan was very arrogant in front of others, but his arrogance didn't last long, and he immediately shouted in panic: "What did you say?!"

The chief of the gendarmerie, who didn't pay much attention to Adjutant Tan's call at first, couldn't help looking at the adjutant nervously when he saw his adjutant like this. He was afraid of something changing.

The adjutant panicked and said to the chief of the gendarmerie: "Sir, Die Wu will attack the three gangs we secretly control!"

The chief of the gendarmerie slammed the table and roared angrily: "Die Wu, a bastard, do you think that you can do whatever you want if you have an affair with a high-ranking military official? Damn, dare to take my place? Send troops to destroy them!"

Seeing that the officer picked up the phone and was about to give an order, the adjutant stepped forward to stop him: "Sir, it's broad daylight, and if we attack now, wouldn't the intelligence department be thrown aside?"

The chief of the gendarmerie also understands that it is not good for the gendarmerie and the gang to fight in broad daylight, and the early attack will make the intelligence department suspect that he wants to monopolize it. He asked angrily, "Are we just going to let this go?"

"Of course we can't forget it. If we don't go to the rescue, those gangsters we control will be cold-hearted. But we can't transfer the troops that have been deployed to support. If we transfer one, we will lose a piece of land." The adjutant said hurriedly .