Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 17: [It is not easy for heroes to save beauty]


Zhanyi arrived near the supermarket alone. Since there will be a reward for the opening today, the whole block is messy and there are many people.

In fact, supermarkets disappeared for a period of time in the last century, but the overly convenient life made humans feel very boring and boring, so some large supermarkets and amusement parks have flourished again, and shopping has become a purely entertainment activity.

The supermarket is the industry of the Hessen family. Like the Ogura family, the Hessian family is also one of the nobles. The business area is almost the same as that of the Ogura family. The colleagues are enemies, and the relationship between them is very bad.

Zhanyi basically does not appear in the Ogura family, but it does not mean that others do not know him. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he parked the car far away, got off the car, and went up to a nearby sightseeing tower.

This kind of towering sightseeing tower is very common. There is an elevator that leads directly to the top floor. The towers are basically hotels and guesthouses. I spread my wings to the top of the sightseeing tower, and stepped on the guardrail to the top of the tower easily.

So, close to the 500-meter-high spire, he stood there with his hands in his pockets, and the wind on the top floor made the hem of his windbreaker flutter.

Standing on the highest point overlooking the supermarket.

The onion-head building unique to the Heisen family. From the perspective of Zhanyi, the shape of the entire supermarket is close to an onion. The spherical multi-window, mirrored walls and black square window frames make the whole building look like a huge Insects, this kind of alien is really hard to have any association with "beauty", it can only be linked to the "perversion" of the blood clan

Zhanyi frowned and looked at it for about five minutes. The security of the supermarket is very complete, and the Haisen family is very powerful. Many bodyguards around are blood clans, so Chi Jin would really come to such a place to make trouble

He jumped off the spire and landed on the balcony of the observation tower. He spread his wings and turned to prepare to go downstairs.

At this moment, there were several girls with backpacks running upstairs excitedly.

After Zhan Zhao had a face-to-face with them, they passed by.

Several girls couldn't help but look back, but Zhan Wing had already gone downstairs quickly.

"Do you see it?"

"So beautiful! Is it the black blood race?"

"It seems more handsome than Ryan!"

"Wow, how can you change your mind?"

Several girls were chatting, and one of them took out an electronic map, stood on the viewing platform of the sightseeing tower and looked at it, and finally pointed to the supermarket, "Is it there?"

"Is Ryan really going to perform there?"

"Reliable news, someone saw his car in the basement!"

"Then let's go!"

When the girls finished their discussion, Zhan Yi had already left the tower and walked towards the supermarket.

The monitor that called the police just now is near the entrance of the basement of the supermarket. Because it is a circular building, the parking lot is not at the top but at the bottom. Zhanyi took out the detection equipment, walked to the monitor, raised his hand to check the status of the monitor - there was no problem, that is to say, the red scorpion was indeed detected.

Frowning slightly, Zhanyi took the monitor and took a few steps to the entrance of the basement. The monitor responded—there was really a red scorpion entering.

Zhanyi felt a little strange. This kind of monitor is generally useless. After all, one or two red scorpions will not have such a big smell, unless there is a scorpion that has been injured and left blood. Or... There are dozens or even hundreds of large groups, is it possible

There is surveillance in the basement, Zhanyi observed the location and sneered. Either the security guards of the Heisen family are rookies, or they have deliberately left a passage. Although there are many cameras in the basement, there is a blind spot where you can avoid all the cameras and enter the basement.

Zhanyi walked downstairs with the increasingly violent monitor. The basement was very bright, with many aircraft and vehicles parked... In addition to the faint smell of fuel, there was also a clear smell of blood, which should not have appeared. .

Zhanyi quickly looked for the source of the bloody smell, and with Hei Jie's keen sense, he soon found a boy lying there in a hidden corner. The boy was probably only sixteen or seventeen years old, with a cut on his neck, and half of his body was stained red with blood.

Zhanyi looked at the rapidly spinning monitor in his hand, and squatted down to observe the boy.

The boy was lying on the edge of the pillar, his eyes were a little lost because of the blood loss, but he didn't seem to die.

Zhanyi first started to stop the bleeding, and then did a blood test for him, and found that the boy was a BN carrier.

Could it be he who set off the alarm just now

"Um..." The boy gradually regained consciousness after Zhan Wing's first aid and opened his eyes to look over.

Looking at his wound, it felt like a knife wound, and asked, "Someone attacked you?"

The boy opened his mouth and suddenly looked behind Zhanyi in horror. At the same time, Zhan Wing felt a gust of wind approaching. It was silent but moved quickly. He quickly returned an elbow with his hand, blocking the kick, and at the same time Zhan Wing dodged behind the attacker.

The speed of the action obviously surprised the other party.

When he turned back, Zhanyi grabbed the neck of the person who attacked him with one hand, only to find out that it was a boy about the same age as the boy who was attacked, and... he was a pure black blood.

With snow-white skin and black pupils, the hair is dyed golden yellow, an arrogant and tasteless hairstyle, which is definitely a rebellious behavior in the black blood clan.

The boy bared his teeth and glared at Zhan Wing.

Zhanyi threw him on the ground and asked the injured teenager, "He attacked you?"

The boy nodded, covering the wound and hiding away.

"Who are you? This is a private territory!" The black blood race boy stood up, looked up at Zhanyi, and then frowned suspiciously, "You are also a blood race?"

Zhanyi ignored him, because he noticed that there were still people around him, he looked around, and found that there were a few vampire teenagers about the age of this black vampire teenager standing not far away, all looking around curiously.

Zhanyi guessed something and asked, "Are you hunting?"

"That's right! I bought the prey. I didn't kill him. I just gave some blood to get excited. I paid for it."

The injured teenager didn't seem to understand what was going on, and looked at Zhan Wing, "What prey?"

"Didn't you collect money to be your prey?" The black blood race boy frowned, "Then what are you doing here?"

"Someone gave me money, let me come in and get something." The boy reached out and took out a piece of paper from his pocket, with the address written on it, and a route map carefully drawn.

Zhanyi frowned, "Who asked you to come?"

"I don't know. I was working in the coffee shop in front of me, and a woman with short hair came in and asked me to help." The guy covered his neck and felt a little dizzy.

Zhanyi was about to speak when he heard "Yah!" screams.

When I quickly got to the outside, I saw a few girls broke into the basement for some reason. They were attacked by a few blood clan teenagers just now. Two of them were bitten on the neck and screamed again and again.

Zhanyi stepped forward and pulled away two blood clans whose eyes were red because of the stimulation of human blood, and threw them aside.

"Hey, it's not illegal for us to hunt! This is a private place, and these are the prey who came in with money voluntarily." The youth of the black blood tribe had a very tough attitude.

Zhanyi felt that the girls were familiar, and they seemed to have met at the sightseeing tower just now, but when he turned back to ask, they were scared and fled.

Realizing that something was wrong, Zhan Yi didn't want to stay any longer, and waved gently to the injured teenager, motioning to follow along.

The young man was so scared that he had half his life left, and quickly followed Zhanyi out, but a few blood clans blocked the way.

The black-blooded youth at the head rubbed the arm that hurt just now, "You drove all our prey away, how are we going to play?"

At this time, the riot downstairs attracted dozens of security guards. They got off the elevator and came to the boy's side, "Master, what happened?"

The black blood race boy smiled and pointed at Zhanyi, "Catch him."

The security guards obeyed his words and stepped forward as if to capture Zhanyi. Of course, Zhanyi didn't pay attention to them. After avoiding the two security guards, he kicked two of them. He felt that there was no need to confront them here, so he grabbed the still confused teenager, glanced at the sky, and ran away. out of the basement.

As soon as Zhanyi arrived at the door, he saw Bai Yu's car parked in front of him. He was a little surprised, but he still got into the car with the boy and left...

Bai Yu was angry while driving, "No chance to show!"

Zhanyi asked him, "Why are you here?"

Bai Yu talked about seeing the woman in the mirror. After speaking, Zhan Yi frowned slightly, feeling faintly that it might be a conspiracy.

"What happened to you?" Bai Yu was curious.

"Those blood races can't hurt me at all. If this is a trap, it would be too low-end." Zhanyi asked Bai Yu to drive back to the safety of China and the West, handed over the boy with BN to the medical team, made him enthroned, and joined the monitoring ranks. , and let go after treatment.

After that, Zhan Yi sat in the office in a daze. Bai Yu walked in and wanted to ask him what to do next when Fang Xu shouted, "Ah! Yiyi!"

Zhanyi raised his head and saw Musa and Fang Xu staring at the computer in a stunned manner. Kai happened to come in from outside and saw it, frowning, "What happened?"

"Yiyi, look!"

Zhanyi walked to the computer. It turned out that a video was transmitted to BN's headquarters. The picture was of Zhanyi beating the security guard in the parking lot, and the text was attached. The general meaning is that Zhanyi is the person in charge of BN. He even helped the runaway Akagi and attacked the blood clan.

Zhanyi understood in an instant - it turned out that the other party had this intention, and it really was a trap that had been designed a long time ago.

Bai Yu was also a little surprised - I thought it was a direct threat to Zhanyi's safety, but I didn't expect to use such a despicable trick!

At this moment, Zhanyi's phone rang.

Pick up the phone, it's a number I haven't seen before.

Spread the wings to your ears and listen.

"You're quite photogenic, a beauty is a beauty."

Zhanyi recognized it, but he didn't recognize the voice, so he didn't speak, and continued to listen.

"Do you like the video?" the other party asked. "If it is made public, it will be a sensation."

Zhanyi still didn't speak.

"What? I'm too surprised to speak..."

Zhanyi listened for half and hung up the phone.

Everyone looked at each other.

Musa asked, "Yiyi, is someone here to negotiate the terms?"

Zhanyi still had a calm expression on his face, "Yeah."

"Why don't you listen?" Musa was anxious. "The other party's offer is very unreasonable?"

Zhanyi was silent for a moment, then replied, "The voice sounds a bit disgusting."

Everyone was speechless for a moment, and Bai Yu was so happy to laugh at the waist.

At this time, Fang Xu received an email for Zhanyi, which read as follows: As expected, it is as incomprehensible as the legend. I sincerely invite you to attend the opening ceremony in the afternoon. I will wait for you in the reception room on the top floor. See you before 3 o'clock, if you don't show up after 3 o'clock, the video will be released, remember to come alone.

Kai frowned, seeing that it was almost two o'clock, "Yi..."

Moussa touched his chin, "The top floor of the supermarket, that's the property of the Heisen family, that is to say, isn't Ryan doing the trick?"

"Ryan? Something to do with him?" Kay didn't understand what was going on.

"Then are you going?" Fang Xu asked Zhanyi, "There may be an ambush, and the other party is the Haisen family. If the elders of the Ogura family know that you have contacts with the Haisen family, wouldn't it be worse? "

"You can't go!" Kai immediately stopped Wing Zhan.

Zhanyi transferred the call recording to Fang Xu, "Identify the voiceprint."

"Oh." Fang Xu started to do it.

Humans, vampires, and hybrids have different voiceprint frequencies, so the species can be identified, if not identified. The result that came out surprised everyone - it turned out to be a human being.

"Human?" Musa felt that the problem was even more serious. "If it's a blood race, he won't die if he beats him. If it's a human, it's not easy to deal with him."

"What's the other party's purpose?" Kai couldn't figure it out. "Why is the top floor of the Heisen family's supermarket being used by a human, and the vampires have to help humans?"

"Just take a look and you'll know." Zhanyi turned around indifferently to go back to the office.

"You're not allowed to go!" Kai stopped. "Think of another way."

"I have a way!" Bai Yu raised his hand.

Everyone looked at him.

Bai Yu pointed at the bridge of his tall nose, "Take me with you."

Zhan Wing stretched out and pointed to the four words on the computer screen, "How to read?"

Bai Yu read it out, "Come alone."

Zhanyi took out his wallet and gave it to him, "Accompany grandma to buy things, you don't need to worry about things here."

"Wing." Kai wanted to say something more.

Zhan Wing "The footsteps have not stopped. Human beings can at least communicate."

After that, I entered the office.

Musa curled his lips a little embarrassedly and muttered in a low voice, "Yiyi is so indifferent, discriminating against blood races and favoring humans."

Kai looked at Bai Yu who was opening his wallet and counting the bills, "What are you going to do?"

Bai Yu took out a banknote and folded the plane, muttering, "Yi Yi, grandma, Yi Yi, grandma..."

"Your Majesty?" Musa looked up at Bai Yu.

Bai Yu folded a paper plane, sighed, and threw it into the air... The plane circled twice in the office and returned to Bai Yu's hand.

"Help Grandma go shopping." Bai Yu took the paper airplane and turned to go out.

Everyone in the office has a feeling - Bai Yu is not looking for her grandmother and talking nonsense with her eyes open!

Walking through the long corridor, Bai Yu brushed past Lan Luo, who was walking towards him.

"Hello." Lan Luo suddenly turned to call him, "It is recorded in the Book of the Dead that disasters will come wherever white blood appears."

Bai Yu turned around, her lavender eyes flashed across Lan Luo, as if she was looking at it and making a judgment.

"Why are you here?" Lan Luo frowned, "If you reveal your identity, it will cause panic among the blood clan."

"Panic?" Bai Yu suddenly raised his face slightly, showing a superior smile, "Will the return of the king make you panic?"

Lan Luo frowned deeply. Just as he was about to say something, Bai Yu suddenly stretched out a slender finger and shook it gently, "By the way, there is something I need to clarify."

Lan Luo was all ears.

Bai Yu's finger tapped his chin lightly, and the ruby ring on his finger looked exceptionally bright in the sunlight that slanted through the glass window. He spoke slowly, and his gestures showed inexplicable nobility and arrogance, "I didn't want to wake up myself."

"What?" Lan Luo was puzzled.

"Someone woke me up." Bai Yu moved her fingers from her chin to her lips, giving Lan Luo a reminder, "Mysterious man."

After speaking, Bai Yu turned around and continued walking.

Lan Luo's face changed slightly, "Speak clearly"

"Even if it's your ancestor, you can only kneel and worship when you see me." Bai Yu didn't stop and didn't look back, but just casually stretched out his hand and waved it gently, as if to send Lan Luo, "I'm rushing to save the hero to save the beauty. I won't care about you again, bye~"