Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 19: [mistake]


The black robbery bloodline that spreads his wings gives him five senses stronger than those of the black blood race. Although the structure of human eyes cannot be changed, and the effect of night vision devices cannot be seen, his eyes quickly adapt to the darkness, and at the same time... Hearing, smelling and response sensitivity are further increased.

From the bloody smell in the air, he could infer that it was the blood race that was fighting, so he raised his guard. Dealing with vampires is different from dealing with humans. The speed and strength of vampires are superior to those of humans, and the most important thing is that vampires cannot be killed, but humans will not be resurrected.

The emotions that Zhanyi brewed in the cemetery, and the feeling of being played with boredom after arriving here, made him decide to show no mercy.

That's how a killing started, and ten minutes later... it was over.

Zhanyi retracted the knife and frowned slightly in the dark. He should have brought down eleven blood clans just now. The combat power is higher than that of ordinary blood clans, but it seems that there is no entanglement, which is a bit strange.

"Really vulnerable."

The voice came again, Zhan Yi always felt very familiar, where did he hear it, it should be recently... After a little thought, his heart moved slightly and he remembered.

When he went to the C2 bar to investigate the killing of Fenya, he met the bar owner, a black blood race who was not very pleasing to the eye and set fire to the evidence related to the red scorpion. Zhanyi heard the voice of the person speaking now, just like that man!

In this way, Zhan Yi felt a deeper peculiarity—the opponent saw his birthmark when they fought, which meant that he must have guessed that he was Hei Jie. In other words, it's pointless to sneak attack on oneself with a vampire, so why make this attack

While he was wondering, he heard a rustling sound from the corner of the wall.

Zhanyi frowned, grabbed a person in the past, and heard screams.

It was Schmidt, the human who negotiated with him just now.

Zhan Wing pulled the exclaimed him up and pressed it against the wall, while feeling his feet stepping on something. He frowned slightly... It seemed to be a finger. Throwing Schmidt, who was still screaming, to the ground, spread his wings and squatted down, stretched out his hand and groped lightly, and really touched a human hand. The hand is somewhere between warm and cold, or rather, slowly cooling, from warm to cold.

Zhan Wing squatted there, stunned.

This is the "blood family" who fought against him just now. The vampire has no temperature, and the hands are even colder, how could it be possible... At the same time, he could not sense that the other party was recovering or reviving, and a thought flashed through—could it not be the vampire

Just when he was wondering, he heard the voice and said impatiently, "The second wave."

Zhanyi heard the sound of the door opening, and it seemed that a second group of attackers had been sent in. The blood-red eyes had a strange luster. Zhanyi suddenly pulled out his gun and fired several shots in a certain direction.

That location was what he noticed when he came in, there was the control system for the whole room. Like this huge empty room, which is also used to store art, temperature control and dehumidification and other systems have an air box master control. Usually, this kind of control box has a power generation function. Once it is shot by a bullet, it will explode. Of course, it is not very powerful.

After the bullet fired by Zhanyi hit the control box, it really caused an explosion. For a time, electric sparks shot everywhere, and the closed and empty room was lit by sparks. The dim and flickering light allowed Zhanyi to clearly see the red-eyed attacker, and Bloody corpses. The one who attacked him was not a red blood race at all. From his distorted appearance and somewhat deformed figure, it could be seen that it was a mutated red scorpion.

The blood spilled on these red scorpions should have come from the blood clan. It is this special bloody smell that confuses the sense of smell of the wings, and the misleading language of the black blood clan, which made him think that it was the blood clan who attacked him at the beginning. .

Zhan Wing, who figured out what happened in a split second, did not hesitate, raised his gun and shot a Akatsuki who was close at hand, but unlike before, he used the liquid anaesthetic bomb used to subdue Akatsuki. But the strange thing is that when a shot was shot into Akatsuki's body, Akatsuki, who would have collapsed in response, still kept rushing towards him.

Zhanyi dodged and avoided, and found that the speed of this batch was faster than that of the previous batch, and realized that the other party was using him to test the combat power of Chixun

The combat power of the red scorpion will indeed increase, but no matter how strong it is, it will never surpass the blood clan! The red scorpion in front of me is obviously higher than the red blood... How many levels of mutation is this

"be careful."

At this time, the voice of the black blood came from the loudspeaker again, reminding Zhanyi, "They will still bite."

Zhanyi was stunned for a moment, feeling a breath in his ears, one turned sideways, and a red scorpion pounced on it, and was avoided by Zhanyi.

"You're welcome, your job is to kill the chibi..."

Before the other party's words were finished, Zhan Wing raised his gun at the speaker and it was a shot. The annoying voice disappeared, Zhan Wing still drew out his knife and kicked a red scorpion in front of him. It seemed that there was no way to save it. The completely mutated scorpion had to be executed.

And just as the light of the electric spark gradually dimmed, Zhanyi saw something flying out of the pocket of the red scorpion who had been kicked by him just now, and landed at his feet.

Only then did Zhanyi notice that the clothes of these red sprites are very strange, some are neat suits, some are wearing work clothes that seem to be employees of a certain factory, and some are wearing casual home clothes, they seem to be from different classes, just ordinary people Not a professional thug.

At his feet was an old-fashioned two-fold wallet, which only humans use, because e-wallets can't hold family photos.

Sure enough... At the moment when the wallet was opened, Zhanyi saw a photo behind the transparent diaphragm on one side of the wallet. In the dim light, there is a picture of a chubby little girl with a sweet smile. Although it is only a picture, her eyes are still smart.

The action that was supposed to be slashing at Chijin with one knife was temporarily changed by Zhanyi to hitting the ribs with the back of the knife, but the pain of these Chijin seemed to disappear, fierce and irrational.

At this moment, only a loud "bang" was heard.

The dark room was instantly dazzling.

Spreading his wings, he looked at the door that was kicked open, and the whole iron door panel fell straight down, just in time to suppress the negotiator Schmidt, who quietly climbed to the door to escape. The weight of the gatekeeper is estimated to be more than two hundred kilograms. With the strength, the negotiator is estimated to have been pressed into a patty.

At the door, there was a man standing under the white light. His white hair was conspicuous. From his body and his wings, he could tell it was a white feather.

Bai Yu stretched out her hands, but still slapped her mouth, "Hani, I'm here to save you!"

Zhanyi frowned, and at the same time, he heard four gunshots, and the four red scorpions who rushed up to attack were killed by bullets.

Bai Yu turned around in confusion, only to see Kai rushed in with a few members of the action team, and the mutated Chibi turned to attack the other police officers, and they were all executed.

Wings stand in the center of the room.

Kai took the gun and asked him, "Are you alright?"

Zhanyi didn't say a word, when he saw Bai Yu pouted and walked in slowly, squinting at Kai-hero who was stealing his limelight, but failed to save the beauty.

However, with Zhanyi's attack power, it should be no problem to deal with these red sprites. Bai Yu turned to look at Zhanyi, but at this time Zhanyi's face was not good. The original snow-white skin... I don't know if it was because of the splash. Because of a few dark red bloodstains, it looked even paler and more beautiful.

"Can someone explain." When Kai was counting the bodies, he asked the person in charge of the supermarket who came up with them.

"I can explain."

The voice came again, and he spread his wings to look at the door, and sure enough... the black blood clan who was beaten in the bar that day came over.

Kai and Bai Yu also recognized it, and they were a little surprised.

Zhanyi's eyes immediately turned a little colder, but the other party laughed even more happily, "Introduce myself, I'm Andre? Heisen."

Kai frowned slightly and looked at Zhan Yi—it turned out that he was a member of the Heisen family.

"It's me who called the police. You guys are so fast." Andre said, but everyone was puzzled.

"Call the police?" Kai looked at him.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and many reporters poured in, as well as Lan Luo, who came up with the police officer, apparently linked to Andre's word "alarm" just now.

Lan Luo saw Zhan Wing and Kai in the room, stunned slightly, touched his chin with one hand, and a clear smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The problem has been solved, Lan Luo." Andre smiled and shook hands with Lan Luo, pointing to the wings in the room and said, "Yeah, BN7's action is really incredible, and it attacked my supermarket in an attempt to cause chaos. The red sprites have all been resolved."

In an instant, the flash came on.

Someone asked, "Why did the red sprite attack the supermarket."

Andrei smiled and said that he didn't know the specific reason, but it was probably a terrorist. He also praised Zhanyi, saying that he was really suitable to be the director of BN7. It is absolutely guaranteed, and I also thank Zhanyi on behalf of the Hessen family.

Bai Yu noticed that Kai was holding Zhan Wing's arm with one hand, so that he would not go over at this time and screw Andre's head off in front of many media.

Lan Luo walked in slowly, looked at Kai and then at Zhan Wing with a stern look, and said in a low voice, "Forget it, people are clearly using you, let's think about how to follow the headlines in the major newspapers tomorrow. Ed and the elders of the family explain." After that, the scavenger was called to clean up Chixun's body.

Zhanyi turned to look at Kai, "Let go."

Kai hesitated, "What do you want? There are many media here..."

Zhanyi stared at him without speaking, Kai had to let go.

Zhanyi didn't beat Andre and ignored the media. Instead, he squatted down to examine the body of one of the red sprites.

While watching, Bai Yu leaned into his ear and whispered, "The same smell."

He spread his wings to look at him, "What does it taste like?"

Bai Yu stretched out his finger and pointed to the corpse of the red scorpion on the ground, "This scorpion is of the same type as the one I slaughtered after the last subway station mutation."

Wingspan stood up - a mutation, sure enough.

"There's one more." Bai Yu pointed to Schmidt, who had been crushed under the door panel and had turned into flesh.

Zhanyi frowned, "Is he also a red sprite?"

"No, it's human, but I know the smell." Bai Yu reminded, "When I found Fenya's diary, didn't you tell me to remember the smell and say that the person who tore off the key pages of the diary was a human?"

Zhanyi remembered and asked in a low voice, "Is that him?"

"Well, it's a pity he died."

Spreading his wings, he looked at Andre, who was dealing with the media at the door, "He was the one who set fire to the clues of Chi Chi before, and Fenya's death was also related to him, and he was Fenya's boss. It seems that these Chi Chi have changed a lot. , has an inextricable relationship with him."

Kai didn't understand it very well, so he asked Zhan Yi, "Wing, didn't Andre lie to you for extortion?"

"He just asked me to help him test the combat effectiveness of these red sprites." Zhanyi put away his weapon and wiped his face with a tissue, "But it was Schmidt who called the police station, and he is dead now. To be honest, I can't find Andre here, but he shouldn't know that Bai Yu can recognize Schmidt's taste."

Lan Luo suddenly sneered.

Spread your wings to look at him.

Lan Luo shrugged slightly, "The business that the Haisen family handles is obscure and unclear, but unfortunately the Lancer family, the chief aristocrat of the Black Blood clan, has perished. control them."

Kai frowned, "So the previous case was cut off halfway through the investigation? The Heisen family is behind?"

"Although our Raymond family and the Ogura family are long-term friends." Lan Luo patted Kai on the shoulder, "but that doesn't mean we have to turn against the Haysen family."

Kai looked at him with contempt, "You dirty politician."

Lan Luo twitched the corners of his mouth and pinched Kai's ear, "You are the innocent, innocent, dead child!"

Ignoring the disagreement between the brothers and causing disputes, Zhan Yi was no longer interested in the rest of the matter, so he stretched out his hand to pick up something from the ground and turned to go out.

Bai Yu saw that there was nothing more to join in, so he followed.

When I went out and passed Andrei.

Andre ran up and stretched out his hand in front of Zhan Wing, "It's really a pleasure to work with this time."

Zhanyi looked at his hand, but it didn't move.

The reporters were holding up their cameras, waiting for a photo of the two shaking hands to make the front page tomorrow.

Zhan Yi looked at Andre's hand that was stretched out in front of him, slowly raised his head, his ice blue eyes looked at Andre, and the corners of his mouth raised a beautiful arc.

Just when Andre was confused by this smile, Zhan Yi suddenly raised his hand, just like the previous time, grabbed Andre's face and slammed it back. It's just that the first time it hit the wall, this time it hit the tempered glass.

After that, I heard a loud bang, the tempered glass could not withstand such a strong collision, and shattered into powder with a bang.

The screams came, Zhanyi let go and took a step back, and Andre flew out directly.

"Ah ah!"

Amid the screams of the crowd, Zhanyi clapped his hands, ignoring Andre, who had turned into a high-altitude object, fell off a skyscraper and fell into a meatloaf, and walked straight forward. The attack at that moment was so violent and the action was so fast that none of the reporters remembered to press the shutter.

The downstairs was already busy at this time, and Andre was seriously injured. Still the same sentence, the black blood clan can't die, but according to his situation, it is estimated that it will take half a year to recover to the original state.

Zhanyi walked leisurely in front of many reporters, and Liang Sisi said, "Get out of the way."

Only then did the reporters realize that they were blocking the elevator, and they flashed to both sides with a clatter, moving neatly.

Zhanyi entered the elevator, reached out and gently lifted the collar of the black leather jacket, and let out a sigh of relief, feeling much more comfortable.

Bai Yu held his face and followed him into the elevator, his eyes were full of writing—so handsome, so handsome, so handsome... The air was full of handsome bubbles.

The next day, nothing appeared on the front page, except that someone accidentally fell from the building at the opening of the supermarket yesterday. The major newspaper groups are all controlled by several major nobles. Naturally, the Ogura family will not report it. The Raymond family does not want to go into troubled waters. .

Bai Yu went through all the newspapers in the office of the BN headquarters, but couldn't find Zhan Wing when he looked up, so he poked Musa, who was studying the blood sample of the red scorpion, "Where's Wing Wing?"

"I don't know, Your Majesty, I just went out with a wallet." Musa replied.

"Leather armor?" Bai Yu tilted his head and blinked.

With his familiarity with the scent of Zhanyi, Bai Yu followed the scent and found the gate to the west of the security center.

There were many cars parked at the gate.

Bai Yu recognized the fat scavenger he had met in the church at a glance, and went up to ask him, "Little Fatty, why are there so many people here?"

"Farewell to the remains." Xiao Pang replied, "Chijin's body will spark on the spot, so the family members have to come to understand the remains and say goodbye to the remains, and they will be handed back to them after being burned into ashes."

"Oh..." Bai Yu walked forward again, and saw next to a beverage machine not far away, with spread wings leaning there.

He put one hand in his pocket at will, holding a cup of coffee in the other, the paper cup was white, and the sunlight was beautiful at that time... Sprinkling on his black hair with wings, there was a crystal light.

The side of the wings in the sunlight is outlined with a layer of high-light contours, which looks very soft, and there are light spots in the ice-blue eyes, which are very bright. The perfect light and shadow on the perfect profile of the wings, leaving a kind of eternal beauty, staring at it for a while, there is a feeling that time is stagnant. Zhanyi's face is still expressionless, his eyes are calm, but he is very focused, looking at something.

Bai Yu followed his gaze and saw two people walking out from the passageway of the farewell room. A woman in her thirties wiped her tears while pulling a little girl of four or five years old.

The little girl was cute and chubby, with her head lowered, clutching in one hand a transparent relic bag containing an old-fashioned wallet.

Zhanyi's gaze rested on the little girl's two slowly moving ankles.

Bai Yu blinked, the little girl was wearing white socks and black leather shoes, and there was nothing else on her ankles.

He looked at Zhanyi again in confusion, and saw that the corner of Zhanyi's mouth was raised slightly, his eyebrows understood slightly, and the subtle changes that were almost indistinguishable brought out a touch of joy.

Bai Yu turned his head and noticed that some of the people who walked out later wore black ring monitors on their feet. He immediately understood... In addition to the farewell ceremony, these people also received medical examinations. BN virus is hereditary, and if the blood relatives of the deceased have inherited it, they must be monitored. If there is still discrimination in this world, then it is this black locator and monitor. With this monitor, it is like a beast wearing a neck ring, and it will never be able to integrate into the world of normal people. It has been sentenced before making a mistake and will become a madman who will harm people in the future, and will never be treated fairly.

Zhan Wing quietly leaned against the beverage machine to drink coffee.

Bai Yu felt that there was a strange feeling of anger in his heart, and he was a little tangled. He didn't go over, but returned to BN's headquarters and poked Fang Xu, "The Heisen family, besides having a supermarket, do you have any factories, enterprises, etc.?"

"Yes." Fang Xu nodded, "The family assets are huge."

"Do the Heisen family have many private properties?"

"Yes." Fang Xu then nodded, "What private clubs, golf courses, a lot of..."

"Give me a form. Their real estate must have an address."

Fang Xu didn't know why, but he did as he did.

That night, Zhan Yi took the noodle bowl and searched the front and back of the room. He tapped the bowl cover with chopsticks for a long time, but he couldn't find Bai Yu. It was a little strange—where did he go, he didn't even eat rice.

The next day, as soon as Zhanyi entered the security center, he saw that the pot was fried, and many people gathered around and whispered, as if something had happened.

"Yiyi, look at it!" Musa rushed over with a roll of newspaper and handed it over to Zhanyi, "Look, look, yesterday, ten factories, more than thirty villas and five supermarkets of the Haisen family were still there. There are clubs, fitness centers, etc., all gone!"

"No?" Zhanyi was surprised.

"It is said that the special dyes in the chemical factory of the Haisen family were emptied, and it should have been burned out by the cold fire!" Musa held his face, "It lost hundreds of billions at once, which is incredible! Lan Luo just received Called the police, but he said that there should be no clues, the other party has offended someone who shouldn't be offended!"

After reading the newspaper, Zhan Yi was silent for a moment, and asked Musa, "Where's Bai Yu?"

Musa blinked, "Your Majesty was still here just now, walking westward..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhan Yi had already turned around and left.

In the end, Zhan Yi saw Bai Yu by the beverage machine where he stood all afternoon yesterday.

He walked over quickly, "You are childish."

Bai Yu turned his face and gave Zhan Yi a big smile.

Zhanyi frowned, a cup of coffee was brought to the front, Bai Yu said with a smile, "This beverage machine is amazing, the coffee it brews is delicious!"

Zhanyi was stunned for a while, took the coffee, and saw Bai Yu stretched out two fingers to compare a tree branch, and said proudly, "Heroes save beauty, success!"